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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Coahuayana, Michoacán: CJNG Interrogation Video Of A United Cartels Plaza Boss

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

A plaza boss for the United Cartels who had been operating along the western Michoacán coast was recently captured by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel. Within this broadcast the subdued enforcer divulges the illicit affairs of Commander Hector Navarrete Zepeda aka "El Tetos". 

Disclosed within his confessions are the names of every town where they held their areas of illicit operations. Just as well so are the names of currently active assassins revealed. 

The following videos have been deemed safe for all to see. 

Video translation is as follows:

CJNG Warning: This video communication goes out to the citizens of Colima and Michoacán. 

Interrogator: What’s your name and what exactly do you do for a living?

Captive: My name is Omar Aguilar Mendoza. I am the owner of Aguilar Funeral Services. I am a hitmen for Hector Zepeda Navarrete aka El Tetos. 

Interrogator: In which manner does commander Hector Gustavo Ramos of the F.G.E. from Cerro de Ortega, Colima collaborate or give support to the Tetos communitarians?

Captive: Commander Hector Navarrete Zepeda hires out two hitmen for the prosecutors office commander in Cerro de Ortega to abduct citizens and hand them over to him. He also protects him with those boats. 

Interrogator: Boatloads of what?

Captive: Boats filled with cocaine. 

Interrogator: Who are the boatmen who bring in the cocaine for Tetos?

Captive: It’s La Pila and El Chato. 

Interrogator: How many individuals does Tetos have involved, including 15 year old minors and adults?

Captive: There’s 40 persons total. He has 11 to 12 year old kids learning how to shoot so that they can protect those loads. 

Interrogator: What relation does Tetos have with the former mayor of Coahuayana?

Captive: The pilot Navarrez helps him transport drugs in the airplanes. He also provides him with the money and protection.  

Interrogator: Name for me the towns where Tetos has his men to protect the drugs that arrive. As well as each persons name. 

Captive: Those towns are San Juan de Lima, El Ticuiz, Boca de Apiza, San Vicente, El Camalote (Coahuayana, Michoacán de Ocampo), Coahuayana, and Palos Marias. Their names are Rigoberto, El Boca de Apiza, and El Chato. El Cucuy, Camalote, and Luis Rigoberto are in charge for the town of Coahuayana Viejo. 

Interrogator: Tell me about the armed attack that took place on April 17 of this year. 

Captive: There was more or less 5 hitmen who fired upon the white car once it came into view. We each had an AR-15 with three magazines per person. None of our actions came to light because we killed the reporters on the orders of Hector Navarrete. 

Interrogator: What were the news medias told?

Captive: They were specifically told not to release any information so that no one would find out what had happened. Everything was whitewashed. Two individuals were killed that day. Also there was one person injured. 

CJNG Warning: Citizens of Coahuayana, Ticuiz, Boca de Apiza and it’s surroundings. Stop supporting the Tetos hitmen. Commander Hector Gustavo Ramos of the F.G.E. we already know…

unidad de inteligencia ciudadana    pedro 96750683


  1. The name Teto is short for Hector, which is why he's known as Tetos.

  2. Ese guey esta bueno para haser unas carnitas michoacanas

  3. So this guy mostly operates in Colima, or am I mistaken?

    1. He operated on the Michoacán coast for Teto and Toro, underlings of Abuelo Farias and a part of Carteles Unidos, who receive the perico shipments from South America. Those recent sea interdictions not far from Michoacán were destined for these individuals who are being protected by Governor Ramirez Bedolla of MORENA . This is the most important reason why CJNG can't advance in the state.

  4. Nomas de la Costa pa Centro, desde colina hasta micbuakan,
    but commander teto of state general 'fiscalia" got his blown cover, for all to see his ass, fiscalia used to be procuraduria, ministerio, until Culombia came to impose their brand of justice, crime and Falsos Positivos combined with fake Autodefensas organized by culombian giniral oscar naranjas with Mireles, mora, pitufo and other dead luminaries.

  5. I translated the video and you guys forget something. At the end they asked him if he could lead CJNG, because Mencho is dead.

    1. And then you woke up secret management

    2. Whatever happened to vaca? He already got his ass kicked out of colima, that was really fast

  6. Only 4 letters captures the enemys boss .Those fellows from Grupo Elite are no joke .Can any one recall a boss being captured by the contras and showed on video?

    1. Cdg did interrogate el comandante bebe years back, that's about it. But yeah, CJNG has done it in all the plaza's it is currently fighting for.

    2. That wasn't Bebe. Old video, same old bullshit.

    3. This wasn't a boss. And only CJNG release it so morons like you can say '4 letters don't don't play'.

  7. Why doesn’t Mencho have any good corridos? They play the same 1 over and over

    1. Porque no es manguera como todos los del cdsnitches

    2. Al mencho no le gustan los corridos,el escucha puras cumbias ,boleros,salsa y rock.

    3. Y dame gasolina

    4. OMG Mencho been dead since February of 2022.

    5. 8:25 🤣🤣🤣 OMG? 🤣🤣🤣 If you have half a brain and use 1/10 of that brain you would know mencho is not dead, if he was dead hell would brake loose all over cjng plazas, the USA is not gonna be chasing a ghost, one of the top 3 most wanted capo in mexico, come on guys, see this is exactly the reason why people dont believe you guys when you say cds dont mess with inoccent people

    6. Yep Mencho is dead but his ghost lives on, Hugo Chavez thought he was going to live forever and look he is dead too.

  8. CJNG is complete joke

  9. CJNG makes CDS look like sissies

    1. Viva obrador por sacar a la elite grupo de DEA la Mayoría de CDS son informantes por eso no le hicieron nada al ratón los gringos los protegen. No aguantan nada por eso obrador anda limpiando con CJNG

    2. I think that anyone that can grab any person or persons and kill and chop em up into pieces. Is ummmmmmmmm someone who would make me feels bit sissy around.
      I've done my fair share of hustling and other things. I fight for sport. But I've been around people that will do pretty much anything to anyone. And they always get my hairs up. They all scare me the same.

    3. 11:16 Viva Obrador, when USA cuts yearly aide in the millions, then let's see who's laughing.

    4. 6:48 that money is not intended to aid Mexico.
      It's intended to destabilize and FU@K 🇲🇽 over and destabilize it.
      War on drugs? Hahaha
      what a joke..
      Pendejos still believe there is one. Probably still believe in the tooth fairy hahahaha

    5. @8:35
      I know who you are....
      6:48 it's that lawyer dork, that sticks up for Obrador. I knew I smelled dead fish, he is the one that crawls out of the rock, when someone mentions the truth about incompetent Obrador.

    6. 11:39 say your piece, but AMLO did not marry a prostitute from televisa catalog and he is not selling México to the cheapest bidder for peanuts like Salinas, fox, FECAL, ZEDILLO, EPN.
      All that after getting elected for reals by the majority of mexicans that do not care about much else.

    7. 11:39 you lame ass dude!
      You have no clue if who I am DORK..
      You damn nerd 🤓 lol
      I am not the AMLO lawyer you claim I am, I actually know obrador is a sell out just like the rest of the past Mexican president before him.
      He plays the good guy and the dumb old guy roll but he's far from dumb and innocent. He's one of the MAIN reason Mexico is violent and infested with drugs and cartels.

    8. 11:39 I see what you're saying, thanks for the tip.

  10. You couldn’t make that up! Head of hit men runs a funeral business. That’s ironic business model filling your own cemeteries and getting double paid.

  11. Hey Admins I notice this site is still using INSECURE Http protocol. You guys need to switch over to HTTPS asap. long overdue


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