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Friday, February 25, 2022

Narcomanta from Cartel Independiente de Colima Further Alleges the Death of El Mencho

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

The Colima Independent Cartel assures that El Mencho has already died. Violence in Colima has escalated since they announced their split from the CJNG.

The wave of violence in Colima left two more executed in Villa de Álvarez that add up to a dozen in the last couple of days, as well as narcomantas that mention the death of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG).

Only on February 22 and 23, local media recorded nine murders, as reported by Borderland Beat, that was added to by the two men executed on the morning of this February 24 near a school, in the Albarrada neighborhood, one of those considered dangerous by state authorities. In addition to this, police elements withdrew drug banners with threatening messages signed by the self-styled Cartel Independiente de Colima. One of them was located on Liceo de Varones avenue in the Tecolote neighborhood, in the state capital. This deployment was behind the back of the South Sports Unit.

While this Thursday morning another narcomantas was near the beach soccer field, next to the garden of the Villa Izcalli neighborhood in Villa de Álvarez, according to media from the entity. One of the narcomantas assured that Oseguera Cervantes has already died, a rumor spread in the last three weeks, and that the authorities have not yet denied. The manta, signed by the leader of the Colima Independent Cartel, El Vaca. In addition to the internal differences, his separation from the CJNG and the struggle for the state would have derived from not having the main leader at the head of the cartel of the four letters.

Translated by Socalj

Julio Alberto Castillo Rodriguez & Miguel Ángel Jarqiun Jarquin
They are killing purely innocent people because the one who was killed in La Lerdo and the one from La Albarrada do not work with us. 

It is fucking killing innocent people, what is the fault of the normal people? The fight is between us assholes. We hit you and don't get involved with innocent people.

There you look at the pure weakness they have and that's how they want to fight. Send me double RR to fight since you are fucking pussies.

As for me here, we are going to continue fighting and I am going to take away the state [of Colima]. And you, the government, do not side with them, they are traitors, they only use the people. 

Mencho has already died, let’s see, who has seen Mencho? Check the letters from Mencho, it is no longer the same anymore. I say it because they changed the writing on me. Think about it everyone that gets these letters.

Att El Vaca de Colima Cartel Independiente

Mencho’s Death According to El Vaca

Previous messages posted online, as reported by Borderland Beat and attributed to El Vaca have mentioned the death of El Mencho and further spurred rumors of his death.

Among the unique parts of the online message is El Vaca mentioning his time in Altiplano prison, which is a verifiable fact, as well as the killing of Uriel Villegas, a judge who had previously presided over the case of Rubén Oseguera González "El Menchito", son of CJNG leader Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes "El Mencho", as previously reported on Borderland Beat, which was later blamed on the CJNG, as Borderland Beat reported in a separate article.

Surprisingly, the message merely references the alleged death of El Mencho in passing, stating:

“And now nobody is afraid of you because Mencho is dead. The support has ended faggots because El Mencho was the one who was respected.“

Despite this being significant news, the message never mentions it again and in the days immediately thereafter the message flew under the radar for the most part.

Mencho’s Death According to Local News

By the weekend the “news” of El Mencho’s death reached a fever pitch as another line of rumors opened up, this time allegedly from “local and independent newsgroups from Guadalajara”. Through second-hand reports it appears this line of information contains a few key points:
  • El Mencho died in a private hospital in Guadalajara
  • His death was due to respiratory failure
  • Hitmen and heads of plaza have been using social media to spread the news and are using the phrase “The heir is coming”

Reaction to Violence in Colima

Just this February 24, the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) sent 950 additional soldiers to deal with the drug war in the entity governed by Indira Vizcaíno. The elements of the Mexican Army arrived as members of the Mexico Joint Task Force to inhibit organized crime activities.

It is integrated with Infantry, Parachute Riflemen, and Special Forces personnel, whose main mission will be to strengthen the rule of law and the development of the entity's daily activities. The arrival of the hundreds of Sedena agents occurs one day before the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, visits the entity to head his usual meeting of the Security Cabinet, prior to his morning conference at the 29th Infantry Battalion, in the vicinity of the Loma de Fátima community.

With the latest deployment, there are at least 4,550 members of the security forces, including the Army, Navy,  and local police. Well, until last February 16, the governor counted more than 3,600 agents in the state and with which they arrested half a hundred alleged criminals in a week.

The drug war was announced on the night of February 8, when narcomantas were deployed against Jarquín Jarquín, whom they identified as El Chaparro. Both the nickname and the surnames coincide with data released by the United States government in October 2021, as plaza bosses of the CJNG in Manzanillo.

José Bernabé Brizuela Meraz "El Vaca"

The CJNG maintains the drug war against the local faction, supposedly headed by José Bernabé Brizuela Meraz, El Vaca, El Animal, and/or la Bestia. Judicial records indicate that Brizuela Meraz collaborated as head of the plaza for the Juárez Cartel and was in charge of coordinating drug shipments in Manzanillo as well as in the Port of Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, although since the beginning of the last decade he was allied with the CJNG.

While his current rivals, the Aldrin brothers Miguel Jarquín Jarquín, El Chaparro and/or Chaparrito and José de Jesús Jarquín Jarquín, El R32, would coordinate the supply of cocaine from Colombia at the port of Manzanillo.


  1. I keep telling you all non believer's that Mencho is dead.
    Covid19 got the best of him, he was old already. I have been making a list of non believer's, I will call it "The Denial List". Sorry Cjng cheerleaders, I will see bunch of grasshoppers soon.

    1. Probably bt pretty sure mayo dead too

    2. If el mz is dead im sure there are plenty well schooled zambadas to take the top spot. Unlike the jaliscas. If mencha is dead who will take over. His dumbass kid? His son in law?Some asshole plaza boss? Or the cuinis?.

    3. Wheres the proof tho?? Just cause someone said he died you believed it? Lmao so if someone says el mayo is gay you gonna believe them too just cause someone said it🤣 . The bs that is spread without proof . I dont care if he is alive or dead either.. lol

    4. El Benny made it on the Deniel list😷😷😂😂

    5. Benny and the Jets come chorizo.

  2. @9:35 AM... no one gives a shit about the diarrhea you spew from your mouth. Only tastes good to you.

    1. 1044 is in Deniel
      We can try witchcraft to see if he can be brought back to life, will you settle if he comes back as a goat?

  3. Mencho dead or not CJNG is still as strong as ever..
    How many people flipped on mencho already? It's been El cholo, El marro, viagras, El abuelo, that guy that just got killed from nayarit who tried to join cds, Los cabos (who are mostly dead now from killing each other) Los garibay from mexicali and now this guy and his cell. 👋
    The only ones who are still strong after leaving cjng is El abuelo and somewhat viagras event hough cjng killed one of the Santana brothers.
    This vaca guy sounds like he has balls but so did El Marro and look at how he ended up..

    Cjng still has a strong structure and anybody who claims they are finished because mencho died are delirious 😆

    1. Good input. The continuation of CJNG will persist whether Mencho is dead. The criminal organizations structure has embedded itself as a powerful and connected drug distributors.
      A neverending cycle of getting rich attitude is the norm nowadays.
      Again nice input.

    2. Word on the street Mencho got covid19 intubated, died at the hospital. Fin fun fin

    3. Yea but everyone wants the throne they will start to kill one another sooner or later

    4. Just so you know, Marro was never CJNG, so there was no flipping there. And neither were Viagras. And I don't think Los Garibay ever joined CJNG. Might have worked together, but that's it. I'm not 100% sure about that

    5. The difference from all those good scenarios you just gave is that this time Mencho could be dead. You and I don't know if he is in fact dead but I am sure all the plaza bosses do.
      I don't see any other top figure in their organization that everyone would rally behind, since most plaza bosses were punked into joining CJNG.

    6. Abuelo just hiding behind the government

    7. 12:03 El marro worked for cjng indirectly but broke the ties and killed mencho nephew.
      Garibay were cjng for a few months but switched to chapitos recently..

    8. 1202 no he didn't Mench offered marro a job and he declined and that's when his sobrino was killed marro was ex z

    9. 2:42 offered him a job? WTF?

      The story I heard was they were working together somewhat but marro felt mencho was asking too much so he declined to work with him any longer. Mencho Sent his nephew to negotiate. Marro declined the truce and shot his nephew and killed him..
      The rest is history

    10. Dead or alive, the foundation is set these current news on them sound very similar to what we know on the origins of the last letter.

  4. Yes yes Mencho is alive yes yes and yes yes. We will send a video of him sleeping ( really dead ), but we cannot wake him up during his sleep, yes he is alive playing tennis. Yes yes

  5. This guy writes the longest narco banners. very different writing style from the rest

  6. Off topic....Reynosa, Tamaulipas has been hectic since this morning. A bunch of shoot outs, narcomantas being put up, and servalence cameras being put out of commission. Here's the link:

  7. For reals Mencho is dead? I must have been sleeping like a bear. He thought his cartel could conquer all of Mexico.


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