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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Osiel Cárdenas Guillén, Leader of the Gulf Cartel Will Soon Be Released

 "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

The leader of the Gulf Cartel and founder of Los Zetas Osiel Cardenas Guillen will have served 20 years in prison in the United States tomorrow. He is also nicknamed El Loco, El Patron, and El Mata Amigos. The latter nickname he acquired after murdering Salvador Gómez Herrera in 1998, a friend of his and then head of the Gulf Cartel in order to gain control of that criminal organization. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison and not life imprisonment after a plea bargain with the U.S. government.

And he was supposed to be released in 2028. However, according to sources consulted by the Reforma newspaper in Texas, the capo will be released from prison next August, 5 years before his sentence is due to expire. Cardenas Guillen was arrested on March 14, 2003 in Matamoros, Tamaulipas and extradited to the United States in 2007. It was in 2010 behind closed doors that he signed an agreement with the United States that was classified as confidential for life, according to a report in the newspaper El Universal.

The agreement, revealed El Universal based on a declassified transcript, established that of the 12 charges against him, only five were brought against him. He also handed over $50 million dollars, the proceeds of his earnings as a drug trafficker. He also provided information about the structure and operations of the Gulf Cartel, according to El Universal. He is currently being held in a prison in the United States and his location will remain secret according to the pact he signed with the United States.

His family fared no better. One of his brothers, Ezequiel Cardenas Guillen, aka Tony Tormenta, who was head of the Matamoros plaza, was killed by the Navy in 2010. Two years later another of his brothers Mario Cardenas Guillen aka Don Mario or El Gordo was arrested by the Navy in Altamira and extradited on May 17, 2022 to the United States. Homero Cardenas Guillen aka El Majadero his older brother died in Monterrey after undergoing cosmetic surgery.

His nephew Rafael Cardenas Vela aka El Junior was arrested in Texas in 2011. In 2014 he was sentenced to 20 years in prison for drug trafficking. Another of his nephews Enrique Homero Cardenas Salinas was executed in 2014 in Matamoros allegedly by order of his first nephew Jose Alfredo Cardenas Martinez aka El Contador. He is currently imprisoned in a maximum security prison for kidnapping and drug trafficking.

Currently, the criminal organization he led is fragmented into several criminal cells that seek control of the Gulf Cartel. These are Los Ciclones, Los Metros, Las Panteras, and Los Rojos. All from the Gulf Cartel. The same happened with the armed wing that founded Los Zetas. After the fall of their group, this criminal group formed by ex-military men decided to separate from the Gulf Cartel and become a cartel.

Following the arrest and imprisonment of their leaders Heriberto Lazcano aka El Lazca and Miguel Angel Treviño Morles aka El Z40, Los Zetas fragmented into two groups called Zetas Vieja Escuela and Cartel del Noreste. Since then, they have been fighting for control of northeastern Mexico. Particularly states such as Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo Leon.

Grillonautas 2


  1. Osiel was very powerful when he was the leader of CDG/Zetas! He is no longer relevant.

    I read somewhere that Zetas (when they were part of CDG) were collecting from all plaza bosses so that Osiel could pay USA government.

    1. This makes no sense. Zetas split from CDG because osiel started snitching.

    2. 11:30 I like how you can be wrong with such confidence

    3. The lawyer who was murdered in Southlake in 2013 was the one who handled that, Chapa, something like that. Juan Guerrera Chapa?

      in the months after Osiel's extradition, in 2009, the lawyer went to Zetas and CDG cell leaders/plaza bosses and asked for money

      The money was for Osiel's forfeiture, a good faith gesture for the US Attorneys Office

      and I am sure the lawyer and Osiel skimmed some of the top, for their own use.

      They misled the cell leaders who often fundamentally misunderstand the US justice system, and believed it meant that Osiel wold be released, or given a lot of leniency.

      Instead, he cooperated, and dismantled CDG and Los Zetas, I think Osiel was sentenced in 2010, early, and then the January 2010 killing of Concord 3, triggered the eventual May 2010 split.

    4. Extradited in 2007, my mistake, and sentenced in February 2010

      but, the overall time frame aligns with the split in Zetas/CDG

  2. He will come back, try to take his structure back over and get killed

  3. Makes sense with next August being about 85% of his prison term served.

    1. Actually it doesn’t make sense - you do almost every day of federal time.

    2. Yep. He should have around 2 more years of time to serve.

    3. Isn't FED time 80 or 85% of the sentence? Besides that this individual is a certified, validated, bonafide and recertified government snitch and you know how that goes with their sentence.

    4. Actually wise guy you do 85% with the Feds. Not day for day dumb ass.

    5. You are correct and I erred, but the 85% is only if full "good time" is credited which of course is not a guarantee. I believe he was credited for time served while in MX. Doesn't matter in the end... he has a release date for whatever the reason.

  4. When a former leader returns how much strength do they have left to return to their old power? The Cárdenas family is very embedded in Tamaulipas. I think on what other families have the domination in this area

    1. I consider them the “Zambadas of the Golf”

    2. Gulf,*** 🦂🦂

  5. Lets hope that he does a chino antrax

  6. He's less than relevant. Unless he can hide he's a dead man. Seems someone putting a hit out on a snitch would come pretty quick.

    1. He is relevant more so that la barbie. He made the cdg notorious he made the zetas. His family still very involved in cdg. Cardenas family reunion will be akward

  7. I'm sure he will come out and enjoy his millions if it's true his family are still in control and respected then he's not going to get hurt either.

    1. All those top dogs in the cartels are supposedly respected til they get shot up .... If they had any Real respect nobody would ever go after them or their families !!!!!!! They would never even fuc- with em so don't get it twisted

  8. Place your bets, but I don't think he will be back. Of the few files that exist, the US government did not include the clause "No lawful return to the U.S." in his indictment but they did for other CDG members in the same file. Could have been a mistake, but I think there's a case for him to stay. We'll see what happens...

  9. He’s going straight to witness protection like Zambada & Co., Emilio Cazares, Damaso & Damaso, Rodrigo, and many other top Cartel Leaders that are enjoying freedom after sending literally Tons of drugs to the US. Yet US politicians wanna come “dismantle” cartels. Idk for what so they can all get fukn protection.

    1. Pretty sure Primito and metros don't want him back

    2. Those foos don't count

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. 1:16 Comandante Juan Rambo. All that time I was purposely letting your words come through it was done for a good reason. While you were running your mouth like a dumb ass I was studying your text patterns there. Neta qué estás bien pinché ignorante si crees que no sabemos quién eres baboso. Ya mejor callete con ese disco rayado wey.

    5. Emilio Cazares?

    6. 1:25 chanfle no contavan contanban con mi astucia!

    7. Sol, dude must really be pissing you off. You usually just reply with your quick and sharp wit. Back in the day, there weren't quite so many "tough guys" on here. Thanks for keeping this shit straight.

  10. I would assume he made more than $50 million. Those dudes will blow that on a house or a boat. I hope he gets clipped, he's a subhuman dirtbag.

  11. ¿Porqué siguen creyendo que Osiel saliendo va a reunificar todas las facciones CDG's y Zetas?

    Solo dense cuenta ahí mismo en Matamoros, los mismos Cardenas se estan matando entre ellos.

    Osiel no va a meter en cintura a sus sobrinos que por alguna u otra razón sortearon la guerra y vieron morir a sus Papás (Hermanos de Osiel) o ser encarcelados.

    Otra los hijos de Osiel nunca se hicieron cargo propiamente de sus negocios, por último el vato es SAPO asi que por donde le busquen no tiene nada que hacer en Tamaulipas si quiere vivir lo suficiente.

  12. Nobody is saying that.

  13. He’ll dig right in and start a war with CDN.

  14. Le va a pasar lo mismo que a Caro Quintero va llegar a ver a la familia se va tomar su tiempo y después quedra hacer su grupo de nuevo y creo que le van a dar tronco molonco y caña o se lo van a entregar a la sedena. Cuanto kieren perder

  15. Belos is an excelent story about Osiel.and his powerful Zetas creation !

    Attentamente el Commamdante Juan Rambo

  16. It's absolutely funny how most of these bloggers post nonsense. Their All in their early 20s thinking they know anything before mencho. Pathetic. Osiel was never stupid. I think mayo might be able to use him in Tampa

  17. According to the Bureau of Prisons website, Osiel is expected to be released on July 1st, 2024. Not August.

  18. El Lazca died. Wasn't arrested and imprisoned. They killed him.Z40 is locked up, yea

  19. Osiel is the devil if you look carefully into his eyes you can see Satana

  20. CDG is a weak cartel. Shooting Americans down, weak


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