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Thursday, May 11, 2023

Senator Asks DEA To Propose to AMLO "Deal He Can't Refuse" And US To Attack Drug Traffickers In MX

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

John Neely Kennedy, senator for Louisiana and Republican Party militant, asked Anne Milgram, director of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), on May 10, 2023, to propose to President Andr茅s Manuel L贸pez Obrador, a "deal that cannot be refused", so that the politician from Tabasco accepts a U.S. military intervention in Mexican territory, to fight the drug cartels responsible for the fentanyl crisis.

During a session with Milgram and Christopher Wray, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), some Republican legislators assured that this was the best option to protect the safety and health of U.S. citizens.

In his speech, Kennedy assured that, at present, the fentanyl coming into the United States comes from Mexican drug traffickers. According to the Republican senator, "it is a fact" that if President L贸pez Obrador agreed to allow the U.S. military to enter Mexico, they could "work together" against the trafficking of this synthetic drug.

On at least four occasions, Kennedy questioned the head of the U.S. Department of Justice agency that such action would be the one that could end drug trafficking into the United States.

In response, he called on the DEA and President Joseph Biden to make a deal "that cannot be refused" with the politician from Tabasco, to allow U.S. military and police forces to enter Mexico and "put an end to the cartels" and the fentanyl trafficking.

"Without the people of the United States, Mexico figuratively speaking would be eating cat food out of a can and living in a tent behind an outhouse, so why won't you [Milgram] or the president [Biden], without embarrassing anyone, pick up the phone and call President L贸pez Obrador, and make him a deal he can't refuse, to allow our military and our law enforcement officers to come into Mexico and work with his to stop the cartels?" said the senator.

Kennedy also demanded that the DEA director ask Biden to make a deal with the president of Mexico, because, according to him, they knew that Lopez Obrador "has neither the capacity, nor the will, to stop the cartels" of drug trafficking.

Zeta Tijuana


  1. Replies
    1. OFFER THEM MONEY to bring up the peso just a little bit and BOOM with the EXCHANGE RATE the US DEBT will PAY itself. You people really need to act better towards humans. Thank me later

    2. We've already been there, done that, conquered, and left. It will be far easier to win the war, but not the peace. The question will be who/what comes in the power vacuum. Just another mob de whatever and maybe more powerful and corrupt than the one replaced.

    3. disstabalize mexico like iraq. like calderon

    4. As others have commented, it is of course an atrocious idea and an insult to the Mexican people. But Senator Kennedy isn't thinking about any of that--he is pandering to the absurd and uneducated "shoot first" MAGA base. He has degrees from Vanderbilt, UOV and Magdalen at Oxford, but he acts and talks like he never made it beyond home schooling in a Louisiana trailer park and the Trump supporters eat it up.

    5. @1018 insult to the Mexican people ? So ignorant and shallow in your thinking you are. Your a racist fool !

  2. Tienen que pedir permiso. Mientras tanto se la van a peinar a M茅xico. 馃槀

    1. "Eat cat food out of a can"

    2. Sol , right now they are asking maybe soon they won’t ask and just do the US is pretty good at showing you where they are going if they are “talking about “ military intervention then I’m thinking they aren’t far from actually doing it.

    3. 11:03 guys please before you comment be sure you are not under the influence of any drugs

    4. The thing here is that stupid ass warhawks like this idiot, Kennedy, don't understand that if we just went to Mexico to "destroy" the cartels, we'd be walking into another Colombia or Afghanistan to a fault. These moron republicans don't seem to grasp that fentanyl is something a shit tons of their own constituents want to forget their miserable lives with, and even take it. The cartels, gangs up here, and the local hustlers are only happy to provide it for a fee. Also, mexico is getting it from China through clandestine ways.

    5. 11:04 Agreed, a hard rain is coming to Mexico and its narco politicians and paymasters'. The US has taken out foreign governments and countries for far less

    6. The US will never set foot in Mexico unless they want an all out War like they have never seen before . Mexico didn't beat France just because , and the US is good a sending soldiers over seas but this war would be one where they cant cover the sun with the tip of their fingers . There are millions of Mexicans in the US already.

    7. Bruh! Mexico is the US puppets , simple. And what’s the problem? What is Mexico afraid of ? Progress ? Civility ? Mexico is corrupt as shit! As a Mexican/American . I do hope the US goes into Mexico and cleans the shit and scum out of there! Which they can do!

      What did that fucken idiot president say? Hugs to the cartel and not bullets ?!! Fucken idiot. While they slaughter innocent people..

    8. Wonder why the Elmo internet influencers are not heavy in here, I guess the cheapskate pay was low, Tortas con Jamon did cut it.

    9. 6:41, lets put it this way, the US would be done by the Sabbath day!

    10. 209 those are NeoCon Republicans
      Maga Republicans don’t want war, they just to kill drug dealers with the death penalty .
      That’s Democrats who are supporting Ukraine vs Russia.

    11. It's simple. USA will just attack during siesta once again. It worked for Texas.

    12. 7:40 Used to be*, not anymore, simple. And there is no way thats happening. US would defeat Mexico, but collapsing its own economy. By the other hand opening the door to China and Russia, they would love to cooperate and install military facilities VERY near to the US border. Proximity to US is Mexico's best shield.

    13. 1:00 Worked because Mexico was a weak nation after defeating spaniards during independence era. US companies had no interests by that time... Impossible now days. But still good material for a tv show or a youtube channel.

    14. Oh yeah, the U.S. would be done by the sabbath, lol. It's only the most advanced fighting force in the history of the world. Uneducated hoodsters are grossly misinformed.

    15. 641 lol Mexico beat France lmao
      France has never won a war and Mexico doesn’t have a military lol

    16. 11:49 Mexico have a military now... And never a good idea to start shit next to your own home, can be risky and worthless... Real life is not like tv shows.

    17. I'm Mexican and Mexico probably would have benefited if the French won. We would be French now.

    18. @4:09 who the fuck wants to be French??? Lmao

    19. 6:48
      La elegancia de la francia...

  3. It's astonishing to me that the American government continues to act as if the Mexican government is not criminal in nature. Mexico has no desire to eliminate any cartel except those it does not favor or profit. That's a fact.

    1. Same for the US bozo. Tens of billions in seized money and assets. Half the police force wouldn’t have a job. No more cool shiny toys for the piglets. Prisons would have less non-violent drug offenders ( that’s 50% of prisoners). The prison industrial complex would collapse if they ever called off this fugazi “war on drugs”

    2. What are you talking about ? Literally every single cartel in Mexico has been targeted by the military under AMLO’s presidency. Ovidio Guzm谩n is currently in prison waiting to be extradited. El Mencho’s brother was arrested in December and is also currently in prison, plus let’s not forget that the military hunted down and killed El M2 from CJNG. “El Lupe” Tapia Quintero from Mayo Zambada’s group was captured earlier this year. The leader of CSRL, El Marro, was captured and has already been sentenced to 60 years in prison. The leader of CDN, El Huevo, was captured and extradited to the U.S.A. The two sons of El Contador from CDG we’re just captured recently. One of the leaders of LFM, El Pez, was almost captured by the military two months ago in Guerrero, but unfortunately he was able to escape. El Guano, brother of El Chapo, was being hunted by the military earlier this year as well. There’s a bunch more examples, but I think this is a good enough list for now. I don’t hate or love AMLO, but I genuinely don’t know how anyone can say that the Mexican government is on a cartel’s payroll when practically every single cartel in Mexico has been targeted by the military under AMLO’s presidency.

    3. The American government in itself is pretty criminal, and let's corruption and criminality flourish. If it wasn't so, someone like trump would already be in the slammer for his corruption. They just like their corruption to be silent.

    4. 1:10 talk about fake news 馃ぃ馃槶.
      I can't stop laughing at your remarks, you made my Friday.
      Quote "every cartel has been targeted by the military". If so why does the body count averages 35,000 on ALMOs watch yearly. Obviously the US sees cartel crime getting out of hand and since the government of Mexico does minimum, they it be great US gets involved. I am happy you made my day, I can see through your smokescreen.

    5. 6:51 - What ? How is it fake news ? Are the high profile arrests that I mentioned not true ? Is Ovidio Guzm谩n not in prison right now ? Is El Mencho’s brother not in prison ? Was El Contador’s sons not arrested recently ? Was El Huevo not extradited to the U.S.A. ? Is El Marro not in prison ? Everything I mentioned is public information. If I am lying, please provide me a source that states that Ovidio was released from prison or that El Contador’s sons have already been let go.
      Also, how does Mexico having a high body count debunk anything I said about practically every cartel being targeted under AMLO’s presidency ? Again, did the high profile arrests for all these different cartels that I mention not happen ? Please explain to me the connection you are trying to make because I genuinely don’t see it. And you do realize that if the U.S. does get involved militarily, that’s only going to lead to more killings right ?

      As for why the body count is so high, maybe it has something to do with the fact that despite their leaders getting arrested, these cartels still have thousands of members. One will eventually just take over and the cycle continues. The killings never stop between rival cartels and law enforcement. But that still doesn’t change the fact that practically every cartel has been targeted during AMLO’s presidency. So once again, I don’t know how anyone can say AMLO is on any cartels payroll. If the cartels are still operating despite their leaders being arrested, then maybe, and I know this is going to come as a shock to Americans, maybe taking military action doesn’t solve anything. I mean it’s not like the Mexican military has been trying military action for the last 15 years, right ?

  4. This moron thinks its so simple to have usa forces in mex. Mex knows once tentacles have been invited in, hard to remove 100%. Upper crust wont stand for it either, too much money in their pockets right now just as things are.

    1. The US is the most powerful country in the world, if the US wants they can invade and Mexico won't do nada lol馃き馃槅

    2. It’s actually quite simple. It would cost very little compared to a deployment overseas. The cartels would pretty much fold faster than Saddam Hussein’s brave troops.

    3. No Sir , Mexico wouldn't allow the US to get away with it. Mexico has very close relationships with Russia and China .Theres a reason why Mexico didn't participate in sanctioning Russia for its war on Ukraine. Not to mention the huge armies which are the cartels - battle experienced- would align quickly with the Mexican goverment , they are already partners . Russia and China would gladly supply Mexico with advanced war machines similar to how the US is doing in Ukraine and poom after years of fighting the US would only be a shell of what it once was . China would come in at the end and claim US as their territory . Both Mexico and US would lose .

    4. 6:52
      sorry, china and russia won't be sending any war machines because mexican maritime ports will be quarantined, or blockaded, and mexican airspace ruled over by vigilant Navy jets and patient air force bombers..
      Mexicans are a proud breed, as well they should be, and I can dig it..
      there ain't gonna be no war, but if there was, you gotta face reality, militarily, the matchup is like T.J. Cholos vs. Champions League..
      I'm a white guy, so I can't really speak for chicanos, but I wonder if just because folks speak mexican at home and eat tamales on Christmas Eve, does that guarantee who they're gonna be rooting for in the war?..

    5. They send all the presents to Venezuela and than on foot all the way up north. Its like back in the days in vietnam. America will do nothing, and you know it.

    6. For all of those who claim USA will invade Mexico, try it... Make sure to come along, fuck the typing

    7. 652 because it’s a propaganda war!!

    8. 11:23 "The US is the most powerful country in the world, if the US wants they can invade and Mexico won't do nada lol".... unless they want chinese and russian bases all over the border from Cali to Texas, and all commerce would make the US collapse, dont think canadians would full fill that space... on a realistic scenario thats not happening. But good for more netflix material.

    9. 12:29 the US can have its way with Mexico. Russia China Bahahahaha

    10. The US depends too much on Mexico without them they would essentially be shooting themselves in the foot .

    11. America fought five major wars after 1945 including Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghanistan in addition to some minor wars in Somalia, Yemen, and Libya. Except for the Gulf War in 1991, America lost all other wars. JUST FYI!

    12. The US took it over once, it might happen again.
      I wouldn't be surprised
      The US is getting their asd kicked financially and strategically iftom Chinese and Russians

    13. 7:39
      Don't forget, u.s. bitch-slapped Grenada under Ronald Ray-gun and bombed the poor neighborhoods in Panama under old man Bush..
      Lebanon didn't work out too good..

    14. 7:48 Guess when... what was Mexico facing by then.... Not the same scenario, would collapse their own economy, and the list is long.

    15. This is a cut and dry subject. Mexico has zero nuclear weapons. Don’t even possess the capability to create one. Before an actual invasion to take place the president will make sure all the cartel are gone. Because I’m the end no one wants foreign soldiers killing up and raping up their territories. Negotiating surrenders or sending Marines to kill them would be Almos only option, or risk total war on all his people, the good with the bad. But. This is political posturing trying to make ELMO bend. And he’s got to posture back and make it all look real and like he’s standing up to the evil nation. ALL OF IT BOTH SIDES IS PROPAGANDA PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

    16. 8:35 You are missing the whole point by thinking the only subject is the military.... you forget about politics, diplomacy, economics, US actual situation and so on.... This is not a poor country in Africa.... Definitively this is a war where the main looser would be the US. Starting a fight next to your own territory isnt that bright.

  5. Mexico has all the resources and minerals to be a top power. Just in avocados it’s a billion dollar business that’s why they boycotted it and couldn’t keep up with the demand. California couldn’t push out the import amounts.

    1. first thing special forces elite shock and awe paratroopers will do is secure the avocado Huertas..
      "Silver stars upon their chests
      These are men, america's best
      Fighting soldiers from the sky
      Fearless men who jump and die
      Men who mean just what they say
      The brave men of the Green beret"..
      Barry Sadler

  6. I got an idea 馃挕
    Why not attack the drug dealers in the US?
    These guys are so full of 馃挬
    The DEA works with cartels and will not end the drug pandemic.
    Money has to be flowing like drugs through these junkies veins

    1. They are,
      Trump wants the death penalty for drug dealers.
      Also republicans tried to pass harder penalties for drug dealers.
      But Booker the democrat rejected it

    2. 11:18 of course it won't ever happen. Not unless people take a stance instead of blaming Mexico for its drug problems

    3. 11:18
      Y'all man ya point is not da valid.
      Trumpeting is not president 馃槀馃槀馃お.

  7. Now, the 3 letters are making offers you cant refuse to a president in a sovereign country. Again, the US cant control its drug problem so its MX fault.

  8. Why do these dumb senators think it's just simple to go to war with Cartel's? They'll be U.S. casualties if they ever decide to go to war with cartel's in Mexico..

    1. Don’t forget the revenge attacks by Mexicans on US soil, the massive kidnappings/ executions of US expats in Mexico. Russia and China would back up Mexico with weapons.

  9. John Kennedy?
    I thought they shot him and his brother Bobby back in the day..
    I dunno who writes this maniac's material, but the cat food quote should go down in history as an instant classic, historians generations from now might write about the invasion of 2024 as the "Whiskas War"..

  10. Sounds good. It will never happen. Also, the whole eating cat food is stupid af. Do your hw mr “senator” . Mexico has the 14th largest GDP in the world.

    In 2021, Mexico was the world's biggest exporter of Delivery Trucks ($27.1B), Beer ($5.49B), Tropical Fruits ($3.8B), Other Vegetables ($3.25B), and Tomatoes ($2.57B)

    Foh. Mexico is a rich nation. The political corruption hasn’t let Mexico progress the way it should.

    1. 1:26 You forgot about oil, gas, silver, metals, and have lithium into consideration.

    2. Mexico has a GDP that's just half of Canadas

    3. 5:35
      Mexico's GDP is almost that of Russia's.

    4. But only a few families ever get to touch it. All the presidents pilfer it. Sad how democracy is another name for GREED

  11. when AMLO wakes up one morning with a horse's head in his bed, it will finally dawn on him that the gringos ain't playin'..

  12. I agree with every point he makes. The time for talking nicely is long gone

    1. If the politician keep this up Mexicans will stop cooperating with the US. They need to figure something civil because all this insulting the Mexican people is plain ignorant.

  13. Another loudmouth chickenhawk...

  14. Republicans wet dream- turning Mexico into a lil Vietnam

  15. Why don't they attack who sends it over China馃槄馃ぃ馃槀馃ぃ馃槀scared?

    1. These dumb ass politicians honestly don't know what the fuck they're saying. They need to redirect their anger towards that piece of shit country of China.

    2. China is helping turn Mexico into shit so let’s clean up the closest pile first. Joe Biden ain’t gonna do anything with China …
      He is not a wartime president

    3. Bush and Obama were presidents of war. They were all about that life. Hell yeah son. That's what we need. Men of war. We don't need Trump. All he wants to do is talk shit and fuck ugly bitches on the side. 馃ぃ

    4. The problem is that china is already to big to defeat them on the battlefield. and chinese are more united(able to suffer) than the americans. Half is woke and the other half gets played while to dumb to understand what’s happening.

    5. Mexico's government is the cause of your countries problems, nobody else. Get angry with them and face reality

    6. 857 China is Not united.
      People are ready to Rebel at any moment the CCP shows weakness.
      Y’all don’t know politics lol

    7. Y'all kiss my grits.
      Me hill billy from Tennessee.

    8. @8:57am. The numbers are mind-boggling. China could lose 500 million (!) people in a war and still have more people than the combined population of Canada, the US and Mexico.

    9. china can't project power away from their shores..
      they have ONE functional aircraft carrier, ferpetessakes, u.s. has 11 aircraft and 9 helicopter carriers, japan has 4, france 4, england working on its 3rd..
      China's odds don't look that good..

    10. 1:10
      The hippies at Stephen Gaskin's "farm" in Tennessee treated me like family some decades back..
      The regular hicks throughout Tennessee were neighborly, too, down to earth folks as I recall..

    11. China's military is a paper tiger. Years ago it's troops ran scared as UN peacekeepers, it was a national embarrassment.

    12. Y’all also need to google nuclear weapons. China possesses plenty. If a war were to break out just like the one now. It can spiral into WWIII in no time. And all the players have nuclear weapons. So no war is not what anyone needs.

  16. Too many USA investments in Mexico..Too many ex pats in Mexico .. Too much at stake . USA electrical car goal depends in Mexico. They have invested heavily in electric infrastructure near the dessert borders. Plus the USA profits frim the drug trade here in the USA

    1. So Mexico's economy is very vulnerable to the US

    2. 10:27 of them.... member when governor abbot closed the border... didnt lasted more than few hours... big companies will not allow it.

    3. The US needs its drugs and fruits and vegetables from Mexico so the border won't EVER close

    4. 7:51 Banks, technology, oil, gas, mines, energy, automotive, agriculture, and list goes on.... not just fruits and vegetables, which Mexico mostly consumes from the US...

      "US Will Ask Mexico for Formal Talks, Escalating Fight Over GMO Corn" -Bloomberg, March 2023.

  17. How about make a bill to stop selling guns. That's the number 1 thing that is screwing up America. USA is always going to be hungry for drugs. Politics? Stop it

    1. Keep dreaming, we have the right to bears arms, for protection and loss of life vs. Mexico the government don't want it's law abiding citizens to have guns.

    2. 806 bro believes in the media hype about guns jajaja. Bro you know they’re counting gangsters shooting each other as part of that number

    3. 8:51 the only real difference between the USA and M茅xico is what calibers the civilian population can legally purchase. The processes of each USA state can be substantially different in comparison so keep that in mind. If you understand Spanish this is a good YouTube channel to inform yourself about legal gun purchase, possession and use in M茅xico: ADF360MX

  18. What a fucking idiot. The entire GOP has been infiltrated by stupidity. He wants to keep the US safer from fentanyl? Take all the money he'd be willing to authorize for military intervention and put it into mental health and drug treatment. Reduce the demand. I don't agree with AMLO on hardly anything, but he's right....the root of the problem is the USA's insatiable demand for drugs. Sure, it's exacerbated by the supply coming from Mexico, but nobody is holding a gun to American heads forcing them to take drugs.

  19. American can lend 20 drones to Mexico if Mexico really serious combating cartels. Mexican leaders are not serious about it, my opinion.

    1. Today is Friday yippie kajay!
      Party after work.

    2. National Guard preparing to acquire fleet of 200 drones - Mexico News Daily

      I guess you missed the headline.

    3. 9:38 ya sure Mexico will use it? Or maybe going to spy on it’s own citizens. Lol

    4. 1029, I don't see why they wouldn't use them. If we consider the number of top cartel leaders captured under this administration, I don't see why they wouldn't be serious about combating organized crime. AMLO is more serious about capturing cartel trash than the U.S is about preventing drug consumption, and that's a fact.

    5. 10:43 let’s see if amlo is serious. I do agree american government are not serious of stopping drug use of its citizens. Americans are the biggest drug consumers in the world.

    6. 11:35 getting serious since 2018... American politicians are a joke now days.

    7. LOL @1135. The U.S media paints a different picture. They're out to make AMLO seem like he's incompetent. It's quite the opposite, AMLO is a threat, but not a threat like a dictator. He's a threat like, if he fixes these social problems then how will those who fianacially benefit from those social problems continue to make money. Less drugs on the market means less government funding to drug rehab programs.

    8. 12:59 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃgetting serious while lining his own pockets

    9. 212 i bet u can't give me 1 example of how he lined his own pockets.

    10. 2:37 Well.... this is a free country and he has the right to express his opinions and feelings, with no way to support, of course.

    11. All politicians steal. They practically have a license to. Why do you think they campaigned and grinned and smiled and lied in peoples face for ? To get elected and have access to all the bags of government expenditures. I swear y’all must be in 7 th grade to believe their are any honest politicians. That’s why they are always in cohorts with the cartels. Birds of a feather flock together.

    12. 8:50 Is a very 7th grade thing to assume EVERYONE is the same. Every generalization have an error.

  20. "...Without the people of the United States, Mexico figuratively speaking would be eating cat food out of a can and living in a tent behind an interior..."

    Did this guy really say that? Ironically its quite the opposite. The large majority of produce comes from down south. The minute that stops expect to be paying $10 for a pound of tomatoes.

  21. Sounds like the cia is behind all this guess mexico is a real power threat to the us

    1. 9:20
      "Who can train guerrillas by the dozens?
      Send them out to kill their untrained cousins?"
      Fucking-A man,
      CIA Man!

  22. Do you honestly believe these American Politicians care about the drug addicts at skid row who are strung out on fentanyl? LOL, I can already see these Senators, going down there and giving the dirty homeless Mother Theresa hugs and forehead kisses, talking about, "we're gonna get them Mexicans that turned you into this!" By the way, Politicians could give a rats ass about drug addicts. Let's be honest, they wouldn't touch a homeless man with a ten foot pole, they'd be repulsed by them.

    1. 1048. LOL. This is how much the U.S cares to solve the drug consumption problem. 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ

    2. 9:36 the best comment yet only people like you understand how this society works drugs enter the states money is funded to stop it! If drugs don’t enter the states “cops” will be laid off by thousands which they will never allow

  23. Lol. Republicans are so funny. As dumb as they are they sure are entertaining. Guess all the racist Republicans are getting together like the mob and comming up with an offer almo can't refuse. Are the Republicans forming there own cartel. New federation comming soon..... 馃ぃ馃ぃ

    1. Getting votes... Remember when Trump said mexicans were rapists and "bad hombres", also that mexico was going to pay for a wall, never happened.

    2. 12:57 wake up we are in 2023.
      Your Pappa Trump is not president 馃槀.

  24. Like n.o. gonna make a diff. Lol guess all the states where you fuck your sister are getting together to form an elite group. ALMO should be worried. Hahahahahhahaahahahhah

  25. This guy from Louisiana should worry about fighting crime and drug use in his home state especially new Orleans and on Bourbon Street so what does he know about south Texas and Mexico? Dumb hick coonass.

    1. He knows Cartels are taking over Mexico, and Elmo does a rats azz, about the situation, since bribes are given.

    2. Senators don’t control state police bro, lol. You know major cities like New Orlens are controlled by democrats right?

    3. 10:48 Which "cartels" and bribes are you referring to?

  26. Fuck this racist shit!
    Americans claimed that during the opioid crisis hospitals were partly responsible for the addiction of American.
    What about fentanyl?
    Are hospitals partly to balme also?
    Or is this shit simply Americans that can't keep shit out their noses and mouths and shit???

    1. Amen! American love to blame others, instead of looking at itself in the mirror.

    2. The complete truth is US started all this. PURDUE PHARMA started and got bailed out by the US and blame Mexico for filling a void created bye American billionaires. It's pretty American to find a product people like and monopolize it. And as much as Mexico is responsible so are we as Americans for having an appetite for fent. In the place I live people love fent raw, 30s whatever people love that shit despite the deaths. I def think we should focus on American street gang s amd the cartel people living and operating here right now as we speak. Or the American citizens who sell guns to cartels. Or how bout the fact we basicly have a mass shooting every month or so. Mass shooting s happen so much its actually normal. Witch is fucked. We have way bigger problems here. Not like drugs are going away ever. O yea I agree with your statement. Lol

    3. Get a job racist lazy macho man. Do something positive for Mexico instead of flap your ridiculous ignorant mouth.

  27. Cosecha que no se venda ni el m谩s pendejo la siembra!

    Let’s say that this next winter coming up everyone in Mexico starts asking for snow and the us starts selling it to Mexico and then a high percentage of those Mexicans start freezing to death and then Mexican start making statements like it’s the us fault we’re freezing to death from all the snow they’re sending us

    1. I like 馃ぉ to play in the sand , I like the ⛱️ beach, I like to see the Blue water.

    2. 1147 judging by all of your comments, it appears to me like you ate crayons and play-doh for snack time as a child.

    3. really stupid analogy......snow ? freezing to death ?? ignorant ....

  28. USA wants to fix Mexico, I vote for the US Military go get rid of the Cartels.

    1. 11:54 Thats impossible, just like the wall on the border paid by Mexico... But keep dreaming please

    2. The so called War on Drugs is a farce. If the US wants to cut Mexico out they should legalize drugs. Just like legalized gambling there are literally hundreds of millions in tax revenue to be had. Attacking Cartels would be a never ending mission. Would the US go after the fuel cartels? How about the Avocado Cartels. Precious metals?? On and on and on it goes. This is quite simply a matter of supply (MX) and demand (USA). IF drugs were legalized here addicts could get their fix in a nice safe clinic instead of meeting some gangsters behind a Lowes at 4am. Canada has come up with some really interesting solutions to the OD problem. Addicts can shoot up in and then be medically monitored in a nice clean clinic. The USA is already in the drug business. They allow the sales (mostly via medical insurance) of Methadone and Suboxone. Both very powerful Opioids. Legalization does not require Mexico's approval nor waiving it's sovereignty. If Mexico were to lose even a sliver of its illicit drug trade we're talking millions and millions of dollars. With that sliver sample the US would have irrefutable evidence that legalization and monitoring are the safest, smartest, and hands down the best way to combat illegal drugs here in the US. Just my opinion.

    3. 9:50 Mexico and Latin America dont have a heavy use of drugs, just like US and Canada. US should copy Canadian policies when it comes to drugs and immigration.

    4. God I hope not. The USA is a free republic not a socialist communist state. How many people are dying to get into Canada or Mexico....I wish they would take all their asses to Canada. People in Mexico are too busy trying to feed themselves in a failed state ran by corruption and cartels. Another stupid statement.

    5. 12:58 Although usage of drugs exists in Latin America, rates are not comparable to the ones oft the US and Canada. You can use any source you which, not a secret. By the other hand, Mexico leads in alcohol consumption.

    6. 3:25 People who uses terms like "socialist" communist" or similar, dont seem to understand the concept and difference. Looks like you are describing the US when it comes to people trying to feed them selves.... You never been in Mexico in your life...

  29. This is going to happen I think. Because of the business being conducted in between both countries. And think on it. Why are they allowing sooo many central Americans in to the US... To replace Mexicans in the work force

  30. I will propose for AMLO to tell him to fuck himself. Mexico will not kiss anyone’s ass.

  31. It’s actually already been done Guillermo Calderoni was a Mexican, federal police officer, and he and several DEA agents and military pilots flew Blackhawk helicopters into Pablo Acosta’s strong hold near the Mexican town of Boquillas. According to reports in OJ all of Pablo’s men allegedly 300 but I don’t believe that gave up and ran though many of them were shot anyway. They had the land and rushed the house where Pablo was, and true to his word. He went down with his trusty 45 in his hand.

    That being said, the United States, will never conduct a military action into Mexico, and even if they did, and killed thousands of cartel members, let’s say later on today and tomorrow by Monday morning other people will be trafficking drugs from Mexico to the United States and to Europe. No amount of interdiction is ever going to win the drug war. It’s always just going to make it worse. Because it puts more money into the equation e.g., more profits. There’s simply too much money involved. You need to devise a systematic process that allows you to manage drugs as a government because you’re never going to completely get rid of them not via interdiction anyway.

    1. I have an itch on my butt, hope no mosquitoe bit me.

    2. Who needs Mexico ? 200 lbs of very hard to get precursors delivered to USA. Process, cut & press into pills =millions in street sales


    The Ma帽anera response to the idiot senator.

    1. He straight up called the senator ignorant a few times. Yea, sit yo ass down Louisiana. 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ

    2. Rightfully so, Sol.

    3. Wish I understood Spanish better. The idiot senator, like most GOP House and Senate members these days, comes across as racist, ignorant and stupid while grandstanding for his racist, ignorant and stupid base. He does not seem to grasp the complexities of international law, Mexico's sovereignty, military law and protocol, diplomacy, or really anything whatsoever about world politics. His argument seems to boil down to, "we're rich with a powerful military and you must bow to us or we will invade you and strangle your economy". The senator is clearly a product of Louisiana schools, which are ranked #41 in Pre-K-12 and #49 in higher education.

    4. 6:57
      attended Vanderbilt and university of Virginia law school, both good schools..
      Still pretty ignorant, though..

  33. Since the Mexican government, is not doing much to fight crime with cartels, then it looks like America has to go down there and flush them out.

    1. Lots of good videos online of geo W. bush, speaking of terrorists, saying he was gonna "smoke 'em out", jaja

    2. 545. Don't be ignorant. There's confrontations between criminals and government every day.

    3. Bullshit confrontations. Everyone with any sense knows the weak ass and corrupt mexican goverment dont want to stop cartels cus they get paid by cartels. Theyre not going to close out that income.

    4. I sense a Chayotero in the house.

    5. 756 you're a clown 馃ぁ. Get your call of duty ass in there and show them how it's done.

    6. 953, its snack time. Go eat your crayons while the adults have grown up conversations.

    7. 5:07 Meanwhile dealer of the block keep dealing with other complication than hiding inside his car.... Change your own diaper before pretending to smell other peoples ass.

  34. US govt isn’t gonna go into M茅xico just because some Republican senator from some Louisiana is ranting and running his big mouth! He may have juice and pull in the south but he don’t have enough power to achieve his wet dream of military action in m茅xico! Not in todays political climate! But this guy may help Fox News get higher ratings!

    1. You would be surprised how many senators have stepped up to the plate, don't forget the guy with the eye patch, he took wants ELMO to be more responsible.

    2. 9:51 A citizen from Drugland assuming someone has to be more responsible? hahahahaha

  35. Fuckin mamadas what he’s saying.

  36. Sol I've lost all respect for you didn't know you were that dumb, Mexican cartels wouldn't last 6 months against a well trained Marine and the president of Mexico is not doing enough to stop this cartels we all know amlo is an idiot just like president Biden. Abrazos no balasos policy is seems to be working in Mexico I see what a moron. Senator Kennedy is stating facts.

    1. Just the fact that the senator has to ask for permission tells you right away everything need to know about him. A real man doesn't ask for permission. An actual man just goes out to do what needs to be done. And like another person commented this old dude only has power in his jurisdiction. Outside of that sphere of influence he ain't about shit in the real world. Plus him talking all that shit to Anne Milgram sure as fuck doesn't make him look any good. On the contrary he looks like a fucking chump. A real man would talk to AMLO in person directly. Not belittle a beautiful woman like Anne Milgram because he sees her as his messenger. It's bad enough he can't speak a lick of Spanish but he sure can posture like any other loudmouth in this world.

    2. 10 mg. Valium..

  37. We want justice for Aaron nartinez murdered by a racist in North Texas

    1. His alleged killer is in custody, waiting to be judged by a jury of his peers..
      $2,000,000 bail.
      Where is the injustice?
      Hay chingos de "whiners" on this site..
      Think positive and maybe good things might come about..

  38. Eating cat food out of can? 馃槀 tell that to their gringos who can’t “live” without their avocado toast. Last time I checked Los Gringos eat ramen out of a styrofoam cup and tuna out of a can

    1. Hes ignorant! He hasn’t traveled anywhere outside of the Southeast United States besides Washington DC! Closed minded ignorant person voted into office by closed minded ignorant constituents!

    2. Agreed! And to think these ignorants are supposed to represent a certain percentage of Americans is alarming!

  39. He’s from Louisiana, the land of coon asses! A bunch of low income coons with low IQs!

    1. 4:05
      them coonasses cook up some pretty tasty shrimp gumbo and shit like that.

    2. 651 the shrimp is good but crawfish sucks, all that work for a little bit of meat

  40. The best weapon against drug abuse is EDUCATION not war. The don't want a real solution, they just want to keep making up excuses (job security)

  41. Low class Americans! Los finitos from the Hamptons, from the Bay Area, Beverly Hills, Portland, Seattle, you don’t hear them talk all that nonsense it’s just the low class ones from the southeast USA

  42. China and Russian reiterate their full support /100 percent for Mexico publicly.

  43. I am really surprised at how dumb most of you are. The USA could eliminate all of the cartels, with minimum casualties, in less than 6 months. The mexician people would welcome law and order, and the dollars that come with military occupation. The best cartel sicario are a joke compared to an average army platoon. Drones alone could can vaporize the sicario teams running around Mexico. China and Russian supporting Mexico? This is the dumbest thing ever said, ever. I mean really, you people who think this must have been dropped as babies. The mexician military is a complete joke. Their equipment is a complete joke. No one in Mexico is dumb enough to try to go toe to toe with the USA military. There would be no popular uprise in Mexico against American occupation. The average Mexican wants the cartel violence to end. There is no religious fever like in the Middle East. If the average mexician was going to stand up and fight, they would have stood up to their own government and/or cartel already. Military intervention in Mexico would benefit everyone except the mexician government and cartels.

    1. Exactly right @151. China and Russia don't give two shits about Mexico militarily. If Mexico had a president like El Salvador the landscape in Mexico would change dramatically in a short period of time.having an incredible positive impact for the Mexican and American peoples.

    2. 11:52
      Love what they're doing in El Salvador..
      If you got tatuada you are GONE..
      Every fool who got themselves a chido paint job regretting it now, jaja..

    3. China condemned the US for these threats on invading Mexico and stated publicly it will back up Mexico 100 percent , so did Russia . So you need to inform yourself better before making a baseless comment.

    4. 12:53 Baseless just as the wall that Mexico was going to pay?

  44. Usa should just do what always do launch strikes from drones into mexico and just deny it. Mexico wont do shit in response they need usa trade $$ more than Usa need them

    1. You people don’t seem to get it when you chop an earthworm in half it grows into two new earth worms… Think of the cartels as an earthworm if you go in and destroy all of them, they will morph and become 2X bigger, and stronge. Remember, if you bang your head against the wall until your face is smashed and bleeding, thinking it will make you feel better you’ll find out it doesn’t work and the next day if you do the same thing, you will get the same results many people cold is the definition of insanity, which is white the drug warriors insanity you never win a war against drugs because you’re not fighting drugs you’re fighting money.

  45. 151, 427 but that will NEVER happen! Just a wet dream fantasy for you US military nuthuggers! Just watch some more Vietnam era war movies and you’ll get the fulfillment you need!

  46. Another good example of how stupid people in USA happened to be. This guy Kennedy think that Mexico will bend its hands and say yes but he’s totally wrong. You want cooperation you ask please and will see what’s up. Mexico is not responsible for the USA drug addiction, and in most instances people in USA start with prescription drugs first before moving to other drugs. We are not puppets.

  47. yes your puppets and you know nothing

    1. I think you most be using a little to much of those drugs.

    2. I remember the shot callers made big puppet kill his for real brother little puppet in "American Me"..

  48. Hahaha, I've been here on BB on and off since 2015 or so. I never ever thought I'd say this, but the comments are really fucking good in this thread! Well done lads and thanks Sol

  49. Remember the Alamo !!


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