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Monday, April 8, 2024

Breaking News: Authorities Locate “Safe And Sound” The 8 Kidnapped Who Were Still Missing In Culiacán,Sinaloa: Secretary Of Security

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 

The 8 Kidnapped are part of the 66 people who had disappeared on March 22 in Culiacán.



The 8 "kidnapped" people who were missing in Culiacán after the disappearance of 66 people on March 22 have already been located and are "safe and sound," confirmed the Secretary of Security, Gerardo Mérida Sánchez.

After 17 days of the search operation by elements of the Army, National Guard, Federal Ministerial Police, and Municipal Police, the Secretary indicated that the 66 people who had been "kidnapped" were already in their homes, so it was concluded the special operation.

«The last persons who needed to return home did so this Sunday morning. "This fulfills the objective of the operations for the 66 people, presumably deprived of their liberty, to return to their homes," he confirmed.

Without further details
The Secretary of Security indicated that it was this Sunday, April 7, that the agents confirmed that the last missing "kidnapped" persons returned home, in good health.

Without giving more details about the location of the 8 people who had been "kidnapped", he reiterated that it would be the investigation authorities who would give specifications of what the rescue operation was like.


  1. Tf was the whole point of this. Idiots brought alot of heat to themselves.

    1. How many of the kidnappers were arrested? From what I hear it was business as usual in Culiacan. It was understood why it happened and that that they wouldn't be killed.

    2. 649 man you fans are so brain washed

    3. 6:49 Mexico is backwards thinking.
      Let me check my crystal ball🤔.
      With all the supposed power in having military help, one it sure took many days to free the rest, not a single soul arrested, 🤔 perhaps they kidnapped themselves . Why leave out in the conference, of who was responsible for the kidnappings?

    4. 7:54
      Supuesto poder de ayuda militar??

      Le corresponde a la fiscalía hacer actos de investigación a la milicia la seguridad.

  2. Smells like a deal was cut...

    1. The local Cops that did the burglaries & got exposed work for Mayo Zambada. So these families that got taken are not ordinary civilians.

    2. Claro q no son civiles comunes y corrientes, por nada no les pasa

  3. Wow! That's a different outcome! Happy they are alive.

  4. "Presumably deprived of their liberty". WTF does that mean? No harm, no foul?
    No mames México.

    1. Mijo that means their freedom was taken away for awhile.

  5. Crazy. Senor Guano must be fed up with chapitos childish stuff.

    1. Guano has nothing to do in Culiacán

    2. How much truth is in the rumor that Guano is reaching out to Juarez Cartel for an alliance to push his dope up through Chihuahua from the mountains of Badiraguato now that the new highway is in place ??

  6. The last persons who needed to return home did so this Sunday morning. "This fulfills the objective of the operations for the 66 people, presumably deprived of their liberty, to return to their homes," he confirmed.
    And what was their contribution to this? Dont think policy or military has had anything to do with their release.
    They should be ashamed.

    1. Close to a thousand soldiers were deployed. There is an increase in the militares presence in that region. I'm sure this interferes with the cartels day to day operations, whether that be the day to day transport of equipment and merchandise to the movement of armed personnel. The militares presence and the national media attention this incident received has everything to do with the kidnapped victims release... Too much heat. They don't want that smoke.

    2. 4:10 excelente tu comentario!

    3. 22:57 Vergüenza te debería de tu nula reflexión.
      El ejército ahí le calienta mucho la plaza.

  7. The amount of heat this brought for nothing is beyond stupid in there behalf but at the same time thank goodness everyone is alive and well.

  8. Fetus marquez got his own manta hang up in tj, with greetings from home!
    I hope they go after him, a nice prison rape, at least…

  9. I hope they are really "safe and sound", and not "chopped up and disappeared".

    1. At 7:51
      Knowing the corrupt government can fabricate the truth in many ways.
      1. Where were the rest rescued?
      2. Why no arrests of the kidnappers?
      For all you know, they can get scapegoats, make it look like they did it, torture them to confess they did it, when it's not true.

    2. 8:55 pues tú puedes hacer un escrito y preguntar eso.
      Ejerce tu derecho de petición.

  10. Todavía faltan los de La Noria

  11. Me no travel to Mexico me stay here, Mexico no law no good police all take mordidas Mexico dangerous

  12. who are these 8 people and how do we know they actually made it home? do Mexican authorities just say they did and their word is the gospel? how do we know any of the 66 made it home? why were they even taken to begin with and by who? maybe they answer these questions on the Mexican news channels? somehow I doubt it.

    1. When there's a lot of Why's in this story...then you know you can't trust the government.

  13. This is not related, but anyone remember the stupid ass "influencer" Fofo Marquez? Infamous for closing down a bridge in Jalisco only to be threatened by CJNG and made him apologize. Now he's in trouble for beating an older woman in a case of road rage.

    Now a head was cut off in Tijuana left with a banner that supposedly threatened him.

    1. This is not related but there's a video happened somewhere in Mexico, title lynching of a female and 2 men, they had killed an 8 year old girl.
      The neighbors came out, and police was coming, they were kicking, throwing rocks at them, even the lady was being kicked on the face on the head, it said she died.

  14. Yeah, the perps were recorded on video picking the girl up, the poor kid ends up dead, the townspeople demanded justice, the local cops said their hands were tied because there was no judicial order to act upon, then all hell broke loose..

    1. Happened in Guerrero. The little girls name was Camila.

    2. I took saw the video on a website, that collects graphic stuff happening all over the world. It's details were minimal, it never said what city in Mexico and it never said why they killed her.thanks 6:02, now I know it happened in Guerrero.

    3. Les es más difícil actuar a los policías, no por falta de capacitación, si no por q ellos si deben actuar con legalidad

  15. Hay personas que solo aprenden a levantones

  16. Según eran familiares del Mayo y el estado puso todo el empeñó por salvarlos, enviaron a las fuerzas especiales y hubo muchos muertos


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