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Friday, August 28, 2020

13-year-old boy found executed in Cancun as retaliation against parents

Stevectpa  Borderland Beat  Source

An arrest update at bottom...

Cancun. – He was yet a child, Luis Ángel 'N' whose life has been taken due to circumstances beyond his control, was found lifeless on a dirt road behind a neighborhood located behind the road that leads to Gas auto today tomorrow.

He was barely entering puberty when he was killed by unscrupulous people, who, due to needing a settling of accounts with his own parents, vented their anger with the life of this little boy.

His body was left lying between the undergrowth and a path, with his hands tied behind him, his red striped shorts, his worn blue shirt and flip-flops could be seen, his innocence ended when his perpetrators covered his head with an orange cloth.

His only fault was having parents involved in illicit acts and recruited into the service of organized crime, who abducted them,  most likely with the the intention of taking their lives.

This week three bodies have appeared in this area and the authorities are investigating whether it is the same case; Since, according to informant sources, armed subjects deprived of their freedom four people and the minor a few days ago, all because the parents of the young man were involved in criminal acts, according to investigations.

This case would be the second incident in the city, a few months ago a boy of the same age was executed, but he was a halcon.


Cancun.-  This Thursday, authorities reported the arrest of two alleged perpetrators of the recent violent events in the city, pointing them out as responsible for an execution reported on August 26 of this year.

They are Carlos “N” and Guadalupe “N”, who are allegedly linked to the murder of the minor.

The discovery of the minor's body occurred at 8:10 in the morning on August 26 on a dirt road located 50 meters from the highway business known as GasAuto, behind the Avante neighborhood.

The body of the teenager was lying on the edge of a dirt road in front of a green area, he was tied up and had his face covered with an orange shirt and he wore red shorts and a blue shirt. At the time of their arrest, several bags with drugs were found and a black vehicle was secured.


  1. I guess it's normal in Mexico!

    1. In the USA it happens too, parents killing their own kids.

    2. 2:22 why is it always a competition? Parents kill their kids worldwide. But how often do you see these savages retaliation killing of children in the US? Almost never.

      The fact that it happens elsewhere doesn’t make it okay to happen in Mexico. And the article is talking about Mexico hence why the above comment mentions Mexico not the US or any other country.

      Ppl can speak English and not live in the US.

  2. Speechless just speechless poor kid may he RIP


  3. It takes a lot guts to go after a 13 year old little boy to get revenge against his mother and father. These things that resemble humans should be shot on site. It used to anger me when the police and military would kill wounded suspects but now I understand why they hate these scum bags so much.

  4. Not for nothing, I hope this boy Rest In Peace , but everyone knows that when u enter the arena you’re essentially risking your life and your family’s life, italians had a code of conduct where messing with family’s was off limits, but the Colombians and Mexicans make it very CLEAR, “you mess w us we’ll take out your entire family even the goldfishes” ..I think the rules need to be re written and enforced better . But either way it’s best just to work hard for what you have and not cut corners, essentially this is what these parents did in this case..

  5. no todos los padres somos lacras pero el papa de eze chavalo si ke no vale madre Y el dinero facil atrae tragedias atoda la familia,yo tengo hijos ytrabajo honestamente para no ponerlos en cualkier riesgo y gracias a dios ezo cuenta un chingo ., pobre chavito RIP.

  6. Is Cancun a CDG plaza?

    1. During the Osiel Cardenas (CDG) with the Zetas, yes Cancun was on of their strongholds. Around 2006 Sinaloa moved in and took over most (not entirely) Cancun to Tulum. In the last couple of years CJNG has been heavily present in the area extorting many locals. Golfos, Zetas, Sinaloa, CJNG still fighting in the area. It will only get worse. Tourism there will dwindle down to Acapulco levels in no time. It’s too bad, such a beautiful area.

  7. Los viagras did it.

  8. Yea so Kids dieing too like Dogs man FUCK MEXICO something has to be Done This is Sick Man Im sure most of you Agree Fucking Disgusting SMH My Heart goes out to all the Hard Working People that stay away from BS i pray u get out that Shithole and stsrt a new life elsewhere

  9. Heart breaking

    WTF parents ?? why why see what you did to your son Innocent child smiling Poor child
    but I guess these as wipes care more about crime drugs then theu do about their own innocent boy
    Fcking cartels You have yours coming

  10. How low you can go to kill a little boy of the age of 13... unbelievable that this kind of shitty things happen in Mexico. In Europe the maffia have respect for families, you can't touch/ kill the wife or there kids. Its time for international action and wipe out the cartels to give the Mexicans there life back.

  11. When will the mexican people stop to accept criminals to take control over their life and country? There are 100 Million mexicans, isn´t that enough to stand up and fight and make mexico the beautiful country again that it was in the past? It is up on you, mexicans. Life in fear all your life and watch your kids and wifes being murdered, regardeless if you are rich or not it makes no difference any more in your country, or stand up and fight and stop this forever. And no, it is not AMLO´s mistake, he is just the outcome of what you, the mexicans, let happen.

    1. Guns should be allowed for normal citizens. Otherwise only low life criminal scum will have guns.

  12. Stupid Mencho killing kids and women as usual cause he can’t get rid of no cdn or cds

  13. Simply appalling. The senseless violence & killings has to stop. When will humanity come back to those who are enduring such suffering.

    Prayers go out to the family. And may God bless this child soul.

  14. I wonder what the manta that was signed by CJNG said

  15. Hiring "El Rambo de Tijuana" for SSP state of Quintana Roo seems to have had little effect on crime reduction, and a lot of effect on the amount of never heard of crimes like this one...
    Jesus Alberto Capella Ibarra a puppet of the Hank Rohn Brothers of corruption (like Julian Leyzaola) has some esplainin' to do

  16. A dead little boy? See This is a sign that CJNG is still operating in Cancun

  17. 2 guys were arrested the following day and charged with his murder, but didn't mention an organized crime connection, yet anyway.

  18. Couldn’t help it but stop what i was doing and pray for this poor soul. This is one of the main reason i got out of the business... too much violence

  19. Sheesh all bad that’s really the only fall back of being in that business is that some people go after any and everything you love smh


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