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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Video: CJNG vs Military and the National Guard in Aguililla Michoacan

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

A video uploaded to social networks, reveals federal soldiers responding to an attack in the community of El Aguaje; It is unknown if there are casualties or injuries.

Allegedly,  the armed aggressors are members of CJNG. [see note]

The military and national guards arrived in Aguaje, ​​Michoacán after several days of blockades on the Apatzingán-Aguililla highway. Reports indicated that residents of Aguililla communities have fled because of the violence and the insecurity that persists.

This video comes on the heels of another video posted yesterday on various social media platforms, showing the ‘Elite Group” of CJNG enforcers in a showy demonstration of a tank, armored vehicles, weapons while members pose in camo uniforms with CJNG emblems.

Security Secretary Alfonso Durazo tweeted they are “analyzing the video, in order to confirm its authenticity.”

A comment that drew mockery and laughs from Mexicans.  Posting comments reflecting scorn in the comment thread of Durazo’s twitter page.

In Obrador's visit to Jalisco yesterday, he endorsed his support for Governor Enrique Alfaro, who himself has received threats from CJNG.

In October of 2019, 14 Michoacán Police were ambushed and killed in, and the violence has gone unabated.

Breaking: CJNG just uploaded a couple of videos.  One has a message to El Marro and another saying that it was "Carteles Unidos" [of "Abuelo Farías" and “Los Viagras"], that was in the confrontations today and yesterday in Apatzingán and  Aguililla.

They also call out Alfonso Durazo as a good for nothing, useless, along with the governor of Michoacán. Adding that CJNG has a better-equipped army than that of GN [National Guard]

Additional information when available if warranted.

From Loba Indomable:


  1. Keep showing your power in vídeo CJNG cause when military or Sinaloa show up You cowards run and leave everything behind for them to take😀

    1. Never seen a cheerful cheerleader like this one ☝️ ☝️☝️

    2. Lol when sinaloa shows up😅😅😅they got ran out by menchos "tweakers" outa jalisco a while back..ya no sale pal norte(sonora) menos pal sur nomas pal este(dgo) y no falta mucho para que tambien los corran de ayi como en sonora.

    3. What?!?!?! Really?!?? Maybe military but sinaloa?? Come on man we all know cjng has taking at least 70% of what cds use to have

  2. Munguía Carlos
    52m ·

    El abuelo farias jefe de sicarios y policía Michoacán de tepalcatepec son los que emboscaron a los elementos militares hoy en la bocanda tienen terrenatiyo y la loma ..por imbox denuncien a estas lacras que silvano el gobernador los tiene como socios ay que recordar que en la bocanda se encuentran los diez desaparecidos del aguaje que la guardia nacional que esta en tepalcatepec se llevo junto con sicarios del gordo viagras y el abuelo farias


    Carlos Allende
    21h ·


    Buenas tardes noches mis chamacos les quiero felicitar mas que nada pormedio de esta pagina por tan buen logro de haber sacado al cjng del pueblo del aguaje pueblo bonito pueblo valiente, e visto el video donde las jaliscas presentan sus monstros su poder de armamento pero saben que esas armas ya las volvieron a guardar solo las sacaron para hacer el video. Miren a nosotros los de carteles unidos no nos intimida nada nos da hasta risa y saben por que , por que aca sin ese poder que traen los emos debilitado y no por que tengamos buenas armas si no por que tenemos el apoyo del pueblp ese es mas poderoso que cuelkier cosa invito al mencho a que reflexxione no gana nada con matar gente civil pero vamos a responder como ellos quieran.

    Mensaje para mencho.....

    Mira mencho t3 invito aque te salgas de michoacan te doy 72 horas para que saques a tu gente de todo michoacan y te vamos a respetar los demas estados donde no tenemos presencia saca tus muchachos palabra de caballero que asi sera de lo contrario la guerra seguira en todos los estados donde estamos y buscaremos alianzas donde no estamps esto es por tu bien y el de la sociedad atentamente


    The Situation in El Aguaje on this page their is also videos of the Viagrs inside El Aguaje. They didn't take it on their own the GN, PM, Sedena cleaned the town for them.


  3. Abrazos no balasos , payaso amlo

    1. 🤔 it's way over your head... I think you should search for the AMLO video so that you can listen to the speech in its entirety... that line (abrazos no balazos) has been taken out of context on so many levels, it's actually ridiculous. You make it seem as though the president has called a complete halt on all military action against the cartels but its evident in not just this video but a whole lot of other videos that the military a long with the guardia nacional continue to confront these criminals.

  4. Cjng is desperate lmao that video of their “military type convoy” is getting roasted on social media for the jeep they robbed from somebody (video uploaded on instagram accounts) and put military camo on it and called it puro senor menso lmao they’re proving ehat everybody has known all along cjng is nothing but tweekers that robbed, kidnap and extort people. AMLO is going after them and if you think the marina will lose to menso you’re tripping. That jeep isn’t even armored lol

    1. This was a meme that went over your head

    2. You have no idea if it’s armored or not. Cut the “ I know everything about everything attitude” ya clowntron 3000 lol

    3. 5:20 pendejo they literally proves its the same jeep and have a video of when it was taken from the owner. You butthurt cjng aint living up to the hype

    4. How do you know its actually the same one? 😂 Dont believe the hype man

    5. Even though it looks the same is not. Look at the headlights and the back roof is different. Not the same one

    6. 4:48 you a damn fool. You just read and believe what you want to hear but that’s just ass hurting cheerleaders that are piss because that shit look hard.

    7. Trucks with strobe lights and vinyl camo sticker is not "military." Even the first truck is a narco truck home made with vinyl sticker camo. Most lightly armored for small arms. Nothing shown here would be fit for combat. Holler at me when they roll around in Bradleys. lol 😂😎

    8. 4:48 by the way if you pay close attention its not the same jeep, just look at the tumbaburros on the jeep from cjng is lower and theres a few other things that can be pointed out, o and yea all jeeps rubicons are one of a kind right?

    9. and you really think the other cartels buy the trucks they use???? the majority of trucks used in attacks by any cartel anywhere in mexico is a stolen truck.

    10. 10:51PM

      Why would they need Bradleys? The conflict in Mexico is considered low intensity, it does not rise to the level of war so the small arms armor is appropriate.

    11. 6:24..... Only if you consider low intensity to be LAW rockets, RPG's and 50 cals...

      I bet the CJNG is glad you're here to stick up for them and their small arms armor. I wouldn't want any of the fabricators of the monstruos to see a comment on here disparaging their work and get their feelers hurt. 🙄

    12. 1:07AM

      Your first paragraph doesn't change the fact it's still low intensity. Doesn't rise to the level of war.

      Your second paragraph is irrelevant.

    13. 1:07 that's still low intensity, learn the difference between that and war.

  5. So many people are so deep into that nut hugger mentality that they can’t see anything other than their perspective. In Michoacán the military is heavily involved with Los Viagras, when the military goes at it with NG it’s basically just another armed wing of Los Viagras attacking NG.

    1. Depends who and what city . I’m from Michoacan and their are some zetas n jng in and around the same bigger cities pero Tambien andan en fuerzas los militares juntos con los polícia municipal Eso es verda

    2. Based on your comment I take it you have the inside scoop... do you live in Michoacan? How did you come across this information?

    3. At the end of the day the guys with the most money and the most people will win, the military can only do so much with out been roosted and when a new military guy will come in and take over and who ever pays more he will back up, now who has more money?

    4. finally someone makes sense.

      and just like someone else posted, it wasnt them, it was the military that cleaned the town for them.

  6. MENCHO or no CARTEL will EVER enter michoacan BECAUSE they HAVE GOVERNMENT and MILITARY on their pay roll
    CJNG got ambushed by viagras/cartels unidos and MILITARY and got hit BAD.. They even had a EQUIPED HELICOPTER shooting heavy artillery at CJNG..
    At first I thought MENCHO had a chance BUT there are TOO MANY big dogs in michoacan that are low KEY calling shots..
    MENCHO is hard core BUT michoacan plaza got to ORGANIZED and made the right moves to fight off CJNG

  7. I’m not sure who it was that was shooting in all that military gear. But, they need to train a little more. The way they positioned their feet and the way they held their weapons speaks to ineffectiveness.

  8. So if cjng is fighting Valencia
    Does that mean they are with NUEVA PLAZA?
    I remember them saying LA SANGRE LLAMA video from No to MENCHO step son.
    This is like a move


  9. “analyzing the video, in order to confirm its authenticity.”
    I doubt that a bunch of ordinary citizens decided "hey lets play sicarios" and dumped a massive amount of money to customize alot of vehicles, adding the paintjob,logos, armor and weapons along with the personal weapons and the tactical gear just to record a 2 minute video?

    and it sure does not look like CGI to me.

  10. "They also call out Alfonso Durazo as a good for nothing, useless, along with the governor of Michoacán. Adding that CJNG has a better-equipped army than that of GN"

    Better equppied is one thing and better trained is another. Anyone can have cool trucks and tactical gear, but if you don't know how to use it then its useless. If you dont train not just in weapons but in how to keep control of your self during a stressful situation like when under fire then its also useless. If these guys have good training either by military or are former military with experience then theyre a threat other than that theyre just like any other sicario just more "tacticool", fancier looking.

    i dont know how well trained the national guard is, but if theyre good, they can take them out without even needing to match on their equipment.

  11. Of course in Mexico $$$ will buy many soldiers support especially if they rationalize they are wiping out the bad guys. However, I suspect which area of Mexico they have a family history will also determine who gets their support--that is if they have any say in the matter.

  12. I can understand if Cuinis have split from Mencho. He's a heat bag and all these failed conflicts are costing a lot of $$$$!
    Cuinis have always been about high-rolling biz while Mencho earned his stripes as matazeta leader, a group of hitman. Mencho obviously doesn't have a finesse for business or keepin a low profile with all his stupid videos and outlandish behavior. Mencho is destroying theCuinis organization and they will all be in jail partnering with that heatbag.

  13. Pretty much. ISIS and other groups in the middle east used to roll in huge convoys until they started getting annihilated by drone missiles and chopper gunships. Rolling in convoys stopped real quick. 100 truck convoy obliterated in seconds...


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