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Monday, April 15, 2024

120 Tons Of Chemical Precursors Secured In Nuevo León And Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

More than 120 tons of precursors and essential chemicals for the production of synthetic drugs such as methamphetamine are seized in Nuevo León and Sinaloa.

The products were destined for clandestine laboratories operated by the faction of the Sinaloa Cartel led by capo Ismael El Mayo Zambada, and his son Ismael Zambada Sicairos, alias Mayito Flaco, according to El Universal.

In a two-day joint operation with Cofepris and local authorities, elements of the Mexican Navy, the chemical precursors seized have a value of 87 million pesos.

In the federal security cabinet they detected that the Sinaloa Cartel moved part of the laboratories to Nuevo León to produce synthetic drugs.



  1. I wonder if Mayo's going to ask for his shit back again.

    1. Knowing that fucking chump he's still offering something for those drugs to be returned.

    2. The drugs already got returned and shipped to the USA

    3. It’s for show, looks like they’re doing something against him.

      He gets the stuff back, replaces it with benign stuff .

      Everyone’s happy

  2. Is Sinaloa moving "Tranq" too?

    1. Ehhh, maybe on a large scale. In smaller operations, it’s Probably a Vet or Breeder. In the early 90’s, I remember Tranq being mixed into Dog in Puerto Rico. I had never seen that before. Then it popped up in Philadelphia tough. That stuff will leave chunks of skin to never come back.

  3. MF the supreme leader of Operativa MZ and Los Flechas. El Menos Visto . Unless this dude gets sloppy but I can see him being like his dad and being a few years on top

    1. 540pm He actually just goes with the flow because he was born into the life. He has very minimal investments outside of his realm. Surprisingly. The game does not fulfill him as it does others. 1000 times he would prefer eating Tacos without having to look over his shoulder, unfortunately he has to be resilient until his half brother returns to fill their father's helm. This will happen and someone will say I read a comment last year somebody saying what just took place...

    2. Vicente captured then released in USA, mayito gordo captured, serafin captured then released.. Mayito Flaco is the only one so far that has not been captured has a couple of indictments on his belt and currently leading this fathers criminal organization. I would give Flaco more credit than you are for not being captured yet.. lets see if he gets sloppy time will tell

    3. Char let's not forget MF sponsors the best armed groups MZ faction has

    4. @char....I think his sons going down was partly on purpose to get a clean slate for all of them. Vicente went down for reals and from there they got their blueprint.

    5. MF had CJNG contain in certain areas of Mexico and now is pushing them back

  4. go read “‘El Gigio el nuevo objetivo prioritario de EU fue entrenado por un soldado gringo” escrito by milenio a excerpt “Según la ficha del DOJ, hay tanta confianza entre El Mayo y El Gigio que en noviembre de 2013 el primero encargó al segundo que realizara los arreglos necesarios para que su hijo Serafín Zambada Ortiz cruzara hacia Nogales, Arizona, para entregarse voluntariamente a autoridades de Estados Unidos con el objetivo de negociar la exoneración de sus delitos a cambio de colaboración con la justicia.”

  5. Dang el cheko been in mexicali for awhile holding it down .. must be top level by now dealing with south Americans

  6. MF basically the head of the Zambada side of the Cartel, at least until his brothers return….
    “El 10 de mayo llegará…” says a corrido.

    1. Y todos los alucines lo van a seguir. Un dedote 👉👆☝️👇👈


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