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Monday, June 27, 2022

La Pila, San Luis Potosí: An Armed Attack At La Pila Prison

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

An armed attack is recorded at the La Pila Prison, San Luis Potosi

Nearing 5:00 a.m. on Monday the 20th a strong shooting occurred in the facilities of the La Pila prison, located in the state of San Luis Potosí, it took away the peace of neighbors and motorists who heard the noise.

The shooting was recorded and different videos have circulated on social networks where multiple gunshots are heard, the videos show at least 10 trucks with armed men on board.

The alleged assassins arrived at the La Pila Prison and opened fire, where just last Thursday, June 16, three young people were executed, minutes after being released.

After the violent event, motorists passing through the place were stranded by hundreds of caltrops thrown on Federal Highway 57, a road that crosses in front of the Social Reintegration Center (Cereso) of La Pila, who were helped by agents of the Secretary of Security from San Luis Potosi.

Patrols from the newly created Civil Guard, soldiers from the Mexican Army and agents from the National Guard and the Municipal Police of the capital, as well as experts from the Attorney General's Office of the State of San Luis Potosí, arrived at the prison.

As if that were not enough, last night two men were found shot to death on Juan Rodríguez street, in the Geonovevo Rivas neighborhood, in the vicinity of the Hospital of the suburban municipality of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez.

Video translation is as follows:

The La Pila prison is being shot at, the prison is being shot at. Check this out. Traffic is at a standstill. The gunmen in the caravan are all aboard new trucks. There’s a bunch of new trucks within that caravan, they’re well organized in their formation. The armed attack is cool looking. They did a well coordinated attacked against the La Pila prison. 

debate   código san luis


  1. CDN ambushed Fuerza civil in Nuevo Leon and killed 6 officers and wounded 4. Telediario had the news.

  2. Does anyone know who wss behind the attack and/or why?


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