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Sunday, January 8, 2023

Was Ovidio's Capture a Gift for US President Biden's Visit?

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat 

Ovidio's arrest took place just days prior to Biden's first visit to Mexico to discuss issues including fentanyl trafficking and immigration policies.

Ovidio Guzmán’s arrest on Thursday came at the cost of at least 30 lives; notably more than the deaths that occurred during the first attempt and ensuing "Culiacanazo". 11 of those killed were soldiers and law enforcement personnel with 19 suspected cartel gunmen. But analysts predict "it won’t have any impact on the flow of drugs to the United States." The capture of Ovidio is largely being seen as overcoming past humiliation stemming from Ovidio's release following the first wave of Culiacanazo violence in 2019. It was also redemption for SEDENA having been overwhelmed and threatened into submission prior. 

The display of military power included helicopter gunships, hundreds of troops (nearly 5,000 personnel participated in the operation and resulting aftermath), and armored vehicles. It is also reverting to the kingpin strategy that AMLO had sworn to ditch in an effort to curb the violence of the drug war. It has been accused that AMLO has allegedly tolerated the huge increase in the trafficking of drugs into the United States, particularly the main cause of overdose deaths, fentanyl.

Perhaps coincidentally, the large arrest operation came just days before US President Joe Biden makes the first visit by a US President in almost a decade. The capture comes as the North American Summit between the US, Canada, and Mexico is set to begin with US President Joe Biden's arrival in Mexico taking place on January 8th.

President Joe Biden hopes to focus on the flow of fentanyl into the United States during a meeting in Mexico City with leaders from Mexico and Canada next week, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said. 

Ovidio's arrest is unlikely to have a huge effect due to the high profits and quick manufacturing process of fentanyl; he was one of the main traffickers of that drug within the Sinaloa Cartel, Los Chapitos/Menores faction. His capture also allows Mexico more leverage when discussions of US/DEA involvement directly in Mexico as it would act as proof of their ability to go after high-level targets and operations.

A Good Will Gesture to Biden?

Given the timing of the North American Summit coming just days after the high-profile capture of Ovidio "El Raton" Guzman Lopez could be seen as either US involvement (which AMLO has denied during the following day's press conference, as he did with Caro Quintero); or a goodwill gesture to show their strength in fighting the drug war on Mexican soil. Former Mexican President Vicente Fox questioned this exactly via Twitter the morning of the capture asking, "OVIDIO WILL BE THE GIFT FOR BIDEN???"

Political scientist Luis Leal from the UDLAP stated"Really, Ovidio is more of a name than a strategic piece in Mexican drug trafficking, due to the division of the Sinaloa Cartel into various groups, as is known. It must be an attempt for the Mexican government to have as many cards as possible before the government of the United States to negotiate various issues such as the USMCA panels that can have a profound impact on the finances of the Mexican government."

Leal stressed that extradition processes last between 1 and 2 years on average, depending on the resources of the defendants. Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard declared that there will be no immediate extradition of Ovidio Guzmán and that the proper legal process will take place regarding the request by the US first delivered in September 2019.

The spokesman for the National Security Council of the United States, John Kirby, thanked Mexico for the arrest in a press conference from the White House. Kirby said that "it is not an insignificant achievement on the part of the Mexican authorities," adding "we are certainly grateful for it," he added. He assured that they are going to talk “a lot” about this issue during the upcoming meetings in Mexico.

Tensions Over the Drug War & Migration

He also pointed out that this operation "softens the relationship with the United States, which has been tense in recent months; first, due to security issues and, later, due to migration." 

Tensions were high in recent times with AMLO restricting the travel and access of DEA agents stationed in Mexico, including grounding planes by pulling their authorizations. Former Defense Minister General Salvador Cienfuegos was arrested in the US on bribery and trafficking charges. After tensions increased even more with Mexico, he was released and deported under the assumption he would be charged in Mexico for similar crimes. However, he was not and declared that not enough evidence was found. This is despite likely the fact that US agencies likely could have provided their information and evidence on the General. The political effect of dropping the charges was greater, easing tensions between the neighboring countries, for the time being.

Tensions over the sovereignty of Mexico also occurred as former US President Donald Trump and multiple other politicians looked to designate Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations following the La Baron Mormon massacre. This could have opened the country up to US military action to go after the cartels and

There is also commercial tension between the two countries within the framework of the T-MEC. In May 2021, the United States considered the existence of labor abuses in Mexico and requested the establishment of a dispute panel to address this issue and another related to the rules of origin for automotive exports.

Title 42 Remains in Place

In recent years, the migration crisis has increased. Title 42 was implemented at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic by the Trump administration when access was limited to the US via its border entries and flights. This forces asylum seekers to remain in their current country while applying to the US. It still remains in effect today as recent attempts to let expire the policy was blocked by federal judges.

A new immigration plan presented by Biden last week and applauded by the Mexican government contemplates delivering 30,000 humanitarian permits per month for Venezuelan, Cuban, Nicaraguan, and Haitian migrants who have a sponsor in the United States. And it was agreed, that migrants of those nationalities expelled from the United States will be taken back to Mexico, not deported to their home countries. This has made cities like Tijuana a refuge for citizens of Haiti and Central America, waiting for permission to enter the United States as a refugee. But for many, that hasn't happened and the process has been slow.

Mexican President AMLO responded to questions that the capture could be interpreted as a gesture before the upcoming summit.

AMLO's Response

"About the interpretations, since there are many, we rethink them, of course, we do not share them, because we act autonomously. I am going to give you as background that, in two difficult moments, when Donald Trump was president, he spoke to me to offer us support, precisely when we stopped and had to release Ovidio for the first time. On that occasion I made the decision to release him due to the risks to the civilian population, we calculated that there would be many innocent deaths and we made that decision. President Trump spoke to me to offer me support; I thanked him and told him that it was our business and that we were going to face it, to solve it."

"Then came another event, also very unfortunate: the murder of women in Bavispe, with children, the LeBarón family, and two other families. So, well, that unfortunate event was also very strong, and President Trump also spoke to me for the same thing, to tell me that they could help with personnel and with whatever was needed; and the same thing, the answer was: No, thank you very much, we are going to investigate what happened, accordingly, and those responsible will be punished. This, by the way, has already been done, because there are close to 100 detainees in the Bavispe case."

"So, we have always taken care."


  1. I think that senior figures in the military are trying to protect their position, so that any pressure exerted by the US won't cost them. Not a gift, but covering their ass.

    1. 1:30 - Good / logical analysis Legs!

  2. AMLO catches no criminals = he's bought?

    AMLO catches criminals = it's a present for biden?

    You blue pillers are delusional.

  3. No such thing as a coincidence. Same reason that BLO operator that’s on the FBI most wanted list got arrested yesterday. Mexico is getting its house in order so they can continue to get billions in aid for the phony war. Arrest a couple capos and continue getting money from the US.

    1. 100% facts. And if you anyone thinks otherwise they’re delusional and dumb. It’s definitely not a coincidence these 2 guys getting caught and handed over.

    2. 2:25 - Agree; no way a coincidence for the mastermind of the assassination mastermind of a US witness being shot in Texas, and Ovidio being captured right before Biden’s visit; but not with calling others with differing opinions delusional and dumb.

    3. 2:25 they have not been handed over to the US yet, a court process now goes through Mexican Court's. Sometimes it can take months. Tell smarty-pants is Caro already in a US prison?

  4. Who cares if he was. With all the fent he was selling good riddance.

  5. Not allowing special forces, seal extractions, overwhelming marine force in targeted areas is only perpetrating the continuing genocide of the poor and average unarmed Mexican citizens. Similar to worthless nato standing by in Rwanda while that genocide occurred. Very different genocides but also very similar. In Mexico it’s the armed, which in Mexico is the criminals, the elite and the cops/military. See people the difference in the USA is if an armed criminal gang comes to my house and attempts to rob rape kill, regardless of their numbers I have the RIGHT to bear arms and can fight. Even if the odds are heavily stacked and death is certain at least I can fight and die with my firearms. Instead of being COMPLETELY helpless to the inevitable rob rape torture kill scenario. God bless the GREAT founding fathers of the greatest country on earth that MILLIONS and MILLIONS attempt to enter. Rat punk get ready for the slow torturous death of Florence. You deserve it punk! Then again maybe the other chapitos are setting up things for rat boy to be able to rat on and the corrupt criminal feds will give him some sweetheart deal.

    1. ok netflix boy.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. The Rwandan Genocide is similar to the fighting amongst cartels in Mexico? Jesus..

    4. You’re delusional keyboard warrior how does that boot taste?

    5. 2:16 your founding fathers did worse things to the original inhabitants of that nation. They murdered millions of complete families and took their land and resources.
      The US continues to do that world wide leaving people with no other choice but to go to the USA.
      Ive been to many countries around the world and let me tell you, there's better and safer countries than the USA.
      Only people who say the USA is the best country in the world haven't left their front porch 😂

    6. @2:16
      The “founding fathers” were all Freemasons you clown! By the way what branch of the US military did you serve?

      Semper Fi

  6. Capturing him alive cost 11 lives. They should used the helicopter gattling gun on the convoy to kill him and put his dead body on the front page.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Amlo is the dumbest most useless mexican president. Or the most corrupt. Its funny the dumbass above is cool with the way amlo has let criminals rape the shit oit of mexico.

    2. Biden 11 years older than AMLO

  8. I know AMLO can't go to Badiraguato more familiar greetings from Maria Guzman Loera Perez.

  9. Cant believe biden lowered himself by meeting that talking vigina retarded mexican president.

  10. Amlo shld die soon. Mexico cant afford that retard as president for too much longer

  11. NYT article about another cutting substance added to fentanyl: xylazine aka tranq

    1. I talked about that article with Sol earlier. Xylazine, a veterinary tranquilizer, was found in 90% of the dope recently tested in Philly. How crazy is that?

      And it resists standard overdose reversal treatments.

    2. @HEARST it's wild, I remember when Philly and especially the Kensington area was known for some of the highest purity Colombian heroin %88-97 on the market in the USA. Those days faded into fentanyl and heroin mixed, but they actually had tranq dope a long time ago before the heroin craze.

      For a while IV users and addicts of many decades couldn't get high anymore on the dope in Philly.

      Now it's almost 100% fake heroin with Xylazine tranq, some pharmaceutical products, and a blend of impure poorly synthesized flourofentanyl fentanyl phenethylfentanyl furanylfentanyl benzylfentanyl acetylfentanyl fentanyl 4ANPP, and cuts....

      Now we got the ISO crap, forgot what it stands for but if there is an international crackdown on certain precursor chemicals, prodrugs, and stuff like that --- there are many other synthetic opioid molecular substances that can be synthesized by a monkey smoking crack rock at the Zoo in Culiacan for Los Chapitos.....

      So the future of the opioid crisis looks rather bleek.

      Man, what happened to when everyone used to just smoke crack cocaine, pop a couple x pills, and smoke weed with a dab of opium gum.

      That's what the police in Florida say, they miss when people were on crack, then they had Waka A-PVP with people jumping off of bridges naked and eating humans on the sidewalk....

      Hadn't talked to my cop buddies lately but I know the fent is killing Americans everywhere.

      @HEARST thanks for all you do here! 🤗

    3. @ 9:31 you must be really fun at parties

  12. its all a big fn game paid for in blood w these smiling snakes especially our president a old decrepit fossil whos a absolutely disgusting human being..these people laugh thinking we are all believe a word out of theyre mouths lol

  13. Well if that's the case he should visit more often 🤣🤣

  14. Amlo definitely more sane and competent than sleepy joe 😂

    1. Grampa ALMO, goes to sleep at 7 pm and up at 4am, his age is catching up to him that's for sure.

    2. 842
      Sounds like a responsible man.

      On the other hand, Biden can't stop kissing children or ride a bike lmfao



    1. Wow. Great footage, great link. Thank you.

      What do you guys want me to do with this video and the frames I can pull from it? Are you guys getting a little Ovidio-fatigued so I should just add these into my post about his house? Or make it a new post?

    2. Just thought I'd share it with you, and let you work your exceptional magic 🧝‍♂️. I find the whole ovidio event fascinating, and as the hours roll new footage emerges. There's other vids were townspeople of Jesus maria are furious with the government because ovidio was a good boy? Sinaloa is rotten to the core with narco cultura.

      Gogogo Hearst!


      The last good bye to the fallen Comandante.
      QDEP Glorioso Ejército Mexicano.


    4. New post Ms HEARST

    5. That video is funny. People complain that there was kids right there. Obviously the criminals are responsible for having kids among too many sicarios with weapons. Furthermore. People around were involved on protecting him. About the kids in the house is not like if those criminals have respect for other. Several vehicles were set ablaze. I’m more than sure they took those vehicles from innocent people and they didn’t care.



    These people are clowns. They rather be murdered by cartel members than protected by the Army.

    1. I'm not Mexican but to me everyone in the village should have been arrested and charged in the USA for making fentanyl and killing Americans so they can eat extra tacos and bbq pigs all day long

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    4. @ 9:32No eres mexicano, you’re probably a cerote (Salvadoran) 😂

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. @ 9:51 if you don’t like this site, go listen to Rush Limbaugh or something LOSER!

  17. Did NINI get captured?

  18. My opinion is AMLO came into office with an internal plan to pacify Narco trafficking within Mexico. His plan has obviously failed. We can all blame the pusher, the user and the governments. But it’s a social problem now deep in the fabric of both our countries.
    We thought things were bad 10 years ago at the height of the Opioid Epidemic. Just wait 3 years from now. Sad but truth is “Don’t do drugs… no demand no need for supply and maybe the cartels could just deep dive into the rec Marijuana business within Mexico.

    1. Meanwhile CIA/DEA keep fueling the drug epidemic.

    2. Chapitos have the marijuana business on lock

    3. 07:33 please elaborate, I don't see the CIA but I feel you on the DEA. The DEA gave Guzman family and Chapitos immunity in the USA to sell drugs and kill Americans in exchange for 'intel' on their rivals, Los Zetas.

      At the time Los Zetas was a trigger word on the phone for the FBI to spy on you, but Cartel Sinaloa was not a trigger word on the phone.

      Sinaloa is Snitchola for real. In America, maybe some of the Rat klan has been identified by President Biden and company targets

      So who knows is their still Iranians selling heroin in the USA in exchange for signing the JCPLA nuclear deal, do Guzman Cartel Sinaloa still have confidential informant deals to snitch on their competition in exchange to sell fake RX pills and fent???

      Maybe the next Guacamole Fancy Bear hacker war games festival 2023 will provide us more insight in the near future.

      This bust was executed without the knowledge or assistance of the DEA or CIA or DoJ.

  19. It was not a gift to Biden whatsoever.
    Elmo's cabinet advised Elmo, to show something to make USA happy to show progress is being done, when comes to capturing persons, manufacturing Fentanyl and hundreds dying to using that drug in the USA. ELMO already had his 3 pc suit ironed, and will soon meet Biden for the Summit Meeting in Mexico City.

    1. It's a slap on the wrist for Ovidio. He might well be extradited though, because he doesn't have anyone to snitch on

      Life in Mexico is good in prison. You have co-ed sex workers, taco parties, piñata 🪅 and Cumbia

      In Florence CDX Supermax Prison life is even better. Sometimes you can get a glimpse of Chapo while you jerk off into the water fountain once a week in solitary confinement....


  21. good coverage from Rolling Stone magazine on Mexican cartels operating in the US

  22. The governments run the cartels. Chapo’s son was expendable. Biden called in an order and the Mexican President obeyed.

    1. ALMO has been slacking off on many a things, homicides on his watch have been high, the total for 2022 is still been tallied. ALMO does 20% when it comes to stopping cartels, only hug and kisses. Since he and his cabinet where slacking off, a week before, the Summit of the Americas, is to take place in Mexico City, with Biden and Canada president, he decides to get a wanted man for USA, all propaganda to show when he is on top of things, in which we really know the truth.

    2. 1200 yup 💯

  23. Olvidio is receiving the best treatment available while Biden is visiting. This is merely a photo op and will be released or a staged escape once the meetings are over. AMLO makes way too much money off the cartels to just hand him over.

    1. 8.18
      You more likely 👍 right staged before the meeting is to take place.
      Then later on a set staged escape , before extradition is to take place.
      There was a time, that the Marina's, would meet a quota of 5 raids of warehouses, per year and not arrest the people, what is was only last year, raids on Sinaloa labs.

  24. Biden came to talk about fetty, so this is an obvious gift to him. Of course the Guzman brothers will simply absorb his structure and keep it rolling until he gets out. Biden is learning more about fetty addiction, even smoking a few blues with Amlo to see for himself.


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