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Monday, August 22, 2022

Los Viagras: An Assassin Dies In Pain

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A video has surfaced of an injured and dying gunman from the Los Viagras cartel. His fatal wounds were sustained following an attack against the Improvised Armored Fighting Vehicle (IAFV) in which he was transported. 

In the young man’s plan of quickly exiting a badly damaged and burning narco tank. He didn’t account for being shot twice in his stomach on the way out.

What follows within this film are the final agonizing moments of a disposable assassin left to bleed out by the emotionally detached adults who surround him. 

Video translation is as follows

Female: Don’t move so that it doesn’t hurt you. 

Dying male: I think I’ve been shot in my stomach. 

Female: Okay. Just don’t move either way so that you don’t bleed out. Ok? Don’t move at all. 

(She speaks to someone off camera) He’s burned. He has burns all over his body. 

Don’t move so that you don’t bleed out. Don’t move, don’t move at all. Try to breathe slowly. 

Dying male: I can’t. 

Female: Stay still, stay still. Just stay still. Don’t bother moving at all so that you don’t bleed out…


  1. Best wishes to the miagras...
    Por culos y pendejos.

    1. Any updates on FECAL or Cagadas de Cabeza de Vaca?

    2. 539 Stfu. I could say the same or worse about you. You are in no position to be wishing things on others, ESPECIALLY you.

    3. 11:57 secret management 馃槅馃槤馃槀馃ぃ馃槶

    4. 11:57 But baby,
      what makes me so special?
      Miagras betrayed Autodefensas and templarios and la puta tuta and murdered that gringo biker
      Those scummy miagra POSers have no right to exist.

    5. 104 “ Attention Dr. Zalinsky, please report to room 12. Patient SIR needs his sedation medication.”

  2. Another michoachango bites the dust. Good riddance.

    1. Arriva todos los Tekashis de Chinaloa

    2. 6:15 La GILBERTONA aka AMLO lawyer #41

    3. 615 And that’s why you live and will continue living a life of misery. You bring negativity upon your self. Wishing bad wishes upon others won’t help you.

    4. 9:05am You’re an embarrassment. You’ve been a troll since 2015. Probably around 24 years old with no job, no friends & no girlfriend/boyfriend. What a joke.

    5. Asi es amigo. Sinaloa is the only real good Cartel to be follow. Michoachangos are the same as Zetas cartel. The other Cartels are a bad copy of Sinaloa. Sinaloa are the only honorable cartel in existence. Viva Chapo Guzman y Mayo Zambada.

    6. 1114 “Asi es amigo, hay si, hay si, los sinaratas somos los mejores delincuentes de M茅xico” 馃悁馃馃槀 脡ste articulo es noticias de Michoac谩n. Usted vaya y metase su sinaloa por el culo.

    7. 馃Η馃Η馃Η馃Η馃⚰️馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ

    8. 11:34 hey bud did you lose your paragraph that you always would copy and paste?

  3. This is fucked up wonder how much pain these same killers put their victims through? This remind me of that video where Sinaloa has a squad of hitmen in the sierras eating raw beef with tapeworms than the young sicario is narrating his story and the story of these young men with no future.They’re just cannon fodder and those in power sit back and move their ♟ pawns.

    1. I too frequently think of that video w The rancid horse meat. The guys are riddled with open body sores from insects, no soap, wet fungus ridden shoes. These are the ones that go straight from narco training camp to living in the woods for months on end. Who the f knows? The war machine must and will be fed daily with misery. The misery machine will bang on.

    2. 06:54 don't talk about the US Army that way son

  4. That broad doesn't have a very soothing voice. No bedside manner at all.

    1. It's professionalism, not a good idea to get emotional in that type of situation.

    2. Keep in mind she’s the type to film this and let it leak anyways.

  5. Yeah. No prayer, no repentance.
    “You will die as you have lived.”

    Satan’s demons were waiting for him to torment him for eternity. 馃懝馃懝馃敟

    Devils are also waiting for many of you pendejos reading this comment.


    1. Only of you are actually dumb enough to think Satan exists along with the Easter Bunny

    2. Satan"s greatest victory is to make people believe he doesn't exist....

    3. You can choose not to believe that Satan exists. That in no way makes anyone who does believe he's for real, "Dumb". You surprised me by calling us out like that.

    4. I regretted it as soon as I hit 'publish' in all honesty. What I believe or others believe is not for me to judge, sincere apologies-

    5. Satan might not exist but real gnostics and mystics/occultists tend to believe in a demiurge.

    6. I do have a sincere question for you who don't believe in Satan. With all of the evil we read and see about here, what happens in the end of life for these butchers? If there is no justice on Earth, do they all just get a free pass when their time is up?

    7. @9.37 That was Kaiser Soze. And Kevin Spacey, till people realised he did exist, and had been exploiting people for years...

  6. These "sicarios" don't take it too well when they are on the receiving end of their actions.

    1. @8.53. No, kids who have often been manipulated and lied to and sent as tethered goats don't tend to react too well to being burnt and gutshot. I guess you would call it ''karma'' though, eh? Poor little fucker.

  7. Pero se querian meterse contra el se帽or de los Cocks馃悡馃悡! Ahi estan las consecuensias pinches culos unidos!!! Van a querer mas? O les guizo un huevo? Lla les quedo claro que mi power no es un juego!! Ajjjuuuuuuaaaaa!!!!馃悡馃悡馃悡馃悡馃悡

    1. 913 We have a badass over here, smh

    2. Silly se帽or delos cock worshippers,
      are worse then the cds fan groupies

    3. no mamen las arde el culo que no pueden ser due帽os de michoacan siempre ser谩 de lfm

    4. 8:06 no mames LFM lla esta mas partida que tus nalgas, ahi como 30 perros carteluchos, y todos unidos contra el mero mero CJNG, que nomas porque el govierno les tira esquina si no lla se los uvieran acavado los gallasos del CJNG

  8. just want to say to Sol prendis , we know youre aout there hunting down info for BB like a fucking bloodhound on social media keeping your ear to the streets, but you don't have to show us every video you come across Sol. we know this shit is happening on the daily you ain't gotta show us all these takuaches like that Cds video screaming "pura gente de mierda" who cares bro leave that shit in the archives

    1. You know that you don’t have to watch them after that you have read the description? The internet has the magical option to click on another page, you know. And there are people with other opinions on this planet, who are interested in it.

    2. I disagree ese Dr. Sol is sharing to the world how it all ends for these sicarios. We all do not know like you. Some of us work long hours so don't have the benefit of being online all day. Maybe this site will even persuade the youngsters to stay in school because they witnessed this tragedy. Maybe these videos will make some cartel nuthuggers re evaluate their cheerleading. Mil gracias all of you BB contributors.

    3. 10:18 You don't like the site, the door is open MF.
      You forgot what the site covers?
      Are you paying a subscription to enter the site?
      I am greatfull, that he translates the articles to English and finds videos, before other news outlets.
      I am beginning to size you up.. you're the Obrador nutthugger Lawyer, that does not want nothing negative, commented about him in here, sorry but we can't hide what goes on in Mexico, I bet you also the one that picks on Blanko, because of underwear preference.
      Well I am glad Sol does not publish his personal information or address, because people like you, would dog him out.
      Lastly don't like the site, the door is open.

    4. At 10:18

      Your the Bad Apple.
      Thier always has to be a bad apple, in a group. You came into this website, no one forced you. The website you is Seseme
      Painting with

    5. @10:18. Relax. Quit being a pussy. Your cousin in the video was up to no good.

      Sol and BB likely publish less than 25% of the shit that happens.


    6. Zactly..... u do u Sol, keep it real. You have the option to form your own opinion after u watch ivideo or don't watch it at all. I choose not to watch beheadings for example. Plus if this isn't some scared straight shit for young impressionable possible future narcos, I donrtknow what is

    7. Lol at the chump.
      He wants BB transformed into a
      Rated G site. He wants cartoon videos put on. He still has not discovered what type of website this is, not only that, he spelled Sold last name wrong.
      Moron thinks he knows more than everyone. But staying in mom's basement, behind the keyboard he does have balls lol

    8. 10:18 You thought your smarter than Sol.
      I hate to break your bubble.
      You did not use capitals at the beginning of a sentence, commas were needed you used none, periods come at the end of a sentence.
      Looks like you did not do well in highschool. Lol and you come in here insulting give me a break.

    9. 10:18... Sol Rocks!! You can go away anytime now as you don't speak for the majority.

    10. 10:18 ese GTFOH your in the wrong site.


    11. That fool 10:18
      Just comes in to rattle to get us upset, ignore the dork.

  9. Good evening everyone . so I'm assuming she's part of the "other" group? Definitely doesn't sound like she's part of his group.

  10. Regardless of what you think this shit sad all the way around.

    1. 1138 It is sad. It’s crazy how many Mexicans in Mexico think cartels and crime is the only way out of poverty. Unbelievable how cartels are glorified but the common soldier is just disposable cannon fodder. Unfortunate how Mexicans do such horrible things to each other, from envying each other to dismembering each other with no remorse. God help Mexico.

    2. 12:46 you as if all Mexicans are bad. There are a large percentage that are clean hardworking citizens. That are easily killed by criminals.

    3. 12:46 In fact 99% of mexicans dont think cartels and crime are the only ways out of poverty. System in Mexico allows you to be out of it just working. Think your version of how life is in Mexico is unrealistic. Is like assumins most junkies and homeless in the US are there because they like it.... Update your facts.

    4. If you live in those communities you will understand why young people choose that path, alot are ignorant (not their fault) and the lifestyle is very tempting. Its horrible that mexicos society has gone rotten in most places.

    5. 10:22 my facts are updated daily, your the one defending Mexico all the time, even though we state the facts. Go get me a beer and some chips while you're at it.

    6. 1051 you're trying to pass off your distorted opinion as fact. When was the last time you visited Mexico? You're clueless. Get outta here with your made up "facts"

    7. Lol Update your facts, update your facts. Facts update your facts.
      Update your facts. Update your facts
      Update your facts. Facts update your facts.

    8. At 10:22
      You are now known as "Mr Facts" and also known "Mr. When is the last time you went to Mexico" also "Mr. Stubborn as a Mule".

    9. Same applies for those who chooses the meth path in the US.

    10. 1148 everytime I ask when was the last time you visited Mexico you never give an answer? Why is that? Maybe you haven't gone lately. Maybe you've never gone. Maybe you're not even Mexican. Stop dancing around the question and tell us whe you last visited Mexico.

    11. @11:59 La GILBERTONA aka AMLO lawyer #41馃馃か馃ぁ te la pasas ladrando de Michoac谩n pero nunca haz dicho de d贸nde eres cul贸n. Ya pareces Chairo buey

    12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    13. 11:48 lol stubborn as a Mule 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀

    14. 11:32 para de joder con Tus facts, to ves Menso 馃槀馃槀

    15. 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ The Facts guy!

    16. 1:54 no necesitas decir de donde eres, es ovio que eres de sonora, porque se vio que te dolio cuando te pusieron que sonora ll se parecia a Jinaloa馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ

    17. El pinchie Stubborn as a Mule, no saben cuando paraer de SER Tonto.

  11. I wonder how many people he killed and laughed while he killed or tortured them. Live by the sword.

    1. Because he is called an ''assassin'' in the headline? Just because he was riding in a vehicle in a war zone does not make him an assassin.

  12. Good precaution for young people!

  13. Pobre michoacana… miren no m谩s lo desnutrido y poco hombre que se ve esa rata moribunda .. pero eso si gritaba puro Michoac谩n y que muy bravo el pedacito de mierda ese .. haci son toda la bola de maricas michoacanas puro vatito lumbriciento que ni caca en las tripas trae 馃槀 y habren la mamadora no m谩s pa decir que son bravos y son puro chiste .. como jodidos le voy a tener miedo a un pinche analfabeta, mariposon, que pesa menos que mi verga … sigan viniendo pal Norte pa Que vean como son los hombres y ya que tanto admiran nuestra cultura de botas y sombreros pero indios prietos chaparros y desnutridos siempre ser谩n

    El de Los Dos Laredos

    1. 7:35 Callese pinche sinarata. A nadie enga帽as 馃悁馃悁馃悁

    2. 7:35am Ahora di lo sin chill谩r pinche cobarde, traidor, vende patrias. Que idiota te miras escribiendo todo ese par谩grafo. Puro Michoac谩n val铆 aqui topan ap谩

    3. 9:03 I am glad you like Michoacan.
      Viva Michoacan!!!!!

    4. “nuestra cultura de botas y sombreros”

      Wtf? In Michoac谩n they produce the riata that cowboys use? The most famous guitars in Paracho, fine leather for boots etc, also known for some of the best charros, jenetes, and jaripeos. Your dumb as fuck. US military has a lot of men of Michoac谩n descent also.

    5. 7:35
      You should be more concerned about the water crisis in Laredo instead of woofing on here! You know damn well in reality you’re not down for no action!

    6. 4:11 viva Michoacan
      Viva Jacona!

    7. Pinches sinaloas son una copia barata de los Colombianos

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 1139 No mames, now Sol is a Michoacango too ? This troll is beyond nuts. Siguele hechando ching谩zos como tu sabes Sol. Love the work 馃挭馃徏

    2. 11:39 guey tambien si escribes 10 comentarios iguales pues no mames

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. 1:49 no je aguite mi jonorenje

    5. 11:39
      I am glad to hear you like Michoacan.
      Viva Michoacan!

    6. VIVA Morelia Michoacan!!!!!?

    7. Wait till all you Michoachangos find out what towns your from. Lmao. Then it's gonna be, "chingen su madri los de think tzun tzan Vali" "chingen a su madri los de Tinguindin Vali!" "Chingen a madri los de Apatzingan!"

    8. 1:06 chinguen a ju madre loj de Jonora

    9. 131 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ me da risa por que ni de ahi soy. But keep thinking that, end of the day there ain't no denying you're a Michoachango from Michoacaca. 馃Η馃Η馃Η馃Η馃Η馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ

    10. 2:17 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ pendejo yo si no soy michoacano, pero tu me mocho uno y la mitad del otro si no erej Jonorenje

  15. These are not highly trained soldiers. They are scrawny kids with guns being used and abused as cannon fodder and living on bare mattresses in safe houses with crazy ideas of one day being rich. More like dead within 5 years

    1. Cartels like CJNG had been struggling to recruit members. Some of them are threatened, kidnapped migrants from central america, in some cases even jail prisoners and exprisoners, deported people, law fugitives.... There are records on how CJNG forced young men to be sicarios. None of them were thinking they would be rich, probably back in 2005-2006.

  16. Pero quieren andar mal , p贸nganse a trabajar onradamente

  17. This video keeps disappearing for some weird reason. Consider yourselves lucky if you're fortunate enough to see it. Blogger is acting crazy with this.


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