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Monday, May 31, 2021

Durango, DGO: Crystal Meth Is Widely Available for Children

 “Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

Video translation is as follows:

Female Reporter: Crystal meth is the drug most consumed by addicted children. Because it is the easiest to find. As a result of this it’s a very serious problem due to those who start to consume from the age of eight. Many learn it at home, said the director of the Municipal DIF (Comprehensive Development of Families) Organization, Sandra Eugenia Corral Quiroga.

Sandra Eugenia: Unfortunately, crystal meth is the most widely used drug among children. It also causes tremendous organic damage. But this drug is widely available to be found here.

Well, it’s a very serious problem. Yes, most of the children that you find in treatment have a very big dysfunctional family problem. Sometimes a high percentage, let's say 30 or 40 percent come from families that already have an addiction dilemma. 

This is a learned procedure or behavior. Well, this has a lot to do with strengthening children's self-esteem. And the environment where they develop this is basic also.

Female Reporter: Does this school benefit them?

Sandra Eugenia: I think it’s urgent for them to go back to school, to socialize with children their age, to find a healthy environment. Hopefully this trial that we have lived through this year and a half will serve us all to remake the environments and return to something healthier.

We have had several people who have come to inquire. With this interview you are going to help us a lot as a means of spreading the word that we already have an area for girls where we can treat them.

Because it’s also a treatment shared by professionals. That is the most important thing. Its not an experimental treatment. This program has been in Durango for 14 years and it has been very successful. So, this will be very important that you help us to spread the word.

Female Reporter: Is there a price that has to be paid for this treatment?

Sandra Eugenia: No. It is totally free, all costs are absorbed by the municipality, it’s also absorbed by the DIF program… 



  1. Raza cochina no más

    1. 2:19 tu puta madre güey!
      Seguro es perra de raza fina, pendejo.

  2. chrystal is an epidemic all over northern mexico. juarez and tijauna are full of it too

    1. It's bad all over the border from Tijuana down to tamaulipas

    2. It's been available to children in the USA since the early 90s.

  3. Replies
    1. @2:24 Lo dice el fanboy de los principales cristaleros de México, los Michoacanos.

      Hay pobre puñetas.

    2. Puto el quien no ponga nombre

    3. 2:14 ahi tá, ora no se la van a acabar ni a mordidas bola de Gilbertonas.

  4. Mayo giving meth to children, while Mencho gives food and appliances to children and people in need. There are levels to this.

    1. Mencho kidnaps children and forces them to be sicarios. If they refuse, they are used as target practice for machetes' or their families killed.

      Cuz Mencho is such a great guy..

    2. 😂😂 @ 6:00

      Cds cheerleaders are delusional.

    3. I have an El Mencho poster taped to the ceiling over my bed. Shirtless, oiled, riding a tiger, with a bouquet of roses in his hands. In the background is a fleet of kitchen appliances, and toasters. A girl can

    4. Hey! My comment about Chivis wasn't posted! What the French Toast? Even she would have found it hilarious!

  5. 14 years since the program started and who has controlled the state directly and through proxies?

  6. bad stuff, stay away.

  7. But,, but the sinaloenses dont deal meth.
    Fucken amazon rats.

    1. Thats probably what they deal the most

    2. It is comical, as I have read about 4 different cartels claiming the won't deal meth, kidnap or extort and protect babies,puppy dogs from those 'other' bad guys. Scumbag mutterings.
      It's farcical when I read such BS.

  8. Ahi esta cheerleaders del cds! Esos putos andan envenenando a los niños de durango! Malditas ratas!!! Muerte a los del cdsnitches!!! No se preocupen gente de bien, cuando el señor mencho limpie michoacan de las lacras unidas va a limpiar a durango de cdsnitches! Ajuaaaa!!!!! Puro señor se los cocks!!!!

    1. Como estas pendejo si savias vato tacuache que los jaliscos están matando a la jente del marro por que ellos vende cristal azul!! En Guanajuato quieren que se venda nomás cristal blanco!!! Pinche fanático doble moral alucinado!!! Saves cual el el fuerte de los Jaliscas? El cristal y el fatenilo producido por n Michoacán,colima,jalisco y nayarit vato tacuache tienen todo podrido jalisco nayarit y colima por esa madre no se diga en las partes donde están en tijuana. No hables a lo pendejo fanboy alucinado tacuache.

    2. Plebe imbecil que no sabes que los snitchaloas son los buenos para el fenty? Que no lo mezclan con cocaina? Por eso primero se sienten bien machos y cuando los arestan y se les baja andan llorando como niñas @7:40

    3. I only come here to watch y'all verbally fight, entertainment at it's best 😂

    4. 338 u have no shame don’t you

    5. @10:50 Pinche vato puñetas Mencho es cristalero y se puso las pilas a mover fentanil para competir.

      CJNG son la gente más mugrosa que hay deja de alucinar.

    6. 11:10 ahi si los mas mugrosos porque un cromador de las sinaratas dice! Pinche puñetas! Para lo unico que son buenos los sinalocas es para chismear y decir mitotes, pinches mitoteros

    7. @9:21 Ta bien pinche regio weirdo apoyando a esas lacras, como no eres de Jalisco estás mamando puto.

    8. CDS business is moving shit to the US, zetas and michuakas and menchitas are the ones doing maruchaneros, grameros de a peso, windshield washers, the pinchi lavacarros, and receuiting halcones y tienditas, pinches culeros sin clase.

    9. 8:24 ahi si mucha clase matando y violando mujeres y envenenando niños, pero con los vatos con armas se les hase de pollo pinches gilbertonas correlonas y mitoteras

  9. A product of one's environment, I've always said. Those who partake are by one's choice in the end. Just because of the accessibility doesn't mean one has to try it.
    Parents and people of intellect should remind those of the inevitable truths of drug usage.
    Drug are a cancer to society and humanity. Endless and resentful to many.

  10. Cds you are officially becoming scum. The rule use to besale it to the gringos but it was prohibited to sell in their plazas... Mexico will become a real shit hole once most the country is hooked on that shit...

    1. Will Become ? Are you kidding me ? How much worse could it get ? Usually when the cops are the criminals the government is the cartel and women are murdered children are murdered tourists are murdered and no one ever goes to jail for killing and when they do a small fee and they are right back at it . Any of those qualify as ShitHole Status . As far as shitholes go thats prbly the biggest one in our galaxy anyway .

    2. 10:31 wrong, biggest shithole is your jundillo...


  12. So what if crystal meth is for addicted children?
    As long as the saviour of the world the Sinaloa cartel gets it's money everything is ok.

    1. Ahhhhh smarty pants so Sinaloa Cartel is the only one that's sells meth in the world. Wow I didn't know that.

  13. Imagine how bad this is in michoacan

    1. Michoacan doesn't have that many addicts I was in michoacan in 2019 and I was looking for some but I couldn't find it anywhere. I went to strip clubs, bars and NOBODY wanted to sell me none.
      I went to Sonora last year and it was super easy to find it. There was a car that went around the town and they would sell it. I went to a bar and there was baggies all over the floor on the restroom and People doing coke and meth like if they were doing something normal. People were not even descreet about it, everyone and their mom knew who when and where to get it.

    2. @8:00 What part of Micho?

  14. Our teens are high in the usa. Mostly minority as far as i can see. People turn to meth when the opiates run out too. Its not reported on too much out here but i notice a spike in random shootings lately. Two weeks ago a guy was killing indiscriminate before the cops chased and killed him. But i mean that sounds like he was on meth to me. That stuff makes you crazy

    1. 4:42 great thanks for mentioning the city.

  15. DURANGO us full of METH addicts
    I watched a story on YouTube on how bad the meth SITUATION that place was. Pretty much all the youth is on that DRUG.. Sad to say but Mexico just keeps getting WORSE..

    1. Pinchi caps kid

    2. 4:43 can't sell meth to adults, so they go to the kids.
      On the US young guys start their circle selling in junior high and carry on their recruiting of younger because if they get caught stealing somebody else's clients there will be hell to pay.

  16. and who controls Durango?? CDS. don't believe the propaganda. there's no robin hood story here and there's no honor among drug dealers either.

  17. 1988Rayado - JabonMay 31, 2021 at 6:24 PM

    People from Durango! CJNG will soon arrive to clear the CDS scumbags ! Just have patience!

    1. Eso es todo chavalon animo

    2. Yessss please hurry up come and clean up Durango asap pleaaase

    3. Mejor el CDG

    4. LMFAO poor idiot, Durango is controlled by Durango capos who work with CDS, stop being retarded, this is beyond cheer leading, it's a sad sight.

    5. 11:07 it's called CARTEL DE SINALOA for a reason PENDEJO! 😆

  18. Fuck Cartel de sissies and fuck Mayo zambada fucking skumbags

  19. Reena...the whole WORLD is on meth!!!! Its the truth!! Doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs....its a drug that people can function on so there are absolutely no parameters to who is using it!! ALL social classrs, and ALL cultures are using!!! You would be surprised when you look over at your co worker ?

  20. Ojalá y no llegue a nivel de la ciudad de los Ángeles California. Ya parecen zombies deambulando sin sentido .

    1. DURANGO esta peor que Los Angeles

  21. Every cartel and gang in Mexico sells to kids. There is no "good" cartel.

    1. Absolutely correct. It kills me when they all claim to be the saviors riding into town to free the people from the other evildoers. Comical and pathetic.

  22. I used to think that Mexico didn't have a drug problem. American psychiatrists have been prescribing amphetamines to children for a long time. Meth is the Devil's drug 👹

  23. "It'S aLL tHE fAUlT Of AMerIca aND tHEir deMAnd fOR dRUgs"

    1. Get to school cap kid or I tell your mom.

  24. Back then, before Calderon declared war on cartels and Cartels operated more like a corporation and not like a militia, it was accepted that the United States was a consumer state while Mexico the producer,and that was their business model, as simple as that, as long as the US wants drugs, Mexico will provide them. Because of this, most people assume that by cutting demand, the problem is solved, even legalization fixes it yet One of the problems in Mexico is that it now also became a consumer. If the American demand was to somehow stop, aside from European and asian consumers, they now have consumers in their own streets, their own community is not just their victims but their costumers. This is already visible, there is already cells fighting, too many murders, kidnappings, shootouts all for control of a Colonia and even street corners instead of trafficking routes and exportation. It's a fucked up situation, look at the streets in California, in Los Angeles, San Francisco, what everyone labels a homeless crisis but in reality is a drug problem, people smoking meth, crack, heroin in front of people like it's normal, most of them already developed mental problems and no longer have the capacity to get their shit together and end up on the street. The shops on Venice are replaced by homeless camps. Now imagine if the drug problem is able to ruin the streets of California, the 6th biggest economy on the world and has infinite resources, what will it be of Mexico where the poor are extremely limited?

    Mexico needs to go hard on these criminals, stricter laws, and penalties to cartels, stop releasing these cartel bosses that are convicted of murder and are out in a few years. If they continue this soft approach, they gotta hang in for the long run because they're becoming consumers and things will get worse before getting better.

    1. 1:55 IF Mexico government is NOT doing something about it it's because there's a plan in place.. MORE murders, more addicts, more drugs,MORE corruption and more guns . it's like if they ARE doing it on purpose..
      I will not be SURPRISED one bit if 🇺🇸 steps in and acts like the hero and kills MORE Mexicans and really declare it a WAR on drugs. Mexico is destabilizing for sure.. Population CONTROL?
      AMLO just sitting back and puting people to sleep with his talks but DOESN'T do nothing about the cartel PROBLEM..
      Hugs for thugs, abrazos no BALASOS..
      Dumb motto, while innocent Mexicans keep gettingvextorted and KILLED..

    2. 9:31 AMLO is dealing with the results of 36 billion dollars worth of US war on drugs left behind by FECAL and EPN...
      The US is not paying to fix their dumbass results, their money for "war on drugs help" was refused by AMLO, if there is still murdering and killing and kidnappings for ransom, extortions, it is the governors business, they got federal funds to fight crime and they chose to steal or misuse them, nothing to do with abrazos from AMLO.


    1. I'm sorry I don't read comments with all capitals.

    2. 1:14 i agree sinaloa is like a cancer and thats where it spreaded all over mexico, finish sinaloa and the rest will think twise before doing the same shit!
      8:15 dont hate, you dont read but post back? Thats even worse cause its ovious que algo te duele! Just skip the post and youll be fine

    3. I did read your BS, and you are wrong about Sinaloa being street peddler, they move shit north, they are about dollars, unlike zetas and cjng who pay their sicarios with "merca" to sell or eat, they are the ones cheapening the bisnes for profit and recruiting younger and younger clients, results of the war ON drugs, people warned the players before it started!
      Yes, the Pope himself predicted and hoped México would not get colombianized.

  26. Puro pinche vidrio. Se quebra todo. Un pedasito para mis Jefes. Puro humo de ustedes. Turn the pot. In the wilderness is where it is turned. We up all day around here. If you think eyes are shut you just got caught sleeping. Whose butt of a gun did you use to save a bullet. Apparently one with not enough so why'd you save it for? The one you mashed in! See that child? One who you thought wasn't yours. That's the knock.

    1. 2:55 o shit bro, now i believe what you always write even dough i dont understand, but i got from this post is that you smoke meth and thats why nobody can understand anything, probably only the ones who also smoke that shit understand your posts


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