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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wife of Iguala Mayor Abarca is the head of Guerreros Unidos Cartel

Translated for Borerland Beat from Reforma by Otis B Fly-Wheel

The head of the PGR, Jesus Murillo Karam, revealed that Maria de los Angeles Pineda, wife of the ex Mayor of Iguala, is the real Boss of the Guerreros Unidos cartel responsible for the disappearance and killing of the 43 students of Ayotzinapa.

Karam also revealed that her husband Jose Luis Abarca the former Mayor was second in command of the cartel, this made it more difficult to find evidence against them.

The Lady, like a good cartel boss, is making it very difficult for the PGR to bring organized crime charges against the pair and the cartel.

"However we've conducted investigations, which included taking statements from convicts in US prisons, we have testimony that clearly puts them at the reins of Guerrero Unidos, with links to the mother, father and two brothers."
He also acknowledged that the communication strategy had not been good.

Original article in Spanish at reforma


  1. I would take this with as massive pinch of salt as my Karam bull shit filter is well and truly full.

    1. Yep, my shit detector board lit up. K. Reader/Que Onda

  2. Lol this investigation is a joke. Nothing but circles on who to blame

  3. Isn't that convenient? They didn't tell us her real name was "Patsy".

  4. Firstly, if JMK really did say this, what is the reasoning... where is he thinking this will go... is it another ploy to placate the parents of the students because nothing else is working? And if it is true, wouldn't the fine military with all their competent intelligence have known this for some time given the proximity of one of their bases?

  5. looks like a nice lady what went wrong

  6. She maybe up there in the hierarchy, but someone pulls her strings and getting away with murder.

    1. I don't care what you say I could never see a female running a drug cartel it would be an embarrassment to the trade .. they're just the scapegt

    2. Perhaps, but woman have run much bigger operations than guerreos unidos....Griselda Blanco for one

  7. She's the head of the cartel in the same way EVERY mayor in Mexico is the head of their local cartel.. They can let the cartels exist (for a fee) or have the cops make life difficult for them. This is story such BS.

  8. She's the head of the cartel in the same way EVERY mayor in Mexico is the head of their local cartel.. They can let the cartels exist (for a fee) or have the cops make life difficult for them. This is story such BS.

    1. Correct. It's the way Mexico is run. What an absolutely sick woman, and by extension, sick nation.

    2. So if she's head of the cartel in her town, Who's head of the biggest cartel In Mexico? PRI, maybe?

  9. The font is better. Bigger is usually better. That's what my wife says when people ask her why she married me.

  10. But then they say chapo is an embarrassment people are so sick

  11. lol, now they have an "accidental" kingpin takedown simulation

  12. In her mugshot - she looks bruised up.

  13. She's the sister of el borrado,one of arturo beltran guerrero's plaza bosses. it could be....

  14. They should torcher and kill these useless scumbags in a slow painfull death.

  15. Whatever she is she is not good . to many criminal to lock up . keep shooting them down

  16. She will be put in house arrest but instead of being old she just fugly

  17. Think for a moment is this is not true, the whom Murillo Karam is backing? That means for me that G.U. is already giving lots of money to the high rankings of goverment.

  18. These guys just keep throwing lies out there hoping one will stick... Pathetic. They took their figurehead positions thinking only of the paycheck and now it's clear to the world that they're talentless halfwits.

  19. There were five Pineda Villa siblings.
    El Molon (solomon) and Maria are the two surviving of the 5.

    El Borrado (alberto) and Mario were assassinated because of a betrayal to their boss ABL. this according to the mother in her kidnapping interrogation.

    El Molon, was arrested once again in 2014.

    Guadalupe was kidnapped while working for ABL by lfm, ransom was paid but there was no release.

    before this was posted I wrote to otis saying this story is gob BS. I have not seen a case where a mayor or mayors wife (first lady) has ever been the premier leader of a cartel. It would be counter productive, when they can pay to keep municipalities in their back pocket. The abarca's were there to guard/control the all important Iguala from Los Rojos.

    this is the what 5th leader Murillo has come up with?

    1. u r right about the mayors they charge protection money. here Tamps the Gov. is making a lot of money. nothing new just harder people then the old days

  20. The govt is using these two scums as scapegoats. They fear the real boss or bosses. Again, too many deals with the Devil.

  21. It seems to depend on how you define "leader." According to Hernandez' book "Narco Land," in the 1980s government officials, all PRI, were firmly in charge of drug trafficking. They gave the traffickers rules (sell it all out of the country, respect territories, etc.) and gave them routes, protection, and information. In return the traffickers paid "taxes." By the 2000s, the situation had switched - instead of the traffickers basically working for or taking orders from the government, the government officials had become employees working for the traffickers - getting paid for providing sicarios, etc., but taking orders from their bosses. It is impossible to know what to believe about who is in charge in a specific place like Iguala, but it makes sense that in some localities traffickers might wish to take the positions of public authority themselves instead of through puppets. Also, who is more important in a cartel - the person in charge of moving drugs, the 'legitimate businessman' in charge of laundering money, or the politician in charge of providing state protection? If this article is accurate, the Abarcas combine all three positions - her position as a boss in the smuggling family, his multiple businesses, and their combined political position.

    1. premier leader is what they define her role
      nothing is higher

    2. That's why its now called a narco state.Cartels got too powerful and now I think the gov is trying to wrestle that control back like the 80s.

  22. The BS filter broke, the story made it in, ''insidiouly''..
    The disclaimer should be right by the report and not with the comments, because it is bullshit, murillo karam will not mention Terra NASA report of a big fire in Chilapa, or the findings of scientists that say NO incineration in cocula, and that nobody believes murillo karam's bullshit anymore...

  23. CHIVAAA!!! Have you seen "La Sexologa Cubana de alfredo castillo" by IXCHEL WELT youtube maria imilsee arrue hernandez, sexologa, cubana, santera, la pulsera de castillo con la imagen de nuestra senora del cobre, those santeros demand death and human sacrifice, and the report says she used to aprove of the juerzas rurales candidates, she would make castillo's behaviour and results check, because this sexoteraputa seems to have been castillo's consultant for a while, paid by the mexicans' government

    1. yes and the article of same. I failed to get someone interested in translating

  24. 7:54 ''sick nation'', made sick by foreign nationals sicker with greed, in spite of their education, superiority and select breeding...

  25. It doesn't seem like there's enough evidence YET to really take anything from this. Keep in mind the authorities may be saying they're the heads of the cartel in order to take pressure off the real leaders. Really interested to see where this goes and if they can actually get their act together and convict them. Thanks for posting!

  26. How much do you want to bet their innocent plea is "We needed money to feed our family"?

  27. Thats convenient, it's nearly as believable as the governments explanation of the normalistas disappearances maybe they can find a false moustache n a baseball cap in her purse she may be tuta too

  28. Maria De Los Angeles Pineda Villa was no boss, she was liaison to PRD governor angel aguirre rivero
    --previously, angel aguirre rivero was substitute PRI governor after PRI gov, ruben figueroa alcocer had to resign over the Aguas Blancas and el Charco massacres...
    --gov. ruben figueroa alcocer was compadre of president ernesto zedillo poncedeleon...
    --emilio chuayffet chemor secretary of gobernacion of zedillo had to resign after the Acteal /Chenalho massacres in chiapas,
    --general enrique cervantes partner of zedillo in drug trafficking is accused of fabricating charges against general rebollo because he had arrested zedillo and cervantes drug traffickers...
    --So the picture starts coming together, pena nieto starts exercising power with his experienced mass murderers, and we have more massacres and murders, kidnappings extorsion, torture, false imprisonment than EVER!!!
    --now pena nieto sends enrique cervantes secretary pedro jelipe burrola to michoacan, for more murders etc etc etc, and offers maria de los diablos for the most evil poquianchi...
    --Maybe if she poses for Playboy Mexico, Esquire Mexico, EL, or Maxim Mexico we will believe she is the one...
    --she could not murder one guy and keep it quiet, two escaped, and she and abarca were accused in one week, clearly, they do not have the wits to do the Ayotzinapa job, the mexican army, police and pena nieto's cabinet, they do have the skills

  29. Nice, very nice, you are all a bunch of people full of negativity who want to bring down pena nieto's narco-mierdocracia, and i don't blame you one bit...


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