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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Self-Defense Groups Advance towards Yurécuaro & Los Reyes

Self-Defense Movement Advances towards Yurécuaro

January 28, 2014—In the community of Yurécuaro, Michoacán, hundreds of people rose up in arms this Tuesday morning; they said that they were fed up with the injustices carried out against the citizens from organized crime.

It was approximately around 10:00 hours when the movement arose on the streets of the center of the town, which is also the county seat, where most of the economic activity is concentrated in.

Nearby communities have also taken up in arms: El Sabino, Santa Cecilia, Rancho Las Palomas, La Joya and San Antonio.  It is expected that during the next few hours, other villages and towns will hopefully join.

Yurécuaro lies between the boundaries of Michoacán and Jalisco.  It is in this area where multiple violent acts have been carried out such as kidnappings, the burning of vehicles, extortions, and various executions.  For these reasons it is seen as a red flag for security experts, who have not addressed these acts and now its inhabitants, have decided to rise up in arms in order to defend themselves.

Estanislao Beltrán “Papa Smurf”
Yesterday a leader of the Self-Defense Groups, Estanislao Beltrán, stated that they will not stop advancing and declared “We are going for the 113 municipalities of Michoacán because there is a problem in all of them.  It is clear that there are bigger problems in the Tierra Caliente region.”

Self-Defense Groups Enter Los Reyes

By: Camila Luna

January 28, 2014—Los Reyes, Michoacán—Less than 24 hours of having signed the agreement with the government; the Self-Defense Groups entered the municipality of Los Reyes, coming from the neighboring town of Peribán.

Around 300 Self-Defense members entered in a caravan to the town of El Limón, belonging to Los Reyes, then continued to the county seat where the assembly with the residents was held and thus the Self-Defense Groups were established in Los Reyes.

In the county seat, federal and municipal police and army troops guard the area, especially the city hall.

Source: Michoacán 3.0


  1. Thats my people.from michoacan always on line i am very proud of being from michoacan tierra de valientes si senor sin olbidar a nuestros ermanos de guerrero que tambien guevos tienen

  2. Es muy ignorante escribir comentarios en dos idiomas. Por favor usen un solo idioma.

    1. 7.21 pm ,porque pones eso ? zi no entiendez otro idioma mas ke el ke hablas ,shut you mouth ,( callate la boca )

    2. Too bad this is an american blog about mexico so its something you have to deal with just how you can't ban speaking spanish in the US,You're ignorance won't take. You far you fool.

  3. My Mom Was Born And Raised In La Ribera And Yurecuaro Which Are Right Next To Each Other. My Aunt And Many Of My Cousins Still Live There. We Have Been Unable To Visit Our Family There Because Of How Bad The Situation Is In That Area And We Have Only Heard A Small Part Of It As Phone Conversation Is Sometimes Monitored. I Hope This Area And All Of Mexico Gets better So That We Can Safely Go Visit Our Family There. I'll Pray For The People There. Thank You For The Updates!

    1. Hi my friend lives in yurecuaro, and yes is a horrible place to live, but the good news are here... "auto defensa" from yurecuaro is up and running. You want to help?? Send money to your relatives so they can help!!!!. Provide meals for autodefensa, coffee or anything helps.. remember your relatives are natives to yurecuaro they know who the templarios are.. right not is the time to act. Not just bla bla bla.. talk is cheap, actions speak louder than works... " freedom isn't "free

    2. My family lives in Los Reyes yurecuaro la piedad and la ribera.. Its about time they go there.. Tired of the extortion.. And you can't cross the bridge cuz asshole halcones wont let you

  4. ""January 28, 2014 at 6:08 PM Anonymous said...
    Es muy ignorante escribir comentarios en dos idiomas. Por favor usen un solo idioma"""
    Puede por favor explicarme porque es ignorante?
    Could you please explain why it is being ignorant?
    And....please forgive my ignorance for not understanding.
    Y....por favor disculpa mi ignorancia por no entender.

    1. Como le parece! It's ignorant to mix Spanish & English on a blog or in speech? No joda.

    2. No cervezas no trabaja.
      No beer no work. Comprende?
      We are practising our spanish skills to be ready for the day we get sent back to mexico, and you need to practice yours too, in case the mexicans left behind kidnap you, to negotiate, you know?

  5. It's good to hear they taking control of Yurécuaro. I was there last year this time with a friend of mine & I can attest to the scary and horrible condition the town was in. On the day of our arrival narco mantas were found in the plaza signed off by the CT. The fear was visible and easily noticeable. An elderly townsman who took care of my friends house had openly but carefully advised us that the town was under the control of CT. He even told us the municipal police were in cahoots with them. It sank in when I noticed the plaza was empty early in the noon hours. That night I told my friend we should shake the spot and hit Guadalajara or somewhere safer. He agreed. The following morning two dead bodys were found dumped at the plaza. The townsman then called a taxi that was trustworthy and we were off to Guadalajara. I cant imagine living that way the rest of my life, major props to the AutoDefenca.
    El Chango Mendez said LFM & CT would eventually fall apart but he never thought it was going to happen like this.

  6. The noose is tightening, theres nowhere to! Templarios you are done, I guess threatening and killing unarmed people is different than facing grown men with guns! I'm giving props to the brave people of Michuacan. You are an inspiration for all suppressed people!!!

  7. This AUs have not been subyugated by the government, Castillo announced they have not signed the "pact"

  8. Can we read something different know it's a good thing the self defense it's fighting against the knights Templar but common post up something different about Rafael cara Quintero mexicos most brutal men Z40 oh mexicos most wanted common chivis

    1. Dude dont you see this is the way mexico is going to clean up the house by using self defense groups , one day there will be a self defense group on the part of mexico you are from or want to hear about ok so please understand god demmit this is the news most of us wanted to hear about real honest people kicking bad people ass and cleaning the house while they revive the feeling of belongging to a comunity that not because the people in your town are not from your family you do not have to give a fuck about them that everybody in the town are like brothers and sisters because everybody have the same problem.

    2. there will never be ADs in sinoloa

    3. There may never be self defense groups in Sinaloa? Yeah as long as the cartel does not expand from the drug trade into Extortions, Kidnappings, Taxing, and Rapes!!!

  9. Idiomas inglés o español o ambos son vistos en este sitio web. La mayoría de nosotros somos lo suficientemente inteligente como para utilizar un traductor. Si lo que quiere es utilizar 2 idiomas, entonces lo dejó, pero vamos a quedarnos en el tema.

    English or Spanish or both languages are viewed on this website. Most of us are smart enough to use a translater. If he want's to use 2 languages then let him but let's stay on topic.

  10. Ignorante es solo hablar un idioma!!!!! La mayoria de la gente bien educada habla mas de dos idiomas.

  11. i love hearing about the Auto Defenza it brings tears to my eyes and gives me good feeling inside because these are good people

    ~~~el spaceio~~~

  12. Yo soy de ecuandureo muy serca se yurecuaro, ya hable con mis familiares, y si truena contra los templarios , voy en el primer avion para mexico, y ahora si hijos de la verga muy buenos en bola, ya me compre mis fierros en la Big 5, yo mero te voy a tronar pinches culeros.

  13. Creo que es hora para que mexico se levante.

  14. when will you be coming to the US please hurry

  15. I have new for the idiot. Asking questions about z40. That idiot is all ready In a Mexican prison, having homosexual relationships with others inmates. Look idiot, the movement "auto defensa" is important because is start for a civil revolt against organized crime. Use your brain for once, first the templarios. Then the ZZZ. And so a dominoe effect, the problem it self is corruption. No law in mexico.

    1. 10:21 indiorante, ve el tumbaburros,ya no es el z40, ora se llama la mamazzzita y anda corriendo para reina del carnaval...

    2. Y no me digas se te hizo de agua el culo no me digas eres de Jalisco que dios te perdone.

  16. Why was my comment ignored? Castillo sent an Ultimatum to these fraction and you dont think its newsworthy?

  17. YES!!!
    The "good gente's" autodefensa events in the regions of Michoacan, Guerrero and now Tamaulipas are most definately inspiring!

    I love the pictures and videos coming out of the troubled regions.... Please keep posting them as one picture is worth a thousand words.

    These graphic things are a record for posterity and may mark the beginnings of a NEW and truly great Mexico free of corruption and evil.

    Man, we are living in historically momentous times in which "good" seems to be finally arising to defeat evil.


  18. We do our best. There was 129 comments waiting this morning from overnight. that takes time.
    remember we are volunteers, and have lives and commitments away from BB

  19. great coverage bb. this is the most important story in mexico, period. if haters don't like it, they can fuck off and go to cnn

  20. BTW I saw BDN had two old stories posted as "new" yesterday. What is up with them? they sure have gone down the crapper using old stories and videos as though they just happened.

  21. This shit is very interesting. There are thousands of people who have been screwed by the zetas that would be happy to join an auto defence here in Nuevo laredo.I no im not the only one getting ready. I bet there are thousands of people trying to by guns.

  22. Chivis, has there been any news updates about el tio?? I really hope they have arrest photos or something just like they had for Z40

  23. Perhaps the ADs should start collecting the rewards for all these criminals that have a bounty on their head now that they have enough man power and weapons to do it. With the ADs Dr. Mireles started a fire that is spreading fast. Btw, we haven't heard of him lately.

  24. I la mamita con la uzzie que pedo?

  25. 8:16 muy bien muchachito, muy bien, y como vas a pasar los fierros para mexico en avion? just wondering, best wishes, who were you...

    1. Jajaja muy facil pendejo. Los dolares son verdes. Y se compran armas en cual quier pueblo en michoacan. $1000 dolares por un ak 47. A dolar cada tiro. Mira una escuelita para ti para que aprendas algo. Un carro tijuana en fin de semana . Tiros en llanta extra. Tanto vehiculos de san diego a tijuana en viernes , sabado. Una posibilidad de 80 porciento de pasar. Una vez en mexico mandas el carro en remolque o camion. claro con papeles falsos. Una vez el carro en michoacan , tu te imaginas lo que sigue verdad idiota. Mira Mr garrison, tu que sabes. Lo del avion es para ir a organizar y mirar como corre el agua en el pueblo. Y segun este el asunto le entras a los putasos. Pero mira, te reto a poner armas en michoacan sin que las agarren. Es mas te la pongo facil, vamos a tijuana a comer por la calle revolusion en el hotel nelson el que esta en la esquina del arco del reloj. Para platicar. Te animas?

    2. By the way. Don't take it the wrong way, I personally been victimize by organized crime in michoacan. I just have plenty of anger and brain power to help people in my home town area. At some point it was family members now is a whole community. By the way Big 5 has a good deal in ammonition. 7.62x39. Look man. Until you find your self against the wall or the knife, is when reason goes out the Window. Either way nothing personal, just business.

  26. I love how all the property owning gringos in Pátzcuaro and Morelia, who for months have been saying, "eeeew, it's only in hot lands and a few isolated pueblos," have to suck on this.

    Of course, the fools have no idea where Los Reyes or Yurécuaro are located. Or that the autodefensas are 20 miles from Pátzcuaro.

    The autodefensas are now NORTH or MORELIA!!

    That means outside "hot lands," for you nitwits who rely on British and US sources for your news.

    1. Do you know how many mexicans own property in the united states?


  28. @ 6:26, you are right, whats up with the hot chick @ the end of the video texting? i too am from michoacan, only issue i have with the ADs is that maybe they should do a better job identifying themselves. one of the biggest problems people have is when you roll up to a reten, you cant tell if its carteles, ads, or sometimes even judiciales... i agree with 6:26, she on phone, texting n with uzi? i know there volunteers but come on, she looks like caballera.. ads needs to do better job of that, has the potential to cause problems..

    1. Just an idea. You know that in michoacan usually retenes or check points are bad news. Im speaking from experience im from michoacan. Not chicano but I reside in michoacan. The issue here bad guys ct, killers rapist and so on. Autodefensa regular folk's like you and me. Well if you identify and say my name is so and so. Next thing you be in a ditch cover in duck tape. Reality check is that a weapon puts you in a equal ground and usually ct are cowards. Trust me I fist fought one and he pussy out. Of course, I had to move out town for safety. Anyways point im trying to make is that corruption is the issue no way to hold people accountable. Good or bad. Only solution , cave man justice. By the way for the critics or idiots that would say fake comment. Best place for drinks is el mesquite bar and grill in zamora michoacan Saturday nites.. yes they do offer bottle service. .

  29. the AD/CP are local, and they know each other,they have each other's back, they don't have to explain their lives or their texting to anybody but each other, when they get sent as ambassadors to other people's lands, they will present credentials, i guess, until then, keep your ill thoughts to yourself...

  30. Chivis, why are you such a stuck up bitch? Please explain

  31. My family Said That Today Many Armed And Masked Men Entered Yurecuaro From Outside The Town. People There Are Unsure If The Men Are Good Or If They Are The Templars. I'm Praying They Are Not There To Harm The People And That There Is No Senseless Bloodshed.

    1. Gahndi's peacefu resistance movement won his battles for him.
      The AD/CP are peacefully winning theirs,supported by a few weapons, their non confrontational approach has allowed them to move forward, and they do not wear masks, the he people that move with them do not wear masks either, they are not criminals.
      Criminals on the other hand come in the night, under cover of darkness, abuse people, and cover their faces...

    2. Well some advise cause I have relatives there. Send them cash, tell them to buy a rifle and some ammo. Shit is going to hit the fan. Like they say. Mejor que lloren en casa ajena, y no en la mia. By the way. Los de la ribera son cartel jalisco. Ellos creo que solo se las quieren cobrar alos templarios. Pero en fin, suerte. Y manda $$ a tu gente.

  32. "Dia de Los muertos!" Literally.

  33. 1:58 muy bien muchachito muy bien, pero ahora ya soltaste la sopa y nos van a chingar a todas y nos van a romper las fishnets, cambio de me quieres conocer,en youtube, los polivoces,ahi me ves,yo no hago ronda con nadie porque me pelean los novios,ya las conozco.
    no problema compa buena suerte, nomas tratando de echar un poco de relajo, estamos del mismo lado y deseando lo mejor para nuestra gente de bien, espero y te vaya bien y sigas reportando ok?
    atentamente: EL GARRISON

    1. Hola como estas. Pues bien tu sabes igual que muchos arto de los malandros que en bola son muy vergas y solo tu ya sabes como se las pintan. Pues en fin, mira eso de los metodos de trafico de armas es como el buen aguacate solo ahi que mirar que esten blanditos para el guacamole. Mira yo tengo familia hijos y mujer . Y ellos se me ponen todos tristes por que ayudo. Pero mira es facil si fuera yo la victima como muchos en michoacan, no tendria miedo "morir de pie, que vivir toda una vida de rodillas" mira no por presumir, pero mi bis abuelo ando en la revolusion, en la casa ahi fotos para callar la boca a mas de uno. Mi abuelo siempre dijo, que , un hombre se mide de la "cabeza para arriba" sabes en lo personal se me da miedo pero miro mis hijos , esposa, y pienso . Si fueran ellos las victimas y se me prende la sangre. Asi que voy a ayudar a mi tierra lo mejor que pueda, sea con armas o con billetes... suerte. Y que no se apage la llama de la autodefensa.

  34. @1:17 maybe because you are worthless, your comments are worthless and all of your jumping up and down make you look like a pinkass monkey, back to the circus cheeta, they are giving free bananas...

  35. Ive ridden a bull in Yeurecaro, el Ribera. Maybe the only white guy to ever do such an act.


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