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Monday, December 5, 2022

Chihuahua, Chihuahua: It Doesn’t Matter If AMLO Gets Angry

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Maru lights the Christmas tree in front of the Government Palace

Governor Maru Campos lit the Christmas tree in the center of the city. Campos issued a brief message in which she wished happy holidays to the citizens of Chihuahua.

The Christmas decoration includes other attractions. AMLO's socialist government prepares to ban Christian motifs in public streets.

Maru Campos

La Polaka


  1. Christian People are the the ones who keep these world from going to 💩 and yes all other are just fake n evil I no i don't care about your opinion 😉 I state Facts 🤷

    1. Catalina source, I want sources.

    2. All religions are a tool for weak minds and child predators I spit at your bastard child ! No god shall come before me ! Blasphemy !

    3. The Bible belt has higher crime, divorce, and pregnancies out of wedlock.

    4. What religion gives the world is a moral foundation. Over the last several decades there has been a moral decay in western society which has led to an increase in crime and many problems in our society.
      The Cristeros were correct in standing their ground and preserving Christianity in Mexico.
      Viva Cristo Rey.

    5. @catalina terror ,like nasson joaquin garcia o carlos eduardo cuero que abuzo de 9 mujeres mientras era pastor evangelico ?

    6. @Detroit- There hasn't been a moral decay in Western Society, we just got older, so people blame all sorts of things. If you mean religion gives you, or your community, a moral foundation then fair enough, but across the world? More people suffer today because of other people's religious beliefs than all the drug cartels put together.

    7. Devil's and angels are cartoonings, believe in human beings

  2. It's just a reality to live with. In no other nation can you live with your truth as freely as you can here. While progressing, having fun, and not stressing. That's why you're trying to get away from your own isn't it? Because you know you can't live there like you live here. A choice has been made there for you as a choice has been made here for you to. Christ the King. King of the Jew . You can find out who made you Jesus ready! I know I am so I don't give a fuck if you do.

  3. Separation of church and state. It's been practiced here in the U.S since this nation was founded.

    1. But but but but the topic is Mexico, not comparison shopping with the USA.

    2. But but but but, if Mexico is more like the U.S then maybe that will deter illegals from migrating north.

    3. The separation of church and state has been implemented by religious zealots. College football prayer before a game by a coach has been reinstated. Overruling state and church. Athletes who do not participate in such have faced consequences.
      So ask ourselves how church has the ability to change laws. Frightening to know that persecution by religious beliefs has continued to dictate choices.
      All organized religions are the most corrupt people and hypocrites.

  4. ELMO is another Plutarco Elias Calles. He will start another Cristero war.

  5. It's called progress. A step in the right direction. Separation of church and state. As soon as Mexico eliminates religion from its government tougher penalties on crimes will follow. For those of you who come on here and say Mexico is a doomed country, we'll here's your ray of light. The only reason Mexico doesn't legally impose the death penalty on murderers is because catholicism prevents the nation from doing so. With so many religions being practiced in Mexico why should catholicism reign as Supreme? Catholicism is a joke! especially after its dark history in mexico and all accross Latin America... Out with it. No more religious brainwashing.

  6. 8:36 You are right, the thing is that AMLO never prohibited any christian motifs, nor find where did she mention anything related.

  7. 1004 You know what you're absolutely right. I never questioned the credibility of the author of this story. Who is LA POLAKA? looking at it closely it appears like click bate is making its way into BB.

    1. I'm honestly just happy that you guys are taking a closer look at the source of directly translated articles and discussing whether you find the publication credible.

      Always feel free to bring up these points in the comments. If you guys feel there is a major concern with a source's credibility, we will take that into consideration in future posts.

    2. 11:12 La Polaka covers Chihuahua and doesn't need chayote from AMLO

    3. 200 LMAO. Have you gone through the articles?! That website is a joke.

    4. Beside the big news outlets most of mexican news pages looking like shitty spam bots. Just a lack of funding. The authors probably works 2 or more jobs. Just bought a subscription to a newspaper from guatemala and the whole year is cheaper than a month of a local newspaper.
      And there is nothing good in being religious. If you need an imaginary person to scare you to not to steal, murder or rape….

    5. 2:00 Of course La Polaka receives Chayote.... how do you think they survive?, theres no article with orthographic errors, among other things. In fact, i do have few contracts of their chayotes they had been receiving.


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