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Sunday, March 24, 2024

We Were Expecting To Find Some Booty

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat 

A captured operative from the Los Deltas / Los Pelones mob narrates on camera some cold hard truths about the crews he was running with in the state of Sonora.

And what he has to say isn’t anything good about leaders Erick Cabrera Cabrera aka El Delta 1 or Omar Felix Loayza aka El Pelón.  

Granted that his confession on film has obviously been edited and appears to spontaneously jump from one scene to another. Most of what is gone was in all probability too damaging to be heard for his captors. 

Video translation is as follows:

Interrogator: What’s your opinion on the Pelones and El Memos mob?

Captive: The Pelones and Los Memos sir? Well, when you’re the boss of a plaza you’re supposed to take care of your men sir. It’s always a good thing if you’re trying to make money. But there are ways to go about doing this. 

Unfortunately, these individuals here are just fucking up beyond belief sir. When they’re not killing off innocent civilians they’re burglarizing homes. I personally experienced having to fucking pillage through peoples homes because of orders from my commander. 

And it wasn’t just having to steal everything from these homes. It also included tearing up the walls in the hopes that we would find some hidden booty in there. I mean, there was this fucking lunacy of grabbing money from the townspeople, something that didn’t even belong to the leaders. 

They were also pulling over particular vehicles just because they didn’t know who they were. I have to be clear about this. And they would talk to them with authoritative voices instead of treating them with respect. 

In addition, whenever a call comes over the radio of someone asking for assistance or help. Instead of going out to help, these guys just stand there with their fucking arms crossed. They didn’t know if it could be a trap or what during these moments. 

The weird thing is that we’re supposed to be at the ready to act whenever someone needs help. Not just when a commander or one of the top bosses is asking for you to go out and perform. The truth is that for me personally these guys are nothing more than a gang of cowardly rats sir. This is my personal opinion about them. 

Interrogator: Who all is giving you guys support?

Captive: We’re being supported by Commander Kelux from the state forces. They’re doing this from their own patrol vehicles. They’re expecting a big hit to go down. (Scene appears to have been cut off here before his last statement)

Interrogator: Who killed the teachers?

Captive: The teachers were killed by the Los Pelones mob. 

Interrogator: Why?

Captive:  They didn’t want any unknown vehicles coming in from out of town. These automobiles are known as 09’s. A green light was given to shoot on sight whoever refused to stop at one of our checkpoints. 

Interrogator: How exactly are you guys recruiting all of the people who have been deceived…

All Source News


  1. Video is safe for everyone to see

  2. Gente del Guano will start a cleaning of Sonora ,Durango and Sinaloa.
    O se alinean o los aliniamos.

    1. I believe Guano is already in Durango for the most part but so is MZ , so I’m assuming they’ll align if they haven’t already.

  3. Sonora about to become another TJ, Juarez, Guerrero, zacatecas! Cant yall see the common denominator? CDS! Where ever CDS has a precense snitching is following it and in return inoccent lives will be lost, CdS is the biggest cancer in mexico, and before you say Z's or CJNG or any other cartel, just remenber, CDs was in the game before them and they betrayed all of those cartels and started a bunch of stupid wars, by the way if you didnt know CDS to be specific Chapo started the CDS vs CJNG war

    1. You talking out of your ass. Sonora is getting rid of Chapitos for a reason. Everyone in Sonora are united under MZ flag. Mayo is creating a "Federación". Peace is coming in northern state. Chapitos either fall in line or are done. CAF/Flakito will be done in next few months. Most of Zacatecas is under MZ flag and headed to Nayarit. Chihuahua is coming to an agreement with Guano and Linea in which getting Chapitos out is a priority. Chapitos did something real bad for MZ to turn back on them.

    2. 6:12 😂😂😂 we will see buddy

    3. 6:12 On point prediction here.

    4. @6:12 I sure hope you are right. Norte de Sonora is tired of the bs that these Juniors are bringing. Not to say that things will be calm under another flag but it will at least bring people back to their homes and ranches

    5. No mames y cual pelicula viste verga 😂😂😂nada de los que disen es vida real

    6. 6:12 😂😂😂 ya nadie le confia al Mz! CDJ, CJNG, CDG, y los carteles de Sonora se cambiaron de Bando, si todavia confias en el cartel de los Mayos (que si no te has dado cuenta han entragado a todos sus socios) pues lla valiste! Por algo lla empeso la guerra de Mayos y Chapos en Sonora! Y de ahi se ba a pasar a Sinaloa! Es mas lla empeso ahi tambien!

    7. 6:12. Sonora anda al tiro con el Mayo y los q dicen q los jaliscos se van a meter
      Y apoyar la neta estan pendejos. Todo Sonora esta con Mayo menos deltas y pelones. Dejen d inventar mamadas q jalisco no tiene nda q ver.

    8. 10:22 estas bien pendejo. No tienes ni puta idea d porque se peliaron los mayos y chapitos.
      Es mas el mayo les habia dado una nueva oportunidad a peticion d los chapitos y los plebes la cagaron y valio verga.

    9. 6:12 … tiene algo de sentído .. por ejemplo aquí en Chihuas la bronca nunca fue encontra del MZ la bronca era Carrillo vs Guzmán hasta incluso el Vicente Carrillo y Zambada se trataban de compadres… aparte se sabe que el Mayo siempre a mandado jale por Juárez calladitamente claro que con acuerdos con La Linea

    10. 612 ivan and alfredo are a bunch of spoiled brats with too much testosterone theyre bad for business time will catch up.

    11. Cdg and cdn are in zacatecas.

    12. *Sonora turning into another Tamaulipas

  4. Loot, pillage, and plunder, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get at that prized booty, this is common knowledge..

  5. They should make this kid a cmdte, seems to know what hes talking about.
    The plaza system has become totally fucked

  6. Sol thinking about the nalgas (booty). The CDS video making love to the CJNG.

    1. It's a different kind of booty you old perv. But it's also open for interpretation 😉

    2. 6:31 😂😂😂 that was a year or two ago, if thats still in your mind than you might have a fetish, yo its all good, you like what you like 👍

    3. 6:39
      Less than a year ago, actually, not that I've been keeping track of the days, jaja, but Sol put it out there, no big deal, yet the tremendous response unleashed from scores of drooling renacuajos will be the subject of many a psychology major's graduate thesis for years, nay, DECADES to come..
      As I recall, they were whimpering like punks in the joint getting turned out in la peni San Quentin, sniveling in hopes of seeing the video posted again, and it burned brightly in the comments section for a minute before finally smoldering out..
      Hate to be so judgmental, but it looks like these youngsters may mature to be the kind of sickos that take a date to the Torture Instruments of The Spanish inquisition Museum, Hannibal Lector style..
      there may be little hope to rehabilitate 'em, but let's give them the chance anyway..
      "There's no such thing as a bad boy"
      ..Father Flannigan

    4. More than one man has lost his head due to a booty call.

    5. "90% of a man's problems are caused by chasing after a woman's booty. The other 10% are caused by men actually getting the booty"
      World famous quote by Great American Philosopher Detroit.

    6. I never lost my head chasing after ELMO's booty.
      Or isn't ELMO considered a bitch?

    7. CDS and CJNG made out in a hotel? Was it hard core vid? Hehehe

    8. 3:38 did you record them?

    9. 9:00 el guey del 3:38 se estava haciendo un "chamarra" mientras veia la accion 😂

    10. 11:24 para que veas que aquí nos llegan puros pinches depravados jaja.

  7. Right when it was getting good it cuts off

  8. Off-topic, but here in lovely acapulco, Semana Santa is in full rage..
    The beaches to the south of town, in front of the pricier hotels, boast preening flocks of skimpily clad DF buchonas frolicking in full superskank mode..
    The beaches I swim, in el puerto tradicional, draw a less sophisticated, more budget-conscious crowd, and the go-to garb is the Oaxacan bikini, bra and cut-off Levis..
    Everybody's having the time of their lives..
    I have blue eyes, and sometimes little kids, vacationing from somewhere in the sticks, stare at me like I'm from another planet, but it's all good..

    1. Oaxacan bikini 🤔 does that make the ladies look sexy? Or dull? Maybe Sol can post a picture of a lady in that outfit.

    2. They know you are from the same planet,but probably assume you are from a different world.

    3. Maybe he's like the classic Hunter S. Thompson quote.

      “There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”

    4. 8:49
      Back in the day, maybe still, if an indigenous mom encountered an actual güera in the flesh, she would caution her babies to "be good, or the blond lady will turn you into gasoline for the airplane"

    5. Any hotel recommendations for the historic city center?

    6. Way back in the day aerial spraying swamps to knock back mosquitos (for Malaria, West Nile Virus, Dengue, Yellow Fever etc) the locals thought we were spraying poison to make everyone infertile and impotent, but we never used babies for fuel, not even on a good day.

      Jet A, yes, but not babies.

    7. @8.54. Yeah, it's the same person. They changed their call sign from lettuce/lizard to fennel/cabbage but there's no mistaking the tone. I held out hope for a while that his "funny" comments about the innocent people tortured on camera by the Federales and military for local trafficking groups was elaborate satire, and now I'm even more convinced it must be: A young man is dead and he is telling us all about his fabulous vacation!!

    8. 857
      "Laugh, and the world laughs with you,
      Cry, and you cry alone"

  9. I have a favor to ask of someone who speaks Spanish and knows something about Spanish cartel rap music. If you would please go to this X video and tell me if you know the name of the group who does the song in the video I'd be forever grateful to you. The video is at this address
    Thank you.

    1. The name of the song is Danza Infernal by Mexicanito Bélico.

    2. Thank you Sol, I really appreciate it.

    3. Sol got your back

  10. Guano and mayo team up to finish of the cha 🍕

    1. There are no "teams". You are playing a fantasy game.

  11. Mayo and guano team up and finish ch🍕, I can only imagine what papa el chapo is thinking. My old partner and brother are out to finish my legacy’s both criminal and genetic. Things are bad in the Guzman clan. Uncle probably held the chapizza brothers as babies mini pizzas, yes I’m pissing about. But yeah looks like their family is equally as dysfunctional as mine, just more $ drugs and guns than I got my world. Let’s see how this drama plays out! Andy from OZ

  12. This video was revealing, but it turned into a discussion about CDS snitching, and...oh fuck yeah, of course it did, with Sol and Detroit- about "dem bitches". All it takes is a dude being murdered.

  13. Hey there.. Anybody. The teachers were killed because they ignored a checkpoint? Killed by WHO? Who made this video, and does anybody commenting give a fuck?


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