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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Aguililla, Michoacán: Citizens Are Trapped Between Narco Blockades

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Female Newscaster: And despite the agreements and promises that were made beforehand, the highway that connects the Aguililla municipality with Apatzingán is closed. Criminals continue to challenge the state and subdue the population.

In Aguililla the situation is the same. In a tour of a highway that connects the municipality with Apatzingán. Milenio has found that the roads are still closed off by 2 armed groups that are fighting for the area. 

Without restraint, members of one criminal group based in Aguililla placed their war tank in the middle of the road. Up ahead the other opposing group closed the entire road. They positioned a cargo truck and spread out caltrops on the road. 

Within that roadway was Mr. José who wanted to go to Morelia for a much needed repair but couldn’t pass through.

Female Reporter: Is the path clear or not boss?

Jose: There’s nothing open here right now. They were open for a bit early this morning. But right now it’s closed.

Female Reporter: Have you talked to the individuals there?

Jose: They’re not here. They’re over by the intersection over there. 

Female Reporter: The gentleman Alfonso arrived soon after. He lives in Aguililla but had a medical appointment in the city of Apatzingán. 

Do you always have to go through these checkpoints in…

Alfonso: Yes, in order to be able to go see the doctor. This is a major problem. Above all for any person sick or an individual such as myself. 

Female Reporter: What exactly do you suffer from?

Alfonso: I have a medical problem with my spine, 3 discs in my back to be exact. 

Female Reporter: This is the harsh reality of things here. The roads in Aguililla are only open for 2 hours. At 10 in the morning and 6 in the afternoon. The rest of the time no one enters or leaves. 

Male #3: We know that there’s complicity with the government. The States governor needs to stop making a jackass of himself at the capital and come down here to resolve this.



  1. The “Heliport” has been dug up in Aguililla since the soldiers refuse to open the blocked roads.

  2. Muchas gracias señor Mencho! Por tener todo hecho mierda.

    1. A sido una mierda desde que el chapo anduvo chivatiando a todos los carteles

    2. Haz algo. Aver corre y apurate

    3. De nada anon ,El gusto es mío y saludos a todos mis seguidores de estados unidos .

    4. Aurioles is way out of there, a new governor will soon arrive and local warlords are securing their turf the best way they can, sending locals to raise hell will not work forever.
      until then, michuakas is still PRI/PRD world.

    5. 11:14 aqui andamos al millon, como el Jr Gil de chiapas! Ajuaaaa!!!!

  3. I believe this is Mencho’s home town, yes?

    It really shows how much of an ego this guy has to be so obsessed with taking over full ownership of his “home town”…

    If you care so much about your people, leave them be! You have more than enough money to buy half of fucking Dubai.

    What am I saying though? Extreme avarice is a basic requirement for any “patron”, right?

    1. Papa Mencho is fighting for the gente. CU is not welcomed 1106

    2. Incompetence at its finest. When criminals are the rule of law & not government.
      All this in plain site with no resistance from soldiers.
      Mexico is fucked.

    3. 1:02 the National Guard is not going to murder anybody in Michuakas to make you ass happy as when EPN or the FECALES or the fox/sahagun combines took over, their federal policuicos used to get murdered by the dozen while the army watched the Puta Tuta and his "templarios" do the murdering or murdering marchers for disrespecting state and federal "authorities".
      No mames güey!!!

  4. Como me encantaria estar alli para hacer mis perros de acero ladrar, pinchi lluvia de plomo.

  5. The inteligence displayed in Mexico is sad and pathetic in this day and age for people to act the way they do is tragic . The whole way of thinking there is predatory and corrupt from the top to the bottom . We need another flood ! Mexico has F-d it up so bad that the whole world needs to die .Even the birds and the animals that crawl on the ground . I wish we would cut off their aid and close our borders . If your a drugie then you get the firing squad if your a dealer you get Impaled on a stake at the city limit sign . If your a cartel cheerleader you get sodomized and lobotomized then we all beat the shit out of you for being Fn retarded . Problem Solved . Your Welcome !

    1. "Youre" Menso ... and you sound like the biggest WUSS bag.

    2. Takes one to know one !

    3. 12:01 guess why the sponsors of the so called war ON drugs do not dare heat shit up more in Mèxic, LatinAmerica or all over the world?
      It is not like you have a patent or a hold in stupid ideas, but there are not too many trillions of dollars worth of credit for US governments to borrow in the name of the US taxpayer to pay for greedy mercenaries' wars for profit...
      why don't you try and go fuck yourself in the ass instead?

    4. @9:35
      You sound very intelligent and make total sense your suggestions sound like you know what you are talking about im sure from many hours of sodomizing yourself in the field or where you people do that kinda thing . Once again you sound like you got it all figured out another fn know it all with a hankering for butt stuff . Im sure your parents are proud of what you have become .

  6. Jajaja, no les dije. Hablan de AMLO pero ahi esta, el pinche gobernador inepto anda chillando como vieja que hubo fraude electoral mientras que el estado de Michoacan sigue en llamas. Que se ponga las pilas, y se deje de mamadas y que mande a la policia estatal. Pinche estado cagado hechado a perder. Pura pinche envidia.

  7. Con razon no hay limones alv y tan toodos oinches secos
    Como cuando los templarios tenian asolado michoacan hubo escazez de limones en todo el pais

  8. I would blast my way out. I´ve done that before.

  9. Female Reporter: What exactly do you suffer from?

    Alfonso- None of your f'n business.

  10. Attention Alamo where are you this is a direct reflection of you and who you are

    1. 5:16 ALMO is not listening.
      He is too busy wipping his ass with reporters like jorge Ramos,
      But you could go and crash the mañaneras like Jorge or la guerrillera or others.

  11. Mencho vale pa pura verga y si vez esto me la seguirás pelando así nomas quedo-pirata de Culiacán desde el infierno putito aki te espero

  12. Let's see I recall reading n article in here 3 weeks ago, the 1500 troops of the Army we're headed to Morielia and Jacona in Michoacan, they still haven't arrived????

    1. They were already recalled by AMLO @6:48

  13. El senor lara da muy Buenas noticias pero no se por que fue de reportero a incitar la violencia esta peliando contra viagras pero cuando cambian de equipo los trata como si fueron buenos. la gente deve entender que la violencia que hay en michoacan es ENTRE cjng y sus ex socios,todo los Grupos que estan en michoacan eran o son cjng que se le voltearon a cjng y son basura cuando gane jalisco va dejar puro malandrino voltedo y todo Seguir igual pura basura cobra cuata

    1. @9:12 Exactamente, el señor Sargy está cegado por lo de su papá.

    2. LFM y CT eran parte de CJNG? Falta ver que pase con el nuevo gobernador y luego con todos esos culeros, con que no estén afectando a la población civil van a estar mejor las cosas a cómo están en algunas partes del estado actualmente. La gente de los pueblos tienen que entender a que no se dejen usar como escudo de criminales, esos mismos delincuentes muertos de hambre después los matan cuando ya no les conviene y estorban.
      Lara hace lo mejor que puede, si tú tienes mejor propuesta pues manos a la obra porque para luego es tarde

    3. Si las autodefensa la mayoria era cjng y perdonaron a los templarios y fm que quedan en michoacan entoces si eran cjng y de las autodefensas para delante a estado pior

    4. @7:33 Nel, estoy en desacuerdo contigo porque el pendejo y traicionero del Abuelo fue quien acepto a todos esos lacras arrepentidos. En donde yo soy de Michoacán hasta la fecha no han salido con sus pendejadas, el que empieza andar de lacra lo desaparecen. De lo pasado nada se puede hacer más que aprender la lección, aver si está vez logran el control con su propia gente para no andar con chingaderas.

  14. Dear , I saw your eyes and it made me cry and for a little while I was falling in love .

    1. 10:59 A Flock of Seagulls,
      when you don't credit others feels like seagull crap on your head

  15. I had to look up caltrop.
    A caltrop (also known as caltrap, galtrop, cheval trap, galthrap, galtrap, calthrop, jackrock or crow's foot) is an area denial weapon made up of two or more sharp nails or spines arranged in such a manner that one of them always points upward from a stable base (for example, a tetrahedron)…


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