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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bishop of Apatzingán, "Michoacán is a failed state"

Borderland Beat
Miguel Patino Velazquez bishop Apatzingán  accused Michoacan of being a "failed state, because there is no law and justice, causing insecurity, rivalry, indifference, death and oppression."

"When there is no justice, there is no peace, no development, no prosperity, or welfare in society" and this is how we live in the state," he claimed in a statement.

The bishop argued that the presence of the Federal Police, the Army and the Navy has not been effective.
EPN's Muffuled war in Michoacán
"They have increased kidnappings, abductions, murders, and user fees are widespread. Entire families have emigrated from the insecurity and fear in which we are living," he said.

The violence, he said, is caused by a lack of authority and the complicity of various levels of government with organized crime, so there is "fear, sadness, anger and distrust."

Society wonders why the federal forces "have not been able to discover the safe houses of the criminals and to date have not released anyone, when there are dozens and dozens of people kidnapped," he added.
But he said: "we give them the vote of confidence and hope they have the firm intention to solve the problem."

The bishop said criminal groups such as La Familia Michoacana , Los Zetas , New Generation and The Knights Templar mainly compete for the state like a big prize.
March '13-Executed in Urapan-posed on chairs in a traffic circle

Cartels fight around "the coast for the entry of the supplies for the production of synthetic drugs and for the drugs themselves They fight in the Sierra Madre del Sur and avocado area for growing marijuana and poppy, and for the establishment of laboratories for the production and of synthetic drugs. Criminal groups fight in/for the major cities and the entire state for the smuggling and drug trade routes, security sales, kidnappings, robberies and all kinds of extortion," he said.
Patino reported that drug cartels force the population, mainly social leaders, to sign pacts and ask that the federal forces to do the same in Michoacan.

In addition, he said, they  threaten land commissioners who go to Congress and make the same demands.

He recalled that there are six municipalities, people saw their local governments sell out to organized crime, and the inability of the federal authorities to restore the rule of law. These places have taken the initiative organize to defend themselves. 

In these municipalities, he said, where they expelled the organized crime, thus quotas, extortion, kidnappings, murders and rapes ended.

However, he said,  now they are repeatedly attacked by the Knights Templar who try to recover the control making it difficult for commercialization, the marketing of their products

Quadratin, Milenio


  1. You dont have to convince me-my family ran for their lives out of there and now with my uncle. They wont go back. It is a terrible waste of everything

  2. I just can't comprehend what is going on over there. I mean it takes some heartless bastards to take an oath when elected as a government official to serve and protect the ppl and then to hand it all over to some murderous lowlife cartels. In my opinion, the only way to somewhat solve the problem is for other countries to step in. In a military and peacekeeping kind of way. The mexican forces are just to damn corrupt to make any changes

  3. Something needed to happen a year and a half ago or longer. Can't anyone besides the doctor help this poor state? I mean really!

  4. Seems people are bitching at the moment, but they have troops in there and it does no good. So what should they do? Bring in the Pepes? Maybe the Pepes and the Pope?

  5. It's not just the fault of the narcos and the corrupt authorities,the citizens here allow themselves to be oblivious and do nothing about it. All people in Michoacan care about anymore is getting married and having extravagant weddings. And if the money for that comes from narcotraffic, THEN they're ok with narcotraffic.

  6. Since, the Bishop has taken a position on this it could be the Pope is informed on the nightmare situation. Pope Francis doesn't seem to be cut from the same cloth as as the former pope was, more a man of the people. He is lending his voice to many of the wrongs across the globe--starvation being one he says there is no excuse for any where in the world. If, there is a Papal Nuncio in Mexico, target his office. The Church's voice could circumvent increased violence. Ultimately, a movement to boycott Mexican imports such as produce & manufactured goods by consumers might have the effect of smartening up EPN, but this would take considerable time, which these dear people don't exactly have on their side. As much media exposure as possible, letter writing campaigns to Mexican Embassies, petitions & solidarity, flash-mob protests abroad can help serve the cause. Mexico doesn't need foriegn intervention or the karma that the likes of los pepes would cause. VIVA MEXICO!

  7. It is more like the whole god damned country is failed, not just one little state, the whole thing has gone to hell.

  8. What part of Michoacán are there Zetas?

    1. Zetas don't have a roll in the downfall of michoacan. If they are any, they are not the true zetas... the real zetas are up north...

  9. The entirity of Mexico is a failed country, it reminds me of Somalia Africa where war lords slug it out amongst themselves for the meager resources they have left. this are but the symptoms and result of institutional corruption and an inequitable distribution of nations wealth, many loose hope and join criminal gangs and factions who ally with local, state, and federal politicians.

  10. Well los comunitarios are not going to stop that is for sure because if they do cts will kill them all thats why in order to protect their towns more they have to gain more towns arond them and these new town will be on line of fire so they also do the same and keep spreadding and spreading

  11. Zetas were there in the mid-late 2000s but failed in their bid to take over the state. It's said that La Familia were originally trained by Los Zetas.

  12. Los Pepes, eh? Do mexican drug lords need new methods of massacre or something? Interested in hacking up homeless children now? Mexico has its own version of Pepes, they're called Zetas and CT.

    The people of these areas are going to have to fight for their homes at some point. Even if they make it to refugee status in the US, they may find themselves in areas surrounded by gangs that work for the very people who displaced them.

  13. Michoacan has 113 "Municipios" (counties), of those 6 are in deep $h33t, so should we ask for other contries to invade US because of Chicago or Detroit?.

    Idiocy can be infinite...

    1. The whole state of michoacan is a failed state,if the government is totally corrupt and has been elected for and by narcs,if it is protected by the prisident,if they steal and murder at will,with impunity,if the governor of the state and la tuta are in-laws,priistas and in cahoots with the PRI leadership.
      Opposition will have to be organized from outside,with great selfless leadership,many people are waiting and will answer the call to arms...

  14. Could BB repost this combined with the Priest/Bishop's story in Saltillo, Dr. Mierles 's international plea for intervention & the " silencing of Journalism "

  15. Reading this is so far from living this. People in Mich. speak out and there isn't a solution until you have definitive sides, objectives and incorruptible leaders.

  16. If, memory serves, los pepes claimed justice theirs for the victims of Escobar. Specifically, Colombians kidnapped and hostages killed by his Medellin organisation. Who were the actual victims to the Escobar violence is open to interpretation. In very real ways, every one was. "El Paisa" took no prisoners, neither did los p. Los Pepes own mechanical royalties on bragging rights to the free-range atrocities they commited on quien les dio la dichosa gana, which pushed Colombia over sanity's edge into unknown lawlessness propelled by people's blind fear. Fear's a pathological liar few dare catch in the act. Los Pepes reincarnations were numerous--from MAS, into AUC, Eagles, besides every other bad ass w/ his killer idea on a t-shirt in between. Mexico's tragedy carries untold sufferings caused b the Z's. Jamas vale la pena buscar lo que no se ha perdido, Los P as a good idea for Mexico ain't worth the price of the t-shirt. LA RAZA! UNIDOS" This is how Mexico will find her lasting peace--not by bloodyminded foreign intervention. VIVA MEXICO!

    1. Giniral naranjas,from colombia is directing the selective war against the naco-narcs,I am sure the mexicans "helping"him are helping more the other side, for money or on orders from "above"

  17. @1:52pm.. am going to narcotraffic to have a big wedding because am from michoacan .and that's all I live for is a extravagant ..

  18. Callense weyes que los ZETAS ya no estan en Michoacán , pero estubieron por buen tiempo .

  19. Wherent the michoacanos the ones that use to beat on the aztecs back in the days , it seems like the same thing is happenning now

    1. (WIKIPEDIA) [....] "There has been human habitation within the territory of the Mexican state of Michoacán for at least 10,000 years. [10] In the pre-Hispanic period, there were waves of migration into the area, including the Pirinda, Nahua, Huetamo, Colima, Purhepecha and other peoples. [11] There are sites of formal settlements from all Mesoamerican period. Important sites include El Opeño and those in Curutarán, Tepalcatepec, Apatzingán, Zinapécuaro and Coalcomán. The territory has been inhabited by the Nahua, Otomi, Matlazinca, Pirinda and Teco peoples as well as the P’urhépecha. [10]

      The main pre-Hispanic civilization of the state is that of the Purépecha (Tarascans), which was centered in the Lake Pátzcuaro area. [10] Before the 13th century, both Nahua and Purépecha peoples were here, sustaining themselves by agriculture and fishing. The P’urhépecha are descendents of a late arrival of Chichimeca who came from the north. At Lake Patzcuaro, they came upon people with similar cultures to their own but who were more technically and socially advanced. The formation of the Tarascan State began in the 13th century, when these people started their own dominion at Uayameo, today Santa Fe de la Laguna, and becoming dominant over the entire Lake Patzcuaro area by the 15th century. Conquest of neighboring tribes and territories occurred between 1401 and 1450, as they absorbed peoples with different cultures and languages into the empire. By the late 15th century, this state rivaled that of the Aztec, having expanded their territory over much of what is now Michoacán and into part of Colima, Nayarit, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Guerrero and Jalisco. The Aztec attempted to invade Tarasca but were repelled. Because of this attack, the Purépecha later denied the Aztec aid in their defense of Tenochtitlan against the Spanish. " [10][11]..


  20. "Michoacan has 113 "Municipios" (counties), of those 6 are in deep $h33t, so should we ask for other contries to invade US because of Chicago or Detroit?."
    Idiocy can be infinite...
    October 21, 2013 at 11:34 AM

    Well, well , well, tell us where 49 dismembered bodies have been dumped on a hioghway in the United States? Tell us of the videos of dismemberments. like in Mexico. If,Ireports of, you can come up with modern
    reports of atrociticities meeting or exceeding those in Mexico then maybe just maybe someone can consume some human feces !!! There is NO comparison of crime in the U.S.A. in comparison to Mexico so GO BUCH DICH !!!!!!!!

    1. 6:11 wake up and smell the horse's ass
      What started as dirty wars in south and central America,has arrived to Mexico,and is definitely coming to the USA.
      the powers that be are on target,peace for the people's of the world will be had when it arrives,but first things first,destabilize, divide, and conquer,global conquest is first.
      let God pick the good ones,still at work...
      Third World Traveler/DOPE INC.excerpts...

    2. The us with 300 million weapons in the hands of the NRA membership,is mature enough for its own krystalnatch,and just about ready to consummate its definitive coup d'etat,the military is infiltrated and governmental agencies at all levels,they are just waiting for the word go! from the neo-nazi, teabagger putschists.
      A list of the worst is needed,and prevention of any more damages...

  21. I've been in El Lago de Patzcuaro once, it was pretty nice. Although it was about 20 years ago.
    The problem that I see it's the MEXICAN GOVERNMENT - FEDERAL, STATE LEVEL, IN ALL LEVELS THERE'S CORRUPTION, however, Federal government must allow The People to defend themselves by Bearing Weapons, they should be able to protect their Life, Properties and by all means to have a little more peace of mind.
    México must wake up to this wave of violence, I'm telling you if they are waiting for the government to solved all crime, they are naive.
    Also they to have choose their local, state and federal governments wisely , all political parties are corrupt, but they can hold their feet to the fire.
    Time after time The People keep making the same mistakes, I know that eventually they're going to realize that everything is going down hill fast somehow I really hope you all wake up and confront the situation.
    On the other hand if you stand up your life is in danger so I understand why is and will be really hard to overcome it.
    These have been the words of a Mexican citizen it's very sad to see, hear and not able to do anything for now, however, WE WILL FIGHT UNTIL DEAD, WE THE MEXICAN PEOPLE SHALL NEVER ACCEPT DEFEAT.

  22. didn't this crime scene, seem to fit with that police officer who says he was tortured at some base, and the method in which he was tortured reminded him of all the brutal crime scenes where people had been disposed of in a certain matter?


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