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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Plazas in Sonora will heat up

By Buggs for Borderland Beat

El Compa Negro is with El Gigio

"The truth my friends, when I said hello to El Negro on Saturday, I told him that I already knew that they were going after him and what he told me was, that even the government knew that they were going to fight over the plaza of Rio Sonora, and then, that is why not even the national guard does anything because they are waiting who gets the plaza. What a bad deal that the government knows, that is why there has been no news.They are waiting to see who is going to keep that door, that is how they call it, the door to the border, and the truth, do not go out. What I mean is do not go out for two reasons, for how bad is the situation is, that is why after 3pm lock yourselves, yes, is going to get more uglier yet and among other things what is very bad, I wish El Compa Negro stays there, because the saying says it is better knowing it's bad than good for knowing, but no it's their thing, but stay very alert and rest well, because no one is going to intervene, not the Marines, the military, the national guard or not anyone, and no one knows they are going to fight for la plaza there in El Rio, that is what the brother told me, that is where all the disaster started. A friendly hug my friends, there we are, stay alert, that is all."

El Negro, plaza boss of Ures, people of El Gigio.

"Hey Luis and just to inform you over here moments ago, about 40 50 minutes they killed El Negro in Ures, he was the boss of the plaza and we have family over there, we were told to not to move, is a fucking holy mess. I tell you for in case you are over there for in case you are going to go drinking or you have family that you want to move. Let your family know Luis not to move in any place, they warned us that there is a mess of armed people searching houses, a shit hole, they are looking for the contras there is going to be a fucking mess. I am warning you, let your family know, or watch out, go if you have an out, do not move over there.   also, in Altar there is a fucking convoy, and it's a fucking mess. They threw spikes (to flatten tires) all over the road, they stopped a bunch of buses, it is a fucking mess for over there or over here. It is supposed or they comment that is a new cartel that is coming from the south and they are cleaning with all this shit, take good care good care of yourselves and do not travel if is not necessary, if you have a trip to make or need to go outside, postpone them. Take care of yourself and there Let your family know, so nothing will happen to them. Have a good afternoon old man!"

Hundreds of spike thrown in the middle of the highway by sicarios flatten tires of trucks in Altar and Caborca.

Source: Sonora Informativo


  1. Like any war I imagine the sicarios can pillage their enemies possessions--even cutting off their balls.

    1. @2:49 They've been doing that for years now, although with covid they have to think about social distancing and wearing masks when they plunder. Hay que ser el ejemplo y ser resposable.

  2. Imagine how impoverished mexico would be without narco trafficking! That's why the gvts of Mexico will never really try to stop it but try to go back to the days when they controlled it.

    1. No bro mexico in the right hands would be one of the richest countrys in the world with out cartels, they got oil, perfect wether to grow prety much anything, beaches on both sides do you know how much money they would make in tourism alone? Mexico is one the richest country in natural resources, but most if not all presidents and elite families have sold out mexico and kept the common folk in poverty, in mexico middle class is almost unexisting you have your poors and your reach people and the difference is astronomical, you clearly have no idea how rich the rich are in mexico

    2. Mexico is projected to become the 8th richest country in a couple of decades.

    3. At 817. Thxs for not personally insulting me as is often the cae on BB.
      I agree with your comment that the 1% elites, not just from mexico, are stealing the natural resource wealth, however, Mexico needs a system similar to the british system where land ownership is sacrosanct. With law and order and sacrosanct land ownership foreign $$$ and rich immigrants would pour into Mexico! The greatest growth engine for the west and america has been foreign capital and immigrants. Mexico would be muy caro!!! $$$ is a coward and will flee when threatened. Take that threat away and Mexico will be a jewel like Monaco! Especially its geographic location between the English north and latin south!
      However, as Mexico stands today with its lawlessness and rape by elites narco trafficking is a necessary evil.

    4. 12:32 exactly i rather imagine mexico rich for their natural resources than poor without drug cartels like you said

    5. México is rich, so rich 200 years of US and local politicians and their gorilas exploitation have not been able to kill the republic.
      But pnly because US corruption is eating away the US by offshoring american industry AMD putting americans out of work.
      Giving away your workforce or selling it cheap won't make Mexico too rich, but will keep some americans broke, and down and out for sure.

  3. If he is with Gigio than most likely it would be El Cazador going at them

  4. They knew they were coming and are being destroyed with the message stay hunkered down! Tightening the ring of fire and creating a cauldron with no escape.
    Expect a lot of narcos attempting to escape by entering America like El Lic.

  5. I had to return to the U.S. via Altar this past Tuesday, and got word of the spikes on the highway on Sunday. Also, they said that sicarios were in the middle of the highway, kind of hiding at night. I saw a video where all you see some buses stopped, with all tires flattened out. Crazy and scary. El Cazador y heating that region way too much, but some Mexican military is now stationed in Altar after that incident. Whatever happened to just working and making good money. El pueblo anda todo paniqueado, asustado de esta gente corriente y sin corazón. Ojalá se calme el pedo.

  6. He obviously got killed by el cazador because he was el gigio people

    1. Did you even bother to listen? Even they who are in sonora dont know exactly whats going on, they even think its another cartel from the south involved, if it is expect caro to work with we all know who 🐓, since all the cds infighting has weaken them well is time for cjng and caro to step in

    2. 8:29 Mencho has nothing to do with this stop lying to yourself, you cjng fanboys think everything in the narco world is about mencho

    3. 10:23 i didnt say it the guy in the audio record said it, do you live in sonora? I dont! So i cant be sure, but the dude who lives in sonora said it so i tend to believe him more than you, call him out if you want to

  7. One of the Guzman's family got murdered not long ago and now an associate of mayo. CDS fracturing!!

    1. The Guzmán cousin was a traitor killed by the Guzman’s

    2. @7:36 you should the article about that to understand what's up with that heat. But yeah it seems it's dividing.

    3. Good Mayo deserves THE MOST BRUTAL DOG CAGE IN THE WORLD.

  8. Did you guys hear when he said in the second video "a new cartel from the south is coming and is cleaning up all this shit" theres only one cartel from the south who can do that

    1. 8:22 that cartel could have brought a Brand new "Barredora"

    2. Dude they are in sonora for people from that state even sinaloa cartel is from the south.

    3. 8:47 he never said barredora he said un nuevo cartel del (sur) "SOUTH" que esta oeinando todo este pedo, you really think a new cartel with no name would make such a move? Theres only one and we all know who, im not cheering for no cartel but CJNG is the strongest right now and the only ones with the big enought balls to make that move so keep on wishing but thats the hard reality

    4. You guys are obioslly not from mexico if he had said south of the state it would be sinaloa but he said from the south! Thats a totally different thing, en mexico el sur es de jalisco para abajo, an escuchado la cancion de banda machos escuadras del sur? That tells you everything you need ti know

    5. I believe is Caro quintero cartel

    6. July 12, 2020 at 10:25 AM>>>>

    7. Dice nuevo cartel y se refieren para esa area. Nada tiene que ver con si es nuevo en existencia o no. Y tambien biene de el sur queire decir que es aya donde origino. Haci que lo mas probable es que NO es Sinaloa porke ese cartel ya se conoce en Sonora pero no tanto el de Jalisco aunque algunos piensen que si.

  9. Middle of July in the Sonoran desert, it's hot enough already.

  10. I been about 30 miles south of AGUA PRIETA and SEEMS like each TIME I GO there it's a DIFFERENT CARTEL that operates and sells DRUGS in that area.. One year it was SINALOA PEOPLE, onother TIME was ZETAS, then it was MICHOACANOS last time I went two-year ago it was SINALOA PEOPLE.. There is ALWAYS a war in SONORA but people THINK it's under CONTROL by SINALOA.. When they take that PLAZA THEY ride AROUND in late model CARS like 4 cars DEEP around the town and EVERYONE knows what they do..
    Now the guy in the AUDIO said PEOPLE from the SOUTH are GOING strong kicking doors down and looking to CLEAN the PLAZA..
    When PEOPLE from SONORA say PEOPLE from the SOUTH usually it's PEOPLE past SINALOA STATE..
    In this CASE it's CJNG IMO
    WHAT other cartel operates SOUTH of Mexico besides JALISCO and MICHOACANOS?
    There is the local cartel in Mexico CITY but they got plenty of PEOPLE to SELL CHINESE merchandise, they get MONEY from taxing local SMALL businesses and have MANY DRUG addicts in one of the biggest cities in the world so THEY DON'T care to expand..
    Michoacanos pretty much monopolized the DRUG game from NAYARIT down to Yucatan PENINSULA down to Guatemala BORDER.. My guess it's CJNG trying to TAKE that PLAZA

    1. When he says another cartel he means another cell. People usually refer to cartel cells as CARTELS. Don't start dreaming yet, Sonora is CDS. And in this case, he refers to people from south of Sonora. You know, the Sonora state has 4 cardinal points.

    2. Dude, come on. Michoacanos never had a single plaza in Sonora. Zetas had presence only when they were fighting together with BLO vs CDS. CJNG is strugling in Jalisco and you're saying that they are kicking doors in Sonora...LMAO. CDS has so much power in Sonora that they would totally obliterate CJNG if they try something there.

    3. omg bro your such a punetas callate lo sico ni sabes lo k dices bro... wtf michoacanos and zetas controlling agua prieta and surrounding territory? bro wtf are u on... the most east the zetas EVER pushed into was Durango and the most North Michocanos ever pushed into was Southern Zacatecas.

      al chile wey gimme some of that LSD ur taking or meth

    4. I live in Douglas/ap. You have no idea what you are talking about.Come on over here and talk that CJNG shit see how that works out for you.

    5. 12:13 los garibay from michoacan have been in mexicalli valley slrc for a long time. But yes michoacan has mainly worked in sonora by paying piso but trust me michoacanos have been in baja and sonora for a long fucking time. Ps im chicano but my family is from sahuaripa sonora but i know mex well

    6. 😆 ok.. SONORA people NOW are in denial just like PEOPLE from TIJUANA were when CJNG entered TIJUANA. Or when CJNG took mexical PLAZA 😆 took them LIKE 5 years AND GROUPIES still try to argue that CDS owns Tijuana and mexicali 😆
      I been there and know PEOPLE from there who bought drugs from THEM but ok... Time will tell.. Probably will take 5 YEARS for this TOO, CDS GROUPIES are SLOW..
      CDS is NOT what it used to be BRO so if THEY take that PLAZA from CDS it wouldn't SURPRISE me. I'm sure it will SURPRISE YOU.. Quinteros are at war for THAT PLAZA AGAINST CDS and I wouldn't be surprised if cjng WAS in THE mix

    7. @Dominis503
      For real? Los Garibay were in Mexicali for a long time? No, they weren't. They tried to take over Mexicali but it didn't worked. And they were CDS. You can't say that they were LFM or whatever. Here's a quote from Wikipedia:
      "Inzunza Inzunza's tenure in Mexicali was disrupted in 2012 by a group known as "Los Garibay", which was controlled by José Manuel Garibay Félix (alias "El Manuelón" and/or "El Gordo"), a drug trafficker from the Sinaloa Cartel who joined forces with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) while serving prison time in Jalisco. The infighting resulted in multiple killings in Mexicali and the surrounding areas that year.[25][26] On 23 February 2013, however, Mexican authorities discovered the corpse of Garibay Félix on a highway near Guadalajara, Jalisco. His body bore signs of torture and a bullet hole in the head, usual signs to distinguish common murders from killings committed by organized crime.

    8. I know garibay worked with cds. Didn't u read my post? I never said they ran the plaza i was just saying michoacanos have been working the noroeste frontera for a long time

    9. You really referred to Wikipedia as a source 🤔 all of your credibility is lost snitchaloa groupie lol @3:27 just like el Manuelon switched to CJNG, a lot of CDs players have switched too. All cuz of the fame of betraying, backstabbing and snitching!

    10. Zzz never came close to ap alwYs been m100 for as along as i could remember pericles before that

    11. i have ancestry from SAHUARIPA SONORA too and i know those Garibay very well but they have only precense in VALLE DE MEXICALI not even in SAN LUIS RIO COLORADO anymore because SAN LUIS RC is now under GENTE NUEVA SALAZAR, and los Garibay ARE NOT even 100% michoacanos, Garibay crew its heavily formed with people from valle de Mexicali, Sonora, Sinaloa and Durango.. i know them

    12. but its true they are working for CJNG in los ejidos del valle de Mexicali, but they can't get out of Valle de Mexicali not even put a step in MEXICALI or SAN LUIS RIO COLORADO.. because Los SALAZAR are the good ones in SAN LUISITO, SONORA

    13. @ 6:33 Sorry that I committed the ultimate sin and referred to Wikipedia as a source. What is wrong with that? Do you really think that all of us are narcos here? When you say that Michoacanos are in Sonora I expect a cartel from Michoacan to operate there, not people that work for CDS. It's like saying that people form Oaxaca always operated in Jalisco cause a few of them sold drugs there or were sicarios for CJNG. Like Salazares, they are from Chihuahua not from Sinaloa, but they are CDS. La Puerca was an important operator of El Chapo, he was from Michoacan but he was CDS. The guy that posted 1st made it sound like a cartel from Michoacan ran shit in Sonora without them being CDS which is totally false. He did the same with Los Zetas.

    14. @7:33/7:36 they are 100% Michoacános. Tell me of a single cartel that only has people from the area they control? Do you think the patron or the worker cares from where they're from? Little by little they start moving product thru plazas and expanding their business even if people try to deny it

    15. A lot of deniel going on here, time will tellwho is right and wrong but at of right now im going with caro quintero and cjng taking over cause all the infight in cds, shit it might even be cjng and ruso if you really think about it

  11. So who has the scoop on the mysterious cartel from the south moving into Sonora?
    CJNG? Or is it CDS fracturing?

    1. Cartel from the south is just referring to the help from crew in Sinaloa. CJNG isn't here in Sonora.

    2. They would not refer help coming from sinaloa as coming from the south u don't know what u speak of

    3. Then enlighten us Einstein. As you must be in the know.....

    4. @ Dominis503 How the hell would you know what that guy meant when he said cartel coming from the south? Do you read minds? Maybe he was referring to another CDS faction coming from the south of Sonora. Don't fool yourself, 100% is not CJNG.

    5. 3:17 i never said cjng fool. I was just saying gente in sonora wouldn't b referring to a group from the south coming from sinaloa

    6. Compas no se pelien si uviera dicho sur de sonora fuera el cartel de sinaloa, si dijo del sur quiso desir de jalisco para abajo, yo soy paisa y se de lo que estoy hablando

    7. July 12, 2020 at 11:02 AM.... AHI TIENES PAIS

    8. @6:06 Para la gente del norte, el sur comienza desde Nayarit y Jalisco.

  12. My sources say it’s gente de Los ochoa they move around colombia but are moving into Mexico

    1. Hahaha! Columbians don't just move into Mexico and more precisely into a northern Mexican state with border access without leaving more of a footprint in southern Mexico.
      This is the first time as far back as three or more years of me personally being a BB reader and commentator has ever heard of these so called Columbians moving in and to a border state like I mentioned owned by CDS the most powerful cartel/mafia in Mexico and arguably the world as well perhaps.
      No. This Columbian bit is more than likely the biggest stretch in your imagination of what cartel is moving into Sonora.
      This sounds more like CJNG or the same Sinaloans fucking everything up in Sonora.

    2. 8:02 I tyour mistaken my friend I think he means I different Ochoa I’m not sure but Colombians don’t operate in Mexico unless giving permission if anything Mexicans own Colombia Venezuela Peru Ecuador and Bolivia all the countries that make coke Mexicans are operating in

    3. @8:02 the right word is ColOmbians not ColUmbians, I hate when people write that shit.

    4. 10:23 excuse us for knowing two languages and not exercising our proper English grammar. GTFOH

  13. Seems Chapo’s faction has hit the Russo allies quite hard. War is chaos and one doesn’t know who is friend or foe especially in an industry with the worst of the worst where honor doesn’t exist. So again the civilians suffering over petty disputes.

  14. When they say gente del sur they don’t mean a cartel from the south they literally mean people from the south like Oaxaca and Veracruz people it’s been know for a very long time that Sinaloa hires ex military from those areas to tear shit up. Almost everyone has a connect down in those areas that can send them People by the plane load

    1. For your info south of mexico is from jalisco and down, look it up im not lying

    2. Si. de Jalisco pa abajo son todos chilangos

    3. @8:14 Jajaja estás curado amigo. Pero sí, Jalisco es considerado el sur para la gente del Norte 100% así como chilangolandia también aunque CDMX sea el centro y Jalisco el Oeste, en realidad así es acá.

      Pudo ser que el del video se refiriera a cualquiera de las dos, la verdad.

  15. Covid is hitting both factions hard when covid hits mayo all hell will break loose

  16. Who’s still reppin BLO in 2020?

  17. Can you imagine how beautiful and well ordered Mexico would be if it had been the Japanese who had conquered them?


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