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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Columbia Court Seals 'NINI' Case

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 


The sources that provided information about him must have been reliable enough to seal the file, because any information or status of the petition will be kept secret to prevent information from leaking out that could hinder the process for Perez Salas to be taken to the United States, where he would face charges related to drug trafficking and criminal association.

Months before the arrest of Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas, el Nini, prosecutors from the US Department of Justice asked the District of Columbia court to seal the DEA's investigation to protect infiltrators within the Los Chapitos faction, who provided all kinds of information about Joaquín Guzmán Loera's sons and their main operators.

According to information partially declassified by a federal court in the District of Columbia, in the United States, the reports that reached the DEA investigators who were following the Nini closely were so good that they even mentioned data to identify them, and since many of them were still free, the court agreed to seal the case.

It was months after the arrest of Ovidio Guzmán López, El Ratón, in January 2023 in the Jesús María syndicate, that Judge Tanya S. Chutkan ordered that part of the file be reopened, but omitting names and sensitive information that could put the informants at risk and affect the eventual extradition of Pérez Salas.

The investigation confirms a rumor that has been circulating for years among the different factions that make up the Sinaloa Cartel, which states that the city of Culiacan and its surroundings is infiltrated and highly monitored by elements of the DEA, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives), and that they use paid informants and collaborators, as well as powerful drones that cannot be detected with the naked eye, to corroborate information about the drug lords' homes and vehicles.

"We have scanners, and every day we watch the government drones flying overhead, and we are alert," said a cell leader of a group associated with one of the cartel's factions.
In a recently filed motion that is part of file number 21-cr-146, filed in the District Court of Columbia, filed on April 13, 2023, it can be read that Judge Chutkan, notes that the indictment must remain sealed for security reasons, but approved the preparation of an alternate copy, made exclusively for the public interested in the case, but omitting sensitive information that puts informants, collaborators or protected witnesses at risk.

According to U.S. government statutes, when a person decides to collaborate with agents of the DEA, CIA, FBI, ICE or ATF, his real name or nickname is never used as a way to provide security and prevent him from being identified and killed by members of the cartel to which he belongs, for something the drug trafficking world calls "treason".

Subsequently, and depending on the agreements made with the American justice system, the informant or collaborator is given an identification number, which excludes his name, and then all his biographical data is taken, including name, date of birth, fingerprints, copy of his IDs, signature, photos; and if the informant is free, a payment is agreed upon, but if he is in prison, his sentence is reduced, or he is given benefits during the judicial process.

In the case of Nini, the sources that provided information about him must have been reliable enough to seal the file, besides the fact that to date there is an extradition request that has already been filed by the US State Department, but any information or status of the request will be kept sealed to prevent information from being leaked that could hinder the process for Perez Salas to be taken to the US, where he would face charges related to drug trafficking and criminal association.

Key piece

Analysts consulted for this report said that Nini's extradition is inevitable, due to the information he knows about the Chapitos faction, and that he will therefore be decisive during an eventual trial against Ovidio Guzmán López, or any other criminal belonging to that faction, since his testimony during a possible confrontation would sink any of them.

Mike Vigil, a former DEA agent in Mexico, pointed out that Perez Salas can indeed give a lot of information due to the closeness he had with Guzman Loera's sons, and without a doubt he knew which are the houses where they hide, who are the people in charge of security and how the leadership of that group is protected, and he can even clarify if the sons are still in the fentanyl business, as well as the routes used, and how they introduce precursors, who are the contacts.

"He can say many things, but the reality is that, although a testimony from Nini, is extremely strong, during a trial the prosecutors are not only going to take what he says before the jury, but they are going to need more witnesses who also say the same or something similar, and they are going to need evidence, because that is how it always happens, that is, they never use the information from a single informant, collaborator, but rather there are several," he said.

Perez Salas was arrested on November 22, 2023 during a military operation in Culiacan, where he was subdued while trying to escape through the roof of a house, but no one from his security team attempted to rescue him.

El Nini is accused not only of being one of Los Chapitos' main collaborators, but also of drug trafficking, including cocaine, and methamphetamines, illegal possession of semi-automatic firearms, and conspiracy to murder one or more people that Los Chapitos considered their enemies, including intimidation and threats.

The indictment specifies that, if Pérez Salas faces the U.S. government during a trial or reaches a plea agreement, the court will seek the forfeiture of money, goods and properties in his name to compensate for the damage done to the U.S. The indictment does not specify the amount of money prosecutors will forfeit.

Although the amount of money that prosecutors would forfeit is not specified, the indictment indicates that any property forfeited will be equal to a sum equal to the income obtained directly or indirectly from his drug trafficking activities and criminal work.

In a separate indictment, number 1:23-cr-00180, filed in federal court in the Southern District of New York, Pérez Salas is charged along with Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar, Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar, Óscar Noe Medina González, el Panu, whom U.S. authorities consider not only the top leadership of the criminal organization, but also the main persons responsible for trafficking fentanyl to the United States.

This accusation would eventually determine the alleged ban on fentanyl production by all the "independent" cooks in Culiacan, who, although they produced fentanyl on land controlled by people close to Guzman Loera's sons, did not report to them, which is why those who disobeyed were executed.

Perez Salas represents the main card to unravel that reality, but at the same time a strong testimony for an eventual judicial confrontation against the criminal structure formed by Los Chapitos, which includes more than 20 people accused of drug trafficking, in addition to four citizens of Chinese origin.

Article published on March 10, 2024, in the 1102 edition of the weekly Ríodoce.


  1. Let the finger pointing 🫵 begin lol. I’m sure he’s gonna tell specially if the chapitos gave him up. Got betrayed.

    1. 4:20 they were already on his tail. Chapos didn’t turn him in

    2. Yeah ok jajaja 6:19. Star witness #1 step on up and return the favor Sinaloa style.

    3. @6:19 they gave him up that’s why he had no security with him. The people were told to stand down because he was making too many mistakes. If he was just a head of security and sending some loads up north he would still be free, but he wanted all the fame. It’s makes me laugh that these guys are facing life sentences, and be on IG or tik Tok. Like make your millions, and retire from the game then make a social media account. Look at the original chino made millions, and then got out the game, and travels the world now days

    4. So the story goes..

    5. 4:20 and 8:31..if this guys knows as much as you both say he does,and can cause the chaps to lose their freedom or worst,and was fucking up like you say,wouldn't it have been smarter/safer to kill the guy and not arouse his anger by getting him arrested? Think.

    6. Dude is a patsy

    7. Who’s the original Chino?

      The only person I think of when I hear that is Chino Antrax

      Or do you mean Vicente Zambada? He’s not exactly traveling in the chino style lol - looked like first class or coach commercial with a US marshal

    8. Cuando los arrestan se les quita lo muy "riatita".

    9. @10:11 I think he is talking about el Chino Boricua

  2. He's gonna 🗣️.

  3. Dude has a big ego

  4. This is a great read

    But RIO DOCE as great as they are sometimes follows the coverage of these cases in a way that is either deliberately unaware or unintentionally

    But it’s common to seal these cases. It’s not the indictment that’s sealed it’s the sensitive info on the charging documents beyond the formalities of who did what and where

    It’s part of the discovery process that defense counsel will ask for that to be unsealed

    1. Always enjoy reading your comments and insights . I feel like you are one of the few that actually contribute something to BB in the comments. Saludos

    2. J is an OG, you can delve into BB articles he wrote 10-12 years ago in the archives..
      The cat's got a comprehensive memory, and it's a fool's errand to try to pass any nonsensical blather past his critical eye..

    3. Correct my friend the names and other info is always sealed until the defense is going to trial then they are required to release info. Unless the snitch is good enough for the material to be labeled classified

    4. saludos to everyone above for the compliments, thanks.

      on the discovery, in the complaint/search warrant applications, if the documents describe CW or cooperating witnesses, it would easy to put the dates and
      circumstances together for Nini

      example: on July 23rd 2022: CW called defendant PEREZ SALAS to verify that the approx 150,000 "M30" were in TIJUANA and called on July 24th 2022 to confirm the pills were en route to LOS ANGELES

  5. Hahahahaha el Pérez

  6. El Nini the rat/snitch. All the murders he committed and might do little time in jail.

  7. Mayo says you gotta go. You gotta go.

  8. These are all lies according to their corridors. They are men of respect. With morals and never tell on anyone. they all grew up poor. Got into the business to because of necessity. They don’t send info to the DEA. They do not backstab each other corridors don’t lie

  9. Did bb ever cover the attempted rescue of Chubetos son after he was arrested? That would produce some great insight from Sonorenses on here.

    1. Put the link carnal sounds interesting. Sonora that’s another pressure cooker

  10. Nini se quema por ir a los Estados Unidos para hundir a los chapos.

  11. Chapos are probably all stressed out knowing that he’s going to U.S.

    1. My thinking is maybe they don't want him to leave alive. That could be easy enough to arrange. They let him get picked up, knowing cooperation was a real possibility.

      but really it all comes down to the pols

      transfer of power is this year. AMLO's deputy will be stepping up, and if Ivan and his group stay low, keep paying, they won't be going anywhere until a ranking politician gives the ok.

      it all has to be worked out to some degree.

    2. Let's not forget OVIDIO ... where does he fit into all of this??

  12. Sapitos biggest mistake and now nightmare

  13. If nini doesn’t snitch on Ivan he is a foool Ivan turned him in so fast lol

  14. Nothing new here , rats will be rats

  15. 180-480 months for both Ovidio and Nini. Whole USA based distribution networks that source their narcotics from Chapitos will be given up. Paredes in AZ y AP?
    Bet they do something similar to what OCG worked out. If that isn't enough collaborating politicos y militares would also be given up. Sonora based being first.
    Presidential elections are coming up in both countries. One administration definitely has more to prove to convince the voters.

    1. Nini will be out in 10-12 if he leaves Mexico. He plead guilty and gets 25yr, and then for the next 7/8yr he is held in snitch prisons, or a military base while he gives info on olvidio, Iván, ect. Once he gets them convicted he will probably have 10/14yr cut from sentence. His wife and kids come from a family of heavy weights that Iván can’t go after without some real issues in CDS. All nini really needs to do is say the brothers gave him the product to move up north, and he was following orders

    2. 10:49 I think Nini was "given up" so Ovidio isn't solely blamed and punished for the fentanyl.

    3. What exactly is going on with Ovidio?

      He was supposed to have a status hearing last November and it’s been crickets since…

    4. Continuation

  16. Nini’s double chin tho

    1. Chicken Little is finally now a rooster..

  17. Damm he gonn get like 10 yrs in the feds and sing like a canary about my boy Ivan Archibald and go into witness protection.. Damm la CH better whack his ass lol

  18. Lemme guess, he ends up getting Chino’ed.

  19. Arriba la plebada del 19..

    1. Arriba y derechito en el witness stand.

  20. Does anyone know if nini actually made any money? Like would he be set if he can cooperate and evtnually get out?

    1. Its a dog eat dog world out there what goes around comes around

    2. Poor stray dogs, they are abandon by their owners, tied to a tree to die, until one frees him, but now left to find scraps of food, on the streets, they have to put up with the constant gunfire heard through our the town, sometime there is nothing to eat, that they will find a corpse, and eat what can be eaten, there's no dog Pound, to pick up the stray dogs, instead people call the local fire department to do something about the strays.
      Lino de Tijuana

  21. Chapo gave up alfredo beltran and la puerca Nini's father in law now nini is behind bars thanks to los chapitos but guess what? Mayo gave up chapo now los chapitos are next

    1. Le servian mas los beltran y Fernandez al mayo que el chapo

    2. Wth are yu talking about Fernandez answered to Chapo

    3. 723 Joaquin had more power but Fernandez had more lines/customers/money

    4. 2:58 negativo. Eran línea directa del 701. Los del mz que se entregaron serían el Chino, los Torres, los Ms, etc

  22. A sealed discovery. Those informants are super active in Culiacan bravo. Uncle Sam wants to further increase his paranoia, insecuritie, doubts and his chances of him flipping the sooner the better.

    1. I’m sure many are playing both sides as well..

    2. Can you elaborate more?? 6:08

    3. 311 He means. There are rogue agents from the ABCs giving intel to drug traffickers. Counter intelligence on ***probable/possible informants. As discrete and incognito as possible go not jeopardize anyone. Everyone has a price, humans are flawed.

  23. It’s probably mayos himself


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