Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 5, 2021

Puebla: Citizen Motorists Warn of Popular Assault Method

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A new way of assaulting motorists was denounced on social networks recently. Eggs are being thrown at them for drivers to get out and get mugged. 

Video translation is as follows:

Male #1: Citizens who live in Puebla already know the modus operandi that’s currently being used by criminals to kidnap, to steal, to assault you. You can be traveling through any avenue, bypass, whatever, they just throw a fucking egg at your vehicle. Waiting for you to stop and see what happened to your car. As well as clean it.

But all they want to do is assault you whenever you decide to stop. They just now so happened to throw us a fucking egg at our vehicle. 

Male # 2: Don’t even bother pulling over.

Male # 1: We're not stopping for shit. You proceed to continue on your way because that’s the manner in which they operate here in Puebla to assault you. If you stop that's when they pounce to fuck you over. Therefore, everyone needs to be careful.

La Pagina Negra


  1. Lol. Egging cars. It's genius! A Mexican omelette!

    1. Honestly for real, if this is true and they're egging cars to bait people into situations of vulnerability that is very intelligent as a short term strategy.

  2. At least its an egg and not a camote🤣🤣🤣

    1. No mames wey. Si fuera camote le rompe el parabrisas. No será que quieras andar encamotado? Pervertido. Jajaja

    2. 8:06 guey la idea es haserlos que se bajen y un camotaso will do the job 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Animo Sicarios !

    Los Patrones have sent a public service announcement :Anyone one caught throwing eggs at cars will be traveling to the after life.

    1. Ese sicario quiere que le avienten camotes enves se guevos 🤣🤣🤣

  4. is egging houses a thing people use to do in the US? i grew up in Mexico and we used to egg houses every now and then as kids lol also to the city buses. good times.

    1. Hell yeah lol use to egg bomb the school busses that would come down our street full of high school kids lmfao

    2. We used to shoot buses with paintball guns back in the day in Tamaulipas. The shit we got away with… those times will never come back and are long gone for kids nowadays.

  5. The punishment should be a good old fashioned necklacing.

    1. Offender beaten to submission.
    2. Sit offender up.
    3. place tire over head.
    4. Douse tire and torso of offender with petrol.
    5. Set tire on fire.

    Necklacing sends a very powerful deterrent message. Always draws a large crowd. Don't know why they don't do this in Mexico. It is very popular in S. Africa as a form of vigilante justice.

    1. Yes, it is popular in Africa. But your 'deterrent' part falls a bit flat because if it was such a great deterrent it would no longer happen. But people still regularly get necklaced, so clearly no one is being deterred.

      Corporal punishment is not a deterrent for criminals, it never has been and it never will be. If it was, people would not join criminal groups knowing they might get diced up with a chainsaw or melted alive. (excluding those who are forced to work, of course. That is a different situation.)

      What people who suggest extrajudicial killings always forget is that you are dealing with delinquents. People who are not of sound mind and who have very little regard for their own life. They don't care if they die, so the threat of death won't stop them from continuing to commit crimes. Unlike your average person who is deterred simply by their own moral code or the mere threat of imprisonment.

    2. 7:50 Necklacing for throwing eggs is kind of extremist extrajudiciary vigilante justice from people that deserve a taste of their own medicine.

    3. 7:50 what is wrong with your reading comprehension? They mug the drivers after they throw the egg...the driver gets out of the car, he gets assaulted

  6. In the US egging is a popular event on Halloween, or any time it is necessary to send a little message or release some boredom. Egging of front doors, not cars though.

  7. Fu ck these people
    Tire necktie is a good idea to the above comment yes

    1. 9:21 fuck you too, we do not promote animalistic behavior.

  8. Loving the translation

  9. Huevos Rancheros with a side of mugging!!


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