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Sunday, August 9, 2020

Zacatecas: 34 members of CJNG arrested in 2 operations as Zac government seemingly targeting CJNG

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY BB Follower"S" Source  Source

Elements of the State Preventive Police (PEP), attached to the Secretary of Public Security of Zacatecas, arrested 22 alleged members of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), from whom they seized arsenal and drugs.

Among the insured weapons there are six Ak-47 rifles and thirty AR-15 rifles, as well as magazines and 4 thousand useful cartridges, of different calibers. In addition to 263 kilograms of marijuana and 22 tactical bulletproof vests.

According to government sources, in the surprise police raid, carried out on a farm in the Cieneguitas community, southwest of the city of Guadalupe, the capture operation of the 22 alleged members of the CJNG was carried out.

Meanwhile, a bodyguard from the director of urban development of the municipality of Tulum, Quintana Roo, Jorge Portilla Mánica, died when repelling an armed attack on Wednesday afternoon.

In the shooting that took place outside the official's office, located between Cobá Avenue and Okoot Street, around 1:00 p.m., two people were also wounded by gunshots.

Unofficial versions said that during the early hours of the morning a blanket was found directed against Portilla Mánica, leaders of taxi drivers and rental car operators in Tulum.

Meanwhile, authorities in San Luis Potosí reported the discovery of semi-buried skeletal remains in a farm used for livestock.

The location occurred on Tuesday morning in the town of Azogueros, in the municipality of Salinas, where a grave was found with bone remains and clothing.

Operations arrest 12 CJNG at five narco “safe houses”
On July 28, in three operations coordinated with the State Attorney General's Office, members of the PEP detained 12 members of the criminal group in five different “safe houses”, two of them in exclusive residential areas, most of the detained  from Jalisco and Nayarit, and one from Colombia, identified as Ricardo “N”, 33 years old.

A ton of mota and 15k of cocaine seized …Additional information:

The capital of Zacatecas and the metropolitan municipality of Guadalupe had an intense police and military mobilization this Tuesday, after authorities from the State Attorney General's Office (FGJEZ) and the Secretariat of Public Security (SSPZ), with the support of The National Guard searched at least five residences that members of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación  (CJNG) used as safe houses and a drug laboratory.

As a result of these searches in homes located in the Conde Santiago de la Laguna, Conde de Bernárdez, Villas de San Fermín, Lomas Bizantinas, and El Dorado neighborhoods, 12 people were arrested, alleged members of the CJNG, and seized at least three luxury vehicles, all had a report of theft.

Likewise, it was unofficially reported that, as a result of the search of these properties, eighty long weapons, an undetermined number of cartridges and magazines, as well as around 15 kilograms of cocaine and a ton of marijuana was secured.

The operation had its origin in the surprise incursion made into the metropolitan area of ​​the capital of Zacatecas - early Monday morning -, three convoys of trucks and luxury vehicles, labeled with the initials CJNG, with dozens of armed men on board. SSPZ sources reports.

The convoys, made up of around fifteen vehicles each, entered the area at the same time, around 06:00 in the morning, crossing the road checkpoints guarded by the Preventive State Police, known as the Regional Security Unit ( UNIRSE de Malpaso), from the municipalities of Jerez and Villanueva), and (UNIRSE de Trancoso), from the municipality of Ojocaliente.

Likewise, a third group of vehicles with armed men came from the community of Tacoaleche, in the south of the municipality of Guadalupe.

That raid alerted the Zacatecas Public Security authorities, and on Tuesday morning, around 07:00 hours, members of the Ministerial Police and the State Police detected three vehicles circulating in a group and began a pursuit through different parts of the city.

At an unspecified point in the city, the alleged criminals abandoned two of the vehicles, [one pictured above], and tried to flee - the three drivers - in a single unit. But they were later arrested.


  1. Damnnnnn chapitos snitched lmao.. incoming butthurt groupies

  2. Puro grupo Elite arrestados por municipales.

  3. That truck has a cjng poster ductaped on lmao

  4. Animo Sicarios!

    Zacatecas tiene dueño!

    "Atentamente Ya se La Saben!"

    New People 006

  5. Haha what more proof do you need cdn has got zac authorities on lock zac will belong to the last letter once again just like before that treacherous taliban betrayed us senor huevo Trevino will be leading in the troopa del inferno on horseback to kickstart the invasion


    1. 😂😂😂😂 “on horseback”

    2. Hahaha Zacatecas belongs to El M Grande now......

    3. What is this the cartel revolución?

    4. If you really are a Trevino fangirl you must change your name to Scottish CDN, as they no longer call themselves zetas or maybe you never got the company memo....

  6. Everything is gotten illicitly with this cartel and others. They make a lot of money off drugs, extortion and more. They cannot even stand up and buy a vehicle. Everything they drive is stolen. What a stain on society these cartels are. Leave people alone that are not in the criminal trade. Quit robbing them, stealing their vehicles and extorting businesses that have done it on their own, and with their own hard work. You are not men, you are leeches. What is amazing is the sicario's and low level people that die for peanuts to glorify their leaders. Talk about a bunch of sheep.

    1. I agree with you
      too bad they cant have rules to the Cartels
      and make the drug bussiness more like one big Company
      every one gets a share
      No Killing No Drug Use
      and if Americans want to destory them selves fine
      but dont destory your own country While selling drugs
      Think if it was conducted like a Real ligit job
      Its already there just do it with out the Evil
      and have Mexico become a place so Rich and everyone gains on Americans miseery

      but greed and ego old vendettas get in the way

    2. @8:55 You are correct.

  7. What's going on lately? Did the Lion make it to Oz?

  8. And no resistance from CJNG vs law enforcement or casualties on either side? Unusual, but good news.

    1. Cjng are just testing the terrain, wait a couple of years and you will see who is the dominant cartel! Which by the way its ovbious is cjng! But in a couple of years they will control at least 70% of mexico

    2. 7:09 Cjng isn’t going to last as soon as the arrest el Mencho or kill his bitch ass the whole cartel is going to split everyone is going to want to take over

  9. That's a good day for the police and honest citizens. Hopefully all 34 will stay locked up.

  10. Animo compadres!

    The authorities in Zacatecas are making a huge mistake. CJNG will strike back 10 times harder. Harfuch should be an example to all of them. Sinaloa can’t save them.

    Caballero de Jalisco🏴‍☠️🇲🇽

    1. Caballero you sound like a copy of sicario 006 but a little better, el estudiante siempre supera al maestro! Es tiempo que sicario 006 cuelgue los guantes

    2. Donde estas scottish zeta

    3. 9:37 Harfuch learned some stage craft when he worked with his puta madre in televisa...
      --Nobody attacked harfuch's ass until he was riding inside his 5+ armored vehicle, and that was NO COINCIDENCE, it was a montaje, staged attack to make propaganda for "El Trucutú" harfuch... google trucutú

  11. CDS owns Zacatecas plus the people there love the Sinaloan security and culture. They don't want tweeker ass michoacanos or sell out jaliskas there PERIOD

  12. CJNG groupies are going to claim these guys were peace embassadors from Jalisco. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Free these inocente men. They are peaceful embassadors from Jalisco 😢😤😡

  13. Federal government helping its favor cartel cds always no matter when you read it

    1. @10:59 Why would the gov choose them if it was the case? Simple, CDS focuses on trafficking while your beloved Jaliscos terrorize everywhere they step in.

    2. 10:59! Its just to save face! Even the government know if they work to close to cds they will get snitched! Chapo burned peña and calderon and fox big time, the gov would be really stupid to make the same mistake again, in my opinion they are studying who and how to support one cartel but they havent desided jet

    3. 4:23 if i were the gov i wouldn't choose either cds or cjng i would choose some one lower key, why? Cjng are to loud and cds snitch to much! Im sure the gov is looking for someone who might have the best of both worlds! Not to loud and not a snitch

  14. OK TIME to kill ALL the CROOKED COPS on CDS PAY roll.. You KNOW that's THE way CJNG takes PLAZAS.. WORKED in Guanajuato and also TIJUANA.. THEY been doing THAT in JALISCO too.. Just SAYING....

    1. I have a feeling that CJNG downfall has already begun. Remember Zetas? You'll see.

    2. 4:31 zacatecas is not a priority for cjng, they are already in, michiacan is! Think a little why do you think guanajuato was so important? For a war lord is easy, to surround michoacan! Thats menchos obsecion! To be king in his home state! What states sourround michoacan? Jalisco, colima, guanajuato and guerrero! Cjng already has jalisco, colima, guanajuato and guerrero's border ith michoacan! Now its time to take michoacan! And after that take zacatecas and after that just push north! You guys think that mencho is just fighting random battles! No mencho first took key cities and now is making his kingdom bigger! He is a smart mofo!!!! Even chivis saw that when he wasnt that well know! Puro señor de los cocks🐔 le duela a quien le duela!!!!

    3. 7:25 va ayuda a tu ídolo peliar plazas si tanto te emocionas con tu señor delos cocks en tu horno,

  15. CDN ZETAS control that area along with tamaulipas,cuahila and nuevo leon. never going to change jaliscas have a better chance of taking sonora from snitchaloa.

    1. Zacatecas belongs to CDS now. Ofc, not the entire state but a big chunk of it. CDN and ex CDG now CJNG have presence also but they're losing ground...

  16. Huh who cares once cjng takes out el abuelo and the viagras ant takes michoacan theyll take zacatecas! Of course is not gonna be this year probably 2022, this year abuelo dies! Next year viagras die and cjng takes michigan! And 2022 theyll go full force on zacatecas! So Cds and Cdn enjoy 1 1/2 years more in zacatecas por que cuando lleguen las 4 letras del terror is gonna be to later for all of you contras!

    1. @12:51 Sí, sí, toma tu bibi, no llores y duérmete mi niño.

    2. CJNG won’t be on top past 2022. Considering all the heat they are drawing with their “elite” power ranger videos and that attack they did on Omar in CDMX

    3. 1:09 "omar" staged his attack himself, ok?
      He learned the craft when he worked soap operas with his mommy in televisa, when he worked for Genarco Garcia Luna, in Ayotzinapa, from his drug traffickingand murdering Daddy and from his grampas "el Carnicero de Tlatelolco" general Marcelino Garcia Barragán, secretario de la defensa nacional del dictador olímpico Díaz otdaz and secretary of governance luis echeverria alvarez "el halcón presidencial"
      Motherfacker omar "el Trucutú" hamid garcia harfuch IS dirty...
      He even shot and scratched himself on the ass for more credibility, with a .22 and save the "terroristas" .50 cal Barrets for show and tell...

  17. Zacatuercas is not a priority right now, michoacan and all the traitors are, guanajuato is already on cjng pocket so it wont be long before abuelo gets what he deserves for betraying el señor de los Cocks!!!! 🐔🐓 y papa de los polluelos de snitchloa🐥🐥

    1. stick to calling him "el señor de los gallos" you think that shit sounds cool but it not only sounds stupid, it sounds gay as hell...

    2. 1:09 cjng groupies always have an excuse when they get popped...u a biatch just like Mr chicken aka mencho

    3. Mencho, "el mata gallinas" needs to stop grabbing the chicken by their neck when he has extramaritary relations with them, grabbing them from their wings works better.
      -Sol Perdido

  18. The whole of Mexico belongs to CDS. #Facts CJNG Boy Scouts don’t know what’s going on.

    1. Imagine boy scouts kicking you out of most of your plazas! Thats got to hurt, but yea we dont know whats going on just the facts that cds is only active in sinaloa and durango, now parts of sonora and i the middle of the bajas cause cjng took tj

    2. “We”, who’s “we”. CJNG is a worthless organization, they don’t control TJ. They don’t control Jalisco. They don’t control Guanajuato. Bunch of CJNG put the “we” in “tweaker”.

    3. cjng doesnt control TJ at all lol..where did you get that from? La Rana and his brother have a tight grip on TJ

  19. There is a video where 15 CJNG members are being interogated by CDS sicarios in Zacatecas.They were later found dead.
    Señor Sicario 006 can you give us more information about what happened there.


    1. No mames ese ya tiene mas de mes,

  21. When they arrest 30 innocents and five bad hombres

  22. I find it strange how none of the big news outlets on social media in Zacatecas reported this or ever put the mantas that they leave behind. It brings me to believe that they are threatened by cjng and other cartels to not post anything like this about them.

  23. Unfortunately, after a few days they will be set free, bribes are in the works, judge will declare case closed, they should have shot them on the spot like they do in Brazil.

    1. Some will be out in less that a week if not all and others in less than a month

  24. They’re really tightening the screws on CJNG. Guess he’s made to many enemies nationally and internationally. DEA wants the heads or him and Cuinis BAD. And Mexico’s politicians are pissed that CJNG. Bad thing is another group will just rise from the ashes of the former strongest cartel and start this bullshit again. Mexico needs deep generations long development and education initiatives to alleviate the violence and poverty.

    1. 1:58 Tás más güey Valii!
      México did not need generarions long education or developmemt initiatives before FECAL became "presidente" and started his and the US' war on drugs by the book of Álvaro uribe Velez, founding member of AUC, PEPES, guerrillas and PARACO/MILICOS de colombia.


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