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Thursday, September 17, 2020

CULIACAN SINALOA Operation in residences near the state congress surprises the Culichis, 11 arrested

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

An operation by elements of the SEDENA and elements of the PEP was conducted this morning in Culiacan Sinaloa’s the state capital.

It began around 7am when elements closed off traffic to the area of operation.

Unofficially, there are 11 detainees with weaponry seized.

Searches were reportedly in the Las Moras residential complex, next to the state congress and in the vicinity of the Culiacán river.

Arrests were made at the site of the operation and after a pursuit.


  1. Por payasos 🤡 y querer andar calando al air 🔫

  2. Some are reporting that sicario 006 was among the arrested

    1. You mean the 12 year old GN fanboy who knows everything about the cartels that's widely available on the web? The guy who's always doing Delta Force level HALO drops into enemy territory? No way they'll ever catch that 'operator'.

    2. You cracked me up today🤣🤣🤣🤣. Gracias!!

    3. Puta madre ora hasta a mi me agarraron! me tube que pellizcar los tanates para ver que yo no estoy arrestado en el bote...

    That's really RARE, SINALOA is a narco STATE and ARRESTS are not that common

  4. I´m sure this were contras, really doubt cops will go after CDS after the Culiacanazo fiasco of AMLO.

    1. There just gunners...a dime a dozen..the bosses can give two shits about them..they don’t receive the political protection the bosses do, they are fair game for the law..all that loyalty you hear in the corridos is complete bullshit

    2. 😂💀 i thought contras couldn't step foot in culiacan tho😂😂 groupies🙄

    3. Have fun, culeros, but it is just the SEDENA and state police trying to look good, and maybe get lucky with you.
      "AMLO" DID NOT EVEN KNEW ABOUT THE CULIACANAZO, it was a secret operation by US secret bounty hunters that jumped the gun, there is a video where they drag Ovidio out of a house and he us telling his brothers to stop todo el pedo, because he's got caught and that is OK he does not want any more problems...
      You wish you could have better manners...

  5. Pretty sure nobody important will be captured as always in Sinaloa.

    1. dicen que el nini se escapo nomas y el rumor que tsmboen fue capturado

  6. When was actually the last time there was even a police operation in sinaloa? The 2 operations that I remember was el chapos capture and the failed operation that led ovidio release under AMLO's orders. So amlo is capturing his pals so people won't think that he's a sinaloa cartel operative.

    1. This was probrably all for show so AMLO can look like he’s doing something, cds doesn’t care about these lambs they’re a dime a dozen

  7. hahaha , y dontan esos de gente nueva fanfarrones

    1. Ui que miedo la gente muerta, poniendo mentitas pal señor r1, no que mucha verga? No que mucho chapo guzman, pura gente de la B y el señor de la noria, todo lo que huela a salazar va terminar como adan salazar ramirez.. ese muertito fue por ivan PC y poncho payan

  8. I really hope Los Chapitos were notified beforehand of government operation in Culiacan. We dont want them angry and aggresive spraying lead all over the place.

    1. Or threatening to kill WOMEN and CHILDREN in the tini Army BASE THEY have in CULOACAN

    2. 10:09 Real soldiers do not bring wives and children to an army base where there is "war", they do not have "Bone Spurs" either, pero ahi andan de calientes y quieren ser generales...
      No mameeen!

    3. In the end of the day 99% of all soldiers are the governments bitches they fight anything there told to even unarmed civilians real soldiers are nothing but well trained goons

  9. Pinches culichis panochones no que muy vergas prefierieron dar el culo que rifarsela...

  10. According to instagram pages from Culiacán El Nini barely managed to escape the operation.

  11. El Omega had said on a recording that he could pop their safe house in La Condesa whenever he wanted. So, im assuming he and P1 (P1 to avenge Azabache, they recently communicated on radios) turned in this safe house to try to get Nini. This will definitely lead to more friction between the two groups.

  12. You talk cause you got a mouth. Nini this, Nini that...tirate ese rollo. It was gente del Financiero enemy of the menores. Quit making stuff up in the comments...Omega is a woman beater and rapist and P1 is a down ass dude but they lost. Matter of fact Negro Azabache flipped on the Rusos. Actually a lot of guys did.

    So quit making stuff up and relax.

    Attn: 1127

    1. Ivan Archivaldo likes to kill women, but aint nobody going around with chismes like you 1127.

    2. Chill bro just cuz you follow mrexculsivo dont make you a sicario. Your the one who needs to relax.

    3. Perdieron la batalla pero la guerra todavía no se termina. Hay bastante gente que se está juntando en contra de los Chapitos

  13. Not a single tattoo can be seen, no tweaked out faces, clean and proper clothe, no shots fired... looks like they went in the wrong door.

    1. And very good looking! Jajaja jk estos gueyes se les ve el nopal desde una milla! Y dijo un compa de sinaloa que todos estaban bien guapos jajaha mas putos! Y luego dicen que los jotos son de jalisco, pero para prueba ahi esta su Gilbertona!!! Jajaja

  14. Umm que la chingada. Pues no que muy bravos...

  15. Nini days are numbers

    1. They been saying that for months.

    2. 11:33 but yall been saying the same thing about mencho but i see nini getting killed or arrested before mencho, dont get me wrong menchos time will come 2, but nini will fall first for sure

  16. They ware people of El Financiero / Los Paredores, who are allied with El Ruso. They were in Culiacan to heat up the Plaza

  17. Why ARE SINALOA PEOPLE so handsome AND in GREAT shape(sarcasam)
    JUST remembering COMMENTS of last sinaloa guy WHO got smoked from SONORA PLAZA 😆

  18. Speaking of sinaloa has anyone else heard from og shadow that one of the chapitos was killed by el Ruso? Does anybody have any input on that?

    1. Bro shadow has been debunked as a fake countless times... his info is ALWAYS incorrect.

    2. 12:52 eso nomás lo oyen los que quieren que les den con la mazacuata por el overthere.


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