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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Mother Fled Violence in Michoacán Only to Find More in Tijuana

"El Choclo" for Borderland Beat

Sanchez Toboada, Tijuana, where there is a murder almost every day.
A Michoacán mother forced to leave her home state after being kidnapped by police and handed over to a criminal gang is immersed in violence once again after moving to Mexico’s most violent city.

According to a report by the newspaper El Universal, Lupita (no last name given) was eating a meal at her Michoacán home with her children when municipal police kicked her door down, aimed their weapons at her, beat her, forcibly removed her, drove her to a hill outside town and handed her over to the Viagras crime gang.

The newspaper didn’t say why she was kidnapped and delivered to the Viagras, a gang formed in Michoacán’s Tierra Caliente region that has been described by Governor Silvano Aureoles as “the most bloodthirsty and dangerous” criminal group in the state.

The Viagras gave Lupita two options: stay in Michoacán and run the risk of being killed or leave. She opted for the latter.

Lupita decided to move to Tijuana and arrived in the northern border city – currently the most violent municipality in Mexico – with her children in July 2019. She rented a room in the Sánchez Taboada district, which El Universal described as “the most dangerous neighborhood in the country’s most dangerous city.”

“The police report announces one or more murders almost every day. The discovery of bodies or a head accompanied by threats between groups that fight over the distribution of drugs is normal. It’s no coincidence that the federal government has considered militarized patrols in the area where to live is almost a victory,” the report said.

It wasn’t long before the crime and violence in Sánchez Taboada affected Lupita on a personal level.

Her younger brother, José Miguel, traveled to Tijuana in late 2019 to spend the Christmas-New Year holiday period with her. He had a ticket to return to Michoacán on January 13, 2020 but he disappeared one week before the departure date.

“I was like his mother, we grew up together and some bastards took him from me,” said Lupita, who began her own investigation into her brother’s disappearance almost immediately. She also pressured authorities to investigate the case and search for him by protesting outside the offices of the Baja California Attorney General’s Office.

But their response was to threaten to take her children from her for supposedly placing them at risk.

Lupita is now a member of a group of mothers and other relatives of missing people who tirelessly search for their absent loved ones. She told El Universal that she has lost count of the number of dead bodies she has seen in morgues but to date she hasn’t found any trace of her brother.

Sources: El Universal; MND


  1. It didn’t follow her if it happens twice it’s cause your related to that cartel life his brother was kidnapped in Tijuana in Sanchez which is CJNG Michoacán where there fighting also he was about that life

    1. U make a probable point. Still sad when one loose a loved one.

    2. Why would CJNG disappear a michuakano from their own tijuana sanchez taboada stronghold?
      Silvano Aureoles and the viagras were empowered and left in power by EPN's envoy to Michuakan de los MasGüeyes alfredo castillo and his cuban sexo-therapista.

  2. In Michoacan most police are curupt, working together with local Cartels.
    What a sad life, she moved and problems popped up. Went to ask for help and no agency wants to help her.

    1. Sounds like the whole country is like that.

      Corey Feldman

    2. 2:05 YOU LIE!
      If the whole country were like that she would not be looking for her brother...

    3. Corey Feldman, get off your phone, out your basement and take a trip past the supermarket. Theirs a world out there.

  3. Sargy es igual que hipolito mora solo menciona lo que le combiene y llora por el cjng cada ves que llega el GOBIERNO a sacar a jalisco sela da de buena gente pero dice que el si fue pistolero de paga de los buenos y no sicario no importa solo importa que es igual que ellos una mierda mas oprobechado del pueblo que ahuevo quiere que gane jalisco pero si ya gano cuando las autodefensa y no hicieron nada bueno por el pueblo solo robar y estan peliandose ENTRE ellos. El no abandono las autodefensa por que se dio cuenta que eran jalisco si no porque lo corretiaron fuera de michoacan los aliados de jalisco como chanda y se esa cuadrilla.

    1. Hipólito Mora el que dos veces fue arrestado y sentenciado en EEUU por vender drogas? El que ahuevo tiene propiedades agrícolas que no son de el y lucra de su producción? Que bien hace por la gente? Que se gaste lo que pueda porque nada se lleva uno y eso lo debe saber cada vez que va al panteón.

    2. Cuando vas al canal del sargy y preguntas algo y no le parece o conviene te dan 4 y 7 si la pregunta es critica

    3. Si la pregunta es critica? Entonces no es pregunta. Nomas vas a cojartè y a criticàr, asta yo te daria un 7 @616

    4. Bien dicho niño pollas

    5. No criticar lo que dice si no hacer una pregunta de algo que no estas de acuerdo te caya y pendejea. El llora por jaliscos antes que el abuelo fuera viagra era de lo mejor ahora es una mierda no señor todo el tiempo ancido mierdas todos por eso michoacan no sirve para nada toda la gente que hay en michoacan hoy en dia eran de jalisco eso es lo que deja de erencia jalisco mierda y mas mierda. Se pone hablar por la gente del pueblo y es igual de mierda pistolero de paga Mata amarrados dice que no que espiando los y haciendo bien inteligencia cazando gente por paga es talento y que si era bueno para eso bravo señor lara

  4. BB anything on takia's death? Aupposly killed in Pachuca, Hidalgo

    1. Yeah,apparently he got out from the last time he was banged up so wasnt inside?
      There is a picture online of a dude who looks like him with his mouth blew apart?

    2. Say the topic is this lady lupita, show some respect.

  5. 100% should apply and receive asylum now that the old administration has been voted out

    1. The rules are the same. The "old" administration didn't make up their own. Read a book.

    2. Your sadly misinformed. Turn off FOX as well as CNN (both equally biased) and start coming to your own conclusion on things. READ Sir, open some independent web sites. This does not mean Breitbart or Info Wars, which I will read but know they are as well, crazy biased. Find your own opinion.

    3. 100% qualifies

    4. @ 1:51
      BS yes they did

    5. Trump, the Unpresidented Disgrace may not have made any new laws or rules, he just alternate/interpreted the old ones, as he said, he learned from the biggest Kraut there was, his daddy...

    6. Tell any boolshit story and apply,we all know we mexicans have a right to cross into the US anytime we feel like,lmao

    7. Doesnt mexico have strict immigration laws,stricter than the US,!ets not bring that up here.Guard the borders,fuck bein a pussy to all this bogus talk,fix mexico,not whine about US anti immigration laws,fuckin joke.

    8. 12;23

      Why do you spread Lies and mussinformation ?
      You love CNN ?
      Read USA Federal LAWS you jerk

    9. WHY TRY the legal and right way ??
      Just freaking swim across
      Or call a Dem for help with tears and lies

    10. so many misinformed foxnews news viewers. taking about read a book.LMAO

    11. A broadcast news station in states. Tends to be very very bias (left/liberal) where as FOX news is equally as biased (right/conservative).
      If you watch these stations about same story, you walk away feeling like you saw two different stories.

    12. Thanks. I haven't watched TV in over 25 years.

    13. 2:30 FOX is Real Fake news, even sean hannity has said so IN COURT to defend his ass getting sued for millions and millions of dollars over his fake news reporting fackery.
      CNN may have made mistakes, like every other channel, once in a while, but they did not do so in purpose or to kiss anybody's ass, if truth telling is leftist liberalism, I am all for it, stop the lying bullshit bastards and their libertarian nazi fascist tea party whitey and Coon revolutionaries bought and paid for by Bladdermir Putin, and that includes the NRA, recipients of about 30 million dollars to help tromp steal the election...

  6. why did she choose Tijuana ?:::is her story for real or is she trying for asylum in the states ?

    1. Good question, there were other states, she could have went to, did she not have relatives in other states,?

    2. No need for asylum in USA…just walk across the border and pick up a check from Biden.

    3. 747 is that you Queso?

    4. 7:48 sleepy old joe beat the Unpresidented Disgrace, imagine if Biden had been awake???
      Pulling trump's backwards pants from the back and giving him a very hard wedgie would be mild, that why the Unpresidented Disgrace did not go to President Biden's Inauguration to face the music, no Kazachok there...

  7. She went from bad to worse; Wonder why she got kidnapped and forced to leave town and then her brother disappears?
    Very suspicious My dear Watson.?

    1. She decided to leave a dangerous city, then moves to TIJUANA??? Isnt tj the murder capital of the world?? They had 2000 (estimated) murders last year. Crazy as hell.

      Speaking of murders in tj- i just saw that the feds indicted 4 kids from san diego who were working with cjng in tj- apparently, the feds got them for 150 murders they did- and they have it all on some chat app also.
      Surprised i didnt see that posted here.

    2. Andaban metidos con mañosos en Michoacan y se fueron a topar con la misma raza en tijuas.

    3. Mosluggo, do you have a link? Also you can send any story to for them to check out and post-h

    4. Mossugo
      Give the link, also BB Gmail account it's on the website, I am sure you know, instead of complaining.

    5. 4:22 Mosslugo is no rolling stone, forgive his moss...

  8. She needs to get out of Sanchez Tab. There are places in Tijuana that are safe if you mind your own business.

  9. Hatred in Mexico, a poem.

    Dented minivan.
    Money changes hands.
    Bullets fly through the night air.
    No trees, no horses, dust and pavement cement and asphalt.
    Clean black circles in pale flesh.
    Bone, fat, muscle dislodged.
    Life slips into the darkness.
    Blood pools.
    Horror upon horror unending.

    1. 3:30 tu si eres poeta
      Y en el aigre las compones,
      ven hacerme una chaqueta
      sin bajarme pos pantalones

    2. Bro,keepin it real,that was a shit poem that.I mean it was serious donkey bollocks

    3. Nice! Enjoyed

    4. Stick to your day job por que de poeta no la armas amigo.

  10. Moved to TJ to be safe? FFS, who in Mexico thinks TJ is safe? Who in the world for that matter? Is it not the most dangerous city in the world in regards to homicide?

    1. I thought Tamalipas was the worse, but now it's Tijuana?

    2. 2.2 million people live there so I'm sure it's a livable place.

    3. @9:33 you're sure, are you?

    4. @3:04 if I wasn't sure, there wouldn't be 2.2 million people there, going about there lives on a daily basis... as a matter of fact, there are thousands that not only live there but commute daily to the U.S side to work an 8 hour shift and make the afternoon drive back home to T.J.

  11. #Empalme | Los Salazar del El Cártel de Sinaloa mostró su rostro más cruel: exhibió en video a un joven secuestrado

    El pasado 7 de julio, Álvaro Edén desapareció en Empalme, Sonora

    Álvaro Edén Valenzuela Díaz como tantos otros mexicanos ha conocido la cara más violenta de México. El joven, originario de Empalme, Sonora, de 29 años, fue secuestrado por supuestos miembros del grupo criminal Los Salazar, una escisión del Cártel de Sinaloa en la entidad.

    Según se exhibe en un video, Edén Valenzuela, a quien sus familiares buscan desde el pasado 7 de julio, aparece con la cara cubierta y amordazado por sus captores. Los allegados del joven han dicho que desapareció tras salir de su casa.

    La grabación fue mostrada a través de redes sociales. De acuerdo con los medios locales, pocos días después de haberla realizado, seis hombres de esta célula delictiva, que presuntamente están involucrados en el crimen, fueron capturados por la Policía Estatal de Seguridad Pública en Sonora.

    A través de un comunicado la institución informó que los sujetos identificados como Daniel “N”, Marco “N”, Rafael “N”, Rosario “N” y Juan “N” de 48,18, 22, 26 y 27 años de edad, respectivamente, asimismo, un menor de 17 años de edad habían sido detenidos.

    Los detalles indicaban que el 18 de julio un operativo coordinado se percató de la presencia de hombres armados a bordo de dos vehículos, una de las cuales era una vagoneta Jeep, línea Compass y el otro auto un Dodge, Journey.

    Durante la inspección, les incautaron 5 armas de fuego de las conocidas como AK-47 calibre 7.62x39mm y 1 fusil 5.56x45mm, también más de 1,200 cartuchos, más de 50 cargadores y 6 chalecos balísticos.

    La PESP indicó que los sujetos se presumen inocentes mientras no se declare su responsabilidad por la autoridad judicial.

    El encuentro con la cara más violenta de México, ha provocado angustia en la familia Valenzuela Díaz que hasta el momento continúa en búsqueda de su familiar.

    Las cruenta “narco guerra” que actualmente protagonizan en el norte de Sonora el grupo del crimen organizado conocidos como Los Salazar, aliado del Cártel de Sinaloa, tiene como epicentro el control de un extenso territorio donde se asienta una gran puerta de entrada a los Estados Unidos para el tráfico de drogas y humanos, así como puerta de salida para cientos de armas.

    I thought CDS didnt kidnap innocent people?

  12. Puro Michoacán!🇲🇽

    1. Good, you should move there and she should go back.

    2. 9:31 Oh look, a Mexican telling another Mexican to go back, what a pathetic idiot.

    3. If you're praising that war torn shit hole so much then you should move there. Lady didn't leave for no reason.

    4. 12:53 We aren't proud of the current conditions, we are proud of our cultures and traditions. You are just a hater ass rat. YOU get the fk out of our Michoacán articles you dumb ass metíche.

  13. Meanwhile, AMLO keeps saying Mexico is safe and there is no CARTEL PROBLEM..
    Gracias a AMLO que solo quiere Dar abrazos y no BALASOS a Los sicarios y capos..
    AMLO = NARCO president

    1. @7:09 Uh, ok, every president from Mexico will be a Narco - President, it's how the U.S. want it.

    2. 7:09 you crazy "saiko" always blaming AMLO, never the local actorities on charge, should get some tablazos up the ass for your misleading and misgivings, and don't blame your state of mind and lack of manhood on the COVID vaccines either.

  14. Que piensan esos indios de los estados del sur .. toda la frontera desde Tijuana a Juárez de Ojinaga a Nuevo Laredo esta muy malandra para esos indios de huaraches.. siempre lo he dicho los michoacanos no más espantan a otros michocanos afuera de ese estado pedorro nadie los respetan ... Nadie!

    1. 🤣🤣🤣 some Michoacano somewhere is telling themselves as they read your comment, "Hijo de toda puta, perra madri VALI!"

    2. Same with the chinolas yal try to act all segun muy unidos pero todos saben k son rete envidiosos y hambrientos entre ustedes y no se digan con los de mas paisas so in reality el peor enigmo de un mexicano es otro mexicano no importande si del norte o del sur

    3. Same with the chinolas yal try to act all segun muy unidos pero todos saben k son rete envidiosos y hambrientos entre ustedes y no se digan con los de mas paisas so in reality el peor enigmo de un mexicano es otro mexicano no importande si del norte o del sur

    4. El tecato norteñillo que a todos se la mamá el GILBERTON pero nunca pone de dónde es el bocón maricon

    5. En las fronteras tambien a un chingo de indios malAndros la linea y gente nueva tienen un de tarahumaras de la sierra de Chihuahua truenando los cuernos

  15. Some people just dont get it why would you leave your home to go where ever you want and pick a place thats even worse and bring your kids along ? She could have gone anywhere and she chose badly so she deserves what she gets . I guess we cant all be aerospace engineers . But come on , seriously she went from the gutter into the sewer .

    1. OH WELL
      her choice .. her self inflicted harm
      She should start a program IN mexico Stop running away and
      Fight for a safe Mexico

    2. Michuakas get led by the nose too, promises have filled the BC peninsula with poor broke ass derelicts from all over the world, not just mexican michuaka

    3. You're not seeing the bigger picture.. She has her eyes set on Chicago.

  16. Palm trees with cool ocean breezes
    Cold cold beer with sour lime squeezes
    A beautiful day in a living paradise Carne asada with beans and rice.
    The putrid stench of bodies left rotten Women and children often forgotten Waves of murder with tidal force roll Their killing her spirit and raping her soul
    No mercy no remorse excruciating the pain
    Rabid soldiers kill them selves the front lines go insane .
    The final assault drugs demons and meth
    Addiction and greed inevitable death
    A cloud of flies obscure the sun
    A stone is dropped a dream undone
    Ripples grow and the tied will rise
    as we watch through the swarming flies.
    Behind shades pulled down tight
    things are growing with out light Parasites feeding from the mouth of hell
    Casualties scattered limbs and dust are layen where they fell
    Open lies the challenge to all warriors now men
    Let the spirits guide the winds til genocide ascends.
    Hugs and poetry will save Mexico along with thoughts and parayers . Just say no .

    Corey Feldman

    1. You have way too much time on your hands amigo. Ponte a barrer el patio.

  17. Nobody deserves to be married if their innocent like she claims. Cmon man

  18. All Mexicans get a central American passport and come to the U.S. for some reason Biden Administration does not want Mexicans in the U.S., only central American. I think U.S. Chamber commerce want people to work for $3 r $4 hour

    1. 6:43 illegal immigrants are the favorite weapon and business source of money for the rich and extreme right Republicans that blame it all on Liberals and Democrats to steal elections from them, they did it under Obama Presidency and they did it while tromp was trying to steal financing, budget and treasury for his concrete wall contracts on America, he had open the bank accounts for wall contractors to send his commissions to, even the Department of Defense contributed 5 billion from their meager melitary budget for raw chicken mess dinners...
      Biden wants to help central americans with reasons to stay home in their own countries, money, jobs, education, financing, instead of murdering death squads of the past like School of the Americas or WHISCOM, but there is always USAID CRAPPING ON THE BIG STICK, maybe even on behalf of Biden who should see clear who his friends are.

  19. Really ? What if it's she's broke Willis ? What if she had family in Tijuana, her only option, I think you get my drift.

  20. The Sanchez Tab area looks fine on Google maps, and they have a few houses that look pretty nice. I’d bet I could walk around there for at least 1 to 3 days to explore with no problems. Just don’t look for trouble.

    1. Suggest going commando so you don't get robbed of those those pricey Target clothing.
      Furthermore, don't forget the hundreds of stray dogs who will follow you on your uncharted voyage.

    2. Thats koo foo

    3. The higher the socks the downer the foo


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