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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Milenio: Organized Crime Targeting Of Taxis In Guerrero Leaves 24 Dead, Burned Vehicles

Article by Javier Trujillo for Milenio, reposted by "El Huaso" 

The harassment of criminal groups has left a trail of deaths and even burning of vehicles in the municipalities of Acapulco, Chilpancingo, Zihuatanejo and in four other localities. In each and every one of the acts of violence in the seven municipalities in Guerrero, impunity prevails so far. 

In the last four months, 24 urban transport drivers have been executed, as well as two leaders, without any of those responsible for the crimes having been arrested so far.  

“Perhaps our sin is to get into the neighborhoods where a group belongs and we get into where there is another group. "That is what happens, we have been victims of kidnapping, collection of fees and many things, we are a sector highly coveted by organized crime," says the leader of A New Horizon for Guerrero, Rogelio Hernández Cruz.

Thus, throughout these eight months, the carriers carry out their work under the harassment of criminal groups, who persecute, corner and threaten them to participate in the mobilizations against federal and state authorities. 

Two of the leaders, Francisco García Marroquín from Chilpancingo, were shot to death on May 31. Meanwhile, Marco Antonio Medina was shot on May 7 in Coyuca de Benítez.  

The ministerial authorities assure that the attacks against public transport drivers have been motivated by the control of these groups, for revenge and for resisting to participate in mobilizations of criminal groups in Zihuatanejo, Chilpancingo and Acapulco.

"This is the main cause, the main reason why crimes against public transport have increased in the state, and it is precisely where the prosecution's investigations are focused on finding the generators of violence," says the deputy prosecutor research Ramón Celaya Gamboa.

According to the ministerial authorities of the entity, in Chilpancingo there are two groups that are vying for control. In Acapulco, the existence of at least five criminal groups is presumed, two of a national nature and criminal cells from Guerrero that have entered and generated violence in the port. 

“There is talk of the Sinaloa cartel, there is talk of the Jalisco cartel, whose presence has not been corroborated. However, there are confirmed factions that operate in Acapulco, from the Sierra Cartel, the Los Tlacos cartel, small cells of Los Ardillos that have wanted to enter the area,” he said.  

Rogelio Hernández, assures that all the murders against carriers have gone unpunished. He says that he does not know of a single case where justice has been done to the family, and reproaches that no carrier is cared for by marines or soldiers, and they only go out to work on the streets and do not know if they will return alive. 

The deputy prosecutor Celaya Gamboa, assures that the investigations continue their course that no investigation has been shelved, "in no case, we are going to continue working, and we are going to find those responsible."

Source: Javier Trujillo for Milenio


  1. More excellent crime coverage from Milenio, Javier Trujillo

  2. Pinches Mexicanos Muertos de ambre empesando con el gobierno de Mexico

    1. hambre lleva "h", empezando lleva "z"... con hambre, pero si sabemos escribir ;)

    2. K tiene si tiene o no, nomas k me entiendas y un Muerto de AMBRE es un pinche puto coriente k nomas Anda robando Mira Como esta el Pais! MEXICO es Rico y puede ser un Pais de primera clase pero tienes estos guebones en el gobierno k nomas se meten a robar y luego se ban a vivir a otro Pais

    3. 11:04 Entonces que haces diciendole muertos de hambre a los mexicanos (mal escrito). Tu punto no tiene fundamento alguno, campeon... y si... todos sabemos como fueron las cosas con 80 años del PRI y 12 PESIMOS años del PAN... a seguirle echando ganas campeon de las faltas ortograficas... te fallo cruelmente la primaria publica a la que no te mandaron tus padres de chiquito :(

    4. Pendejo no agaras la Onda

    5. antes de decirme pendejo, aprende a escribir, "agarras" va con doble "r", grandisimo pndjo...

  3. Taxi Drivers Lives Matter

  4. Really how low can you go. Taxi drivers just barely make enough to support their families. I wish the president would do something.

    1. No, taxis in Guerrero and Cancun for example, have other "functions" than transporting people... For some reason they united to avoid UBER operating in there... and that competes to state jurisdiction, not the federation, president cant do nothing.

  5. “Just legalize drugs and the cartels and their violence will disappear!”
    Can we stop spewing such nonsense now?
    Cartels have moved into “drinking water”, Avocado production, gasoline transport and sales, and now taxi cabs.

    1. 2:01
      Are you on drugs.?

      Legalize drugs and cartel violence disappears.
      They would still resort to other crimes, with death and violence involved.

  6. it's hard to remember what exactly happens in each state and what has happened in the past because so much goes on every day. 100 killings on a daily basis since that useless fuck Amlo became president BUT taxi drivers in Guerrero have been the most endangered species since the days of Calderon and fox. nothing new. People looking in from the outside just forget easy because Guerrero is known for its massacres. after a while people just say fuck it and stop paying attention. RIP to them all. I guarantee none of them were willingly mixed up in anything illegal. Mexico is squandering its potential. in 20 years the revolution will come mark my words


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