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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

La Mayiza Captured And Dismembered The Plaza Boss Of Alta Rosa, Sinaloa, "Juanito Chivas" Of La Chapiza. Juanito Chivas Was A Lieutenant Of "Chivo" Brother Of El Chore Del Dorado.

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

DECEMBER 9, 2024


An armed clash was reported on Saturday, December 7, 2024, between rival groups La Mayiza or MF Group and La Chapiza in Alta Rosa, Sinaloa.  Different news sites claimed that the armed clashes occurred in Elota, Sinaloa, but a source confirmed that the clash was actually closer to Higueras De Abuya. The latter is a stronghold, and key plaza of the powerful lieutenant of the Mayo Zambada criminal faction known as Manuel Noriega, "El Meño" or "El 4x1". 

The La Chapiza hitmen controlling the Alta Rosa, Sinaloa, plaza seemed to have been overpowered by El 4x1 forces of the La Mayiza. Allegedly several La Chapiza members were captured alive one of them, "Juanito Chivas" while others managed to flee away. One of the La Chapiza members that escaped El 4x1 forces was Chivo the brother of the late Raul Carrasco Lechuga, "El Chore" former plaza boss of Eldorado, Sinaloa. 

Juanito Chivas was the plaza boss of Alta Rosa, Sinaloa, and his dismembered body was found on a cooler on Highway Mexico 15 in Espinal, Sinaloa. Hours later images of Juanito Chivas being dismembered by La Mayiza circulated on social media. 




  1. Imagine dying like this all because the chaputos bs way of doing business 🤡🤡🤡🤡

    1. I don't think it matters what cartel you with 1239 you sound like a clown. Reality is imagine being a victim of poverty and having to resort to working for a cartel.

    2. Question his life choices right now, they killed his cousin and MF is getting closer and closer. Look at this poor chap, he's been beaten to pulp and tortured to death. All because of snitch chapo pendejos

    3. They are all snitches 1030a. I mean you can’t be that naive to think otherwise. Everybody knows mayos have been US feds star witnesses for years in court! The one son even supposedly had a monitored call with the idiot old man and got permission to debrief and testify against all comers! It was reported right here on BB multiple times. They are all scum and rats and the only ones getting butchered are the low level drug addicted lookouts and gunman. Let’s get real! Both sides are being led by nepo babies were it was all handed to them just like in the entertainment and political world and business world. They are paying dog shit to these cannon fodder idiots if they even get payed. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. And for the idiot who said ohh you grow up in poverty what choice do they have. That’s a liberal pathetic “I’m a victim” cop out. No matter where you’re from or how poor you are you have a choice to be good or bad!

    4. At 10:00 that is complete utter bullshit

    5. Chapitos members dropping like flies. Kidnapping the old man Mayo was the dumbest thing these clowns could've done. Because of this their multi-billion dollar criminal enterprise will crumble to peanuts. They threw everything away. Juanita Chivas should have realized that he was on the losing side. He should've hopped over to Mayiza crew. Poverty doesn't make anyone join criminal groups. Everyone has a choice. There's many legal ways to make money. At least this poor guy had some piazza before he died. Nuff Said!!!

    6. Or how about….. dying because you’re involved in drug trafficking/ organized crime? Fixed it for you.

    7. You cant be that stupid

  2. Mientras sea ratero y abusón me da igual de que grupo es. Acaben con todos esos !!

  3. Hopefully they get El gavilán soon or el perris

    1. El Gavilan is a god-tier operator. He’s going toe to toe with the military. He’d eat these tacuaches for breakfast.

    2. The fact you think of these Cornball's are some "God-tier Operators" is hysterical. Tell's anyone who knows anything about the History of Narco-War's that your opinion don't mean sh*t.

    3. Gavilan hides in his hometown behind local police

  4. Does anyone know why they killed el gordo peruci?

    1. Because he was buddies with members of Chapitos but as far we know he was just that and not actually involved in drugs also they shot up his wife too so it seems MF are targeting civilians too

    2. All of those YouTubers are involved in selling sport picks and pyramid schemes. Sooner or later it’s going to catch up to them.

    3. Some people say it was because he refused to take cameras down from his house. He then made a video to brag about how he didn't take the cameras down.

  5. Damn MF is on a roll . In Sinaloa it's seems like he is currently winning. About two days ago his hit squads dropped 15 jaliscas in Zacatecas and rumour has it he sent his hit squads to Chihuahua and they clashed with La Linea this week too .

    1. Why tf will he start a war with Linea right now with all that he got going on, that story is bs

    2. Mf doesn't want anything to do vs la linea,if anything they might join forces to weed out remaining Gente Nueva cells in the Sierra and South of Chihuahua

    3. Mayo sending crews to chihuahua is false tho. It's a guy from chihuahua that betrayed la linea and is trying to get support from guano people from tamazula durango.

    4. 5:58 you also forgot to mention that in Chiapas the MF groups are currently taking plazas away from the cjng groups .

    5. I think MF flaco has been leading the war for at least a decade now, and mayo been retired. he seems to know how to move. this whole time I thought senor Zambada was moving solders. its was flaco the whole time in zacatecas. so he has experience in this

    6. Chihuahua is a fortress .. Linea Forces are quiet but ruthless and precise

    7. It's los Cabreras faction that sent people to take over a border town and they're winning. La linea even started to rob ranchers because they lost support from the bosses

  6. I mean I still don’t get the mutilation part. Why not just kill them and be done ? Instead of hacking them up and all that ? What is the point ? It’s not intimidating to anyone but the general public. I don’t get the point. Unless they’re all just really sick puppies. 🐶

    1. That's what every pos cartels does. The cds was never any different than the rest of the clowns.

    2. Maybe you are considered weak by your enemies and the public if they hack your guys alive and you just shoot them.

    3. “Not intimidating to anyone but the general public”?

    4. Logistics brother, otherwise he wouldn't fit in a simple cooler

    5. Hi Sol. I'm going to make Boarderland Heat by Nuffy. You want to come work with me. I will start you of with fifty dollars a week. What do say? Better think about it quick before all my spots are filled. Nuff Said!!!

  7. Mayito Flaco killing the chapiza lieutenants and Ivan's family while the pizza is just killing small drug dealers. Speak volumes.

    1. 616 time to do your mother a solid and get out of the basement and get a job.

    2. @6;16 yup it does seem chapitos been getting hit harder.

    3. MF hits higher value Guys indeed..

  8. It's crazy how dirty the zetas were they use their name as a insult. Chapozetas.

    1. I keep reading where people are referencing Chapitos to Chapozetas. Did Chapito's bring Zetas in to fight the war?

    2. No, it has to do with them (allegedly) being traitors and the way they operate. Which is ironic, because Mayo was on top for as long as he was for the same reason, and his faction/his son testified against Chapo at his trial. Both traitors. lol

  9. Damn with the cheese dripping out of his mouth, too?!!
    Well done.
    That’s grotesque and badass.

  10. Yeah… safe to say that these dudes aren’t EVER going to freeze the war

  11. “It’s not delivery, it’s Di’ Mayo!”

  12. Damn. They really took their time
    To make him suffer. The saddest part is that anyone watching these videos becomes desensitized to this brutality.

    I truly pray that this violence ends soon, it’s not good for the next generations… they join even when they see this, damn.

    1. That’s like praying for rain:
      It DOES NOT work.
      This shits been going on forever.
      It will never ever end.
      Get real.
      If you want to help , donate or find some way to help but don’t say” I pray “
      That is totally meaningless.

    2. Umm, you need prayer, I got you. @ 10:19, I understand your point. I also understand the other comments’ points… it’s gone too far

    3. 12:02 besides be a prayer 🙏, you need to pray for periods.

  13. Mexico is a shit hole and if you disagree your part of the problem!!!

    1. How dare you tell the truth I’m shocked you didn’t add but but but the USA drug consumption but but but the USA guns but but but Trump. I think I like you! Take responsibility Mexico . Mexican citizens pick up a rifle organize and fight! The greatest country in the world was created that way back in the day. They didn’t run somewhere else, they didn’t blame somebody else they fought many died and now that country is a place that millions invade to suck the USA taxpayers dick for free stuff!!

    2. Someone forgot to mention that to the tens of millions that visit the country every year.

    3. *you're/you are*

    4. 11:21 Easy to talk shit behind a cell phone. Try going up against a Mexican cartel member see how you do

    5. Mexico has shit hole areas, but yet you don't see the homeless encampments and fentanyl zombies. What is the reading level in the US, 4th grade?, to quote the great George Carlin, "think about how stupid the average person is, and then realize that half of them are stupider than that".

    6. 1:16 if they didnt have guns 99% of them would be little bitches, icluding mayo's and chapo's sons

  14. Puro Durango 🦂🌲

    1. Alv Dgo puro we creido

    2. Lapdogs of Sinaloa cartels

    3. Arriba la sierra primo,

    4. 11:19 es sierto que a los de Durango les dicen alacranes porque pican con la cola?

    5. 9:55 le picamos duro a tu mamá

    6. 12:32 con la cola? 🤣🤣🤣 les pone el palo de la escoba y le pican duro con la cola 😂😂😂😂

  15. Those eyes , they really beat this dude to a pulp

    1. Good.
      Glad they did.
      That guy was a piece of shit.
      The world is a better place with him dismembered.

    2. His eyes are from talking a bat to the back of his head or being shot in the back of the head. It's really fucking sad that they do this to their own brothers. Not only are they human beings but they are also your Mexican brothers! The cartels are doing exactly what the government and the CIA wants. They kill each other while the CIA and government politicians get rich and nobody testafies or has proof and so it's a perfect gig of you're a politician and want to play ball for bucks. It's been going on for decades and in the US it's anything for sale to China or anyone who pays to play. Just ask Hunter and "The Big Guy"! It's fucking bullshit! Praying for Mexico and USA

    3. Follower for life, easy on the language.
      We will wash your potty mouth with soap again.

  16. They create the ultimate reality show w audience participation extreme. Life is cheap in mex, n so are the laborers. Practically-legal sadistic murdering, consequence-free n rewarded w the highs of more hunting for victims for "the cause".

  17. El 4x1 last name is Avendaño . He made sure the younger ones what where underneath Ivan as FEA didn't get involved. Instead the FEA forces are in Chiapas fighting CJNG and whatever territory they gain the Avendaño family is going to keep under MF

    1. At 4:43 I am calling BS on this one.

    2. crazy!! did not know but made sence wow mind blowing. is meno 4x1 chente or chente with Mayos too?

    3. You are talking about a different el meño from the avendaño family. I think he used to work for mayo but switched to the chapitos some time ago. Can’t remember if he was captured. El 4x1 is el meño Noriega, a high level operator for el mayo and nothing to do with the avendaños.

  18. Arriva Maria Fernanda y los mayonesas

  19. @4:43 that’s a different meno and he’s locked up so get your shit together before you make false accusations.

  20. El Flaco Zambada trae mando en Sinaloa pese a quien le pese.

    1. Piensa que es de hule al rato lo van a detener o quebrar

  21. not much to see or do in alta rosa, i'm actually surprised someone was "in charge" here

    1. You’re right but Alta Rosa is the first ranch south after Las higueras where el Meño 4x1 is from and first one that begins to La Cruz. The backroads behind Alta Rosa connect with La Cruz potrerillos chiqueritos tanques all the way to the costera you can get in and out.

  22. I’ve been to Alta Rosa once a few years back that area was ran by the Gomez family which the older generation has ties to el Mayo and now the younger generation is half Chapos half mayos. A few kilometers north of the ranch is controlled by Los Meños which is Las Higueras and alta Rosa is where the chapizza begins municipio de la Cruz.

  23. Mientras se estan matando entre ellos el Mencho tranquilo observando que pendejos son los chinolas


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