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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

US Judge Accepts Lawsuit From The Mexican Government Against Arizona Weapons Manufacturers

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Rosemary Márquez, of the Federal Court for the District of Arizona, based in Tucson, ruled, on March 25, 2024, that the Mexican Government could move forward with a lawsuit that accused five arms sales companies of said entity of the United States. Of participating in the trafficking of weapons and ammunition to drug trafficking cartels in Mexico.

The federal judge rejected the arguments of the distributors - Diamondback Shooting Sports Inc, SnG Tactical LLC, Loan Prairie LLC, Ammo AZ LLC and Sprague's Sports Inc -, who argued that they enjoyed a so-called "immunity from prosecution" under the Trade Protection Act. Arms Law (PLCAA), which since 2005 has shielded US manufacturers and distributors from receiving civil complaints for misuse of their products.

Márquez said the Government of Mexico made plausible claims that were exempt from PLCAA protection, including that the five companies violated several US laws related to firearms, causing harm to the Central American country.

The Government of Mexico alleged that Arizona gun dealers facilitated the trafficking of military-style assault weapons such as the AR-15 and ammunition to drug cartels through reckless and illegal practices, including the sale of firearms to front buyers, who illegally acquired these products for third parties.

But while the federal judge allowed much of the lawsuit to move forward, she dismissed several of the Mexican government's individual legal claims, including the allegation that the companies violated U.S. organized crime law and caused public nuisance.

Following the decision of the US judge, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) indicated that in the following stages of the lawsuit, evidence would be presented to demonstrate the “negligent conduct” of said companies and an attempt would be made to obtain compensation for the damage.

“Today, the Federal Court for the District of Arizona, based in the city of Tucson, handed down a favorable ruling for Mexico in its lawsuit against five gun stores located in that state. In October 2022, Mexico initiated this litigation arguing that the defendants, according to traceability data, facilitate the trafficking of high-powered weapons to our country,” the SRE said in a statement.

“In today's ruling, Judge Rosemary Márquez established that the stores had various signals to know that the firearms they sold would end up in Mexico, and that these would be used for illicit purposes. For this reason, the Court recognized that Mexico has the right to sue on its own behalf and on behalf of its population,” the Foreign Ministry added.

“It is notable that the judge noted that Mexico successfully argued that the stores do not enjoy immunity for their negligent business practices. This decision is added to the favorable ruling of January 2024, issued within the framework of the first lawsuit presented by our country. In that ruling, a Court of Appeals ruled that weapons manufacturing companies do not enjoy immunity either and that they must respond for their conduct before a court,” the SRE emphasized.

“Following today's decision, the District Court can continue studying Mexico's claim. In the following stages, evidence will be presented to demonstrate the negligent conduct of the defendants, seeking to obtain compensation for the damage that will be determined by the judge," the Foreign Ministry detailed.

“Although the defendants have the right to file an appeal, today's decision is of great relevance for our country. "Mexico is convinced that it is supported by legal and moral reason in its legal actions against illicit arms trafficking, and will continue to promptly defend its interests and those of citizens through all means at its disposal," the SRE insisted.

Lawyers from Mexico, including Jonathan Lowy, president of Global Action on Gun Violence (GAGV) - a US-based gun control advocacy group - explained that they hoped to strengthen this case in court.

“Today's ruling is a big step toward holding the gun industry accountable for its contribution to gun violence and stopping the flood of guns being trafficked to cartels,” Lowy said in a statement.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. U.S. should file a law suit against Mex government for facilitating cover up on politicians receiving bribes, to export drugs to U.S..

    1. US politicians have their fallacies too

    2. Stylistically, awkward use of the word "fallacies".

    3. Thank you! The Mexican government is absolutely intertwined with drug trafficking so there should be in turn a lawsuit against them as well. How hypocritical it is of them to initiate this suit when everyone knows the government down there is a narco institution.

    4. You-all are a bunch of idiots.
      In order for a lawsuit to work there must be specific people and or departments or businesses that can be targeted for that lawsuit.
      In other words a blanket accusations simply because someone says all are involved means nothing.
      You cannot with one hundred percent certainty claim the entire Mexican states is in cahoots with cartels without having something to back it up.
      Word of mouth is not backing this up.
      Genaro Garcia Luna that helped Sinaloa grow is an example of a targeted accusation.
      Iran he was not the president of Mexico and Mexico s president when this Luna was in office was not accused of any crime.

    5. 8;33
      I totally understand what you're saying, they want to enrich themselves with lawsuit proceeds, whose pockets would the money 💰 go to if Mexican government would win the lawsuit?
      The US should sue them like you said, for letting Cartels send drugs to US, which kills alot of junkies yearly.

    6. You don't need one hundred percent certainty, all you need is enough evidence of a pattern of intent. Stop acting like you have been to law school.

    7. Good, us should be indicted we are the junkies, and we so greedy we sell guns to known crime org. These 5 places should be shut down. Our gov is shady AF and started all this drug addiction BS. Not Mexico. Purdue pharma and the gov started this fent crisis. Stfu u clowns

    8. A Barrack Hussain Obama nominated judge that rendered a preliminary ruling. Any surprise? No! This will go up on appeal and eventually to the Supremes where some sense of stare decisis will prevail, and this nonsense come to an end.

  2. Money ain’t gonna bring all them dead people back.

    1. But it will prevent future people from being killed. DUH!

    2. Who said it would?

    3. 11:58 your delusional

  3. Mexico needs to focus on they’re problems it would be a shame if a private militia team hit ALMO and his cronies don’t mess with our 2A in AZ we have some powerful families with deep political ties in AZ

    1. If you really think you can take out a president then by all means show us. Otherwise shut your fucking mouth dumb ass. Your militias ain't about shit either.

    2. Since when is Mexico a central American country. Last time I checked it was a North American country.

    3. 9:10 Next time you check you will notice that Central America is part of the North American continent.
      You've right about Mexico not being in Central America, but being half right don't cut it anymore.
      Get it together, porfa.

    4. Sol, right on point. These “entitled” people watch too many movies and think they can put a hit on anyone, just because they think it. Ignorants don’t even know their countries, nonetheless continents… North America = Canada, US, AND Mexico.

    5. Use you deep political ties to raise about 400mio USD for el presidente otherwise he goes bankrupt.

    6. 9:30; technically speaking Central America is a part of North America - but anyone whose got a 6th grade education and reads news and current events knows that Central America references the land between Mexico and South America.

    7. militias cant stop migrants let alone a president 🤣🤣🤣🤡😘

    8. A private militia? You are dumber than a box of rocks. I’ll tell you this, since ruby ridge any USA militia is full of undercover feds I guarantee that. They aren’t shit! They are playing army in the fucking woods! I am not sticking up for AMLO by any means. But, he didn’t start the mess. He is just president of now! The fake USA president who is also an international career criminal, has been a politician for what? 50 fucking years!? He did help create the mess in USA. His eulogy at the decades long KKK member politician who died years ago, and his signature 94’ crime bill that decimated the black community proves without a doubt he is a hardcore racist! Not to mention all the international and national grifting he has done for decades.

    9. 8:46 your AZ militas would get slaughterd and head chopped off by the Mexicans . Just like how Pancho Villa used to to the Americans

    10. Noriega had a whole army and what happened to him after the Panama invasion? Gadaffi as well. JFK? Think before you post something stupid amigo. Sad thing is that any money collected will not go to the Mexican people but the Narcos will sure enjoy better equipment and the Politicians will get a good slice as well. American Politicians are scumbags too just look at Joe Biden. God Bless.

    11. A private militia killed Haiti's president.

    12. 1:11 with the help of his wife, allegedly.

    13. 1:11 those were COLOMBIAN FORMER SPECOPS TURNED MERCENARIES! Not amateur militias larping as soldiers.

  4. Remember there was an article where, SEDENA claimed that they saw over 8, 000 weapons come into Mexico.
    Such B.S. to win a lawsuit. If they were at the border, why did they not stop and confiscate the weapons, since when does SEDENA man check points full time🤣😂.

    1. Does this also go for drugs going north?

    2. 9:12 - The 8,000 weapons SEDENA claimed came into Mexico from the U.S.A. were weapons that were retrieved from crime scenes or raids on cartel safe houses, and were then traced back to the U.S.A. Like you said SEDENA isn’t in charge of border checkpoints. Plus, you seriously think they would publicly announce that they saw 8,000 weapons at border checkpoints and just let them enter the country. Imagine the outcry from citizens and the ammunition AMLO’s political opponents would gain from this.

    3. 1:08 I read an article 2-3 weeks ago, that somehow SEDENA was at the checkpoints South, and saw 8,000 weapons come in, I to think it's a propaganda stunt, to get the USA to places to what Mexico wants. Since when have you they man check points South bound 24 hrs.

    4. 10:04 Resoundingly most drug overdoses occur with willing consumers of dope. On the contrary not a single one of the thousands of extorted, kidnapped, and unintended innocent victims from gun violence in Mexico were willing victims.

    5. Sedena itself admits that 30% of the weapons they import every year are sold to narcos via the black market in Mexico.

    6. 4:13 What!!! That can't be. 99.9% of the violent crimes in México are between criminals according to a poster that absolutely knows all the crime stats. Ask him. He goes by "anonymous", sometimes he writes his name in blue letters.
      What are "willing victims"?

    7. 11:46; Thank you 11:46 - there are no “willing victims” so you make 4:13s point decisively.

  5. Who is paying for the court costs on that bullshit. Gun companies dont give one fuck about deaths in usa much less abroad.

  6. The article sounds like a lawsuit is against the stores in Arizona that sell AR-15s.
    The previous lawsuit ALMO was going for the gun manufacturers..which he lost.

  7. Mis fuentes de information en sinaloa reportan que en Culiacan amanecio blindado de mantas departe de IAG deslindandose de los secuestros y publico 4 fotos de los responsables ademas de confirmar que no hay Guerra en culiacan ... Arriba la CH

  8. Supuestamente se metieron a robar ala casa de Ivan

    Un topon entre CDS y el cartel de Chiapas

    Unos muertos en Jalisco


  9. Not one death is valued in mexico or in the U.S coming from drugs. Drugs are like gold without any of the hard work

  10. The U.S. needs to improve treatment and education about drugs and add all of the I.R.S. agents to the Borders.

    1. 4:00🤔 Mijo then who is going to handle my income taxes, I am owed a refund. A lot of us depend on the IRS.

  11. Just another attempt by the Gun Control Lobby trying to destroy the second amendment. Ain’t gonna happen!


    1. I'm breaking rocks in the hot sun
      I fought the law and the law won

  12. To all you people who think something will come of this. Google what an LLC is and why it’s called a Limited Liability Company and then see that this aren’t gun manufacturers but only gun stores. This article is very misleading.

  13. These idiots don’t even realize what an LLC is. lol 😂

  14. The Lopez Obrador in interview is like a guessing game, after reading many articles, the homework now is to figure what is truth and what he is lying. He says he has a good relationship with Biden, when Biden became President, Obrador was having tantrums, that he did not want to congratulate him.
    Fentanyl is not produced in the US as he claims. If it was Cartels would not need to bring it to the US. He did not mention he got bribes from Cartels for his election campaign.

  15. Mexico seems to have a murder problem like the US drug problem.

  16. Understanding the realities in both nations, you have to chalk this up to judicial activism in the US. If it were the case that certain contraband were decriminalized in Mexico, export to the US would be the responsibility of the US to control. Arizona judges can't suggest that gun control through civil suits by foreign governments in Arizona is responsible behavior. They live in Arizona. The whole thing is sick and corrupt of its own accord through these mafia safety policies.


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