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Sunday, May 25, 2014

CDG Rio Bravo Plaza Chief 'Juan Perros" Captured

Chívis Martínez for Borderland Beat 

Federal authorities confirmed the arrest of  a leader of the Tamaulipas Gulf Cartel , Juan Manuel Rodríguez García, alias 'Juan Dogs' or 'Panther 11' . 

It was learned that the operation was conducted by the Mexico Navy, in the municipality of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León.

The operation was carried out at dawn in complete secrecy, meaning  no local authorities were aware of the operation.

Juan Manuel Rodríguez García, is one of the heads of the Golfo Cartel, and was one of those targeted by the Government of the Republic,   with the recent operation deployment in  Tamaulipas.

Tamaulipas Most Wanted CDG:
José Antonio  Romo López" La Hamburguesa" - Ciudad Mier
Juan Carlos  de la Cruz Moctezuma "El Chuma" - Miguel Alemán
José Ismael  Mendoza Falcón"Polimenso" - Frontera Chica
"El Comandante Paquito"- Reynosa 
Juan Manuel  Rodríguez García"Juan Perros" - Río Bravo.
Carlos  González Escobar"Carlitos Whiskies"- Nuevo Progreso
Eduardo Ismael  Flores Borrego"El Negro" - Valle Hermoso.
Juan Francisco  Saenz Tamez"El Metro 103" - head of sicarios.
"El Orejón/Ciclón 7"- Matamoros

The suspect,  ran the movement of drugs and weapons  from Rio Bravo,  a section of Reynosa and the waterfront  and is one of the masterminds  of the clashes that have occurred in the neighboring state of Nuevo León.

Reynosa is divided by CDG into five sectors, each with a commander who is responsible for maintaining order and security, with criminal activities being divided: drug smuggling, migrant smuggling, kidnapping and one of the most lucrative: extortion, which includes not only businesses but also maquiladoras and local government agencies

Rodríguez is reported  being the son of a Rio Bravo city official.  

It is expected that federal authorities shortly yield a press conference to publicize the capture.

This is the fourth major in the last 15 days have been recorded in the state of Nuevo León capture. The last capture was that of  Juan Fernando Alvarez Cortez, alias El Ferrari, arrested on May 17 at the toll booth on the highway Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo, in the town of Sabinas Hidalgo.

Earlier, on Wednesday, May 14 in Monterrey, federal forces captured Fernando Magaña Martínez, El Z-16, considered as head of Los Zetas in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.  On the same day, Ernesto Villegas Angulo, was arrested in the town of San Pedro,  he was identified as one of the financial operators of Los Zetas cartel.


  1. El es el que había quedado después de Mario x20 y Paquito decía que le tocaba a él ser jefe y de allí empezaron los problemas Juan porfin quito a Paquito y no duró ni un mes.... chinga pos Ta cabron

  2. After Comandante Simple was captured and the death of Galdino Mellado, Juan Perros Jr. along with Comandante Polimenso became leaders of Los Metros from CDG. Juan Perros Jr. was the plaza boss of Rio Bravo where he basically owns everything. Back in 2012 when the Zetas versus Golfos war was heating up again Commander Lazcano leader of the Z's supposedly dead wanted to take over the Rio Bravo plaza and the Matamoros plaza. With this in mind, if you guys remember in a video a Zetas member was interviewed where he said that every hitmen that was send to Rio Bravo about 24 member where killed by Juan Perros Jr. It is a really good capture by the authorities but hopefully they start to target corrupt politicians, and the businesses of cartel members.

  3. Glad they are getting caught / killed..
    They always knew where the capos were..
    Just never did anything under Calderon because of $$$

  4. wow they scaring the guys out of Tamps

  5. What goes up, must come down...

  6. La hamburguesa has plenty of back up they are a group call chicken nuggets, it's 20 of them, they work for El bigmac and el senor jack El de la caja, they are both clowns. LMFOA

    1. No mames lla me dio hambre!

    2. You forgot La Wendy.

    3. Remember the narcomanta saying they are charging citizens for additional sauces.. Brutal

  7. Les estan dando duro a los del golfo

  8. You idiots in Mexico need to get your own house in order and stop coming across the border to ruin our country. This guy would have been arrested or killed years ago up here.

    1. You umm... Keep thinking that. Lol

    2. Your country?..... hmm last time i checked " your so called country was build and raised by Immigrants" and not by one person, you should consider thinking things before you speak.

    3. I know you must feel so bad my American Indian friend the white man should have built his own house and never came over

    4. Idiots huh? You must be The smartest American In America!

  9. @7:51... Sin olvidar que lleva respaldo del oronel Sanders, y es compadre del mentado whopper. Dicen por alli que era lider de los famosos "fast foods", quienes an estado en guerra con los "famous stars", quales estan alliados con los "Del Taco"

    1. U Def tried but u failed.

    2. Parte del comando los tacos bells

  10. This guy laughing at his own jokes!

  11. This dude has already been replaced and the drug trade goes on uninterrupted!

  12. The the picture of this criminal at the time of his presentation to the news media looks different, he seems well fed;

    1. That's because chancho has been helping himself to the Lord's chips.

  13. According to El Norte: Juan Carlos Rodríguez y Ángel Charles
    Monterrey, México (26 mayo 2014).- Escondidos en casas, hoteles e, incluso, viajando en autobús, cuatro narcolíderes de células de los Zetas y del Cártel del Golfo que operan en Tamaulipas han sido detenidos en 10 días en Nuevo León, Estado al que han convertido en su guarida.

    El Comisionado Nacional de Seguridad, Monte Alejandro Rubido, confirmó ayer la captura en San Pedro de Juan Manuel Rodríguez García, alias "Juan Perros", líder del Cártel del Golfo en Reynosa.

    Rodríguez fue señalado como responsable del recrudecimiento de la violencia en Reynosa, Tampico, Matamoros y Nuevo Laredo, entre otros municipios tamaulipecos donde Zetas y Golfo se disputan el control de la plaza.

  14. Cuando el Senor Metro 3 estaba al mando de los Metros habia union, los van a terminar eliminando a todos los Golfos.......

    1. Mucho union y porq esta muerto el pinche gordo m3?eres wey, el dinero corrupt todos

  15. the mexican government is catching baad guys left and right, yeah, all chump change...
    --GENARO GARCIA LUNA, the last AFI/SSP big boss, drug trafficker, kidnapper, extortionist, expert on shaking down police corporations at all levels, all trough 12 years of PAN rule, reducing officers to depend on crime and criminals for the maruchan...
    --And his boss CARLOS SLIM HELU, the richest man in the world, in billions of dollars, after the rothschilds...
    --the innocent simple life living harbano CARLOS SLIM HELU, moved from selling bueno bonito y barato to BIEN CHAFA, MUY CORRIENTE, Y BIEN CARO...
    --from corrupting the temporary politicians to "buying state owned" enterprises, troubled by internal frauds, was the key to his millions, and he had both his dirty hands in since the start, with his lebanese harbanos, JULIAN SLIM HELU, "el comandante olvidado" and MIGUEL NAZAR HARO,el tigere at the mexican DFS, satellite of the US CIA, and who kick-started the olympic levels of criminality in mexico, not for nothing since miguel angel felix gallardo and his DFS golden charolas compadres killed pedro aviles, they took over drug trfficking too, orders of el the fall of el chapo and the others, el jefe is the only one standing, on his platform slim, with all his best sicarios by his side...
    --no action from the mexican or the US governments ????? WHY...???
    --national security from both countries demand clarity and justice, the guilty parties hide behind the veils of national security to hide their nasty asses and their not so abstruse shenanigans, national security agencies, owned by them demand that we believe their covering up is for our own good, and it is a lie as much as any communist propaganda...

  16. Say what u want Mexicans are more racist than black n white combined

    1. What u want. There, I said it. Dumbass!

    2. I'm mexican & i higly doubt i'm more of a racist than you white people out there. Honestly at the moment Black people are the most racist in my opinion. I could obviously be wrong though.

    3. Go fuck yourself how bout that! Chivis plz let this comment go through

    4. Why the hate? What's race got to do with anything? What are you trying to stir up?

  17. See? It's not the same thing to make videos decapitating little kids as it is to face off against the Marina. All of these culones are worthless in the face of any capable force much less the Ejercito or Marina.

  18. They should publicly execute cartel members in front of the people. Bring back old times.

  19. El Pilimenso lives with his wife and kids in colonia La Loma in Rio Grande city. Everyone in our neighborhood knows it but we don't like to talk to much just a little.

  20. Can we stop saying cdg because obviously the gulf cartel is no more there just a bunch of street gangs now they havent moved big loads of coke or herion in years

    1. Now your the one the sounds dumb. Check the article about comandante wicho which says a ton of coke passes thru the matamoros corridor every month add metth heroin and weed. Then imagine how much must come thru reynosa rio bravo ans may be even laredo and you can beging to understand that there millions to be made in a monthly basis for each plaza in the border thats why the wars and the jealousy and betrayals that go on to control this side of the border.

    2. Gulf cartel does not move a ton of coke you belive that shit lol

    3. actually you sound dumb he said years and comandante wicho has been looked up for three years and he left because the cartel had too much infighting that he couldn't control.

    4. Tje cdg still crossing more shit tjan the zetas and perhaps other cartels why u think people are willing to fight for them premier plazas like reynosa.why the fuck you think tje zeyas want matamoros.why u think punk ass sinaloa wanted to come thru matamoros.cuss is worth to all you dumbasses mayamoros tamaulipas reynosa y rio bravo all cdg plazas all worth a lot.and before you talk least inform yourself.

  21. What Mexico needs is a strongman who will take names and ask questions later!! Someone who will establish law and order. Crack some skulls and take off some heads. At the end of the day, it's just raza killing raza in the name of only a few corrupt politicians, bankers, businessmen, capos etc. benefiting from the drug trafficking. Meanwhile the real CDG living it up without a worry in the world. They are untouchable! I'm talking about 41,42, and 43. Guess what! They want to put another family member at 45! They haven't had enough!

    1. Who do you have in mind? I mean. Who will control all the shit in mexico. Dea, Cia maybe?

  22. someone n power is pissed

  23. so things r not better???????????? u r right the corrupt Poltians r the problem

  24. The sad thing is that some leaders of plaza are getting greedy. They don't pay their sicarios so they go hungry. Meanwhile . The leaders wallets keep getting fatter while the low end workers can barely feed their families. And they risk their lives everyday for the boss who is somewhere eating and getting fat. It's too bad there is no middle class in mexico! That's why when they catch one of these leaders they are fat and look lazy. It isn't like it was when everything was under control. It used to be that you could establish a business relationship with one person and work on your own. Now if you want to be in business you have to deal with a group. And if you lose a load and can't pay it, pobresito. They don't hand you over anymore merchandise to continue working and paying off your debt. They chop your head off before you witness your family being murdered.

    1. Well said. Agreed my friend!

    2. Being poor is way better than getting involved and putting your family in that situation in the first place!!!

  25. @may 25 2014 5:25 if this guy killed 24 zetas sent to execute one operation, juan perros capture is good only for the zetas, and further proof that the government is working to enhance the zetas positions and they must be working together to help complete the takeover of mexico's drug trafficking and all the dirty business, to consolidate their power into the future, after pena nieto goes into exile to enjoy the billions if dollars he is getting for stealing mexico for foreign investors, el señor juan Perros was doing a very good job for himself, but society had the benefit of many zetas GONE...

  26. May 25, 2014 at 4:28 PM
    "El es el que había quedado después de Mario x20 y Paquito decía que le tocaba a él ser jefe y de allí empezaron los problemas"

    Thank you for your thoughts senor ..

  27. May 25, 2014 at 7:51 PM
    Too much,lol

  28. May 26, 2014 at 8:47 AM
    "Say what u want Mexicans are more racist than black n white combined"
    Absolutely no doubt about it,but i didn't think it was this bad?

    1. ^^^^^^^^^^ It's obvious your answering your own comments. Grow up idiot. What you keep writing about has nothing to do with the story. I think it's time for you to stick your thumb up your ass and think really hard " Do I belong on this website"? Thank you borderland beat for great articles. Try and keep idiots like this off your website.

  29. May 26, 2014 at 2:31 PM
    "I'm mexican & i higly doubt i'm more of a racist than you white people out there.Black people are the most racist in my opinion. I could obviously be wrong though"
    No,just from statements on here and Spanish speaking blogs,a little proportion,,you can see the truth.Way more racist than both black and white,routinely racist against everyone?I think we all know this,whether you want to admit it or not?
    Not very nice at all..

  30. Hispanic Mexicans are white, idiots.

  31. Chivis,
    Is this the guy that executed about 5 young guys that were shown in a video about a year or two ago?

  32. The Zetas are moving in.

    1. Yeah is moving pero a las fosas y a Los posoles!

  33. To the fella that said this...."You idiots in Mexico need to get your own house in order and stop coming across the border to ruin our country. This guy would have been arrested or killed years ago up here."

    Look at your Top 10 Most Wanted List. There are fugitives wanted for over 22 years now. Now apologize.

  34. Maybe those fugitives are on there for that long because perhaps they are from other countries protected by those gvt's, maybe they got swallowed up in mexico who knows, but the difference is, the locql police in mexico know who everyone is, and where to find them, thing is.. they just. Dont give a fuck... police in the states are a bit more patriotic, and think everyone needs to be jailed..

    1. An heir to the DuPont fortune, Robert H. Richards IV, was sentenced to probation, with no prison time, after he was convicted in 2009 of raping his 3-year-old daughter, a charge that could have landed him in prison for up to 15 years. Because according to the judge he would not fare well in prison...So apparent not everyone needs to be jailed. Cops in the US are told war veterans are possible threats. Does that sound patriotic? Most american cops are selected based on their low intelligence quotient. Smart enough to profile, but to dim witted for independent thought. But that's not what we look for in police officers. The job became too dangerous and low paying for anyone smart anyone enough to make a difference. Cops used to be healthy athletic individuals in clean and well fitting uniforms. Lately, cops look like fat goobers. Flat feet thieves I've seen them steal everything from watches, boots, jewelry , and even dope. So much for "patriotic".

    2. "Lambe huevos"? Hoy! El burro hablando de orejas. ¿Y tu le crees todo lo que dicen los gabachos? Les lambes los huevos a ellos y al cartel de Sinaloa. Lo cual no me sorprende. Por peleoneros ya andan buscando nuevos caminos, para mover mugrero. Y ya la gente no quiere sembrar mota por que la legalización pego duro a el narco, quedate lambiendo huevos y se te va pelar el taco.
      Bola de nacos no saben ni por qué tienen poder, por eso no les dura nada. Para empezar la vida. Compren tractores ahorita que hay porque al rato tendran que volver a plantar maíz.

    3. The vast majority of individuals that work at all levels of American law enforcement have demonstrated great detective work and have been largely uncorrupted!

  35. Police in the States are more patriotic....yeah, offer them 20 times their regular salary and we'll see how 'Murican they are.

    1. THE WIZARD HAS SPOKEN #MURICA that is very true

    2. American police live by a code of honor and would not allow some corrupt shitheads to screw that up!

  36. American police have a high "police brutality" rate

  37. He is about 4 feet tall, el chapo 2.

  38. @ 4:42PM if cdg was moving weight they wouldn't be fighting amongst eachother for the crumbs of extortion and kidnapping and robbing gas and bullshit like that... the sinaloenses are about puttin in work and not fucking with the citizens... your fucking little plazitas like matamoros, reynosa and shit do not compare to the more lucrative plazas that have been moving serious weight for decades... plazas like tijuana, mexicali, Juarez and sonora are much more lucrative than any plazita from tamaulipas.. it is common knowledge that some 50-60% of cocaine consumed in the states comes in through Juarez, that is a statement from the DEA (not me) who i would assume knows far more about this shit than some little lambe huevos de las golfas like yourself... oh y PURO SINALOA!

    1. Who made you an expert on Mexico drug distribution? You know, the gulf states have numerous ports which allow huge amounts of cocaine to travel it's way's from the tip of Texas to the coast of sure the Gulf Cartel has a good chunk in there. I'm no expert on this but I assure you that tons of weed and coke travel through Tamps border. Keep signing sinaloa buddy. Let us know when you publish your book on Who is the biggest cartel and why!

    2. Check your info, Nuevo Laredo is Mexico's busiest inland port. You go ahead and turn this into a pissing contest. But I don't believe any numbers the US is spewing. If they have the perception that more drugs move through TJ it may be because more drugs are being intercepted in that border. So they need to work on their concealment. CDG has had practice since the 1920's. Sinaloa doesn't even have a border. Don't get me wrong they're all scum. Lately the most crooked and the most honest profession has been hijacked by the killers that where hired by those once business men that where true Capos. As in Captains of industry, now it's about the glitter and guns, money, fast cars and faster women. Blinded by the trinkets. You love things and own people, instead of the other way around. That's why these cartels are a bubble that bursts. The 1% exists even among the drug dealers. And the other 99% are too busy brown nosing and waving their cartel flag to lace their boots up and be about It goes for everyone on here kissing cartel butt. You probably had no father and if you did he didn't show you how to work. It's about family, surviving with pride and dignity. But you leave your children in debt. At times it seems the price is paid with their lives. Because no one respects family anymore, so when you die, realize your children are targets too. So your work is in vain. Respect and honor lasts longer than money and material things. And those people who will like you and respect you for your pitiful riches don't matter. But blinded by the glitter you fight for crumbs, instead of working together for a common goal. And that's why the Zetas gained so much power because they where from all over map and so every broke slum hood felt like they had a place to rise. Sinaloa guys have a lot of things, but they need to get some more humbleness. That's why the zetas where entering sinaloan territory. You forgot the poor hold you up and protect you. Now you drive around like you can get respect because you have guns and sell drugs. It would be nice for people to speak positively about their home state. I love Tamaulipas because its beautiful, it has a lot of farmland and the people are great and have a good sense of humor. In Sinaloa the women are beautiful and I would be thinking about making love instead of making war. But my priorities are such, that I don't compare what's in my pocket to others wealth, and I certainly don't base my success on that difference.

    3. And being in the cartel is something to be proud of?

    4. There is nothing better than being a hard working productive citizen. But in mexico there's no middle class. That alone fuels the drug industry in Mex.

  39. Actually i believe the CDG is very powerful and i feel like them killing eachother says just that. Remeber the mexican mafia did the exact same thing just to prove a point and show they are powerful enough they can afford to take out their own ppl and it wont even affect them so what you think they are gonna do to their enemys!?? I feel like later on we could see M3z brother el negro of valle hermisillo rise to power thats just a theory of myn but as respected as his brother was it is a possiblity

  40. Genius's utter genius's?Street smarts,maybe,intellectual smarts,hell no.

  41. Police here in the U.S. live by a code of honor?
    That's the military, idiot.
    County and City police in particular live by the BLUE THIN LINE.
    That means cops lying for other cops.
    In 1995 or 1996, all of us that carried a firearm in law enforcement had to sign an affidavit that one had not been convicted or received deferred adjudication for domestic violence.
    This was done because the Justice Dept. had statistics that over close to 90% of city cops were involved in some sort of domestic abuse.
    Though we were not part of a State, County or City police force (guess what is left) we had to sign such affidavit.
    That gave us an idea of the moral fiber of what you call a fine police establishment here in the U.S.

  42. 12:24 answering to 12:26, 12:26 and 12:48... one and the same guy!
    el mil mascaras! still feeling lonely?

  43. @may 27 2014 at 12:24 for a megalomaniac that wants BB to keep out people's comments you don't like, or just don't agree with, and many times don't know what they are saying, because you did not even read them, "^^^^^^^^" does not even start pointing at your target, i don't know if you are retarded or just lazy, but an address, like the time you are trying to talk to, makes for a perfectly addressed response, whatever the lack of content,
    i would never ask anyone to supress anybody's comments, unlike you^^^^^

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