Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Mexican Drug Cartels Created Their Own Fentanyl Crisis

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Fentanyl is killing more Americans than ever. It's blamed for more than 70 thousand fatal overdoses each year. 

US authorities say the synthetic opioid is mostly produced in Mexico and trafficked across the border. But addiction and deaths are also on the rise in Mexican towns and cities. 

When smuggling into the US all but stopped during the pandemic, the cartels unleashed fentanyl on their own population. Now they're trying to clean up the mess. 

Our Latin America Correspondent Guillermo Galdos travelled to Tijuana, to see how it's going. 

Channel 4 News


  1. Yeah let's keep spitting upward to see how that shit plays out

  2. ELMO vale madre.

    1. Porque? El is el consumidor ?

    2. ELMO es el presidente y vale madre.

  3. I’m curious to know if the amount of bodies that are dropping here in the US are anything compared to the amount of O’ds that are happening in Mexico or china. Was thinking about that the other day

    1. 7:53 - If we compare Mexico, America, and Canada’s drug related deaths, Mexico has the least amount of deaths from overdoses :
      Mexico suffers from high murder rates and the U.S. suffers from a high number of overdose deaths.

    2. yeah china has death penalty for possession of drugs so, not so much drug use there

    3. 10:05 I gree with you 100% Mexico has highest amount of murders. Be careful
      the down syndrome guy will manipulate what you said to his liking.

    4. Per capita I would say most body's dropping in Vancouver or LA

    5. But the US also has a higher death by gun rate than Mexico.

  4. I know like 5 people in my life that tried to buy pase when they were drinking after a long week of working in construction and they died because that shit was laced with fentanyl. Fuck the mex cartels and their top tier mierda drug.

    1. what is pase?

    2. They shouldn't be buying pase in the first place it's been known that drugs are not good 4 u you see the results of drug addiction every possible way, homelesness,families broken, high rate of murders on both side of the fence lots of orphans and now u can die from it instantly

    3. 1:06 pase is code for cocaine in Spanish

    4. I wiould just like to say I now a few gentlemen who snorted so much blow that they died from the blow nothing else. Don't think your safe doing a bump.

  5. but but but amlo says they don’t have a fent problem only US drug demand

    1. 9:11 - Mexico’s drug consumption is nothing compared to the U.S. drugs consumption problem. 100,000 people are not overdosing and dying in Mexico every year like they are in America.

    2. give it time @10:12

  6. Only career fuck up would think there's a future in Fent

  7. Some engineers from Europe from Finland I believe were working in SLRC and went to penasco one weekend and ODed on perico laced with fentanyl they scored in penasco, this was like 6-9 months ago

  8. Another homie went missing in tj after partying solo in HK his fam located him at a freezer in a morgue in tj, he oded on coke laced with fent that he scored in hk

    1. 9:48
      When you croak at the Hong Kong, whether it be from a contaminated $20 bump of coke or a Viagra induced stroke, the meseros immediately carry you outside and plant your dying ass on the sidewalk to wait the half hour or so it takes for an ambulance to arrive..
      The HK management grievously mourns the tragic loss of a paying customer, but the show must go on..
      Maybe wouldn't have made a difference in homie's case, but you young bucks should always bring along a trustworthy wingman to cover your back..

    2. 9:01
      And remember the case of a U.S. army guy that oded and died in May and HK was closed down for a little bit!

  9. Wow interesting. Thanks Sol. You know I think we have gotten so caught up with how Feta is affecting the US. That not much conversation is brought up about how all this is affecting latin America.

    Thank you brother. Hope you’re well.

    Rubio NYC

  10. these narcos are f’n retarded why ruin a good think like heroin where your customers just get sick they rarely die, then they get $ and come back. now theyre killing off customers putting fent in everything. these people can be smart but mostly stupid af

    1. because heroin has too much risk.. weather/yield of crop, only being able to grow in certain regions, raids on poppy fields, etc. Fent is just chemicals mixed together.. can be made in any house, labs moved around, etc. Fent production is so much more stable.

  11. estos tipos jaliskas o sinaloas,hacen mucho dinero y no lo pueden disfrutar,yo no soy rico pero puedo comerme unos tacos en tijuana,o un aguachile en mazatlan.........como la ven..............................

  12. Anyone that believes like I used legalization across the board is a good idea is a retard. Opiates are the devil. wasted 11 years shooting dope

  13. The era of fentanyl remains strong. No turning back now

    1. Disagree your slow as fuck it kills your customers.

    2. 2:09 El Mickey has a point.
      The Cartels don't care if it kills, it's customers keep coming and dying .
      The dead get replaced by more customers.


    3. El Mickey
      El Tricky
      El Tricky
      The 3 Amigos

  14. Once they open pandoras box it cant be closed.

  15. Selling dope to your own paisanos is fast-tracking s#!+ hole country status. Not as if México has ever been a beacon of inspiration worldwide. What kind of person/group focuses on a population in complete despair, then sells them a way to make their lives magnitudes worse? The neighborhoods go to sh#!+ and EVERYBODY suffers. And the government? Abrazos, no balazos, and daily mañaneras by a virtually comatose, wannabe Che Guevara... choking on cartel testicles. No matter what side of this story the protagonists lie, truly, a magnificent case of "I don't give a fu<#." Off soap. Que tengan muy buen día, compañeros de ésta platica.
    Hasta luego,

  16. Do you think there is any way in hell to track overdoses in Mexico. I say no way in hell.


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