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Thursday, August 4, 2022

The Chapiza Threatens Military Personnel And Execute Their Rivals

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Samuel Ibarra Peralta "El Pia" and his son Jesús Aurelio Ibarra, are two of three identified operators of the Guzmans. Multi-homicide and threat are attributed to them against military and National Guardsmen 

Jesús Aurelio Ibarra Ramiro, alias "El Comandante Aurelio" and Samuel Ibarra Peralta, known as "El Pía" -innocent until their responsibility is determined by a judge's sentence, according to Article 13 of the CNPP-, are two of the three objectives identified as leaders of the plaza that occupy the Gulf of Santa Clara in Sonora, one of the main bases of operations of "La Chapiza". Organization led by the brothers Iván Archivaldo and Alfredo Guzmán Salazar, in addition to Ovidio Guzmán López "El Ratón", sons of the former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán Loera, a perpetual prisoner in a maximum security prison in the USA.

“El Pía” and “El Comandante Aurelio” are father and son, and have historically directed their criminal activity in the Mexicali Valley. However, after the empowerment of the local criminal structure led by Jesús Alexander (Alejandro) Sánchez Félix “El Ruso”, both criminal leaders were “banished” and found support in the Guzmán brothers.

On Wednesday, July 20, elements of the Municipal Police of the Gulf of Santa Clara - a community one hour from San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora and which is part of the towns of the Upper Gulf of California - mobilized due to the emergency report because of the presence of plastic bags where several mutilated limbs were identified.

The blue bags were found in an unpopulated area of ​​the community and had a message printed on blue cardboard with text of the same color, but with a different tonality:

“The Gulf of Santa Clara and San Felipe have an owner. We’re in charge here. This will be the fate of you shit filled soldiers and National Guardmen who keep fucking off with your operations. We will cut you into pieces if you continue coming to the gulf. Sincerely, The Commanders Aurelio, my brother Cholo Quintero, and Commander Pia. We are the absolute Chapiza you faggots!"

Initially it was indicated that there were several corpses, but in the end it was confirmed that it was only a dismembered individual.

Almost simultaneously, three other bodies were dumped in the area of ​​"La Grullita" in San Luis Río Colorado, which were handcuffed on the nearby stretch of road to the Gulf of Santa Clara.

These individuals were later identified as José Antonio Díaz Arroyo, 47 years old; Edgar Leonardo Caravez Martínez, 31; and Elmer Ortega Uriarte, 49, who were residents of the community.

Four dismembered bodies abandoned in black garbage bags were found in the Gulf of Santa Clara, along with a threat attributed to "Los Chapitos", who have their base of operations -precisely- in that area located in Sonora.

Initially it was said that these bodies could be related to the first incident, but Sonoran authorities maintain precautions to confirm a link between the two cases.

Hours after the acts of violence, elements of the National Guard undertook an operation in the Burócratas neighborhood of San Luis Río Colorado, where they arrested four individuals in possession of three long rifles, three magazines and 82 rounds.

The information was made public through a press release, but unofficially, it was a reaction by federal elements to the threat exposed on the highway to the Gulf of Santa Clara.

"El Pía" And "Commander Aurelio"

Samuel Ibarra Peralta is a criminal leader who has been operating for several years in the region of the Mexicali Valley and San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, where he has been in charge of drug distribution and contract killings.

His son, Aurelio Ibarra Ramiro, has a residence in Mexicali, according to a voter card in his name -held by ZETA-, which places him at Calle Gran Vía number 3125, Residencial Puerta de Alcalá, in the Golden Zone of the of the State capital, where it has been made known that the main drug leaders of San Luis, Mexicali and San Felipe are hiding out.

"El Pía" has been related to protection fees in the La Puerta de Mexicali neighborhood, one of the various points that made up its area of ​​operations for the unloading of light aircraft, such as the Nayarit, Zacamoto, Durango and Cucapah ejidos.

Last year they still held control of that plaza, until they were exiled for not agreeing to align themselves with "Los Rusos", which generated some confrontations that culminated in the withdrawal of him and his son, along with Luis Alfredo Garibay Félix "El Wicho" , today imprisoned after an operation carried out by the Army on the ranch owned by his uncle Manuel Garibay Espinoza, in Ejido Chiapas III.

To this are added some operations carried out during 2020 by elements of the extinct State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI), in which a drug shipment was seized at a ranch that allegedly belonged to "Pía" in the Mexicali Valley.

After the apprehension of "El Wicho", the intervention of "Pía" and Aurelio in Mexicali was reduced, focusing even more on the Gulf of Santa Clara and San Luis Río Colorado, as well as the port of San Felipe, where cells dedicated to poaching of totoaba were absorbed by “Los Chapitos”. Thus they seized the entire area of ​​the Upper Gulf of California, which turns out to be a strategic point for fentanyl trafficking to the United States, through small and medium-sized vessels that disembark at these points.

The latest reports from Baja California authorities indicated that Samuel Ibarra "El Pía" had died after an armed attack that occurred between San Luis Río Colorado and the community of Puerto Peñasco, but the message suggests that he supports criminal activities in Sonora.

zeta tijuana


  1. "Traigo sangre sonorense
    Y por clave llevo el 13
    Soy Salazar
    Ahora mismo es mala suerte
    Me he movido en este ambiente
    Cuando tenía 17 empecé a trabajar
    En la sierra muy a gusto me la vivo
    Y llegando a Navojoa también tengo mis amigos
    Ya me he ganado el respeto por crédito propio
    Y me desplazo discreto dentro del negocio
    Y no se atoran los tiros de mi 38
    Solé, Soler
    Con el Betillo, viejón
    A toda la plebada de San Tulio, ¡cómo no!
    De la playa hasta el 60
    Del 60 para el cinco
    Me miran pasar
    Trabajando como siempre
    Con el Yayo bien pendiente
    Y también con el 14 que es mi carnal
    En Los Tanques cuando iba en mi Hummer negra
    Me llevé un retén de guachos también en La Rosalera
    Pero en algunas cuestiones no soy tan amable
    Y me cerraron el paso aquellos militares
    Y no vieron a través de aquellos matorrales
    Y con el Betillo, viejón
    El apoyo no ha faltado
    Y le agradezco de antemano
    La clave M-100
    Un señor muy respetado
    Es mi primo y me ha ayudado
    Y ya sabe que andamos pendientes siempre con él
    Una súper que respalda mis asuntos
    Y un cuerno de esos pochitos no me deja alegar mucho
    Y del señor Salazar, aquí traigo respaldo
    No soy mucho de problemas, pero ahí les encargo
    No se olviden, soy el 13 y nos vemos al rato"

  2. #701 # lachapiza #gentenueva #salazares #raton #chapitos

    1. En cosa de meses los van a chingar... los chapitos no traen nada, mas que el apellido y millones heredados. Pero eso no les garantiza nada... los hijos del chapo NUNCA fueron figuras relevantes, ademas de ser los hijos del chapo... Cosa distinta de Vicente Zambada, que no solo tenia el linaje, si no las dotes para hacer crecer el cartel (y lo hizo mientras estuvo libre).... No dudo ni poquito que el mismo Chapo lo mando apresar

  3. I am getting tired of dismembered bodies all the time, can you guys do something different. Drones with missiles or blowing up homes would be more exciting.

  4. La chapiza cachetea a los babosos soldados!
    El ejercito Mexicano no trae nada contra estos. El ejercito Mexicano es culo!

    1. they just signed their death warrant... chapitos are weak

    2. chapiza vs la SEDENA??? jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaa eso ni tu te lo crees... no les va a durar el gusto a esos gatos mugrosos.

    3. 11:53!🤣🤣🤣🤣 cuando son 50 culos contra 5 soldados pues si, pero cuando son 50 culos contra nomas 20 soldados los soldados siempre los hacen correr, es mas cuaquier otro cartel 50 vs 50 hace correr a los chaputillos, pero en igualdad de situaciones ningun perro cartel puede vs los soldados, porfavor lla deja de creer en los corridos falsos se los sinaloas, no te digo que no los escuches, pero no creas nada de esos corridos alucines

    4. Ejercito son unos chapetes para la Chapiza.

    5. No sea pendejo compa, cuando los guachos entran se esconden los culos de Sinaloa. Si tan chingones fueran no les hubieran levantado a esa gente, no la arman. El peso es que el gobierno no deja que el ejército ande duro, pero SEDENA va Chapos fuera como MZ contra el Chapo…Mira quien ganó compa. No sea pendejo

    6. No sean pendejos todos ustedes.
      El pinche ejercito se culeo todo cuando entraron a Sinaloa por El Olvidio y se Les armor contra Sinaloa.
      Pinche Sinaloa se los pidio para areas y el pinche ejercito hasta le fueron dinero para que regresara en paz a su Tierra.
      Pinche Chapiza hase pedasos a El ejercito Mexicano que es mas culo que la chingada!

    7. @ 9:14… ese no fue el ejército, fue el gobierno (políticos). El ejército no le sacó al Chapito, si no que hubo mucho pedo con el gobierno y valió madre allí, desde allí se le perdió el respeto al Soldado pero no fue por falta de huevos de los guachos. Infórmense antes de abrir el traga mondas que traes.

    8. 9:57 mire mi guey. Usted no tiene mas que la boca para tragar y decir que fueron los politicos que soltaron a el Olvidio. No tiene pruebas de nada.
      Haci que El ejercito Mexicano es culo y se rajo contra la Chapiza.
      Pinto. Se acabo.

    9. 9:14 Llamas culearse a soltarlo por que los culitos esos se iban a vengar contra la poblacion civil?, hay fotos y videos... se apostaron por toda la ciudad con barrets amenazando con matar gente al azar.... Si a eso llamas culearse estas que revientas de Pndjo....

    10. 10:28 la chapizza no le hace nada al gobierno federal... no digas tonteras mejor.

    11. Si los pinche soldados que tiene armas no pueden defender ni a sus propias familiar que se puede esperar de que defiendan a el pueblo?
      De que SE culesron se culesron. Paso lo que Paso.

    12. 9:14 para que te haces pendejo si los culos de sinaloa le dojieron a los giachos que si no soltavan al esa ratilla que ivan a matar a familiares de soldados que estavan viviendo ahi en sinaloa, gente total mente inocente puñetas! Esos culones nomas asi pueden! A lo contrario del gran Señor de los cocks que si se les puso de frente y les tumbo asta unos boludos, ese si es poder no como tus ratas pedorras

    13. No digas mentiras quien te dijo que se fue von el Pueblo yo soy de culiacan I no se miro eso que se fue contra jente innocent.

    14. A la chapiza se la embarran los culones sin educacion, como el Comandante Ahuir to wash his ass of all his shit.

    15. 1:04 orale entonces andavas en todos lados, ahi una llamada de radio de ivan si no me equivoco y lo dijo con sus propias palabras "si no dejan ir a mi hermano nos vamos a ir contra los civiles a mi me vale verga" palabras mas palabras menos, ahi estan los audios pendejo! Asta el putillo del raton le dijo, "no carnal esta bien yo ahi liego salgo" y el otro deogadicto dijo dijo algo asi como "no carnal no nos vamos si ti, te sueltan porque te sueltan" palabras mas palabras menos. Esta en video cuando agarraron al ratoncillo, no seas mamon! "Ahi si no se miro que fue contra gente inocente" pendejete! Como si adeveras uvieras estado en todos lados al mismo tiempo! Y si no me crees busca los audios y dejate de mamadas Gilbertona

  5. Chapitos are expanding I kno many ppl hate them but they are expanding and gaining much ground

    1. Not in Chihuas they're not, LOL

    2. 1235 they picked up Tecate from AF but lost it to CJNG. Their people are fighting with big Mayo. You post bullshit for your love of Chapitos. Make your own life better instead of being gay for chapitos.

    3. Had they took over caborca???

  6. I kno many ppl hate the chapitos n think they are spoiled brats but the truth is they are expanding n taking much ground all throughout Mexico! Hate or love them but they are smart n ruthless

    1. Lol ok you slow adult. Remember to get on the little bus not big bus and don't play with your doo doo today.

    2. Lol 🤣🤣🤣 yeah whatever the fuck you so about Chuptios bro fuckem and everyone selling fake dope
      When I was growing on the block people would get murdered for selling fake pills.

      But all the real OGs and Kingpins are in prison so now we have "Mellinials" in fake gangs Mafias and real terroristic organizations running around with needles and poisions

    3. 1:08 you got good radar.
      How did you know that's Big Nuts Truther? He changed to Anonymous.

    4. Orale El Zombie en la casa de Sol

  7. Leonel Ochoa, "El Leon", controla San Felipe, his home town. He works with Charley, Mayos man in Sonora as well. So San Felipe is MZ territorio. Looks like a big wars brewing

    1. Ofc bro if Vicente and fat mayito were to really come back Chapitos would not like that one bit at all

  8. Pura Gente De La Chapiza.

    Hasta la DEA les tiene miedo.

    1. Nadie le tiene miedo a esos nalgas miadas...

    2. 🤔 me acuerdo aver visto un video de unos gueyes incados y a un pendejo le dieron un patadon en las costillas, quien eran? No se acuerda alguien de ustedes? Creo que fue en Puerto Vallarta

  9. This is a game that the Chapitos can't win. They should be consolidating their gains and flying under the radar. Instead they are bringing heat on to their own operations. El Mayo has proven that as long as you fly under the radar that it is very difficult for the U.S. government to find you.
    It's only a matter of time before cartels are suppressed to the point that they knock off the violence and return to simply focusing on business. The smart ones will remain and the others will either be killed or enjoying life in the Rocky Mountains.
    I don't know what the future of the Chapitos will be, but I believe that El Mayo will outlast them despite his advancing age.

  10. It’s funny how the chancludos from Sinaloa always bark really loud.


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