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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Drug Lord's Daughter Pleads Guilty, Deported

Borderland Beat

 — A pregnant woman who said she was the daughter of Sinaloa drug cartel boss Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán has pleaded guilty to trying to enter the United States with a bogus visa and was immediately ordered returned to Mexico.
Alejandrina Giselle Guzmán Salazar pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo on Monday. The hearing was held three days ahead of a previously scheduled hearing for Salazar, who was arrested at the San Ysidro Port of Entry on Oct. 12.
She admitted in her plea agreement that she tried to use a visa that belonged to another person to get into the U.S. Under the terms of a plea agreement, she was sentenced to time already served since her arrest in October, and agreed to be immediately returned to Mexico and not challenge the order.
In return for her guilty plea, other charges of lying to a federal officer and identity theft were dropped.
When she was arrested, she reportedly told U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers that she was the daughter of the feared drug cartel leader.
At the time, she was seven months pregnant and was reportedly trying to get to Los Angeles to give birth to her child.
Guadalupe Valencia, one of her lawyers, said Wednesday that she has not yet given birth.
"She's eight months pregnant and still has some time to go," Valencia said. "Her child will not be born here."
The U.S Attorney's Office in San Diego has not confirmed that Alejandrina Guzmán Salazar is the daughter of Chapo Guzmán, and there is no mention of it in the 14-page plea agreement she signed.
A spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Laura Duffy declined to confirm or deny if she was the daughter of the drug lord, one of the most wanted criminals in the world.
Valencia said that the case did not get any special treatment or handling from the government. Pleading guilty and agreeing to immediate administrative deportation is common for scores of immigration cases that go through the federal courts here.
The Sinaloa cartel controls much of the drug smuggling along the U.S.-Mexico border from its home base in the state of Sinaloa, and it is often described as the world’s most powerful drug-trafficking group.
Chapo Guzmán has made the Forbes magazine list of most powerful people since 2009, and ranked number 1,153 on its list of billionaires.


  1. If she was chapos daughter she would have been escorted right into the states safely and securely to give birth then safely taken back... just like the US gov knowingly allowed his wife to do.

    1. Maybe she was sneaking around under her dads nose
      Good Post HP

  2. Let her go back to her own ruined country and give birth there. Her family has money from fucking it up with drugs. Now she can raise her kids there. What a spineless little twerp. Mexicans who destroyed their country with crime just to make money are trying to go to the usa. What a joke these people are. No backbone.

    1. Your ignorant!!! Most of te Mexican people are hard working, decent people.

    2. You are ignorant... I'm tired of hearing this baloney, if thenmexican people are hard working and decent they would stand up against the evil consuming their couny. Instead.. They allow it to happen and are just as guilty as the evildoers for the direction their country has taken.

    3. if you try to do anything theyll just kill you

    4. If mexicos innocent are as much responsible that means you're responsible for all the sick pedo fucks here in America raping and killing our nations children. Quit being such a ignorant cracker for fucks sake! You make Americans look even dumber than we already are.

  3. I wonder now what the DEA knows and didn't share. Her high priced cartel attorneys still speaks volumes. We will probably never know. Thanks for the update BB. And, funny how they moved the date up where we yet again would be fed crap by the gov't.

  4. She will be back by Monday.

  5. You were quick with this one! Too bad we never got any real pictures yet of the "maybe daughter" of El Chapo.

  6. Man I hope the artist was being funny! I can't tell if that's a man with a beer belly or Chapo's daughter? HEHEEHE

    1. Doens't look like Santa Claus 3:13 PM. Dec. 19

  7. Was she A.G.G.S. beginning to have labor pains? The next hearing was to be December 30th- they rushed her out the door. Hmmmmmm? Nice court drawing, Havana.

  8. Im the daughter of a drug cartel leader says guzman, well i'm a judge and i'm deporting your sorry ass back to mexico says the judge

  9. @11:55. The US govt. "allowed" Chapo's wife to come to the US and have her baby because she is a US citizen and had not been charged with any crime. The govt. didn't "allow" it, the Constitution did.
    @12;31. You may be right that we will never know, but I think with all the exposure the truth may eventually leak out.

  10. That lady is not Chapo's daughter

  11. December 19 11:55 am Chapos wife is a US citizen she was born in LA. That's why she was allowed to give birth in the USA

  12. How fast do you think they'll have her back in Mexico or is she back there already???

  13. Sad, "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore," does not apply here.

    If we learn anything here is that the decisions good or bad we make affect those that are closest to us.


  14. I will never go to Mexico again and Mexico is loosing millions of dollars annuelly because of all drug cartels battling each other. Mexico is now a Narco state and it needs to be cleaned up and brought back to what if was twnety years ago. If nothing is done it will become a mess that can't be fixed.


  15. If I had used her name in the title that would have attracted more attention. I chose to basically go with the original, more understated. I'm okay with it. Credibility in this game is like the stock market. I won't be losing sleep over this one. We can never win in this position. Period. There are far bigger fish to fry, believe that.

  16. i agree bb is better than this which amounts to another mole hill where once thought a mountain.
    why are you promoting this misleading lies? now you will have idiots forever thinking chapos had this daughter with his first wife that no one ever heard about and the mother never claimed to have?

  17. Havana- What a bunch of freaking ingrats. I was waiting for an update. Thank you. As for you losers who act like bitchy little girls, get a freaking life and find another site. Happy Holiday BB. Texas Grandma.

  18. This lady is not Chapos daughter, she just wanted her child to be born in the US , so she can stay in the US... She's just another random illegal lady

  19. Havana, Great job on the follow up but folks go back and read all the posts...

    She is NOT Chapo's daughter, only by her account and doesn't look like she is even singing that song anymore.

    I have a pacer account I will get the hearing minutes when I have time. Does anyone have the case number?

    If she was chapos daughter they would have kept her much longer, baby or not.

  20. Why is chapo being allowrd to prosper? They found escobar, why cant they find chapo?

  21. Hey Chivis- Gracias- I agree with you. Not a daughter. I also seriously doubt she could fly this far under the radar for this long. People all over Sinaloa are asking who is she? in her 31 years, we would have heard more rumors confirming at least her existence.

    And 11:14 thanks for the support as always. I think you have me mixed up with Chivis. I don't have any children.
    Chivis is the proud grand ma. But I'm thrilled and grateful for the holiday wishes and Hope you have wonderful ones too..

  22. Chapos hija is named grissell ._.

  23. Havana,,,jajajaja no she meant you, anyway, remember all the credit people have given me on your posts...:)

    Just a heads up to everyone, it is posada time for my foundation so comments may be delayed, everyone is so busy during this time....Paz, Chivis

  24. Once again you guys show how little you really know. Just because you aren't privy to info you don't think its true...

  25. Havana chivis and all bb reporters are doing a fine job keep up the good work peace!

  26. What will be of her baby??

  27. Whoever she is looks like she ain't farting that thing out on US soil, too bad, so sad!!!!

  28. Chapo slipped some cash to the judge to let his daughter go so he could see her for christmas haa money talks. Those federal charges carry much more jail time to an average Joe. Its obvious her high profile lawyer did a well Job with the money he got. Adding to this, I would say to that idiot that posted this morning talking about women farting babies out, first to grow up and stop saying stupid things like that its called a women giving birth. Next time show more respect to all women.

  29. did anyone bother to see if you was really pregnant? maybe she holds the worlds record for the most cocaine filled condoms ever swallowed.

  30. Well only a few scenarios could be the case, she is a nobody thinking for some crazy reason she would be allowed to stay behind some sort of fear for her life;

    Or if she really was his daughter the child would be born at a US military hospital because her butt would be in Guantanamo Bay and listed as a terrorist and interrogated

    Or she is his daughter and as suspected by some posters on this site the US government is supporting Chapo thus as quickly as possible
    Returning her home.

    I'm not to sure but smart money is on the first scenario, she is nobody trying to ride on chapos name.

  31. Really? GITMO? You're pathetic! While the US gov should make the cartels foreign terrorist organizations it isnt likely to happen any time soon, if ever.


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