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Thursday, June 2, 2022

CDN Leaves Another Banner in Victoria, Tamaulipas

"HEARST" and "Itzli" for Borderland Beat

Cártel del Noreste left banners threatening the Sinaloa Cartel and Gulf Cartel forces operating in the city of Victoria, Tamaulipas.

The Latest Banner

On the morning of June 1, 2022, a cartel message banner was discovered in the Benito Juárez neighborhood of the city of Victoria. The message was signed by the Northeast cartel (Cártel del Noreste, CDN) and reads as follows, as translated by Itzli:

We are here and will continue kicking your ass, fucking piles of trash.

And you know who owns this plaza and who has always controlled it, so prepare to get fucked. 

And we will bring it to all of you Golfo scumbags and the fucking kids of the Chapitos from Monterrey will go to hell.




The immediate question this banner brings up is: who are the “Chapitos from Monterrey” they are referring to? 

The “Golfos” being present in Victoria comes as a surprise to no one, as multiple factions of Cartel del Golfo (CDG) have long been known to operate in Victoria. But the idea of the Sinaloa Cartel having a large enough presence in the city of Victoria in order to merit a mention in this banner stands out as notable. 

Monterrey is a major city, located in the neighboring state of Nuevo Leon. And like most major cities, it contains a large variety of different cartel groups. Monterrey in particular is known to host at least 3 to 4 different Sinaloa Cartel subgroups or allied groups, according to 2021 federal intelligence referenced by Proceso.

The Previous Banner

Well another CDN banner, which was left just the day before, may give us insight as to who they are referring to. 

The previous banner (covered in full here) was left in a baseball park in the Colonia Mexico neighborhood of Victoria. It also threatened the “Golfos” and “Chapitos” while having a noticeably similar type treatment which may suggest the same CDN subgroup was behind both banners. 

This banner refers to them as the “Chapitos from San Pedro”. Now, both the states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon have towns called San Pedro however, in light of the latest banner calling them “Chapitos from Monterrey”, its likely they mean the San Pedro located within Nuevo Leon. 

Nuevo Leon’s San Pedro is directly adjacent to Monterrey proper and is considered to be a part of the greater Monterrey metropolitan area.

So what Chapitos group is in San Pedro specifically? In August 2021, a media outlet reported to have spoken to law enforcement authorities about a group of Los Chapitos operating in San Pedro. These authorities also suggested it was possible that a truce existed between Los Chapitos and José Rodolfo Villareal Hernández, alias "El Gato".

El Gato, who is a former member of the Beltran Leyva Organization, currently leads one of the many independent cartel groups in the Monterrey area. Gato's group is alleged to controls San Pedro. 

In July 2021, El Mañana reported that state police officers had recently seized a vehicle that contained "other articles that identified them as Sinaloa people, of Fuerzas Especiales 40" in area nearby. 

Later reporting by other websites would go on to identify Fuerzas Especiales 40 as specifically being on the Los Chapitos side of the Sinaloa Cartel. 

June 1 CDN Banner Sources: MatamorosCodigoRojo, El Guzman, Loba_Indomable

May 31 CDN Banner Sources: Cd.Victoria Código Rojo, Reynosa Codigo Rojo, Loba_Indomable, Infobae

Chapitos in San Pedro Sources: InfobaeEl Mañana


  1. Could they mean Chapito Isidro's people?

    1. That's also a possibility. Good idea.

      I can see the San Pedro in NL connection with him too.

    2. Isidro always been in monterrey. There was a video five years ago of his wife and kids at a school event.

  2. Hmm first time i see CDN specifically threatening Chapos kids.

    Hope everyone is good and have a great weekend.

  3. Fuerzas Especiales 40 is a highly trained Special Mission Unit of Tier 1 Operators . They recieved tactical and guerilla warfare training from an ex MI6/ 22nd Special Air Service Regiment Colonel known as El Jabon. Tamaulipas will soon be CDS territory.

    1. Glad to see your mission out of bikini bottom was sucessful you forgot sandy though larry the lobster is on standby ready to kick ass arriba 006

    2. Sol Prendido is that you?

    3. Le van a pelar la verga al CDN , ZETAS VIEJA ESCUELA

    4. 2:36 they are mexican...
      You know = poquito 'picoso'

  4. Chapitos doesn’t necessarily mean chapós kids or people. Chapo or chapito is a común nickname in Latin America more so in Mexico.

    1. That's true, Chapo is a common nickname in Mexico, but Chapitos isn't. And the only people I've ever known to be called Chapitos is Chapo's kids.

    2. Myhumble - right on right on.

    3. Chapito is just the diminutive of chapo. A kid that is short is called chapito it’s common. They probably call the head chapo and is minions chapitos and most likely from Monterrey.

    4. Yeap correct. I just assumed because i think most of us ( me ). Associate that name with Chapo or his kids.

    5. When people mention other Chapos in the game, it's usually with another after it or nefore it. Example: I always see/hear them mention Chapo Isidro as Chapo isidro. I've never heard him referenced as just Chapo. The same for others except mostly Chapo Guzman. It's just my opinion but I think when speaking of Chapitos it's in reference to Chapo's kids. Anyone else and it would be Chapo So and so's people. If they're putting up mantas it's cause they want people to know so they wouldn't want to confuse or muddy their message. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what it is.

    6. Los Chapitos product has been sold all over Monterrey and Cd Victoria supplying various exporters for years. They move weight - don’t care about tiendas like CJNG and there are hundreds of independent groups moving Chapito product north all over country. Has been since Chapo, Mayo and BLN worked together.

    7. 3:57 at least in this comment you did end up with a maybe im wrong, so what happened to the cds having sonora, sinaloa and durango on lock?

    8. 7:01 is that your HmbleOpinion too? 😂

    9. 7:01😂! No I’ve got full confidence in what I wrote based on what I know from living and working in Mazatlan for 32 years.
      Also FYI Chapo was a more common nickname here in Sin until it continues to become more associated with Guzman.

    10. El Chapo owns it, it is even a Trade Mark, chinese approved and shit, legal, not like "Ivanka" shit.nobody buys, Chapitos too, there are no others.

  5. I appreciate the questions because believe me, I had the same reaction about the possibility that Chapo's sons are in the Monterrey metropolitan area and tried to look into it as thoroughly as possible.

    I could not fine anything to indicate that it would be Chapo Isidro instead. Yes he was formally BLO just as El Gato, but only connection I could find was possibility that Chapo Isidro's kids were living in San Pedro back in 2013.

    I honestly didn't consider the possibility that Chapitos could be anyone else besides Chapo Isidro or El Chapo's kids as all available information seemed to connect the idea that Fuerzas Especiales 40=CDS=Chapiza=Chapitos.

    However I know the available information is tenacious at best. For instance this pic from the seizure:
    Some explain the logo as proving CDS connection to José Rodolfo Villareal Hernández El Gato while others indicate that there is a different El Gato leading Fuerzas Especiales 40.

    It's definitely frustrating to not have definitive answers but we'll keep looking and provide updated information as we find it.

    1. Its most likely chapo isidros crew, if it was chapos sons cdn would of called them chaputos, chapo isidro does have a strong connection in monterrey, remember la barbi was from laredo and had connections all over that area, and yea he was BLO

    2. 12:14 "information is tenuous at best..."

    3. Como dijo SIR Chapo es Chapo he owns it.pues Miguel Ángel Treviño acabó con muchos de ellos se le metieron a su plaza recuerdo el periódico masacre a Chapitos en Tamaulipas eran como 5 cabezas allí me di cuenta que no eran los hijos del Chapo Guzmán si no que así se le llama a su grupo los Chapós,La Chapisa. arían muy buen Cuadro 4 Letras y CDN de por si son el terror esa propaganda y calientamentos de plaza jalo con los Zetas.Con 4 letras no está jalando.

  6. I have some friends in Monterrey and for the past 6 months they have mentioned CDS Chapitos embedded in the city.

  7. It seems that instead of being a monolithic group these cartels are actually way more fragmented than I thought.

    1. 3:08 even the US is divided,
      but they stand...

  8. Cdn threatening cdg in victoria and cds in monterrey. This is second narco banner cdn must be pissed cus they killed that woman guard.

  9. Since chapo isidro is being mentioned a lot does is he still aligned with Los Beltranes? Or independent from them and just truce with CDS

    1. Isidro is independent, but there is a figure that goes by "el Músico" Beltran. Not sure if he is a brother of the 6 caballeros or nephew/son. But doubt the Beltranes want fight any plaza anymore, I think they just went low key.

      In Monterrey los Billies are mentioned but these dudes have fragmented. There was an inner war to replace el Billy after his death. Which lead to the death of various commands of the group, one of them been el Choco.

      I dont see the sinaloa cartel bulging in with people. Monterrey has always had independent crews left and right, all the cartels have tried to absorb them but were not successful. CDN is the one with a heavier presence in the Metro Area, CDG last bastion in Cadereyta and parts of Guadalupe.

      El chino norte is another player who supposedly leads Cartel independent of Monterrey. But he is been financed by CJNG. Dude Braggs in his corrido how committed he is to the jaliscos. So his group is a proxy of CJNG. Which I don't see it expanding much.

      What helps CDN is the fact they control most of the low income Barrios where they have a never ending pool of individuals who can be recruited.

      The remaining Z have either been absorbed by CdN or into other local groups. They are no longer operating like they did back in 2013.

      Monterrey only way of controlling it is having all the low income Barrios on your grasp. I really doubt CdNs command in Mty will let that go. Tory is the one commanding CDN in Mty according to some articles.

      The battle zones are north east of Nuevo Leon, between Primitos CdG faction vs CdN. There has been reports of locals saying CDN is fallout patrolling the corridors between Cerralvo to Dr.Coss and Comalez to Cd. Mier with Mostros. I think they bound to take over General Bravo and China soon, the only thing that has been helping CdG not loose those two towns is the Military and Fuerza civil camp in General Tapia and in China.


    2. Please comment on everything I write from now on. Haha. All of this is very interesting. Thank you.

      I had no idea what has been happening with Billies since his death six months ago. Do the splinter groups still hold Garcia and Catarina? Are there any big splinter group you think we should put on the map instead? El Choco's?

    3. Very interesting information, I appreciate you taking the time to share it with us.

      Definitely caught my eye you mentioning "El Músico" Beltran who hasn't been on my radar. I tried looking into it a bit but all I can find is a Manuel "Manny" alias "El Musico" being indicted along with Arturo "El Barbas" and "La Puerca" back in 2008.

      What popped in my mind though was the fact that the old information always mentioned a fifth brother, Maria Alberto Beltran Leyva, alias "El General" who was alleged to handle the finances of the BLO and negotiate directly with Columbian Cartels. Eventually people stopped mentioning him and made it out like it was just an alias of one of the other brothers but I've always wondered if he actually existed and stayed off the radar.

      There was also an alleged half brother of the Beltran Leyvas, Luis Efraín Beltrán, alias "El Ramiro", that popped on my radar a long time ago but never heard anything about him since.

    4. Yes el sagitario and el Musico are the fore front of beltranes it was Fernando Beltran aka el charrito also but he’s now dead and apart from them as far as I remember hearing los Beltranes still have el Neto Roca and his brothers and they also got again El Macario/El 7-1 who was arrested with Tito but he’s out and he’s always mentioned to support their flag in Jalisco I only asked of chapo isidro cuz before his big move back into Sinaloa he was in Monterrey for years

    5. Who wants to be called Chapo any way? Unless you're an idiot.

    6. When you are one patas cortas, the nickname comes with the territory...

    7. Very interesting I met a Figure in a Rancho call las Tres Cruces Un Gallero viejo Fino.Este canijo tenía una réplica de la plaza de toros de Aguas Calientes en su pinche casa el LIC low Key 100 % Leyva he was always Bragging in 2010 cuando baje el agua van aver todo el cochinero que el Mayo era la mismísima DEA

    8. Santa Catarina is contested, between CDN and several independent factions former los billies. That choco command was the one who got murder in a 5ta in the road to Allende n.L. some speculate it was people of the same crew who went rogue/independent from chocos crew.

      I think that the way the crews in Monterrey metro are claiming allegiance, is who they buy their product from. I believe CDS and CJNG are pushing their product to local crews and these groups then claim they are sinaloa or jaliscos etc...this is how both organizations flip crews into their expansions.

      Majority of the ones dying in the street are narco menudistas from all crews and local street gangs. There hasn't been a major hit since el Billie who could be considered a mid level guy in the Santa Catarina area.

      The sinalokos could be considered a street gang, i wouldn't consider them a major group or anything il find out what barrio they control.

      All this is what I have compiled from articles, videos, small talk with locals when I visit Mty.



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