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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tamaulipas: 4 Tons of Marijuana Discovered in a Camargo Warehouse

Borderland Beat

Almost made it to Texas-Click on map to enlarge

Military elements confiscated more than four tons of marijuana found  inside a building in the town of Camargo, Tamaulipas.
The operation was executed using the coordination of federal and state forces, state authorities announced in a statement.
A spokesman reported, that staff from the Eighth Military Zone arrived at the property, located in Colonia Cuauhtemoc border town of Camargo, after a citizen tip warned of suspicious practices at the location.
The military elements managed to secure a total of 749 packages wrapped with plastic tape.
Thank you Tyrone!


  1. Well someones turning up dead after this.

  2. Who is smoking that crap when u can legally get butane hash oil made from kush lol! Weed prices have dropped big time and quality is way better im sure cartels have felt it but these animals will just make it up extort and kidnap


    1. Es tanto tu ardor que hasta pegas gritos de rabia y coraje una pregunta eres mujer? o eres de Jalisco digo escribes muy loca Mencha.

    2. Camargo es del Golfo idiota


    1. Los zetacuachez que cuidaban el clavo se la fumaron toda, y luego dijeron que les cayó la marina.

    2. Pendejos, Camargo es plaza de CDG.

  5. Is it me or has anybody noticed how you never hear about seizures of cocaine, but you always hear about the seizures of marijuana. I never hear about large seizures hear in the U.S.A. either. Maybe it has something to do with marijuana being more readily available and easier to produce than cocaine. Then again cocaine is more of a money maker than mj. Lush is coming-up.

    1. English MiErTA have pride in your own culture! Your Anglo people build two world empires. The U.S.A. and the UK(Australia, Canada, NZ). With the help of Mexicanos I might add. English, behind Mandarin is the most spoken language in the world. Stop worshipping the Zeta scum!

    2. I'm not sure how relevent is cocaine money is to the cartels but the cartels do push more weed than cocaine. Also I believe it's harder to conceal tons and tons of marijuana or keep the large indoor marijuana labs under raps and cocaine easier to conceal than maryjane. I also have a hunch that only the top bosses and few selected people know about the cociane trafficking bussiness of the cartel. The middle and lower level bosses are stuck with pushing marijuana and the local captains with local drug trade, extortion and kidnapping for ransom.

  6. I remember as a kid me n my grandparents would go here once a week from Rio Grande city. It was peacefull then u mind ur buessniss nothing happens. But sense then I've been hearing bout these typa things. Nothing new here in the valley.

  7. Americans consume too much. Kudos to the federal n state police.

    1. Blah blah Americans this Americans that , drug consumption is world wide . Only broke wanna be gangsters smoke that dirt anyways

    2. ^mad american lol

  8. Gonna be dry for a few days I reckon

  9. ATTENTION... in Boca del Rio veracruz there is a white refrigerated truck going around. It has men that are kidnapping people preferably young kids. They are doing this to sell there organs in the black market. The pictures I just was will haunt me till the day the good lord takes me. I literally cried when I saw what thay did to this little girl 8 yrs old. Please Becarefull if from this area n spred any information.. PLEASE POST THIS BB

    1. Then why dont you guys grow balls and shoot those guys up?

    2. Listen u pendejo thay don't know who thay r. Why don't u stop ur school shooting.. ur a real pendejo

  10. The Z just took a loss, no biggie just chump changed you get the idea just how much my MX comrades cross into the US via Nectar Lima daily and you hating ass bitchies say the ZZZZZZZZ are going down, the only one going down is your mother

    ATTE: English Zeita, A big salute to my fellow ZZzZzZzZZ's worldwide

    1. It's Nuevo Laredo, not Nectar Lima, the zetas ain't doing shit here the way they used to, they have no power, and nobody gives a shit about them, the only thing they've done lately is the kidnapping and release of a young woman, that was about 2 days ago, and they released her, zetillas shit their pants when they found out that her uncle was a federal agent.

    2. English zeita, go and kiss prince Harry's gay ass and wash his car.

    3. Nomas sale el English Z a comentar y todos se ponen bien ardillas!

      Texas Z

    4. Texas Z, que mamón, ya mero ponias el cartel chilango. Como esta el pedo ahorita en Austin, TX, ya nadie conoce a nadie de la letra, todos los chicanillos y cholos nalgas cagadas andan vendiendo a sus carnalitas en los juegos de pelota, pues ni para un paquetito de papeles para rolar traen.

  11. must have missed someone on their weekly bribe delivery route lol

  12. English Z -- ver su espalda, no se sabe, los amigos se convierten a los enemigos, tú eres ingenuo, amigo ...
    Atte: CDG Grupo Comando Inglés

    1. La cagastes fueras puesto CDG comando Español o minimo Argentino.

      Grupo Pantera CDG

  13. the US knows a lot about big dirty meican politicians and don'tn even publicize any information about them, surely to extort cooperation from them in the taking over of state owned enterprises by global foreign "investors",to help out foreign broken economies,they all looking forward to exploiting the banana republics to their heart's content, once gain.
    manuel cavazos lerma and manlio fabio beltrones among the worst, and genaro garcia luna, that new US millionaire "businessman"...

  14. 3:44 keep your nasty ass over there inglish zeita, i wonder what you are doing on england motherfucker, surely washing cars for some money laundering diplomat, come to mexico and save the Judas z40 if you really all that, bitchy bitch...

  15. I live in rio grande city this is nothing new 4 tons in camargo busted no problem this people will give it away so that 10 more tons come in just down the road in miguel aleman there is good weed coming in to rio the cartel is growing indoors now good weed it will be a couple of months till caro or chapo start growing that kush and all of that good weed los gringos grow will be worthless since cartel will give better prices and not every one has a weed card so the will still sell brick weed now its not compressed to es puro popcorn ran across some acapulco gold it was awesome had not seen that shit in a long time just hope the real skunk weed makes it to rio grande soon we still blazing no need help from no goverment to ligalize it its leagle in my house that all that matters

    1. For those who don't know the cartels don't just bring in brick, or reggie weed. If you're willing to spend cash you can get it, I know here in the ciudades gemelas a pound of kush straight from the sierra de Sinaloa and Durango go for 3,200 dollars. I'ts all how much you're willing to spend.

    2. U dumbasses love those stems n seeds stfu. Smoke ur mexi supreme

    3. I live in Rio also. Someone just showed me 10 bricks of Purple haze. Strait out of mexico.that was a little piece of the pie. The rest is on its way up north. And yea,its not cheap and beats some of the kush out there.

  16. Camargo has been cdg for a while now so it was them who took the loss.

  17. WHAT? No chapo snitched comment? Omg! I cant believe it! Lol!

  18. It was more probably their contras los marunchans that tipped off the army. I still have yet to study the Tamaulipas map. To know where the two groups operate.

  19. 10:57 and who is moving the meth, the heroin and the krokodile?

  20. Eres el mismo pendejo que no sabe que Camargo es CDG y andas de osicon no sabes nada cagado.Y ahi andas moviendo ls mamadora!

  21. Las Golfas nunca pueden en la Ribereña nos tienen miedo a los de la ultima letra!

    Grupo Operativo Chileno Z

    1. Lo que nos faltaba, un grupo Chilero.

    2. No ceas mamon guey la semana pasada les tumbaron a 2 grupo de estacas de los zetas los calimanes del cdg asi que no habras la mamadora a ver guey por que ya nomandan pendejos de cohuila a peliar la plaza para que los saquen en video como a los morros donde los decapitan las estacas que mandan son de nvo laredo y puro morro pendejo pura carne de canon q chilla a la hora que los capturan...

  22. Vengan pa El Aguilón o conocido como Eagle pass tx frontera con Piedras Negras cuahuila los sakamos a los pinches ZETAS el setado es de GDC I apoyado por SINALOA son los tienen el 35 de Freeway LAREDO EL cereso de piedras esta controlando por el GOLFO orita por la tarde lo en fuersas Federales lo tumbaron 1/30/14 ni pedo weys faltas 42 esta Sierra de Burro puto te mamos a encounter JOTO NO TIENES jente puros Tenemos el 89% de estado AL 100 bien pilas primo :-)

    1. En Laredo no tienen controlada una chingada, todas las salidas de Laredo van a parar a checkpoints del Border Patrol, y por ahí no pasa nada, el 99.5% de las cargas se les caen allí, lo mismo en el Águila, por donde quieras salir hay checkpoints, porque crees
      que cerraron el truckstop que estaba entrando por la 83, se llenó de agentes encubiertos, ya no se paraban allí ni las moscas.

    2. Se ve que no crusas pa este lado morro pendejo andate diciendo esas mamadas aki en piedras asta te vas a miar cuando te esten arrancando la piel de la cara puto... El 4 2 se la pasa aqui y en nuevo laredo y eso te lo aseguro por k luego se escucha en las frecuencias que ba pasar un pesado y empiesa el desmadre verga 30 40 trocas pasan en verguisa y eso no me lo contaron yo le he visto.. pero eso me vale verga no soy zeta ni golfo todos son las mismas lacras namas vi tu comentario pendejo y quise opinar por que yo si soy de aki y se escucha como esta corriendo el agua

    3. No compa caigale a zacatecas nomas para q vea cuando pasa El azido nomas como 30 trokas y eso q es lugartebiente a hora simiras el comboy del f1 que es jefe regional de zacatecas san luis potosi t meas.

    4. 1:03 pm, pues tu les echaras porras por que aquí en Nuevo Laredo no traen ni para la gasolina, menos para mover un convoy, por que crees que la carnalita del z42 se junto con un Golfo que sí trae chingos de feria. Te han de haber dado una maruchan por tu comentario, güerquito chiflado.

    5. 1:03 pm, güerca chiflada si como mueves la lengua movieras la cola ya fueras millonaria, si aquí vivo en el corazón de la colonia Victoria, convoyes de trocas, no seas mentirosa, si te la pasas en la ventana regando florecitas, si el z42 ya no trae ni para parchar la bicicleta, menos para pagar un convoy, si ahí andaba en el isste pidiendo la píldora gratis para el mongolismo.

    6. 1:03 PM vieja calenturienta, si no eres letra, entonces que tanto los defiendes. Si has de jalar de lavaplatos en cualquier taqueria del Águila, y hasta de halcón le has de servir a las mugreZZZZ, que no!

  23. Does anyone know if R-1 is still around. I think he use to be a lot around this area since he had mier and guerrero as his plazas back then. Is he still in command of the R's or did he change his nick name. Is he back with CDG???

    Alguin sabe que a sido del R-1. Todabia anda por estas areas???? Es CDG???

    1. La Brujita runs la plaza

    2. Aca para zairo aduvieron comentado que r1 sigue con la raza del cdg y sigue fuerte en el cartel que el es uno de los que operan el traciego de drogas para el c.d s y del c.d.g dicen que tiene mucho poder por parte de los dos carteles pero ya con vajo perfil ...

  24. r1 esta dando guerra en victoria y la zona sur de tamaulipas REY DE REYES

  25. texas zeita y eingleis zieta se andan buscando el cabus y se alborotan las unas con las otras, que si no defienden como gatas bocarriba no hay maruchan?

  26. Camargo has brought in a lot of heat. The US border patrol has been working dbl shifts to combat drug smuggling. In one week. After watching groups of smugglers move their drugs. 5 bunkers on the US side were found totaling more the 8 tons of weed. CDG rule this are. Our house in a small town called La Azucar about 15 miles south of camargo was over taken by a drug leader. When we went over there to ask for our house back we were told to leave or they would make us dissapear. My mother got extremly scared. Yea, CDG threatened my 70 yr old mother. Cowards.

  27. 10 :14 pm, Grupo Pantera? Jajajaja, han de ser todos los malandrines sin casa que se la pasan ahí en Arboledas juntando botes de aluminio para venderlos y comprarse un toquecito de la buena.

  28. Rio grande city is c.d.g Town

  29. 10:22 las mariposas monarcas son my famosas tambien, con sus alototas gigantes como las de walter mercadoooo!
    The monarch butterflies are very famous also, with their giant wings like walter mercado's!!!


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