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Friday, January 29, 2021

Alfredo Castillo, the man who imprisoned Dr Mireles, is barred from public office for 10 years

 Chivis Martinez Reforma and Telesure

Note: Who is Alfredo Castillo?

He was sent to Michoacán by EPN to “stabilize security” during the autodefensas movement, which in reality amounted to breaking up the movement and imprisoning its leaders.  Dr. Mireles the leader of the Sur Autodefensas was imprisoned for 3 years where he was tortured.  Dr. Mireles recently died from Covid-19.

After his stint as security commissioner in Michoacán, President Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018) appointed Alfredo Castillo as chairman of CONADE, an institution in which he was accused of irregularities, due to omissions in his asset declarations, Alfredo Castillo, the former chairman of Mexico's National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports (CONADE), is banned from holding public office by the Public Administration Ministry (SFP).

Post: Castillo is now prohibited from exercising public office for 10 years as he omitted information of multiple bank accounts.

"The omission constitutes a violation of public servants' administrative responsibilities which establish the obligation to present timely and truthfully the declarations of patrimonial situation," the SFP stated.

Warning that the Prosecutor's Office could launch an investigation on criminal offenses, the SFP assured that Castillo's case was part of the 26,064 administrative responsibility files opened by the administration of  President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).

Castillo began his career in 2002 as an advisor to the Federal Consumer Attorney General. Before being named Michoacan's Security and Integral Development commissioner, he was the Private Security Services director at the Public Security Secretariat.

During Mireles' imprisonment, AMLO remained a loyal supporter 

In April 2015, former President Enrique Peña Nieto (2012-2018) appointed him chairman of CONADE, an institution in which he was accused of irregularities, including the granting of financial support without formal contracts.

As CONADE director, Castillo informed that he did not participate as a shareholder or director of companies, nor was he part of civil associations or other companies in the country.


  1. Watch "Cartel Land" on Amazon Prime if you don't know Dr. Mireles's story

    1. 1:22 PM Propoganda that is all that is.

  2. I am surprised he isn’t dead yet. He was corrupted to the gill.

  3. La Chivas, missed ya. Dr. Mireles Passed away? Was anyone at his funeral?

    Canadian girl

    1. gurrrrrl! what a funeral. His ex wife shows up and attempts to steal his ashes from the new wife. "I want them for my kids" says she.

      I never spoke to him after his release. there is a story behind that, I may write about it. But i was in contact with his cousins. Paz....

  4. Count Castillo-Dracul,a noble family he emanates from,like a pig fart,anyone with half a brain knew he was a wrong-un.

  5. Chivis! Looking great!!


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