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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

President López Obrador States He is in Favor of a Pact Between Cartels and Missing Persons Search Collectives

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

In today's Presidential morning conference, Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that he is in favor of a negotiated pact between Mexican criminal organizations and missing persons search collectives in order to eliminate disappearances. 

    In the press questions portion of the morning conference, journalist Adriana Esthela Flores asked  President López Obrador if he is favor of a pact between organized criminal groups and missing person search groups to end disappearances, to which the President responded that "he is in agreement" and that he "hopes it will achieve peace".

    The proposed pact referenced is a message earlier this week from Delia Quiroa, a searching mother and activist for the disappeared, who addressed the leadership of nine criminal groups in Mexico, petitioning them to end disappearances. The letter, posted on Quiroa's Twitter page and read aloud on her YouTube channel, details the epidemic of disappearances in Mexico due to drug related violence and proposes a pact as a solution.

    In the letter, Quiroa also focused on the Mexican government's role, arguing that "the majority of the political class (...) are dedicated to fabricating operations and siphoning government funds". The letter further details how criminal groups and victims of disappearances are similarly oppressed by the government through "abuses of power", and argues that criminal groups and Mexican society should "reconcile" and "join together" to end disappearances. 

The three key points of the agreement are:

    1. To respect of a dignified burial of cartel victims, in order to end disappearances.

    2. To respect the lives and free movement of search collectives as they seek their relatives.

    3. To end armed conflict in Mexico, unless in the case of constitutionally protected self defense.

    If an agreement is not reached, Quiroa warns that Mexico risks intervention from the United States, on grounds that the government of Mexico does not provide security to it's citizens. Quiroa ends by asking the leaders of the named criminal groups, if they agree to the pact, to submit a video of them with the signed letter to Azucena Uresti or Ciro Gomez Leyva, two major journalists in Mexico. 

    There are currently 110,763 missing persons in Mexico according to the National Commission for Missing Persons. In response to this, many have dedicated their lives to searching for their lost loves ones, often forming search collectives such as the one Quiroa represents. These search collectives face grave threats from the government and criminal groups, with 18 been killed since 2010 in Mexico according to journalist Analy Nuño.

    Earlier this year, Teresa Magueyal, a mother searching for her disappeared son was killed in Celaya, Guanajuato, as reported by Borderland Beat.

Sources: Delia Quiroa YouTube video 5/29/23Delia Quiroa Twitter 5/29Conferencia presidente AMLO 5/30/23 (Question at 2:24:17), El Universal 5/28/23, PoliticoMX 5/30/23, Journalist Analy Nuno, Borderland Beat Archives

You can follow me on Twitter @HuasoBB

I tweet about organized crime in Latin America and security in Mexico.


  1. Some thoughts I left out of the article as they are opinion:

    1. It is concerning to see further normalization of extra-government solutions to insecurity.

    2. Interesting to note Quiroa's inclusion of US intervention in Mexico as something criminal groups want to avoid.

    3. The letter is extremely anti government and ingratiating to criminal groups.

    1. I feel like this article misrepresents what Quiroa said in the YouTube video she posted. Towards the end of her YouTube video, she saids that “we need to do something together to stop the disappearances in our beloved Mexico and prevent other countries from wanting to interfere because the last thing we want is a war with the United States, under the justification that it’s because the Mexican government isn’t doing anything about drug trafficking and that their people (the American people) are dying because of the drugs that are being trafficked into America from Mexico. When in reality, those who consume drugs do so for pleasure, so much so that the drug addicts are the ones who look for it and pay for it”. So it sounds to me like she’s also against U.S. intervention in Mexico and blames the drug addicts who are willingly seeking and buying these drugs.

    2. Hello! Thanks for your comment. Which part do you think I misrepresented? I covered exactly the portion of the letter you refer to.



    3. 4:52
      If drugs did not make it into USA illegally, we would not have a drug usage, whatsoever. Because Fentynal is, being manufactured in Mexico and killing alot in USA, then you and your president of Mexico, should understand why intervention is on the horizon, by USA. Seems Elmos government can care less.

    4. Like el chapo said when he was being hauled off to ADX! as long as the United States keeps on being the worlds largest drug consumer the war on drugs will never end.

    5. 6:13 Looks like you didnt read above statement.... His reply answers your question itself.

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This is a first in history .The government asking Cartels for a pact.

    1. no El Salvador and Honduras has made similiar pacts to lower murder rates with the gangs there

    2. That’s not true at all. The Colombian government has made peace pacts or ceasefires with Colombian drug cartels/gangs before. And it’s not AMLO asking for a pact. It’s a pact between drug cartels and one of the leaders of a missing search party in Mexico.

    3. Hell no. Chapo been doing this. As well as the people before him. Ever herd of the federation?

    4. 4:31 incorrect

    5. @5:06 actually what 4:31 said is true, chapo and the government made the federacion so they could "lower the casualties" but in reality it was a set up so that chapo could give the government info on the other cartels and let CDS do as they pleased and yes im not gonna use a period at the end like La maestra Kanuta in here is always complaining about 😂

    6. 850 incorrect

    7. 4:56 believe what you want, but thats the reality of that little snitching cartel

  3. Lol Ivan is getting lit

    1. No he still going down like Monica lowenski

  4. worthless piece of trash just surrendered Mexico to the cartels.

    1. No, he didn’t. The pact is between the Mexican drug cartels and one of the leaders of a missing persons search collective, so that the missing persons search collective can continue to operate without having to worry about being kidnapped or killed by the cartels as retaliation for their work. It’s not a pact between the cartels and the Mexican government or the military. AMLO is just saying that he’s not against the idea of the cartels and the missing persons search collective making their own little peace pact.

    2. All politicos are on cartel payrolls. This is the only way cartels achieve power.

  5. Almo got the right mind set atleast. It's not like the cartels are going away ever. Even with us intervention the bigger cartels would survive and nee cartels would emerge. What's the point really might as well salvage something. And Mexico been surrenderd to drug cartels where you been at? Lol every thing that's being done has already happen amd been happening.

  6. This goofy president already had a pact with cartel 1st day he was taking photos with Chapo mom & brother

    1. hahahahahahahaha chapos mom making deals in public!

  7. Former Salvadorian president just got like 8 years or something like that for this reason. We can only hope you piece of shit crook AMLO gets 8 for making deals with criminals..

    1. The one from salvador is pretty fishy, more like a political campaign against the former president.

    2. 5:06 Which "deals"?, would make a great article with that info....

  8. LMAO, this president is in insane, he's a sociopath.

    1. Watch out there are cayoteros in here, that love him.

    2. Why? Because he thinks it is a good idea that loved ones looking for their disappeared should come to a peace agreement with the men who take them? Allowing them to work in peace? That is the literal opposite of a sociopath.

  9. Le faltan guevos al el ELMO.

  10. Why would the cartels ever tell anyone where their own victims are? This will just turn into more snitching about other groups’ burial locations to heat the plaza.

    1. Amlo has nothing to do with it. It’s between cartels and the collectives.
      He just likes the idea because it would decrease the danger and violence against the search collectivos.

    2. 1046, exactly. If you actually watch that segment of the mañanera he comes off as a pacifist. Its not that he would make a pact with the criminals but as you stated, he supports the idea of a "non violent" approach.

    3. 10:46 than WTF are the armed forces for?

    4. 3:55 Armed forces have different tasks.

    5. 9:29 If you want to know about dumb moves... go to downtown LA...

    6. @12:39 so tell me what are México's armed forces tasks?

    7. 3:45 Prevention, patrolling, intelligence, humanitarian labor, natural disasters and so on.... theres a history on tasks performed by armed forces of countries not involved on any way.

    8. 11:07 Do you posit México is a country which has secured it's territory? Of the top 50 most dangerous cities by murder rate in 2022 México has 17 cities on the list, 9 in the top 10. How many disappeared persons are there in the country?
      The first obligation of the armed forces is defense of country and citizens from domestic or foreign enemies first, that's what the armed forces are for before anything else.

  11. There would not be forced disappearances, mothers suffering, turmoil, if the government had better control on crime.

    1. The majority of forced disappearances in the last 50 years in Mexico were committed by the state, not the ''cartels''. This idea that the noble armed forces are fighting an evil enemy is just wrong.

  12. I assume AMLO has instructed the military to walk on eggshells when confronting criminals. Not because he sides with criminals but because he does not want to be at the center of any human rights violations. This does not mean "do not confront the criminals" because there are still confrontations on a daily basis throughout the country. This means they do not want extrajudicial killings or excessive use of force on behalf of the government. Why no extra judicial actions on behalf of the government? because it leads to corruption, and if AMLO is trying to rid the government of corruption than allowing the military to commit human rights violations would be hypocritical and counter productive to his efforts...

    1. This is correct I think. Page 2 of this report shows the number of civilians killed by Sedena has plummeted

    2. 9:47 civilians with AK47's and bulletproof vests?

    3. 947 Thanks for the info. Mexicos situation is far from black and white and I'm still trying to make sense of the information. It's definitely thought provoking. So what I'm kind of getting from the link is the increase in military personnel along with the increase in patrolling has lowered government involved deaths along with confrontations. I guess a 3% decrease in nation wide deaths isn't a whole lot, but when we humanize 1100 dead people in a stadium or a dance hall that's a lot of people that were potentially "saved". 🤷🏽‍♂️

    4. 10:41 imagine that, 1,100 innocent people saved in one event. A flair for the overdramatic. The yapping would be incessant and even more unbearable, especially by his adorers.
      In reality it's 3 human beings that didn't live their last day. Hopefully they're innocents.

  13. The fact that AMLO would lend his approval to this compact is very telling in a number of ways. To come into an agreement with a CCE is to legitimize it. It is an admission that there is no mandate to change it. It's saying that the CCE is equal to or greater than existing authority. It is an acceptance of the status quo. It shows that the existing government has no will to change it. It's surrender and it's shameful for the head of government to capitulate to criminals. To me it's just another example of corruption at the higgest levels of Mexican government.

  14. All the Missing people are victims of the cartels... idiot

  15. He's feeling the pressure from the United Nations now

    1. Or the US chinese and russian pressure?

    2. 12:37 the Russians can't secure their own country

  16. Mexico needs this,

    1. Mexico? LOL, how about the U.S. needs it more. Mexico is actually on the right path.

    2. Mexico is on the right path? Stop smoking crack

    3. 919 informate antes de commentar ignorancias. Mexico compro 6 plantas energeticas que van estar bajo el mando del gobierno no companias privadas. Lo mismo con el petrolio, el litio, el ferro carril en el Isthmus te Tehuantepec, el tren Maya, 4 aeropuertos en la Ruta del tren Maya y el aeropuerto de Felipe Angeles. Todo para la patria, no para la oligarquia.

  17. The only president in the world, that has Daily morning conferences, and nothing much gets accomplished..... Andres Manuel Hablador.


    1. 6 dam projects, 1 being a hydro electric dam.
      - 2 in Sinaloa (1 of them hydroelectric)
      -Nuevo Leon

      12 national road projects
      -Nuevo Leon
      -San Luis Potosi
      -Mexico City/ Estado de Mexico

      4 wind farms and 1 solar energy project, all of which will provide energy to the U.S and Mexico

      Nationalization of Lithium deposits
      (Not sold to foreign investors as Salinas did with the minerals)

      The purchase of the Deer Park oil refinery in Texas and the modernization of 6 others throughout Mexico including Dos Bocas (built with help of the military to reduce cost).

      The purchase of 6 Iberdola power plants from the spanish corporation.

      The Tehuantepec Isthmus railway which will cut travel by four days rather than using the panama canal. Side note, Zedillo privatized Ferromex and got a position with them when he retired, the buyers later shut down the Isthmus railway to push exports down south to the Panama Canal. AMLO is reversing that.

      The Tren Maya ( built using the military to reduce cost)

      Felipe Angeles International Airport. (Built by the military to reduce cost)

      SEDENA is doing great thanks to AMLO, especially after the Guardia Nacional absorbed the corrupt Policia Federal, increased their staff from 30k to 120k and took over all sea, air and land ports of entry
      Notable captures under AMLO include, RCQ, his nephew "El R" Ovidio, el Omega, El Durango, Lupe Tapia and his son, La Vaca, El Marro, Huevo Trevino, El Cazador, El Vaquero, Menchos brother El Montana and Menchos wife La Jefa...

      But somehow, according to you, "nothing much gets accomplished. " tell us what you've done for Mexico.

    2. Chayotero in da house 😂😂🤣🤣😷🤪

    3. 1256 Am I lying? If you see any incorrect information, point it out and I will do my best to correct it.

    4. Bring back Calderon to los pinos he's the only president who had the guts to turn loose the dogs on those barbarians; Narcotics activity is one things barbarians are another .

    5. 1235 🤔 With or without Garcia Luna? 🫢🤣🤣🤣

    6. 12.35. Calderon was the only president stupid enough to think that letting loose corrupt barbarians on other warring barbarians would do anything except set the country alight. Thousands upon thousands of innocents were killed and disappeared because of incompetence and collusion, and things got much, much worse, not better. It was an unmitigated catastrophe in every single way, while the henchmen who ran the whole strategy bled the country dry while it burned.

    7. @11.52. That did make me laugh dude. I'm not really a Monty Python fan, but it reminded me of that scene in The Life Of Brian- ''What did the Romans ever do for us?''

    8. 940 I have never watched the Monty Python. LOL, thanks for the reference.

  18. This guy is a gutless wanker.

  19. His administration is Done... So his Endorsement of CjNg is coming to an End... Next administration is going to take New Bribes from whoever they support. All CdS needs to do is Get to that Point.

    1. Menchos brother, menchos wife, menchos brother in laws, his son and a whole bunch of CJNG operatives been are in jail. I don't get how you guys keep saying this administration with one cartel or another when everyone's been getting hit.

    2. Their in jail in the U.S... not Mexico... Only in mexico

    3. Get it correct and Cuini went down...years..years ago. Before CJNG really took off. Only reason they came up was because of the Cuinis

    4. 943 Menchos brother and wife are jailed in the U.S? LoL. Okay, and you're telling me to get it 🙄 correct.

    5. His son is in the auS.. his daughter also dummy

  20. Finally, somebody detailing specifically how the outsourced ''security operations'' are often little more than fronts to buy politicians more time, cement control over local politicians, siphon off resources for their own projects (if not outright theft) while doing little to actually combat the scattered gangs on the ground. Not sure about AMLOS response, but this letter was long overdue.
    The army's forced disappearances (Normalistas and all) is going to be focused on later, I heard. People think these kinds of letters are just dodging the real problem, or pulling some kind of moral equivalence (''well the US is just as bad blah blah blah) but it isn't- it's crucial to cut through both sides propaganda if anything is ever going to change. Good job though Huaso, thanks.

  21. Este presidente habla mucho pero dice poco

  22. Not surprising, AMLO will bend over backwards for these cartels.

  23. Piche vende patrias. No balls, sad. asf.

    1. "Vende patria" how? Can you provide some examples?


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