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Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Bloody Aftermath: Ovidio's House and the Hitmen Shot by Helicopter Gunship

"HEARST" for Borderland Beat 

Images of the bloody aftermath which scars the town of Jesús María, along with photos of the house Ovidio was staying in when he was arrested have been published by the newspaper Riodoce.

The Vehicles

Below are photos of vehicles that were allegedly taken down by a military gunship helicopter.

It's worth noting that the latest reports coming out of Jesús María allege that there were 12 hours of gunfire heard after the arrest of Ovidio. Soldiers have been keeping the town isolated, preventing entry to the town from Highway 15 while they heavily searched the area. 

The State Human Rights Commission and the Sinaloa Commission for the Defense of Human Rights stepped in and demanded the soldiers allow them entry. They were allowed entry, along with family members of those inside the town and a number of journalists. Riodoce published the following pictures of Jesus Maria, showing some of the destruction.

The House

Photos of the house where Ovidio was staying when soldiers arrived to arrest him have now been published. 

These images were originally published by the newspaper Riodoce, and reprinted by outlets such as Excelsior, La Prensa, and Zeta Tijuana, among many others.

They describe the property in their articles as follows:

"Traces of blood, live grenades, hundreds of shell casings and vehicles were left in the property where Ovidio Guzmán López was arrested, located in the Jesús María syndicate.

The house is located on a hill. It has a wooden gate that was shot at."

"In the courtyard there are traces of blood, an armored helmet and three grenades that did not explode covered with a yellow towel. The military told them not to touch them and that specialized personnel would go to remove them. In two neighboring houses there is a grenade in each one."

"On the site there is a house with a large palapa.

On the road leading to the house there are five armored and armored pickup trucks that were crossed to block the road."

"The neighbors say that as soon as the operation began they took Ovidio away, but the shooting lasted about 12 hours.

'If they had already taken them away, why the hell were they still shooting,' says one of the neighbors."

"From the helicopters, they say, they shot at the house and surrounding homes.

The military withdrew from the site this afternoon and the place was left without security seals and with the doors open."

Riodoce also published a video of the property, which can be seen below.

Video Source: Riodoce

The Morgue

Another video, posted by cartel news sources on Twitter like Calvarie Locus and El Blog de los Guachos, shows the floor of a morgue with a number of dead Sinaloa Cartel hitmen who were allegedly killed during the arrest operation and aftermath.

Update 1/9/2023: A better quality video of the morgue has been uploaded by Calvarie Locus, which can be seen below.


  1. Rest in Peace to everyone who die defending what they believe to be right my condolences to their family's may they find peace ✌️ 🕊️

    1. Rot in hell mass murdering mass raping drug dealing scum! There I fixed that for you

    2. You can't possibly be that stupid?

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Rest In Peace 🙏🏻

    5. Rest In Peace,sicarios? Fuck em,pity Ovidio didnt get topped,look what they did to Culiacan.Gob should go hunting these rats down

    6. The Nazis died believing in their cause. Warren Jeffs raped 12 year old girls because he believed it was gods way. You’re an imbecile! Wrong is wrong, don’t matter what you believe.

    7. I agree with you Catalina, may the families find peace. What alot of people don't realize is that you're not only talking about the sicarios, you're also speaking on the soldiers and their families. Don't let the words of ignorant people get to you....And to those that are men talking to her disrespectfully and talking smack, you're nothing but cowards and lames for talking to a woman like that for her respectfully expressing herself which she has the right to do, whether you like what she's saying or not. She isn't being disrespectful to anyone or talking bad about or to anyone. Even if she did, she's awoman, and for you to go out of your way and take the time a make the effort to get at her to simply talk smack when her comment wasn't only not disrespectful, but wasn't even directed at you, and doing all that to a woman behind a screen "screams coward"!!!

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. No Catalina, you make them sound like idealistic martyrs instead of cynical paid thugs from corrupt ''security firms'', or full-on sicarios. Men like this fear reprisals on their families if they fail to protect the boss, so they die trying. Nothing to do with what they think is right.

  2. Hahahahahahahahah

  3. Saludos pa la SEDENA! 👊🏽💚

  4. Wow did you guys see all those dead cult members who valiantly gave their lives in an attempt to save their fearless Lord El Raton 🐀☠️ dishonor before death

    1. Why is he called a rat curious

    2. Because of his size.

    3. Raton is ''Mouse'', not rat. Probably an affectionate nickname from a daddy who visited him for 10 minutes with 10 bodyguards, too many weird presents and not enough love.

  5. Hi

    Congratulations to the Mexican military, and other operatives assisting in the capture of El Raton !!

    1. What a joy seeing all the dead scum who kill rape and terrorize an unarmed population at will. You freeze in the frozen lake while Lucifer pays you no mind. Rot in hell. Dear rat boy, we in Colorado have a special cell for you. You’re never leaving and you won’t get to talk to your young girl raping innocent killing piece of garbage dad. For we have him in a modern day tomb!

  6. The video of the dead guys in the truck, isn’t from Culiacan. It’s actually from Reynosa, a couple of years back.

    1. Damn, really? I was sent that video by a reader who claims they have family who live nearby.

      I'll try to find this original Reynosa video and verify.

    2. I just confirmed with BB contributor Ivan that the video was actually of CDG Metros killed in Reynosa in 2014. They worked under M-77.

      I removed the video. Going to have trust issues with readers sending me videos going forward.

    3. It's still a good story hearst. Everyone makes mistakes. It's still a top motch post. With a lesson learned, might want to cross check some things at times. No harm no foul

  7. Damn la chapiza and grupo raton got exterminated
    I guess AMLO grew some cojones ! "hugs not bullets " was 2022 ! 2023 is miniguns and GAFES no more hugs !

    1. Based on their comments, and explanations… these people have no idea what happened nor where they informed about the operation. The military guy in AMLO’s cabinet, has already said 2 different versions of what happened Lol

    2. 4:33 Not about "cojones", operation was on course since years ago.

      6:26 Of course they will not release sensitive data that may compromise other investigations on course/future.

  8. Reports are Olvidio was in a 6 vehicle convoy when the army attempted to stop him. Then his crew ran to house! This was 4AM in the morning so was he making a breakout after being warned of army movements or was he changing safe houses and was on the way to the arrest location? Seems that they had realtime intel either way and Olvidio was in the bag!

    1. We need Bukele in Mex. What do you think?

    2. 11:24 exactly people don't want to admit the famous raton special forces where sleeping

    3. 1:03 6 million (El Salvador) vs 130 million (Mexico) population, poor gang members vs rich narcos.... dont think would work the same way, no need to be an Einstein to understand that.

      6:14 Operation included his entire security scheme, not just Ovidio.

  9. That's how it should be every time this dumies try messing with the military.
    Good job Marina and special service members that were involved in taking this clown and his team down.
    I wonder how many US special forces were involved in this.
    I know for sure there had To be a couple of them, there always is when a big fish in Mexico gets captured. That's the only way they can capture them because they have Mexican military and government giving them the heads up, that's the reason mayo is gone minutes before they go to his location. But his time will come also, we'll, I guess if he doesn't die by then. He's almost 80 years old.

  10. he should've dig a tunnel under the house. his father knows better

  11. What a weasel looking punk. Reminds me of the rich kids I grew up with who were born into wealth and never had to do anything. I guess if I paid a bunch of guys to play army I would be a boss too? Fucking cartel fans you make me sick

  12. Se los cargo la chingada, bola de lambe huevos

  13. One of ovidios daughters was killed allegedly.

  14. Great job, Keep on piling up the trash .

  15. The national guard should have used apache helicoptors and miniguns on the looters during 2020.

    1. I think you mean on January 6th! They should’ve shot down more than one Ashy Babbitt

    2. You mean Jan 6th. Babbit should’ve just been the start of a good lecture

    3. 9:55 👍Right on! So that america can be great again 🤣

    4. No the looters caused hundreds of millions in damage.not the idiots in Jan.

  16. Personally I believe the Mexican government knows where ALL the narcos are at. I bet electronic surveillance was how they got El 🐀. His brothers are next👀.

    1. 100% correct. Everyone thinks the government works for the cartels. It’s the other way around. Ultimately, the narcos work for the politicians. The politicians know where all of them are and can push a button anytime they want. That’s why it’s called a “Narco STATE”. The government are the real bosses.

    2. Yes, in real time, and the US intelligence as well. Could also be moles or rivals, but the electronic surveillance is all that is necessary to capture any of them.

    3. This sound more of 50/50 US/Mayo relationships. MZ HAS the power, the intel, and the resources to pull these types of deals with the gringos. Like it or not, MZ and the US are very involved right now. Nothing goes without them giving green finger/green light.

    4. 11:20 please stop. The Americans have no use for Mayo and Mayo is not a CIA asset. Get over it kid

    5. Yep get over it is correct

  17. I mean Mexico is a sovereign and modern country. They have some of the same surveillance capabilities US does. Of course they knew where he was and where all of them are. The presidents all get their piso from the capos. When they get too hot or big they swoop in and show them who really has the power. It’s all one big game and the us government foots the bill. This arrest was great , but of no real consequence. We all knew he’d go sooner or later. Still many more to fall. But the whole time dope still comes money still goes. Drug trafficking will never go away. As long as it’s illegal and people willing to pay for it someone will always be willing to bring it.

    1. You sound like a script page from Narcos Mexico.

  18. Real cool article. I’m sad to know military people died. But happy to see criminals on their way to hell.

  19. El chapos daughter posted a message on social media bb shld check it out i saw it on valor tamaulipeco also la familia michoacana killed el zarco in guerrero. El zarco is an operator for el pez y la fresa of the familia michoacana. So there is some shit going on there. Its on valor por tamaulipas.

    1. El chapo doesn't even recognize her as his daughter and neither does his family

    2. Zarco has already been covered by Huaso this morning.

  20. Knowing the Mexican government...for all we know, all of that is staged...pinche Mexico cagapalos.

    1. Lo que usted diga, caballero alucin.

  21. The satellite aerial (birds eye) view photo of the house roof doesn't match with the other photos of Ovidio's house... (mite be old photo?) Buildings layout doesn't match either and the yard isn't paved... You can see the water tower tho.

  22. The Mexican military did a hell of a job on this operation.

  23. Anyone know with credibility if Raton’s daughters were present and is they are ok?

    1. Hopefully they are fine. But what kind of narco scum has his kids with him

    2. 6:24 exactly, if the rumors are true and his daughter died he is the only one to blame, POS was using her as a shield, fucking hate his kind who exposes their family to this shit

    3. 301 how do you know he used her as a shield???

  24. Hearts I send you an email of a TikTok video. I hope you get it.

    1. Sorry she did not get it, it was intercepted by the Gastapo.

  25. Question, if Mexican Military/Government knows where all narcos are and they pulled this kind of operation capturing Ovidio, why haven’t they tried going after Mencho? Public Enemy #1 imo

    1. Because he is dead.
      Family members have been running the show. Nevertheless they want it to make it look like he is alive.

    2. Things in Mexico work very strangely

    3. 10:05 Mencho is dead, but his bro was caught weeks ago.

  26. Wonder how many more got shot and died later and where not counted. Chaputos where kidnapping ambulance drivers & doctors for help.

  27. No matter who you arrest, Mexico is a failed state. They simp to the US government with a arrest, and then take the payoffs.

  28. There has to be way more than 19 dead sicarios. Saw a video with a least 20 different trucks shot the fuck up on the road leading to and on the roads in Jesus Maria. Looks like military was rolling deep, and especially with black hawk support, just Swiss cheesed any truck they came across.

  29. good riddance now go after cjng and mencho

    1. Mencho is dead, and his brother is already behind bars.


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