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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

San Miguel Totolapan, Guerrero: Los Tequileros Kill Mayor Conrado Mendoza, 18 Dead After Attacks

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Best

A cell of hitmen entered the house of the former municipal president and father of the mayor, Juan Mendoza Acosta, and killed him.

An armed criminal cell, allegedly linked to Los Tequileros, gunned down the municipal palace and homes in San Miguel Totolapan, Guerrero, killing the mayor, Conrado Mendoza Almeda, his father, former municipal president Juan Mendoza, and 16 other people, the state prosecutor confirmed.

The state prosecutor, Sandra Luz Valdovinos, said in an interview with Milenio Televisión, "Up to this moment we have the death of 18 people confirmed and two injured; all of them are adults".

The official said that even the Ministerial Investigation Police and the forensic services are gathering more data, she did not confirm that the group of Los Tequileros or any other, was responsible for the attacks.

"There were indeed blockades, which led to immediate access to the scene. However, these blockades were removed a few hours after the event," he said.

According to information confirmed by the state government, a large group of armed civilians attacked the San Miguel Totolapan town hall this afternoon.

In another aggression, a criminal cell entered the house of the former municipal president and father of the mayor, Juan Mendoza Acosta, and also killed him.

The authorities confirmed that there were several confrontations in the town of San Miguel Totolapan.

Both the mayor and the former mayor were members of the PRD.

The Coordination for the Construction of Peace in Guerrero indicated that security was reinforced in the municipality with elements of the State Police, the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), the National Guard and the Navy, as well as the Ministerial Police from the State Attorney General's Office (FGE).

He also explained that an operation was deployed to locate and detain those responsible for the attack and that the FGE has opened an investigative folder.

As of 9:00 p.m., the prosecutor indicated that no one had been arrested for these attacks.

The alleged return of the criminal group

Shortly before the armed raid, alleged members of Los Tequileros released a video in which they announced that they were "back" in the municipality, which they would take under their control and challenged the authorities to take them out again.

The group was reactivated four years after being dismantled. In February 2018, its main leader, Raybel Jacobo de Almonte, was shot dead in a confrontation with members of the United Front of Community Police from the State of Guerrero (FUPCEG), in the mountains of Tlacotepec.

PRD demands justice for the victims of the attacks.

The state leader of the PRD, Alberto Catalán Bastida, confirmed the murder of the municipal president of San Miguel Totolapan, Conrado Mendoza Almeda and his father, Juan Mendoza Acosta, as well as a number of other people, and demanded that the case be investigated and those responsible be punished.

He said that the PRD had no reports of any kind of threat against the mayor and his predecessor in office, both members from the Sol Azteca party. 

However, he called on the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) to investigate the case, establish the facts and punish those responsible.

It is expected that during the course of the night of Wednesday, October 5, the state leadership from y he PRD will meet to analyze what happened and issue a statement in a timely manner.

For its part, the national leadership of the party condemned the attack and joined in the demand for justice from the Guerrero Attorney General's Office. "Stop the violence and impunity," he said on Twitter.

Warning: Graphic Video And Pictures

Los Tequileros threatens La Familia Michoacana in Guerrero. Today they attacked San Miguel Totolapan leaving many dead. Unofficially one of the dead is the former mayor of Totolapan.

Video translation is as follows:

You sons of bitches didn’t think we’d return. But I’ve already killed the first targets. Those sons of bitches didn’t even bother defending themselves. Colima, you faggot I’m presently here. I thought you had so much bravery? 

I’m presently in position in San Miguel. Come through and take me out. I want to see how fucking brave you actually are.  We’re all here and we wont be leaving. Everyone one of you faggots on this list better be fucking ready. We are the absolute Tequileros. 

Sicarios scream in unison: We are the absolute Tequileros!!!


  1. And in a few days this will be forgotten. Unsolved case, like thousands of others in Mexico. This war on drugs is a damn failure.

    1. If you really think about it , their really doing a good deed by clensing Mexico 🇲🇽

    2. It's not even war on drugs any more cuz some of those aren't even cartels anymore they straight up thieves and crooks that don't even sell drugs anymore that's the only reason they fight the plazas to get money from that town charging cuotas and selling they're bootleg products real drug cartels help the town not steal from them

    3. war on drugs? You mean the war between cartels while the Mexican government attacks cartels who are not paying enough in bribe money. There has never been a war on drugs just a war against cartels who are not favourites of the government in that region.

    4. The war on drugs led to this mess. So yes, this is part of the aftermath of the war on drugs, even if these groups don’t move drugs anymore.

    5. 6:17 exactly 💯

    6. 6:17 They are attacking all cartels. The bribe things was before little guy.

  2. Mencho and his jaliscas are pretty bussy these days

    1. I thought mencho was dead?
      Even the haters know mencho is still alive haha

    2. He has been dead, are you one that still believes, he is alive.😂

    3. @10:46 whats your source that confirmed that he is dead?

    4. 10:52 Los Tequileros are enemies with CJNG smart ass

    5. 1:45 the uncle of ones of his friends friend son in law who baught a dog from a close relative of a guy who work for el gato del gato del gato del gato del gato del patron's brother of one of the sicarios who was dating his cauzin's sister in law and he told her that he knew a guy who was there when a call came in that said that the guy on the other line had heard a a story from SIR when he was high as fuck that in his dream he saw a guy who kinda looked like mencho dead, thats how he knows Mencho is dead

    6. 1:45 Mr. Source
      You have to question everyone that comments in here. If you don't believe it that's your problem.Stop being a whiner.

    7. 9:33 yep i agree, mencho is dead in your dreams

    8. 8:57: Brilliant!

    9. 08:57 😂 well do anyone else here have proof that El Mencho is alive, or ever even existed as the “head” of the renamed Milenio Cartel?? Which most people in America have never heard of before.

    10. 11:14 id you have never hears of the Milenio Cartel you are a newbe, they started before cds so your comment is only making you sound stupid AF, Cds is not the only cartel out there bud

  3. Worse than in Ukraine

    1. How can it be worst , please do your home work completely different war..

    2. 1:05 ok Mr Facts

  4. Not just drugs although a big part of it,putting money for their group,but also extortion,natural resources, agriculture.For one the coordination between local,state and federal is not good.Also corruption.The bastards have to be caught.On the other hand we did not know what these dead people were doing,they might have also extorted,etc .

    1. Those issues are MUCH deeper than "corruption".

  5. I wonder what happened didn't Juan Mendoza Acosta Ally himself with tequileros?

  6. and meanwhile Mexico is being rented out to criminal gangs

    1. Cuando no existian el CJNG...

    2. 2:56 Nothing but fake news

  7. Puro chuntaro culos!

  8. Mexico the land of the damned and forgotten.

  9. In a subsequent confrontation the assassins were killed, a couple escaped wounded, but most of the marksmen were executed and cut into small pieces.

  10. Dam this is crazy follow up i found is this from grillonautas. is this really fresa showing his face?

  11. That fresa dude from lfm made a video on this

  12. 18 dead by criminals that carry guns freely, but when a citizen carries a gun let's throw the book and lock them up.
    A Tijuana Police lady, is being raped by police sergeant, she said no many times, defends herself shoots, kills him in self defense, gets 45 years in prison. What happened to the Mexican law, that if someone murders someone it's 7-8 years?

    1. 8:40
      Mexican laws are not good.
      It favors the criminals with weapons

  13. Lots of caps got peeled, lol. Ice T would be proud.


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