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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Celaya Guanajuato: The body of "Dulce" 13 year old abducted girl, discovered partially buried at a narco "safe house"

Steve C  Borderland Beat   Proceso

The body of missing girl named Dulce, a minor from Celaya who was searched for  after being abducted from her home since October 1, was found semi-buried by staff of the State Attorney General's Office when inspecting a house that served as a safe-house for an organized crime cell that was arrested after shooting at agents of the State Forces in that municipality.

The attack by the hit men occurred on October 9. Nine of them were arrested and brought before a judge.

It wasn't until Sunday 18 when the State Attorney General's Office revealed that when searching the home where the armed group was sheltered, a semi-buried young girls  body was found in the backyard. The body was transferred to the Forensic Service to carry out the autopsy and identification.

[Below are the subhuman bastards that had little Dulce then half-buried her.  They are charged with abduction, femicide, and homicide among other charges.  Let's hope Ducle receives justice, one way or another.]

Although it does not reveal in the statement, Guadalupe Tamayo Garcia Apro was able to learn that the body corresponds to the minor Dulce Guadalupe, 13 years old, for whom an Amber Alert was issued after reporting her disappearance, which occurred on October 1 at her own home.

The minor was presumably taken from her home and wanted returned by her relatives.

In the statement released on the 18th -17 days after the minor's disappearance- the Attorney General's Office stated that, after the attack that occurred in Rincón de Tamayo, personnel from the Criminal Investigation Agency carried out some proceedings in a building that was inhabited by the criminal group where the body of the minor was found.

"The legal identity of the victim was determined for whom there was an open investigation into her disappearance, since days before she had been deprived of her liberty by armed individuals who took her from her home," the statement said.

Upon being presented before a criminal judge, the detainees were accused by the Prosecutor's Office of femicide, disappearance committed by individuals, robbery, as well as attempted murder against the elements of the State Security Forces who were shot on the 9th of October.

In addition, the specialized public Ministry charged them with the possession of weapons for the exclusive use of the armed forces and explosive devices "of which the competent federal authority will hear," the FGE reported.

The nine detainees -Abraham, Salvador, Edwin, Gerardo, Mario, Adalid, José, Cristian and Daniel- were linked to the process and will remain in preventive detention.

According to the Prosecutor's Office, there are other open investigations that involve the nine detainees in other criminal acts in the Laja-Bajío region.

Note: While some reports state she was taken FROM her home, others report she was taken near her home


  1. The sub human criminal cell, was caught at a safe house, they shot back at police, yet nevertheless they get thier last names omitted and thier eyes covered, and once they are convicted they still get thier eyes covered. I can predict the next phrase.....the criminals will have a bribe of money delivered to the judge, he will stamp " insufficient evidence", and out in 3 days to commit more crime. Who wants to make a bet.

    1. Kind of reminds me of when a shooter shoots up a mall or school or store here in the U.S. and kills people of all ages and then they get accused of mental insanity and spend doing time in protective custody perhaps in a psychiatric ward in a minimum security prison. They avoid the death penalty easily without bribing anyone.
      Most of these shooters are so called snetenced to forever terms in prison yet since this shooting up a place is a fairly recent phenomenon I am willing to bet that after at least 30 years in prison some of these criminals might even appeals their sentences because they have been treated for mental diseases and perhaps be let out on parole. Most are in their 20s so at age 50 plus they can still enjoy a long life outside of prison even. Just have to wait and see.

    2. 11:26 you missing the main culprit, according to his fans:

    3. 5:36 the US government still refuses to acknowledge what they did to Ted Kaczinsky when he was a gifted underaged Harvard student and math genius.
      Harvard also refuses to honor their graduate, because of the bombing campaign that has nothing to do with Harvard U.

    4. 5:36 The U.S. is worse, crazy guy shoots children at school and the public thinks it's a hoax.

    5. Yeah the US is well worse,what are you doing sitting on your ass in the US?Go back to safe mexico?
      What are you waiting for?

    6. 814
      And your sittin in the US safe,false claiming hero of the revolution

    7. "Kind of reminds me of when a shooter shoots up a mall or school or store here in the U.S"
      Knew it the ones with the biggest mouths about mexico and hate for the US are sittin in the US,all you need to know

    8. " here in the U.S."
      Well fuck off back to mexico if you hate the US so much
      No,too dangerous for our hero

    9. Why does anyone listen to this mexican bigot?
      Things all over every post,ring a bell who it is?

    10. 5:38 apparently there is never a good time to discuss an ever growing problem here in the States because snowflakes get upset???
      Given that people are brainwashed into thinking that mass shootings are only caused by sick people...thay is until a family member of theirs is targeted or killed then perhaps they be willing to do something about these causes.
      In the meantime let's bash other countries yes?

  2. A ver hasta donde vamos a parar con tantas locuras. Esto que si nos deja pensativos. Más que nada por los hechos de gentes malvadas que por lo que veo no tienen llenadera para ser tanto desmadre sin sentido.
    - Sol Prendido

  3. WHEN are the Mexican people going to lose their fear and start marching? Would citizens back before Diaz was overthrown tolerated this?

    1. LOTS of those who overthrew Diaz did the same thing and much worse, the fact is, there´s always been sick people in this world.

    2. Uprisings in Mexico are punished with blood:
      - Tlatelolco ( )
      - Zapatista uprising (the GAFE's - which spawned the Zetas! - were sent in: )

      The mexican elite is fix in the saddle and they got Uncle Sam's support!

    3. When regular people can own guns in that country

    4. The march every day and nothing happens.

    5. No,they marched for la raza an all that shit in US streets but dont do shit in mexico

  4. Sickening that people would do this to a child. If caught send them to US prison. They will be well taken care of by the inmates.

    1. No they wont, in US prisons, they protect them even better, in mexico they will get there's

    2. They don't protect them..they issue a KOS= kill on sight
      And they get them

    3. 717 people are mudered in us prisons all the time especially if they are child molesters/abusers

  5. Blame AMLO for stopping the flow of huachicol through PEMEX pipelines, these estupiros can't even find a real woman on their own, now they have to pay with their ass, and their kingpin, what was his name again?

  6. Dirty scrub bastards,told you,what kind of MEN do this to women?Do we even want to imagine what this kid went through?What the fuck is goin on?
    What can you say about things like this?

  7. Subhuman bastards alright,animals dont behave like this.They took this little girl we all know why.Rotten bastards in their little safe house,poor little thing,fuckin rats scurrying rats,exterminate them

  8. Probably taken off the street these animals dont have no morality,too too much of this goin on in Mexico

  9. Rot in prison and then hell.

  10. Time for all these heathen Mexican killers to be eliminated and by USA forces.

    1. That would be terrific, but unfortunately Obrador does not want outside help, he once quoted, they have it under control all is fine, but we all know that's not true. His assigned advisor tells Obrador what to say.

    2. 7:17 foreign presence of armed CIA and DEA and military contractors and advisers to FECAL, ZEDILLO, EPN, FOX and Salinas ended on the war on drugs that sank Mexico in the present blood bath, specially since 9/11 aiming to prevent muslin terroristas from coming into the US from Mexico BS...
      Foreigners already worsened the violence, and you want more of them? Cienpedos and co in prison on the US are singing, Barry Mc Caffrey is complaining about cienpedos' arrest.

  11. I remember when CJNG entered several municipalities and ranchos in GTO a couple years back. They started taking girls and wives. Females and even men had to be careful when the convoys would pass by.

    1. Yeah. El iron-man, wolverine and thor ordered those kidnappings to keep spiderman at bay.

      😂😂 what a freaken moron, spreading MORE lies as if plenty werent floating around already.

    2. No they didn’t don’t lie to these people tired of you guys always spreading bs about La Nueva

    3. Its happening now IN JUAREZ

    4. 536
      Lmao,iron man,wolverine and thor ordered it.
      Too much

  12. Anyone notice the narrative borderlandbeat pushes? Femicides get reported on here, great those cases need more coverage. But why only report the ones where CJNG has presence? Sonora is leading Mexico this year in femicides and not one story from there, has been posted on here? Coincidence? Dont think so.

    XOXO-Chapina 💋

    1. Sonora is really fucked up right now, but I´m sure BB has nothing to do with the little reporting on those issues, the fact is, even the press in Mexico make no mention of it. Obregon is a hell hole for women right now.

    2. I also seem to think BB pushes Sinaloa cartel in their own way.

    3. Your sick chivis reports all of Mexico even central American crime 😔😔

    4. you like Mencho? i live in Sonora, where you get your information from? who is supposedly killing women in Sonora, los chapitos? or the husbands of those women? puerto penasco, an american controlled tourist area is where the most womwn are killed

    5. Not to sound crass or rude but are femicides different from regular homicides? Children are also being killed! Men are killed in these "cartel wars" more than woman. I dont think all the men killed are innocent but there are plenty of females involved as well either as sicarias, hanging out with narcos or selling drugs. Do they deserve special notice? The abuse, torture and murder of CHILDREN should be front and center!!! Not every person is guilty or innocent but I find it pretty selfish that sone women put themselves in front of children. The girl in this case was 13!!! Those pieces of shit who kidnapped and killed her should be put through a meat grinder alive!

    6. They post tons. You might only be interested in cjng readings then

    7. I agree @3:50 ... I don't live there, but follow the media and majority of the femicides are committed by partners or ex-partners or are fair game if it's cartel sicaria vs other armed criminals in confrontations. Haven't seen it reported in Sonora or elsewhere of children being abused like this by other cartels' members.

    8. email me, we could use the help with additional volunteers. you could post some article after translating. it is true what you say, but we all have a life outside BB so getting 3 to 4 posts, moderating all comments and updating social media is all the time I can give. Send links to posts when you see them that would help.


      If you claim to live in Sonora and dont know about the femicides? Your probably living under a rock or completely lying.
      In cajame alone theres reports of 50 missing women, it is known that los antennas de bacum have been terrorizing the citizens and women in general.

      Up until july 31 2020 theres was 52 registered female murders in Sonora, ofcourse I can only image the numbers must've went up.
      These women were mainly kidnapped and found in shallow graves---narco style.
      And no these aren't intermarriage problems some of these females werent married and still lived at home with parents, stop deflecting. I'll attribute the murders to the low self esteem narcos like el oliver, who probably wouldnt stand a chance with these girls if it weren't for him kidnapping them.

      I dont get your guys logic? I really dont.
      Because 13yr old is murdered in Guanajuato, and automatically we assume its CJNG. But 50+ women-and-counting, have been murdered all across Sonora and you attribute them to marriage problems? Please.
      Let's not forget chapitos did have chinos sister killed, who was a freaken teacher for crying out loud. And you still dont believe?

      Ps, chivis I'd love to take your readers to school on femicides across Mexico.

    10. All you simpletons have to do is, search "feminicidios en Sonora 2020" easy.
      But ofcourse you turn the blind eye.

      Cds controls Sonora. I guess they have a thing for killing women and children too.

    11. much of the media in mexico is controlled by the cartels. maybe that accts for lack if reporting in sonora

    12. It's really not that complex,
      Although it may be true on some areas. For the most part the femicides in Sonora have been getting national attention. Specially now that the "ni una mas" movement has been making noise, the we, you and I don't make the time to search and read is different. But ofcourse like all other news, if bb is our only source. We only consume what we get fed, so I understand why 98% of the readers here are unaware.
      90% of news here is solely concentrated on what jalisco cartel does.
      We know the views and sentiments of the main administrators here, so it's not surprising.


    14. I live in Ciudad Obregón, the Town has become a new Ciudad Juárez, young women dissapear everyday even children and innocent people die for crossfire and the police do nothing to solve It. Some missing girls had affairs with dangerous dudes, but there are many that did not have any kind of relationship with thosee guys AND fade away. I have a wife AND a daughter and I am scared since we knew she was a female baby before her birth. México Is a horrible place for women. I try to make the diference with my family and friends. Do the best for keeping them save.

    15. Wow i finally see some people wrting facts and no feelings

    16. @11:57 First of all CDS is composed of different clans and factions to be fair. And if Chapitos are creating this shit, they'll burn in fucking hell. Screw them.

      With that said, Caro familia also operating with Linieros who love that shit. So, eventually it will be known who did it.

      Whoever it is, they'll pay, sooner or later.

      En esta vida todo se paga.

    17. 9:54 all those wonan desapering was happening before rafa was out, in chapos controled areas, you really dont need to be a scientific to put 2 together

    18. No ones denying that. Cds is like 3PL, and the Sonora families are its operators. @954

    19. Imagine all the other "facts" administrators censor. @6:50

    20. The Sinaloa cartel sympathizers are real quit lololololol 😂😂😂

    21. 636
      "I live in Ciudad Obregón, the Town has become a new Ciudad Juárez"
      I hope you and your dearest stay safe bro i really do,hope you have all the luck in the world.
      Stay safe

    22. You seem to blaming Chivis for every ill of the media and non mexican reporting.How fucked in the head are you?

    23. "Anyone notice the narrative borderlandbeat pushes?"
      Anyone notice that you are one weird thinking loon.
      By the way,you dont like BB your choice is simple even for a "simpleton"like you

    24. Truth is uncomfortable I know, and chivis is to blame, she is responsible for republishing stories right?
      Why cherry pick?
      Guys are so sexist. Its mind boggling.


    25. Jesus christ lol who let the sensitive guys out? @5:30 @5:27
      Cry me a river guys.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Horrendous. Prayers for comfort for her family and may Dulce rest in peace.

    As for her killers, there is no punishment too severe.

  15. What kind of bitch ass pussy cowardly junkies do this. For what purpose? Find them kill them dont arrest the bastards.

  16. Jaliskas did it again 😡

  17. Guanajuato... Do us all a favor already...Kill em all...Slow!

  18. Celaya, a 13 year old?

    CJNG or CSL. My assumption is CJNG. Worthless

  19. If you put this on Facebook, and called these murderers Subhuman Bastards, like u just did, FB would close your account for 30 days. FB, just look at the owner, and you figure it all out very quickly

      Goofy fuckers put what their having for tea on that shit.People man

  20. The dudes in the pictures are obviously from the Jalisco / Michoacán area. Anyone who knows, knows.

    1. No. They are obviously rapists from sinaloa area. Anyone who knows, knows.

    2. @3:56 Fucking dilusional idiot. This happened in Guanajuato, next to Michoacán and Jalisco pendejo. CDS has presence but they operate with locals. I'm sorry to be the one to burst the bubble.

    3. 9:49pm This happened near the center of Guanajuato state. Probably Guanajuatenses responsible. Quit with your "Jalisco & Michoacán man bad" agenda you imbecile. We all know you culiacacas are jealous of us. Keep us out of your mouth you numpty beta male.

  21. Are there any "good guys" in Mexico?

    1. No we are all drud addicts and rapists, sarcasm! Why would you post this guys post bb?

    2. 9:05 hell yes! and they outnumber the bad guys on the US

    3. 9:05 its like saying all whites are kkk just because you see a few racesists, thats how stupid your comment is

  22. Why are they still alive? They should have been killed when they were caught.

  23. I personaly thanks they should be castrated,heads then cut off,because kids or of limits zero tolerante period.

  24. They'll be out next week. Worthless judicial system, corrupt politicians, uncaring, bribed authorities. About time the Mexican citizens scorch the earth with pitch forks and torches.

  25. I Think they should castrate him then and after that let her parents get a chance to torture him,kids or off limits point blank.

    1. Summary Executions should not involve sinking below the level of the criminals, there should have been educative propaganda about this for a long time and hungry pennyless sicarios should know where to go for help, instead of letting them loose in the middle of society.
      Some people get sent to education/ re-education camps before they steal their first pencil, bubblegum, beer, and they work happily there for their food and little else.

    2. Burn them alive one by one no torture needed



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