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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Head of Mexico’s Detective Service Says His Country is The ‘Champion’ Of Fentanyl Production

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador gives his regularly scheduled morning press conference at the National Palace in Mexico City, Tuesday, April 16, 2024. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)

The head of Mexico’s detective service acknowledged Tuesday that the country is “the champion” of fentanyl production, something that appears to run counter to past statements by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

López Obrador has hotly denied in the past that any fentanyl is produced in Mexico, saying Mexican cartels only press it into pills or add finishing touches.

But Felipe de Jesus Gallo, the head of Mexico’s Criminal Investigation Agency, said that since the 1990s “Mexico has been the champion of methamphetamine production, and now fentanyl.” He spoke at a U.S.-Mexico conference on synthetic drugs in Mexico City.

Experts agree that cartels in Mexico use precursor chemicals from China and India to make the synthetic opioid and smuggle it into the United States, where it causes about 70,000 overdose deaths annually.

While fentanyl is not widely abused in Mexico, methamphetamine addiction is commonplace.

Gallo said that Mexican cartels have launched industrial-scale production of meth in many states throughout the country and now export the drug around the world.

“Believe me, methamphetamine production has become industrialized, it’s not just in the mountains anymore,” Gallo said. “We now expect to see (drug) laboratories not just in the mountains of Sinaloa and Sonora, but in Hidalgo as well, Puebla, and also in Jalisco.”

He was apparently referring to thousands of drug labs detected in previous years in the hills and scrublands around Culiacan, the capital of the northern state of Sinaloa. Those clandestine, rural production sites were often bare-bones, improvised labs covered with tree branches and tarpaulins.

Now, the meth trade has become so lucrative and so sophisticated that Mexican meth is exported as far away as Hong Kong or Australia, and the cartels have found ways to avoid detection of their drug money.

“The business models have become very innovative, or as old and antiquated as barter; ‘I’ll trade you precursor chemicals for meth,’ to avoid leaving a money trail,” Gallo said.

There is little question that drug production goes on at a huge scale in Mexico.

In February, Mexico’s Navy seized over 45 tons of methamphetamine at the biggest drug lab found during the current administration. The lab was in Quiriego, a township in a remote part of the northern border state of Sonora.

The 91,000 pounds (41,310 kilograms) of meth found there was more than half of the 162,000 pounds of the drug Mexico has seized so far this year.

Fentanyl production is also huge, though because it is a more potent drug, the volume is smaller.

A year ago, soldiers seized more than a half-million fentanyl pills in Culiacan in what the army at the time described as the largest synthetic drug lab found to date.

Soldiers found almost 630,000 pills that appeared to contain fentanyl, the army said. They also reported seizing 282 pounds (128 kilograms) of powdered fentanyl and about 220 pounds (100 kilograms) of suspected methamphetamine.

López Obrador, who took office on Dec. 1 2018, also claims that Mexicans are culturally immune to drug addiction.

AP News


  1. Quick! Hide this, and don't tell AMLO!

  2. Didn't Obrador say proudly that there is no Fentyl production in Mexico and now he hides in his bedroom until the dust settles

    1. Yes we all know he is a big liar.
      He didn't mention the truth on 60 minutes.

  3. No more playing second fiddle on the world stage, Mexico is NUMBER ONE!

    1. Yep number 1 in homicides that's for sure.

  4. I think that detective is going to have to move out of Mexico anonymous bosses are going to put a green light for scicaruos to make him disappear.

  5. There are no drug addicts in Mexico!!! It must be true because ELMO said it. He also agrees with the Ayatolla that there are no gays in Iran except the few they tossed from the roofs of tall buildings.

    1. AMLO never said "there are no drug addicts in Mexico." What he said was, Mexico does not have the same drug consumption problem as the U.S. Which is true because even though the drugs are being produced in Mexico, you don't have 100k deaths a year as you do in the U.S.

    2. Cayotero in the house.
      Quick to defend AMLO what about the bribes he accepted from Cartels to promote his agendas? Can't hide that under the mat. What defense will the cayotero say.

    3. 823 you're so gullible. You read an article that made ALLEGATIONS and fell for it like a good little 🐑.

      I'm not defending AMLO I'm just correcting 246's misinformation. Come through with a better comment, one with substance instead of childish name calling.

    4. LMAO! 823 you do realize AMLO just arrested Mencho's brother. What cartel is "promoting his agendas" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that shit don't even make sense dummy!

    5. 4:00:
      ELMO Chayotero: What part of "Mexicans are culturally immune to drug addiction" don't you understand?
      200,000 homicides during his administration and tens of thousands more disappeared. Surrendering whole sections of his country to criminals. That's a legacy of incompetence. If you got off your knees where you could see what's truly is going on you wouldn't defend your boy ELMO so much.

    6. Lol the cayotero thinks he can outsmart Detroit, AMLO is exposed to his lies.


    7. Amlo did not do the arrest you fool, the military did. Amlo is to old to go out there and do arrests.🤣🤣

    8. AMLO surrendered whole regions to criminals? Tell me which regions did AMLO surrender that weren't already "surrendered" to the cartels by Salinas and Calderón. 🤣🤣🤣 legacy of incompetence? Maybe if you're only focus is violence, there's more to México than just violence and crime. You forgot infrastructure, economy, education, social programs. And even then, you can't say he hasn't done enough for fighting crime. Want me to remind you of all the high profile criminals that have been captured under AMLO? You need me to bring out the list of national projects that have been completed under AMLOs reign? 200k homicides but again, what percentage were involved in criminal activity.... now 200k in 6 years is a small number co.pared to 200k overdoses in the last 2 years on the U.S side.

    9. Mr. Detroit you have awaken the cayotero 😂 lol watch out 2 page manifesto coming up by surprise.
      Lol he claims no innocents ever died, I laugh and giggle at the bickering.

    10. 😂 lol at the guy calling the cayotero a fool saying ALMO made the arrest, old man can't even go to the restroom with out help.

    11. 10:41:
      ELMO Chayotero: Mexican politicians have been building bridges and roads for centuries. The social programs have been in place before ELMO was even born. Read the reports coming out of RAND, the DEA, Homeland Security, etc. Cartels control more Mexican territory since ELMO became president. Rather than regaining lost territory he has surrendered more territory to the cartels. And he constantly whines and blames his failures on the U.S. because they won't provide Mexico with welfare. The president of a country represents the people to the world. Rather than showing courage and leadership he is absolutely shameless and without character and a disgrace to the people of Mexico. He is far from the true character of the Mexican people. You need to get off your knees so you can see what's really going on in Mexico.

    12. 12:07:
      The ELMO Chayotero needs to pull ELMO's chili out of his mouth so he can see what he's writing in his manifesto. He needs to come up for air and breathe from time to time also, so it might take him some time to respond.

    13. 336 under AMLO there have been more than 600 military installations completed throughout México that have facilitated the disruption and capture of more high profile targets combined than the last 3 administratios...the most recent being Mencho's brother Don Rodo. Let's not forget about Menchos wife, his other brother El Montana, Rafael Caro Quintero, Rafas nephew "el R", Ovidio Guzman, El Nini, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Contador, and El Vaquero to name a few. You can claim cartels control more mexican territory now than they did before but really that's just you spreading you're typical misinformation. Cartels have splintered and are now disputing territories. Do you know what a dispute means? It means two or more factions are fighting for control, which means there is a lack of "control" thank you for trying to push you're false narrative. You must be one of the 17 million mexicans who live in the U.S and according to you knows more than the 70% who actually live in Mexico and approve of AMLO's managing of the country.

    14. 10:41 What happened to Zedillo, Fox and EPN? Why after all the rah rah from AMLO no former presidente has been jailed? Tsk, tsk.

    15. 206 a seasoned politician will criticize his predecessors, even say he will jail them, to get votes, but very well knows that it is only a strategy to get into office. A seasoned politician knows that if he starts to jail his predecessors the international community will label him as a dictator because that's what dictators do. That's why AMLO strayed away from that idea and reverted to, "letting by gones be by gones" politicians lie, AMLO is not exempt, the difference is their reason for doing so. Is it for self gain or to help the people.

    16. Hablador has dirty hands.

  6. I think his quote on fentanyl translates better as:

    “Mexico is to fentanyl what Lucha Libra is to combat sports.”

  7. Use the Rico law to lock up AMLO, freeze his assets. If El Raton said yeah we paid off AMLO, that's all you need, give el raton an easy sentence to rat.

  8. Ain’t nobody gonna talk about the TON of cocaine the feds along with Glendale PD just seized in Glendale California

    1. Nope not really since you did not bother to send it to BB by email.

  9. Those millions of fentanyl pills seized last year were simply bad product, batches that were not up to par to be sold in the States. They got the MX govt to pay for the disposal of the bad doses. Geniuses!

  10. The greatest Mexican:
    1) La Tuta.
    The professor is here! The prof! The professor! The prof is here!!
    2) El marro
    El marrrrrooohoooo! El marrohohohoooo!
    3) AMLO
    4) Fox

  11. Pancho Villa, wey..

  12. Tweeker /fentanilo/ snitch cartel . Man times have changed . Where are all the CDSNITCH fanboys at?

  13. #1. Mexico - Fentanyl
    #2. Afghanistan- Opium
    #3. Peru- Cocaine
    Viva Mexico cabrones!!

    1. But but but but, Obrador said "there's no Fentyl production in Mexico".
      I have a video clip of him saying that.
      Where's that Cayotero guy back me up on this one.

    2. 847 Viva Argentina!
      Viva Eva Peron!
      Viva Perin!

    3. 1040 if you had the video you would've shared it. Share it.

  14. Tickle me Elmo makes this guy disappear.


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