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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Seido target hit men in BCS part 5 Internal conflict in FEDD

Translated for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana Special Report by Otis B Fly-Wheel

Internal Conflict in the Fuerzas Especials de Damaso

After the mistaken murder of an innocent bystander in the colonia Revolucion, the people of "El 28" and "El Pepillo", started an internal conflict in the Fuerza Especiales de Damaso of La Paz.

After six months of participating together in, kidnapping, executions, gun battles  and dismembering in the city of La Paz, Baja California Sur, the head of the Fuerza Especiales de Damaso, entered into an internal conflict on the 18th of January.

The cause of the conflict is because of an innocent man who was killed in error.

Shot four times while he relaxed inside his home in Calle Bernaldo Maldonado between Luis Barajas and Enrique Von Borstel in the colonia Revolucion in La Paz

According to the primary investigations of the PGJE, the hit men wanted to kill the three sons of the Victim, Humberto Juarez Lucero, 54 years of age.

The testimony explained that on the night of the attack, around 10 pm, one of the hit men entered the victims property armed, and walked up to the front door. The victim answered the door, and the hit man asked for Humberto Juarez, the father answered "that's me", the hit man then fired four shots into the victims chest with a .45 acp caliber pistol, then asked for the other two brothers.

The victims wife, Gabriela Mora Angulo 35 years of age, answered "none of our sons are in the house", for who the hit man was presumably searching. The person he had killed was their father*, on realizing his mistake the killer left the property.

The body of Humberto Juarez, a fishing official, was where he had fallen, wearing black jeans and a green shirt. At the scene of the crime, the PGJE found four fired cartridges in .45 caliber, with entry wounds in the victims chest, and exit wounds in the victims back.

The killers wanted to kill the three sons of the victim, their names are as follows:

- Josue Humberto Juarez Mora "El Pollon", 26 years of age.

- Jose Carlos Juarez Mora "El Pala", 24 years of age.

- Jonathan Omar Juarez Mora "El John", 23 years of age.

After the crime, the Government initiated an investigation to search for the aggressors, and while searching the area , the State Preventative Police, intercepted a Cherokee Jeep in which were the following persons:

- Eduardo Martin Alvarado "El Kumi".

- Eduardo Hernandez Mendoza "El Condor".

The two subjects, according to an informative report, saw the patrol and accelerated immediately trying to flee, but they were caught and the vehicle subjected to a search. In the interior of the vehicle, the Police found 23 wraps of crystal meth, and some others containing Marijuana.

The detained and the drugs were put at the disposition of agents of the Public Ministry for Center of Strategic Operations ( COE ).

The Denunciations

During the interrogations, Eduardo Martin Alvarado "El Kumi", made a series of contradictions as to what he was doing close to the scene of the crime, on the night in question, and finished with him confessing that he had been participating in the crime because the sons of the victim, Josue, Jose and Jonathan, had not wanted to align with them in the sale, distribution and transit of drugs in this zone of the city, even though they had been part of his cell for a long time.

"El Kumi" said he worked for the people of the south zone, more explicitly for Alejandro Sanchez Trejo, "El Frank", "El Frane", or "El Peinado", and his right hand man Jose Fernando Torres Montenegro alias Jose Francisco Ojeda Torres "El Pepillo".

When the interrogating agents asked what had been his participation in the killing, he said that he had fixed the three brothers location at the house, had posted hit men outside the house, and had gone in an killed the wrong man by mistake, had left, then was intercepted by the State Police.

Without being pressed, "El Kumi" revealed that this killing was practically the first of a strong internal conflict between the Fuerza Especiales de Damaso, because "the people of El 28 were offering drugs cheaper and of better quality than any of the dealers of "El Pepillo", and that some dealers had already began to deal for "El 28", like the three sons of the victim.

"El Kumi" said that this had been annoying "El Pepillo", so he put all his people on alert to find the location of the traitors so he could "fuck them up", " there is a lot of tension right now in the city because "El 28" had sent warning that anyone not on his side would be "rolled up", as they had been doing with the people of Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada.

He also said that for this reason "El Pepillo" withdrew the logistical and economic support to the hit men of "El 28" who then sent a hit man cell to fight for the plaza belonging to "El Pepillo", and Rolando Gonzalez Moreno "El Compadron", and Luis Antonio Montoya Beltran "Montoya", "La Artista", or "Don Carlos".

In his testimony, "El Kumi" said that "El 28" was not Victor Marraza Martinez "El Vidal" or "El Victor", but a much heavier individual, and gave a full account of the criminal boss.

The information was given to the investigative branch of SEIDO.

The revelations of "El Kumi", are, for members of the Group for Coordination very worrying, because from his perspective "we have opened a new battle front", This is to say that the fight for the plaza is going up a level, because we have three groups in the battle, they are:

-Alejandro Sanchez Trejo "El Frank", Jose Fernando Torres "El Pepillo",  their armed wing is headed by Edgar Amilcar Acosta Reyes "El Rayo".

- Rolando Gonzalez Moreno "El Compadron", who has as leader of his armed wing Luis Antonio Montoya Beltran "El Artista" or "Don Carlos".

- "El 28" up until this moment his identity and that of his criminal structure remain unknown.

At the close of this edition, the PGJE have executed an arrest warrant against "El Kumi", for being one of those responsible for the death of Humberto Juarez Lucero, victim of mistaken identity.

The Crimes

One day after the assassination of the Fishing Official, a new crime tainted the city of La Paz

This time, the report was of one person dead thrown onto a dirt road which goes to a Municipal Public Security Bureaux, between the colonias of Perla del Golfo and La Fuente in the capital of the state.

After the discovery, the PGJE, found the dead body of Hermenegildo Garcia Mendoza, 30 years of age, originally of La Paz, at the scene of the crime they found 6 spent cartridges of .45 caliber. The victim had a coup de grace shot at the base of the skull which exited through his mouth.

The ballistic report said that the weapon used was the same one which had killed Humberto Juarez the day before, the investigative agents commented that he was one of "El 28's" people.

With these murders, the homicides linked to organized crime in La Paz is now 62, 53 of those were in 2014 and 9 in 2015.

This week the violence has slowed, but according to an agent of the Group for Coordination for Public Safety, " with three criminal groups fighting for the plaza, the spate of killings in the capital of the state will reach fever pitch.

Changes in the SSPE

Juan Pablo Noriega Rangel
A little less than six months of the end of the administration of the Governor of the State of Baja California Sur, Marcos Alberto Covarrubias Villasenor, amid a wave of violence rocking the peace, and after a series of condemnations, there was a change in the Department of State Security ( SSPE ).

From instructions from the Governor, the Secretary General of the Government, Andres Cordova Urrutia, gave the post to Juan Pablo Noriega Rangel in substitution of Martha Cecilla Garzon Lopez.

The new head of Public Safety, was the Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute in Criminal Sciences, and Director of Preliminary Investigations for the PGJE. According to his CV he graduated in Law in the year 2000 at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes.

Noriega has an enormous task to restore the reputation and credibility of this noble institution, marked by and let down by agents, with commanders and officials who, according to some preliminary investigations, have been linked with criminal groups responsible for the wave of violence in La Paz

Today the former Assistant Secretary, Martha Cecilla Garzon Lopez, was the penultimate link of the group that had over run the institution in the services of organized crime.

The last link is the Commissioner of the State Preventative Police, Francisco Javier Camacho Manriquez, and some agents and commanders investigated by SEIDO

Original article in spanish at Zetatijuana

Link to part 4 of Seido Target Hit Men in BCS
Link to part 3 of Seido Target Hit Men in BCS
Link to part 2 of Seido Target Hit Men in BCS
Link to part 1 of Seido Target Hit Men in BCS


  1. Those pendejos are no special forces. Lol. I read the last post on this group. They are running like chicken s with their head cutting off, killing wrong people and kidnapping innocent people. These pendejos have to be all drugged up and have no idea of who their targets are. Some ass Percival forces! Lol NAVY SEALS, that's special forces. They complete missions not like these fake wannabes special forces. I bet they are the what remains of the anthrax. Special forces lol

  2. what in the hell can u do Mx out of control

  3. Damasos people are stupid new just like him, I doubt that he's fighting El Mayo either.. I think he would have been taught to respect Mayo territories or desicions. If it wasnt for him, mini-lic or his papi wouldnt be in the biz.

    1. Que pendejo estas compa . por el mayo jaja. Seria por el chapo y azul.. Pa tu informacion si le esta oeleqndo al mayo. Primero investiga. Pgdg

    2. Simon compita.....son gente de son de mayo

  4. Damaso's people are stupid and new just like him... I doubt he's fighting El Mayo. Im sure his papi taught him to respect Mayo's territories and desicions. He does seem like arogant prick though, so who knows?

  5. What does the VL stand for on the F.E.D. banner

    1. I don't know , but I could speculate that as Damaso is El Licenciado , it could be Viva Licenciado. Or how about Vida Loca ?

    2. It must be someone on thw family.

  6. This is all confusing... Where do these fit into the grand scheme of things?

    1. Damaso's people are stupid and new like him, I hope his papi taught him to respect Mayo territories and desicions...i doubt he could really put up a fight against "El M Grande".

  7. La Paz used to be that, "la paz." How did it become so violent?

    1. Greed basically, the violence is bad because groups within the Sinaloa cartel are fighting for the La Paz plaza.

  8. This guys ain't no special forces! Those pendejos all ways kill and kidnap the wrong people, usually inocent people that have no ties to organized crime. Well, that's good. Let them eliminate each other. They know each other's info. So they can snitch on each other. Lol

  9. Its says vc not vl pendejos!!

    1. They clearly ripedoff the louis vuitton logo. So what does vc stand for then.

  10. So Mayo Zambada's people are fighting El Lic Damaso People but only in this area in other plazas they are still working togther

  11. Juan pablo noriega rangel, graduated from autonomous university of aguascalientes, home state of mexican gang la oficina and don chuyito labra aviles, that was way up to there with los arellanos his nephews and the king of tijuana, is he taking back the caifornias border for the AFO's?
    La Oficina Aguascalientes seems to have divided into talibanes/cdg/cds VS zeta/blo/afo/cfo, a little bird told me a while ago

  12. Chino antrax was getting the plaza but he was gonna start heating it up so mayo turned him in after he couldn't do his job of taking care of zerafin big mistake cuz zerafin ratted everybody out damasos want to take out mayo cuz chapo got busted ..there playing checkers and they know it's chess just saying

    1. Not sure if its true but it sounds possible. Maybe they are in a secret war against each other. I bet when el m gordo was caught they were really going for el m grande because someone put the finger on him.

    2. "So damasos want to take out mayo cuz chapo got caught"? Haha... who do u think planned and funded chapos ecacpe from puente grande? Mayo and Papi-Lic did.. now Baby-Lic thinks he's got what it takes to take on Mayo. I dont think so. I think this whole Lic's vs. Mayo beef is bull.

    3. Se dice que si el licenciado vs mayo. Mayo tiene poder pero el licenciado ta miy bien parado en cuestiones de poder y en el gobiermo..

  13. Toda la gente del mini me la pela ala verga puro Sinaloa gente del mayito Gordo

  14. El compadron caught? Come on guys come n and why are damasos claiming el chapo isidro is taking la paz and other others say its el mayo. People need to stop making up stories.


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