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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Zacatecas, Mexico: Sicarias Video Threat to Mayo Zambada

Video translation is as follows:

3 heavily armed women released a video on social media where they sent a message to Ismael Mayo Zambada in the state of Zacatecas. In this broadcast, the young women equipped with rifles and bulletproof vests mention the nicknames of at least 3 people who are warned that they will be coming after with the support of 200 men. 

They also launch threats against the mob out of Fresnillo and the MZ cartel, in reference to the Sinaloa Cartel and its leader El Mayo Zambada. Finally the 3 young women shout "Absolute 4 letters" as the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación is known.

Sicaria #1: Look here you dumb ass. This is what’s going to happen now because you didn’t want to back us up. I asked you properly. And you refused. So, now we’re coming after you with 200 sicarios. We’re going to hit up all those safe houses that we were taken to in the past. Therefore, you all just fucked yourselves. 

Sicarias in unison say: You fucked yourselves!  

Sicaria #1: Like I said, 300 men. El Cuervo, El Tigre, and El Primo. You all screwed yourselves. Everyone from Fresnillo, Monte Escobedo, Rio Grande, and La Mancha. Well, pretty much everyone in these towns that were mentioned. 

Sicaria #2: The Cartel of MZ just screwed themselves. 

Sicaria #1: You guys didn’t want to help us out. So, now we’re going to help out your enemies. With that being said go fuck yourselves. Absolute CJNG. You fucking faggots can all go fuck yourselves.


  1. Tomorrows headline 3 Sicarias dead manta signed by El Mayo

    1. 8:50 El Mayo does not mess with the rabble, why would he?
      If el Chapo made himself a billionaire in invisible dollars nobody can find, El Mayo must be a trillionaire at least, after 50 years in the business with US accomplices well placed in the mexican and US governments their militaries, police, politicians and businessmen.
      These nacastracas may be with jaliskas now, reportedly supporting "senator david monreal" for governor because his brother ricky monrial says so, opportunistic motherfacker giving MORENA and AMLO a bad name...crime in the state of zacatecas going up, up, waaay up since Zacatecas SSP (public security secretary) ismael camberros "resigned because of health reasons" to make room for new secretary arturo lopez bazan yhe former gendarmeria, DIPD (dipo) Policia Federal, anti-kidnapping specialist, (they specialize in KIDNAPPING), LIKE ARTURO BERMUDEZ, VERACRUZ, el diablo veytia nayarit, "el vikingo" en Cancun (murder of Genetal Tello who eas coming to replace him), and jesus albert oí cappella, el rambo de tijuana who brought his murdering brand from tijuas to morelos and not to QR-Cancun...they all reek of Plataforma Slim with garcia luna manelich castilla craviotto, luis cardenas palomino, omar hamid garcia harfuch and other paragons of mexican styled police corruption, must be tight with the nauseating Monriales POS FAMIGLIA... Then shit starts to make more sense than four heavily armed nacas ever will

  2. Whoever trained these ladies apparently forgot to mention what concealing your mug and noise discipline are all about. That’s how generic their training was. It’s no wonder they’re being killed off so easily.

    1. i’m sure a video has came from most every cartel with a guy or few not concealing their face. I’m not a fan of any of these groups, they are all monsters but don’t think it’s only CJNG flashing their faces in videos.

    2. Sol, there was no training.

    3. Barking bitches, people know them and their madrigueras.
      Dismemberment videos to follow.

  3. Interesting these females are either ex cdg or even cdn that have been hiding and now flipping to cjng. After cds left them hanging

  4. These women are so dead its not even funny. With a bit of luck maybe they'll just be swiftly shot but we know that likely won't be the case.

    Stupid girls getting involved in this mess and doing something so foolish as not concealing their faces.... RIP.

  5. Fist they'll be raped than killed!

  6. This is a joke. Typical CJNG to make videos claiming victories, making threats, or snitching/dropping names to heat up the plaza. I wouldn’t be surprised if the DEA is inciting the violence between CDS plaza leaders.

    1. "wouldn’t be surprised if the DEA is inciting the violence between CDS plaza leaders."Wouldn't be surprised if your a pleb with no brain...The DEA for fucks sake?

    2. 4:37 DEA GOT TAKEN OVER by CIA after Kiki Camarena exposed their drug trafficking to the US to save the contra nicaragüense, fighting communisn with nazis in chile, argentina, Bolivia, colombia and paraguay degenerated into drug trafficking since before Che got assassinated in bolivia by fidel castro AND THE CIA to seal cocaine trafficking through Cuba
      The DEA may be fighting trafficking but only when and where they get orders from well protected insiders above.
      Giniral Cienpedos may know a few and that set him free from US prison and prosecution, it is so bad that Trump and Barr's US DOJ chose to smear themselves with the shit on their faces.
      The Big White Lie by DEA agent Michael Levine will educate you if you are not irremediably brainwashed beyond help...

  7. They'll be found tortured, raped, and butchered in a few days.

  8. Sad to see the young ladies behaving like that . Weapon is even bigger than them . I can only ask my self what happen to all them cjng commandos . They must not have anymore . Looks like they are being eliminated . This seem like a low low strategy by cjng putting this girls in the front . Guess what will happen if Sinaloa kills them . All those feminist activist and the government will really get involved and maybe that’s what mencho want . The help of the government because they can’t handle it in Zacatecas anymore . The truth is that there eliminating all drug dealers and kidnappers and extortionist from those towns . Mencho or el jardinero didn’t give these cats any weapons or protection .
    “ El Zacatecas “
    Cercas de fillo

    1. Fuck Zacatecas!
      Pinche estado seco!

      Los de Zacatecas y Durango son lambe huevos y crash dummies de CDS

  9. 😢😢 Mayo wouldn’t help us

  10. Will these lovely sicarias become cannon fodder by week's end? Week ends on Sunday for action. 1000 peso max bet

    Yes +130
    No -150

    1. Ill take your bet
      but i am broke so say a penny
      ok I say Yes but not in
      a week but 2 weeks... they will hide for awhile

  11. Animo Sicarios and Sicaria!

    There is a Gente Nueva Special Forces Tier One female operator known as "La Vuida Negra del Triangulo Dorado".

    She is already on a "search and destroy "mission in Zacatecas.
    She is a highly trained by an ex member of the Mossad feared Kidon unit.
    She carries a pink camoflauged ,modified and silenced HK 416 assault rifle and a arsenal of explosives. Her Krav Maga skills are top notch and her knife throwing efficiency is deadly.
    I'm not going to lie she is beautiful and very voluptious however El patron does not allow dating among tier one operators.

    1. "Highly trained" yet you send your sicaria after the fact.

    2. It’s satire for any of you idiots that can’t grasp that, which means he’s joking, so stop getting so mad at the guy. Thank you 006, you’ve made me laugh for years!

    3. Cody, even his satire is bad. I don't find it humorous he's making light of such things.

    4. Satture the way this idiot always comments is equal to cherring!
      He wants to make CDS laughable hence forgivable for any and all faults.
      They say "there is no such thing as bad publicity" and for this stunt he pulls he sure does advertice for CDS!

    5. 006 sees to know all underworld names and only by secret. I really think 006 is one badass dude. sicario006 for president!!!!

    6. Fuckin clowns.
      Sicario,Scot Zeta,Jalisco etc etc etc

  12. Raped and tortured within a week.

  13. Such a shame that such beautiful young women could be so stupid. You grow up, you see the violence around you, you fall into it, I don't know. All I know is that you only get one life, you should respect it. You should learn the rules of preservation at least. Hide your damn identity. Don't try to look cool in front of the men. They clearly don't give a crap about your health, seeing as they're too cowardly to talk on the video themselves. Such a shame. RIP ladies. Hope your get the glory for all of the few days that you will be alive.

  14. Girl in the middle is tweaking hard...sad

  15. You have to really high on something to show your face against any powerful drug lords in Mexico. These ladies has balls to release this video.

  16. All you claiming they will be found dead and decapitated within days are full of shit.
    They have probably already decapitated men and women themselves so no mattet what happens they will go down fighting.
    Not cheering them on at all however.
    On the contrary it is lamentable and sad to see and there all this.


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