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Sunday, August 21, 2022

Tijuana, Baja California: Two Women Murdered Left On The Joya bridge, Totaling 152 Femicides In 2022

"Sol Prendido” for Borderland Beat

The bodies of two women were found on the scenic highway in Playas de Tijuana around 8 a.m. on Saturday, August 20. The incident was recorded on the Joya bridge. The crime scene was guarded by the National Guard.

With the homicide of the two approximately 35-year-old women, 10 cases of femicide have been accumulated in the month of August, 3 committed on Saturday, considering that during the early hours of the morning the covered body of another victim was located with a narco-message related to the suggestion of Mayor Monsterrat Caballero on criminal groups "collecting their debts”.

Officially, 126 homicides have been registered so far in the month of August in the city of Tijuana, 10 of the victims are women and 3 were murdered on August 20. So far this year, 1,224 people have been murdered in the city of Tijuana, of the victims: 152 are women, according to statistics from the State Attorney General's Office (FGE).

From the double murder against women, the National Guard protected the crime scene until the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) recovered the bodies and transferred them to its facilities while the FGE opens the investigation folder. At the moment there is no progress on any of the three femicides registered this Saturday, August 20, in the city of Tijuana.


  1. Avocados from Mexico

    1. I was actually expecting a taco joke

    2. At the avocado guy. What does that reference even mean? And at the taco joke guy. There's nothing to joke about females being killed. Let alone anyone period.

    3. 11:01 Hence why I didn’t make a taco joke myself.

    4. It means that Blanko is full of Avacados.

    5. 9:01 tocame los aguacates...
      Con mariachi pa que soples a gusto la corneta

    6. 7:32 no juegues con eso

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Lived in playas de tijuana for 3 years a long time ago. Great place to live. Running along the huge beach every morning. So sad what has happened to Mexico

    1. The US has a lot to do with it.

    2. 12:35 By not saying EVERYTHING...

  4. By any definition Mexico is a failed state with all the horror that entails for its people. The government controls less than 50% of the country (source BB) and is obviously not able to protect its people. Almost all government and semi state and military and police have been infiltrated by crime groups and in many cases are controlled by crime groups. For example small towns and police forces where police or government are killed if they dont work for the crime groups. Ordinary people suffer unspeakable crimes and are not able to rely on the police and in many cases are scared to report things to the police who work for cartels.Its obvious that the situation is not getting better and is in fact getting worse. Its time for the leaders of Mexico who are not corrupted, if they exist, and the Mexican people to swallow their pride and ask for US intervention. Failure to do this and get US help will continue to result in thousands of deaths in the most appalling ways. Relying on the government and opposing US intervention is killing people

    1. Don't laugh
      I hate to use the word Clown, but when Lopez Obrador speechwriter comes up with a a speech Obrador is ready to read it. "Declaring Mexico is safe, not a dangerous place as some people say."
      Lol 😂 I couldn't stop laughing.
      Lopez Obrador nutthuggers don't get offended. Source... Mexico News Daily.

    2. 310/914 how often do you go to mexico? When was the last time you both went?

    3. whens the last time you travelled outside of Mexico and saw how safe the rest of the world is. Criminals arent cutting peoples heads and faces off and chopping off their arms and legs and burning down convenience stores because they are angry with the police in any other country on the planet Ever!! Nor are police and government employees taking orders from criminals and handing ordinary people over to crime gangs to kill them or killing them for crime gangs anywhere else. FFS Afghanistan is safer than Mexico

    4. 3:10 US interventions only worsen problems. And we got your point, you just hate mexico.

    5. @11:25 The people who hate Mexico and the Mexican people are the government and cartels who are doing this to Mexicans. And people who want to pretend this is normal and A-OK. So dont cry racism while you commit sins of omission by pretending anyone who points out this tragedy is somehow anti mexico. . Cry for the evil your countrymen are doing to your country and say yes to people who are shocked and saddened by what is going on and wish someone anyone would step in to stop it

    6. 3:10 If Amlo and the Mexican government were Japanese they would commit ritual suicide out of shame for their failures and the tens of thousands murdered in the most disgusting ways under their watch.

    7. 9:47 I went many times, what's ya fuken point.

    8. The point is not about traveling Mijo.
      The point here is that Obrador paints picture as if 5 or 6 homicides occur a month, when in reality it's 2,000-3,000 a month. Places and cars were being burnt, that was not a question of how much does one travel, be more straight dude

    9. 11:57 You really hate Mexico, and hate is a problem in the US. And blaming others is a historic sin, very common in the US.

    10. 12:34 Obrador paints pictures as if 5 or 6 homicides occur a month?, Where did you saw that?, since you are talking about being more "straight", then show your sources, since what you are affirming is ridiculous.

    11. 12:01 You obviously have never heard about Haiti, a lots of other countries. Dont hate Mexico :)

    12. 9:47 just wants to cover up, what goes in Mexico. And switches it with other question that are not relevant to the comment.

    13. 1:34 That situation in Mexico is strictly proportional to events in the US since is the main consumer in the world. Also affects Colombia (and coke producers). Afghanistan is also struggle with that too. Hard to swallow.

    14. @1:54 you're off line lol.

    15. 3:05 I know thats was hard to swallow for you :(

    16. Who's the fuker matching things with Mexico and USA?

    17. 3:10 your pinchi culito de pollito is failing madafaka...

  5. whats not covered is how the women are raped and sexually abused in the most disgusting ways(Almost certainly) prior to being murdered

    1. @4:36 and you are happy with Mexico just as it is and or have faith in your governments ability to return Mexico to a normal state and dont need any help to do this. Mother of God. I have abridge to sell you

    2. 11:35 What do you mean with "help"?

  6. If 152 females have been kill in Tijuana this year. How many have been kill for being a female? 1072 Males have been kill in the same period. By statistics it is safer to be a female than a male in Tijuana.

    1. The men are probably usually directly involved in that life though.

  7. "feminicidios" is such a bizarre way to categorize female victims. the term implies that women are killed because they are women and nothing else. obviously that's not the case, usually there is a reason behind the killing


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