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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Fending off Fentanyl and Hunting Down Heroin: Controlling Opioid Supply From Mexico

"MX" for Borderland Beat; Brookings Institution
Note: This paper comes from the series "The opioid crisis in America: Domestic and international dimensions." The report was written by Vanda Felbab-Brown from Brookings Institution.

This paper explores policy options for responding to the supply of heroin and synthetic opioids from Mexico to the United States. Forced eradication of opium poppy has been the dominant response to illicit crop cultivation in Mexico for decades.

Forced eradication appears to deliver fast results in suppressing poppy cultivation, but the suppression is not sustainable even in the short term. Farmers find a variety of ways to adapt and replant after eradication. Moreover, eradication undermines public safety and rule of law efforts in Mexico, both of high interest to the United States.

Instead of strengthening bonds between local populations and the Mexican state, forced eradication alienates local marginalized populations from the state and thrusts them more firmly into the hands of Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs).

Alternative livelihood efforts have the best chance to improve public safety and rule of law in Mexico, even if, like eradication, they displace poppy cultivation to other areas. However, the implementation and effectiveness of alternative livelihood programs are severely hampered by intense insecurity in areas of poppy cultivation and take years of sustained efforts to produce robust outcomes.

Nonetheless, the re-orientation of Mexican DTOs toward smuggling fentanyl to the United States and the associated crash in opium prices in Mexico provide an auspicious moment to launch comprehensive rural development efforts, an undertaking also consistent with the broad thrust of the Andrés Manuel López Obrador (popularly known as AMLO) administration’s efforts, even if not the actual operationalized design of alternative livelihoods it has in mind.

U.S. designation of Mexican DTOs as terrorist groups will counterproductively constrain U.S. anti-crime and counternarcotics efforts in Mexico, including alternative livelihood programs.

Unless security and rule of law in Mexico significantly improve, the licensing of opium poppy in Mexico for medical purposes is unlikely to reduce the supply of heroin to the United States.

Mexico faces multiple feasibility obstacles for getting international approval for licensing its poppy cultivation for medical purposes, including, currently, the inability to prevent opium diversion to illegal supply and lack of existing demand for its medical opioids. In seeking to establish such demand, Mexico should avoid setting off its own version of medical opioid addiction.

The diffusion of fentanyl smuggling from the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) to the Sinaloa Cartel and increasingly smaller Mexican criminal groups complicates interdiction efforts in Mexico.

In particular, it hampers the ability to design interdiction as a behavior-shaping deterrence tool that seeks to dissuade Mexican DTOs from smuggling fentanyl, instead of merely as an incapacitation tool that fails to generate strategic effects throughout Mexico’s criminal market.

Given the poor record of focused deterrence efforts in Mexico, the hollowed out capacity of Mexican law enforcement, changes in the leadership and behavior of the Sinaloa Cartel, and the unwillingness of the López Obrador administration to resolutely target Mexican DTOs, designing interdiction in Mexico as a deterrence and dissuasion tool is most challenging. It is very unlikely that U.S.-Mexican counternarcotics efforts can reshape the Mexican drug market so as not to centrally feature fentanyl smuggling.

The United States should:
- Prioritize interdiction and alternative livelihood efforts to limit and replace poppy cultivation, concentrating on the establishment of value-added chains and microcredit and titling facilities until security becomes more permissive to allow for development of jobs in the legal sector.

- Focus anti-fentanyl interdiction on preventing a widespread establishment of production facilities in Mexico by diligently dismantling them.

- Couple policy interdiction efforts in Mexico designed to dissuade Mexican DTOs from smuggling synthetic opioids with similar focused deterrence measures in the United States.

- Reduce high-value targeting and reorient interdiction to targeting the middle layer of Mexican DTOs.

- Encourage Mexico to impose strict controls on the purchase of pill presses.

- Prioritize anti-corruption and interdiction efforts in maritime ports in Mexico that are key transshipment hubs for synthetic opioids and precursor agents.

- Preemptively develop anti-drone technologies at the U.S. border that can capture fentanyl-smuggling drones, instead of dangerously destroying them in the air, and deploy geofencing to prevent unauthorized drones from reaching U.S. air space.

- Link refraining from designating Mexican DTOs as terrorist groups to increased efforts by the López Obrador administration to counter fentanyl smuggling.

- Emphasize the risks of the spread of fentanyl abuse in Mexico and the need to prevent such a public health crisis by proactively disrupting supply. Help Mexico adopt effective treatment, harm reduction, and public health responses.


  1. When are they going to learn, follow the money not the drugs. When you follow the money you can make some serious impact!

  2. Some Mexicans Im guessing sinalo or something were killed by street cholos trying to sell coke mixed with fentanyl happened a year back but the point is it won’t last on streets people die for blshit like that

  3. Aye les mandan los fedes ah Burque. In Nuevo Mexico que no seh bajan de la Sierra Sante Fe. Tenemos reservaciones Indias en los casinos donde seh la fuegan. Ese tierrita Bendesida.


    Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua.- Autoridades federales detuvieron a dos implicados mas en la muerte de la familia mormona estadounidense "LeBaron".
    Se trata de Gildardo Palomino Nieblas "El G3 y Miguel P "El Puentes".
    Estos mencionados sujetos, forman parte de "La Línea", brazo armado del "Cartel De Juárez". Fueron detenidos en calles de la colonia centro de Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuhua, estaban acompañados de Yuriel Armando quien se desempeña como presidente del partido político "PRI" en esa localidad, pero horas mas tarde fue liberado en extrañas circunstancias.
    Gran golpe han asestado las autoridades mexicanas, ya que con la captura de estos peligrosos "Narco -Terroristas" como lo señalo en rueda de prensa el presidente Norteamericano Donald J. Trump, quien aflijido por los terribles hechos, donde murieran quemados sin piedad, mujeres y niños, condeno los hechos y exigio justicia.
    Estos cobardes asesinos, quienes por declaraciones de cómplices ya detenidos, señalaron que recibieron ordenes de asesinar a los integrantes de la familia "LeBaron" encomienda que les encargo el narcotraficante Jesus Salas Aguayo "El Chuyin", mismo que se encuentra preso en un penal de Chihuahua.
    Tambien señalaron que los hermanos Ever Gonzalez Bournes " El Aguila" y Victor Noe Gonzalez Bournes "El 500" y Fredi Calles Romero "El Tolteca" dirigieron el ataque.
    Los hermanos Bournes, en su momento fueron evidenciados en esta misma página, de ser los generadores de violencia en la zona serrana de Sonora y gran parte de Chihuahua.
    El 13 de julio del presente año, Elizaldo Gonzalez Bournes alias "El Flaco" y Alex Moises Gonzalez Bournes, fueron ejecutados cuando circulaban en una pick-up cheyenne de color blanco, con reporte de robo, esto en el arroyo Baseasachi, municipio de Ocampo, Chihuahua.
    Ambos eran jefes de plaza en en esos lugares de la sierra y por igual pertenecian a la organización de "La Línea", obedeciendo ordenes directas de sus hermanos el "Aguila" y el "500.
    En hora buena, felicitaciones al gobierno federal por la detención de estos temidos asesinos y se espera que estas acciones no cesen y den con el paradero de todos los demas involucrados, quienes han cobrado la vida de cientos de campesinos y personas inocentes.
    ~ Sol-metido.

  5. The Man Who Put The Goverment On Its Kness The Pablo Escobar Of Sinaloa King Of Fetanol Ovidio Guzmán 🤴

    1. I thought he was "the king of cocaine??"
      Tell your buddy ovidio hes a pos for putting that TRASH on the street- nobody wants that shit- its only on the streets because mexicans still cant make good h for some reason...idiots

    2. Kidnapping and threatening to murder innocents isn't putting the government on its knees. When the government starts arresting and torturing criminals family members you'll see how quick the criminals start publicly crying@9:35

    3. 6:04
      i agree with you !

      your nothing but a drug dealer

  6. Bogus ideas that have not worked. You know what will work, but you wont consider legalization like in the UK, where they get heavy opiates including by prescription.

  7. the above document is broken. It says This document has been removed from Scribd.

    1. Hi. You can view the Scribd report here in Borderland Beat but not when you click the Scribd link, right? Scribd often has these kind of issues. I uploaded the file yesterday and have not deleted it. I can see it on my end but not when I go in incognito mode.

      Check in a few days. If not, I guess we'll have to read it off here until the issue gets fixed on its own. This is not the first time this has happened to me. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  8. yal know why fentanyl exists on the black market to such a high degree right now?

    too many people too far down the high quality supply chain ladder all trying to be the H man in their respective cities. thats all it is. nobody wants fentanyl, let me say that again nobody wants fent, its trash... look if H were a woman..she would have nice long legs and makes one feel all warm inside maybe even a little pinsy at times, now fent is that pretty little white girl that just moved in next door, all seems well until it becomes apparent this isnt H, fent is a freakn diabolical synthetic cyborg with no other reason for her being in your hood or your bag except for the greed and a crooked war on drrrr..(yo)u..G!... you find out that this physcho beach has taken the lives of friends or people u know and probably a few other people along the way to your town who made the unfortuneate mistake of flirting with her trying to surf those shores.

    thats what happens when people who dont know any better think that by mixing fent into their weak dope will somehow make it good. its not like they are telling their customers whats in it even if they knew, nah they sell it as H. thats how twisted it has become. the west needs to ask itself what it is really trying to accomplish with these drug wars, bcuz if its ever more destruction yal want this is the result of ur drug wars so keep it up. only thing prohibition does is control the market thru manipulation of the supply chain ensuring prices remain high because of the percieved and very real risk of supply to demand, also because of its illegality the market never knows how much of what is ever available thus producing an artificial sense of scarcity at all times.... ?cui bono? who benefits from this madness? do you? keep asking that question needs to be asked now more often then ever wouldnt yal agree?...

    thank you.

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    1. I just commented something similar- fent is GARBAGE- NOBODY WANTS THAT SHIT- It cant hold a candle to any decent pharm opiate- it isnt even fun- and it kills your custys- whos idea was this shit anyway.??
      Just because its 50x stronger, doesnt mean its BETTER

  9. "Forced eradication of opium poppy has been the dominant response to illicit crop cultivation in Mexico for decades" and has lead to an incredible increase in the supply of other drugs without having much impact on Heroin production.

  10. Sorry, I don't mean to talk about war stories etc., but I've never heard anyone else agree with me that fentanyl is trash. Like the above poster stated "Just because its 50x stronger, doesnt mean its BETTER". It doesn't feel near as good as tar IMO. It doesn't have the euphoria or the legs. It just zonks you out..not fun. Oh, and they're putting that garbage in the coke now. My friend in Chicago woke up in the shower 24 hours after snorting a line of "cocaine". Thank God he didn't IV it. Anyway, I'm 2 months clean. Thank you fentanyl for helping me get off the junk.

    1. best wishs with your recovery Buddy I mean that !

      I think many here wish you well also

    2. That fent bs is what will make me end up throwinv the towel in- its almost like super xanax with promethazine(?)mixed in- idk how else to describe it- but its horseshit- black out city- good way to fuck up your life real quick ie. Falling asleep at a traffic light etc- at least with pills, you cqn control your dose- with fent, that isnt an option- 1/4 of a bag will have someone with a monster tolerance on their ass. Stupid shit. Amd whats the logic on putting it in fucking COKE of all things??? Makes no sense- theyre literally fucking uo the drug game for no reason

    3. Thank you! I was sick of being a slave. I lost my car, became was horrible. I've already gained 25 lbs back. I feel great. I've been following the world of Mexican DTO's for a long time, and I honestly felt guilty knowing that a lot of the money I was spending on drugs was helping fund murder and mayhem in Mexico. Anyway, thank you for the well wishes.


  11. 60pct of fentanyl synthetic is coming from Chapitos faction which is keeping the war chest stocked. Senor Alfredo is in logistics of other white properties and CDS has major control of Columbian and specially Venezuelan corridors. CJNG lost the Bolivian connection with the change in president. Just some insight for you keyboard warriors. 100. SENOR Mayo and Chapitos are NOT at war. This is a dispute between between groups. Remember, the federation is made up of 100s of familias that pay piso to THREE familias and govt officials. Azuls, Mayos, Guzmans still rule and will always rule through their blood line. Dont believe the propaganda hype around Jalisco, mencho is being hunted in his tunnels along the Jalisco/Micho border and only a matter of time. Los Cuinis and Mencho split..


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