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Friday, January 29, 2021

Chihuahua Police Officers Implicated in the Kidnapping and Murder of a Couple in Ciudad Juárez

 "MX" for Borderland Beat

The couple was forcibly taken from a home by Chihuahua State Police officers, investigators say

Five members of the Chihuahua State Police are under investigation for their possible involvement in a forced disappearance and double murder.

The victims, Fátima Guadalupe López (aged 18) and Irving Adolfo Zaragoza Ruiz (aged 27), were were kidnapped by police officers on December 27 and found dead on January 14 in Ciudad Juárez. According to investigators, the police officers beat the two to death in a revenge attack for the murder of one of the police officer's siblings. 

"This unfortunate incident revolves around the fact that one of the victims (Irving) had participated in the murder of the brother of one of the policemen. That is where the motive originates", Chihuahua's Attorney General confirmed.

State authorities are requesting help from all its citizens to find the five policemen, identified as: Jacobo Eulogio “N”, Juan Manuel “N”, Luis Édgar “N”, Jesús Martín “N", and Marco Antonio "N".

Chihuahua officials identified the five officers since January 12. However, all of them fled when asked to appear before a judge. The State Prosecutor's Office issued an arrest warrant this past weekend.

A key part of the investigation is the testimony of two detainees who happened to be in the same vehicle where Fátima and Irving were taken. They told investigators that the policemen "turned in" Fátima and Irving to unknown men, possibly cartel members.

"The four of them were together in the same patrol unit. The policemen then drop off Irving and his companion and hand them over to unknown men. They (the two witnesses) were later released, but they have refused to provide more statements because they fear for their lives", a state investigator said.

Human right activists in Chihuahua said this incident was also problematic because it highlighted the growing arbitrary detention rates in the area. Police officers in Chihuahua have received complaints of detaining people for hours and driving them around the city in their patrol units before they are able to see an attorney.

"This is a situation that worries us a lot … they are becoming more and more frequent", an activist said.

Sources: Infobae; Diario de Juarez; Liberal Metropolitano


  1. Think about it. What would you have done if a guy killed your brother and you lived in Mexico, where you know the murderer would pay his way out of prison? Hmmmm.

    1. Still would not killed an innocent woman unrelated to his murder by beating her to death....

    2. not have beaten an innocent women to death.,,

    3. I think the cops thought she knew more since she was hanging out with him. Maybe they tried to get more info out of her too.

  2. O.T.: Good to see You back up ‘n running, B.B.!😉


  3. Cops involved in kidnappings in Mexico is common.. Cops are supper corrupt in 🇲🇽, they are theivesbthat are all ways looking to steal money from anyone

    1. No cartel in Mex can operate without protection from the cops.

    2. Remember in mid-80s it would cost you USD1.000.000 to become a cop in TJ.

      That's >30 years ago. The goin rate is probably 10M today

    3. You're telling us that it would cost someone 1 million US DOLLARS TO became a cop in the 80s. What are you dumb!? Fucking ridiculous lmao. You could retire with that kind of money in Mexico lmao

  4. You are back! Yay!

  5. Why the girl? My guess is the cops thought she knew more since she was probably her BF. Unfair and sad


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