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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Atlanta, Georgia: Agents Seize $7.8 Million Worth Of Liquid Meth In Drug Bust Operation

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Best

Authorities say two men have been arrested in a $7.8 million meth lab bust in Georgia.(Georgia Bureau of Investigation)

Authorities in Georgia say a tip helped them bust a multimillion-dollar meth lab this week.

According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the lab was equipped to manufacture crystal methamphetamine and was located in a horse stable.

WGCL reports agents began investigating after they were informed about suspicious activity at the property. They executed a search warrant and discovered an active methamphetamine conversion lab inside one of the buildings.

Agents with the Appalachian Regional Drug Enforcement Office said they recovered 255 gallons of liquid methamphetamine solution and 5 kilograms of finished crystal meth.

Officials said with the amount of liquid methamphetamine solution found, the lab was likely capable of producing more than 700 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, with a street value of at least $7.8 million.

According to authorities, 34-year-old Dustin Burgess and 30-year-old Uriel Mendoza were arrested and are facing several drug-related charges.

Due to the size of the lab, agents said they contacted the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Clan Lab Team to help collect evidence and dispose of hazardous materials.



  1. OMG more drugs flooding USA, thanks Mexico, thanks Lopez Obrador.

    1. Be sure and thank your government too for an ineffective "war on drugs" that ignores drug use risk education....and also thank the your citizens that demand this product and use it regardless of the consequences to themselves, their family, and the chaos and corruption their demand causes in Mexico.

    2. Obrador does nothing to stem the flow of drugs to the US, since he gets Bribes.

    3. Ah you again. Yes your favorite product!

  2. Can't you read? The meth was manufatured in the U.S.

    1. Yes your dork, the precursor chemicals come from Mexico.

    2. Shut up it never said anything about Mexico.

    3. You g ninos Behave before I call your mom.

    4. American meth is the best meth. I buy mine at Kroger.

      The pharmacy has the d-methamphetamine and l-methamphetamine is over the counter asthma inhaler..

      You can open the snuffer get the cotton meth soaked rag out and cook it in citrus and put it in a big needle and inject ahhh be careful though the menthol in it gives you a jolt


      Then huff glue

    5. Seriously doubt they manufactured from scratch at that location. That would need to be a big lab to produce that much from scratch. I bet that was a conversion lab refining liquid from mex

    6. 7:31 Glad you understand where the precursor chemicals come from, 1:46
      Needs a lesson on that.

  3. I always wonder about the ecological impact of the all the chemicals cartels dump in both Mexico and Colombia. You know they aren’t safely disposing of the waste

    1. You forgot to mention USA, apparently this was an active lab, so chemicals did get dumped on the soil, which can go to the well water.

    2. There was a large meth lab in Mexico a while back where some of the workers were dying from liver failure within a year from breathing in all the chemicals and mierda.

    3. 1:54; educate yourself with a simple google search and you will see mega labs are being busted in the US too, like the bust 5 days ago in Franklin County where hundreds of gallons of precursors and meth was discovered.

    4. You can’t compare a couple labs in America to what goes on in Mexico and Columbia with mega labs

    5. They don't dispose of their waste in an ecofriendly manner because it's illegal. So they dump wherever

      If they had nice indoor factories with drains they could just dump it into the river legally then

    6. Army often burns those camps after they busted them. Chemicals are not recovered just burned from what i ve seen. Not talking about what happens with the used coca leafes.

  4. Or wait you need gas to drive your car? I’ll make it for you but it’s your fault it causes destruction to the fucking ozone. I’m sick of the fucking ignorance or the bullshit. Anyone who makes drugs blames the person who does it for making it. Are you fucking kidding me? Supply and demand. Think about it. Don’t make as much meth and make more money? Wait the pieces of shit making it think that they can literally and actually are overrunning the government because the shithole Mexico is so fucking corrupt no one can live in peach. Michoacán has 32 police officers? Why do they even have a uniform. Been following borderland beat daily since 2009 I read every article since then and that’s no joke. I have history with this website and a lot of the comments make me fucking sick. I live in America. Yes. Not privileged for shit. If someone rolled heads into a fucking bar in Florida it would make national news, they do this in Mexico daily and pay 150$ to a cop to let them, this fucking society we live in in America is worse, pansy ass lgbtqurbwkxo whatever the fuck it is I’d rather be in a place that has a fucking backbone done get me wrong but at least I’m america people have guns and anyone that tests this can go fuck themselves because they really don’t know what’s gonna happen. Think about coming to my place get ready for the proximity mines, the camera turrets which are automatic, I have signs saying it’s your fault to rob me so I wont fucking blame the user like the motherfucking drug dealers in Mexico who blame America even tho they sell to their own? Good luck getting into my property i don’t give a fuck how Maany people you got it’s fucking on within a 1/4 mile away be prepared to die

    1. 641 where can I buy proximity mines?

      The tecato zombies and sir jack whatever is not bolted down to buy the fentanilo. I want to keep them out.

    2. @8:10

      +1, totally


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