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Wednesday, August 3, 2022

The Enormous Jalisco New Generation Cartel Expansion

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

The Jalisco New Generation Cartel continues its criminal expansion not only in Mexico, since in recent years it has expanded its activities to other Latin American countries. This is according to a report from the United States Congressional Investigations Service that indicates that the organization led by Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes aka El Mencho has a presence in 28 of the 32 states in the Mexican Republic.

And it only needs to reach Sinaloa, Sonora, Durango, and Tlaxcala to finalize its expansion. The report indicates that it has extensive domain and power in the states of Jalisco, Guerrero, State of Mexico, Veracruz, Colima, and Nayarit. 

Likewise, the report indicates that the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has made alliances with other cartels in five of the six border states with the United States. Baja California, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas. In addition to the fact that Mexican officials and police officers are on the cartel's payroll and have avoided taking action against its members.

The US Congress in particular is concerned about the use of drones to drop bombs and anti-personnel mines. Methods of destruction that the cartel has used in Michoacán where they have waged a bloody war against Los Viagras, United Cartels, and other criminal groups. 

And despite leadership losses, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel has expanded its geographic reach and maintained its own issue while exploiting infighting between factions of the Sinaloa Cartel, the US Congress report notes.

Finally, the report highlights that the DEA considers the Jalisco New Generation Cartel a maximum threat to the United States and the best armed criminal group in Mexico.

Grillonautas 2


  1. Where is a copy of the report?

  2. All you bright bulb drug users are the reason why these piece of shit drug pushers are growing.

    1. Also because Grampa Obrador, let's them expand, because the bribes are good, that curupt officials look the other way.

    2. Drugs make the world go round.

    3. Damn it SIR!!!

    4. well said. Something needs to be done about demand. I have written to the British government many times asking for compulsory drug testing of all government employees and criminalize the failure of a drug test with compulsory one month rehab for first two fails with regular testing every month after that for one year and jail for a third fail. The British government will now confiscate passports and driving licences for drug test fails and have them attend a drug awareness course. But its not enough. And it needs to be done in all work places at least once a year

    5. 7:34 Bloody mate sounds 👍 good.

    6. 7:08
      Yes SIR is keeping them in business, with his $300 a week habit, I just don't know how he can pay the rent, food and still have a job.

    7. White Americans and Europeans are the reasons drugs flourished and you the have Chinese chemical company happy to supply the supply to any criminal organizations.

    8. Which bright bulb drig users you talking about the mexican or american

    9. I only drink 🍺

    10. @8:32 and don't forget all the butt plugs SIR uses on himself on a daily basis

    11. @3:59 me too I only drink nose beers

    12. 5:47 Well yea we all know about SIR's butt plugs addiction, but in this case we are only talking about his heavy meth addiction

    13. @7:34 Aaand.. your trolling is even weaker than Sol’s. Good job

    14. Nomás no empiezas con tú "fierro por la 300" y resultes ofreciendo "300 por el fierro"

    15. 7:20 🤣🤣🤣🤣 creo que te equivocaste de lugar y en ves de mandarle el mensaje a tu carnal lo pusiste en BB

    16. @8:55 cabron te tengo que explicar todo? Yo comenté que nomás tomo chelas y el 6:22 contesto que el se avienta pases(nose beers) y yo le contesté que ya cuando ande tartamudo no vaya andar de puñal. 🍺

    17. IPA Drinker only drinks beer ?
      Y de la amarga .. no mas haci se le quita el sabor a verga que trae en el hocico ese joto michoacaca

    18. 2:01 pues ponle al principio para quien va baboso! Nomas avientas un comentario sin direccion y nadie save que pedo

    19. @6:04 órale GILBERTONA, se te hicieron muy amargas las IPA mariquita? Jajajajaja.
      Niñita fresa

  3. SOL:
    I believe I've located the report. I cannot find your email.


    2. Now is the Gmail with 5gs or 4?
      Then let me see 4 y s

  4. CJNG and CDS are the most powerful criminal organizations in the world

    1. Teeny bopper
      It's the Yakuza!

    2. No, Dixie Mafia, Irish Mob, Nazi Low Ryder's, Aryan Circle Jerk, and Outlaws Bikers control the dope games

    3. Yakuza are very weak.

    4. No there’s still bigger ones in Asia

    5. @3:08 Irish mob lmao… I’m done with you people

    6. Yakuza had power in the 60s and 70s. They're a shadow of their formal self which was never as brutal as Mexican cartels.

  5. I sent what I believe is a copy of the report to Hearst.

    1. Chihuahua nah they ain’t ready for that blood bath. They aren’t expanding at this time.

    2. 7:18 expanding doesnt neceseraly means fighting, you can spand ypur network by making a deal with the dominant cartel in the area, jalisco has a truse with Linea so yea they are in chihuahua, not fighting but crossing jale

    3. 11:05 expanding or spreading their shit too thin?
      That is pretty one dimensional diminishing themselves.

    4. @11:05 .. I wouldnt go as far as calling it a truce homie .. if anything Jalisco is paying handsomely to use Chihuahua as a route and I’ll bet money they’re simply handing shit over to the local cartel who hands it back on the other side no way in hell that La Linea will let them even think about setting up shop anywhere north of Parral.. mencho cant afford to go to war in Chihuas, they’re barely surviving in Zacatecas … to make a move to take Chihuahua would be suicidal.. this ain’t Zacatecas, Michoacán or GTO ay no mas pregúntenle al Chapo y Al Mayo

    5. 3:42 wether you like or not CJNG is the power house in mexico, anybody that makes deals with Don Mencho are gonna make hell of money, really good for bussiness, why would linea go to war with Cjng if you can do bussniness with them? The only ones out of the picture who cjng would never do bussiness with is CDS, CU and CDN,one of them is full of snitches and the others are a bunch of thiefs, Don Menchos word is pure gold and linea and the other cartel that have joined him know it, so again why even fight against the Lord of the Cocks? Plus Mayo and Chapo aint shit when it comes to war, if Cjng had the same help from the government like chapo and mayo did, Cjng would of already have taken over all of mexico, dont mix cds and Cjng in the same bag, Cjng its on another level, and the only tomes that they have lost its against the government

    6. @9:42 … really ?? There’s videos of Jaliskas getting slaughtered by Sinaloa all over the internet just like videos of Jaliskas kickin chinolas ass .. this bullshit about only losing to the government is just that bullshit … you need to quit thinking about all those cocks and get your head out of your ass jotito

  6. The CRS does post these reports on occasion. This is nothing new. These are public documents with no copyright issues, so should be posted here as they come out.
    This is very relevant material and it would be nice if Borderlandbeat readers commented on these CRS reports.

  7. These CRS reports have a profound impact on federal legislation. When legislation is being developed, legislators frequently refer back to these reports when writing legislation.
    As concerning the reports pertaining to border issues, these reports are frequently off target because they are written by staffers in congressional offices, many of whom have never been either to the border or Mexico.
    When it comes to border issues, these reports make Congress appear like they all live in ivory towers. It is important that we have an impact on these reports. We can have an impact on the contents of CRS reports by calling out their failures and misunderstandings of border issues.
    Congress is so tied up with border technology, border walls, etc. that they ignore practical issues and practical solutions.
    About 20 years ago, the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Office in Texas was pursuing drug smugglers when the smugglers drove their vehicle into the river and swam back to Mexico. American law enforcement officers could do nothing but sit and watch the traffickers retrieve their drugs from the submerged vehicle in the river.
    The problem here is that they have no cooperation with Mexican authorities. Traffickers know that all they have to do is reach the border and they are safe from American law enforcement.
    American law enforcement needs partners in Mexico in this scenario. This could happen, but too many Mexican law enforcement officers are intimidated by organized crime. The solution is to provide Mexican law enforcement with the tools that they need to be effective. They need to be properly trained and equipped. They need to be garrisoned so that their families are safe. They need better pay and benefits to include at least two consecutive days off per week and a limitation on the hours in their shift worked and pay differentials, especially increase pay for those who work the night shift and holidays. They need benefits to know that their children will go to college if they die.
    If we truly are concerned with reducing crime at the border and drugs flowing into the U.S., we would all be pushing the federal congress to make these changes. One of the best ways to affect federal legislation is to get our concerns published in these CRS reports.
    Hopefully SOL will publish this report here so every Borderlandbeat reader can gain more insight to these reports.

    1. also need to get rid of the hundreds of local law enforcement agencies as they are all corrupt. A national one would allow the government to rotate them out of each area every few months and allow more central testing and corruption vetting and standardized equipment and training. Any police based in one area for more than a couple of years will be intimidated and corrupted and same for all local government. But the entire country is hopelessly corrupt and incompetent with a minority of decent hard working and honest law officers and government employees desperately trying to stay alive and keep their families alive

    2. He's been acting like a dick lately. 🤭🤭

    3. 8:26:
      They already have that with mando unico. They have been vetting police and about 2/3 of the state and local police have already been vetted.
      The problem is that they are still underequipped, undertrained, underpaid and have no security for their families.
      Police in northern Coahuila were fighting the cartel a few months ago and ran out of ammunition so their only option was to run away. Running out of bullets is absolutely asinine.
      The U.S. can provide assistance to the police in Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, Sonora and B.C. to secure the border, but they don't.

    4. Detroit, Police in BC all have to share their guns with the opposit shifts. Madness I tell ya.

    5. Echenle agua al Detroit por el overthere, pa que se le quite lo caliente, madderfaker...

    6. SIR Detroit doesn't know about the vulgarity of his name in Spanish. So it's pointless to continue throwing it out

    7. Dear Mister "Detroit", in spanish,
      detroit means the rear end

    8. Sir Detroit and Blanko love you, they are always giving you shout puts and props, y vienes a alburearlos? Whats going on? A mi se me hace que que quieres al Blanko por Detroit 🤣

    9. 9:20 "help" and "presence" of the US against cartels is strictly proportional to things getting even worse.... Federal agencies have more than enough preparation and equipment... But it is important to understand what separation of powers is in Mexico, and realize the jurisdiction of every agency... instead spending on "assistance", work on your side of the border. Cut the flow of weapons and cash, and get the bosses operating there... If you wish to clean your own yard, you dont start cleaning the neighbors one...

    10. 5:02 y a ti tambien mamasita...

  8. I live in Coahuila, ain’t no cartel control there, the closest is Cabrera running Torreón and Saltillo that’s it, not even cdn can make it in

    1. I just watched Somos on Netflix about the Allende massacre in Coahuila. Doesnt sound cartel free to me

    2. Shit 9:04 say no more Netflix its gotta be real

    3. Piedras Negras?? Cd Acuña??Acura??? No cartels really don't control those border towns??

    4. I live in Coahuila and no cartels are here, acuña is cartel free and Piedras Negras too along with every other city in Coahuila, the fuerza Coahuila and military don’t let them in

    5. Fuck Netflix, facebook, Truth Mierdia, Fawx News and twitter.

    6. 2:20 Truth Media is being financed by ex fired Donald Trump.
      He has caused a lot of kaos.
      The MF wants to run for President again. He F up big time and wants to be president again, he is crazy, he can kiss my ass.

    7. 202 Jose Biden is a disaster and he can kiss all our asses. You cry about Tromp but the US economy was much stronger because he understands negocios. Even CNN wants Tromp back because their ratings collapsed. You and sir love Democrats because they give you free cell phones y food stamps. Get real jobs juevones.

    8. 23five Let me add probably some creepy looking mf that like pizza and hotdogs on the low

    9. 2:35 yea trump understands negocios so much that he has gone bankruped a bunch of times, he a jackal! Un pinche carroñero

    10. 12:08:
      I believe the Northeast Cartel is still in Acuna and Piedras. They may be low key but they are still there.

    11. 2:35 Biden is doing a better job than Trumperster.
      He does not say he ihearited the problems of past presidents like Grampa Obrador.

    12. 9:04 your not very smart.... If you saw "Somos.", you have to realize which years are projected... and consider "zetas" no longer exist... things are changing in some places.

    13. The Oringe Orangutan excels at begging everybody everywhere all the time for donations, loans, investments, and always steals the funds, that is not a business mind

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. After taking over planet earth. Sr Mencho will be eyeballing the universe

    1. El Menco's time is limited. Mexico has been building it's capacity to take on the cartels. I believe he is down to his last 5 or 10 years of freedom before he becomes a permanent resident of Florence, Colorado.

    2. You mean his spirit.
      Mencho died in February

    3. Don Menchos power surpasses that of Goku, he is up there with beerus and Wiss, if he wanted he could destroy the earth with a punch, but he really genorous man and doeant like to bully weaklings, baugh down to the Lord of the Cocks! 🐓🐓🐓

    4. Mencho ESTA muerto.

    5. 9:26 en tus sueños

  11. El Señor Mencho studied the "Art Of War" handbook.
    He is a strategist .
    He learned everything from El Señor Nacho Coronel

    1. He learn from Putin

    2. Stupidity at it's best

    3. 9:59 Sun Tzu and his pinchi book never could shake China free from the brutish empire...
      Chairman Mao TséTung had to write his Little Red Book and have the chinese reading and studying it for more than a hundred years to learn to become like their drug trafficking masters, the Bruttish.

    4. Entonces le dieron un piquete por atrás a Mao, y descubrió el Gran Salto Adelante.
      Las gilbertonas prefieren el salto pá trás de sentón.

  12. Cjng se la pela al OXXO esos están en cada rincón de México.

    1. Hasta le compra sus hieleras para las cabezas de los contras 🤣 esos del OXXO son unos loquillos

  13. you are also a bright bulb sol

  14. CJNG will never take Durango. Ever

    1. Could you please explain why CJNG will never take Durango?

    2. el mayo is from there, and thats one of the spots where CDS have a very solid control since decades ago...

    3. Y quién chingados está hablando de los duranguillos? Ustedes siganle de mandaderos

    4. Mandaderos? Durango es una tierra clave del cartel de Sinaloa

    5. 5:51 por eso, siganle mamando las bolas a los sinaloas, que alcavos cuando ahi guerras a uatedes son a los pendejos que mandan por delante, lla los traen bien adictos al puto crystal

    6. Orale donde estas El Zombie?

    7. 9:06 aqui atrasito de ti,
      te doblas o te doblo???

    8. 6:37 doblame la riata a centones

  15. En chihuahua las jaliscas solo pagan piso a Ncdj para pasar jale no hay tanto mas alianza que eso

    1. Lla dijieron aqui en BB que les estan ayudando a pelear contra los chaputillos, lla aganse a la idea que nunca van a volver a chihuahua Gilbertonas

    2. A que se refiere con "chihuahua"?, Dos carteles (poderosos) operan en el estado.... ignorando el hecho de que el cartel de Juarez ha sido aliado de cualquier cartel que sea enemigo del CDS...

    3. No se a quien creerle mas si al congreso de Estados Unidos y la DEA o a ustedes 8:28 y 10:40 🤣🤣🤣 puro sarcasmo! Estan bien pendejos ustedes 2

    4. awwww ya no supo que responder la muñeca :(


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