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Monday, May 18, 2020

Zetas-CDG-LFM-Milenio Cartels: The war that began because of the love of a woman, and initiated the rise of CJNG

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat; Source and BB archives

She was the cousin of 'El Mencho' who betrayed Rosales and fell in love with Armando Valencia, causing a violent break with the Gulf Cartel

The ultimate betrayal: In the Michoacán municipality of  Parácuaro , on the night of December 27, 2015, there was a “meeting” attended by Tisico Templarios and fake autodefensas, such as El Americano, and José Méndez Vargas.Tisico was set up for death. When he exited the meeting with  others his executioners were waiting with a plan.

The heartbreak and first betrayal:

The heartbreak of a woman initiated the rise of the most violent criminal organization currently operating in our country: the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación. 

'El Tísico
In his book “Los Malditos 2. El último infierno” the journalist J. Jesús Lemus narrates some stories of his time in the federal prison in Puente Grande.  
Lemus was unjustly imprisoned after being accused of being the operator of several criminal organizations, this during the administration of President Felipe Calderón. Following his incarceration  through one of the maximum security prisons in our country, Lemus wrote Los Malditos, a work of which he has already published two volumes. In his book Lemus tells the story of Carlos Rosales, alias 'El Tísico', one of the founders of La Familia Michoacana and operator of Osiel Cárdenas Guillén in Michoacán. In his story “Carlitos, el Michoacano”, Lemus narrates how the Gulf Cartel arrived in Michoacán and the relationship that was established with the Valencia family, the main drug sellers in the area.
“I never imagined that that friendship between Osiel, Armando Valencia, and I would end in disgrace. The love of a woman ended up separating us,” 'El Tísico' told Lemus. When they were partners, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, 'El Mencho', who was then part of the Los Valencia group, who introduced Rosales to his cousin Inés.

They fell in love and had a son; That personal relationship promoted the business relationship between the Valencias (who called themselves the Milenio Cartel) and the Gulf Cartel (CDG).  However, the cousin of 'El Mencho' betrayed Rosales and fell in love with Armando Valencia, which caused a violent break with the Gulf Cartel. Osiel Cárdenas supported Rosales and made a legion of assassins from Los Zetas available to kill the Valencia family, who in turn allied with the Sinaloa Cartel. And it was just this approach that empowered the Millennium Cartel and gave rise to the CJNG cartel. Rosales was released in June 2014, after spending 10 years in Puente Grande; in December 2015, he was assassinated in Parácuaro, Michoacán, after a meeting with self-defense groups.


                                                                             El Molcas
The rise of CJNG

The alliance between the Valencia and the Sinaloa Cartel was made through Ignacio 'Nacho' Coronel, (above) who in July 2010 was shot down by members of the Mexican Army in Zapopan. Upon Coronel's death, the Millennium organization divided into two groups: La Resistencia, headed by Ramiro Pozos, alias' El Molcas', and the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación, founded by 'El Mencho' and Erick Valencia Salazar, alias' El 85, the latter arrested in March 2012.

While the CJNG continued the alliance with 'Chapo' Guzmán; The Resistance allied with La Familia Michoacana and the Zetas.

Chivis Note:
The meeting: At one point, the meeting was going south.  Tisico wanted to leave. Simultaneously, many surmise police were signaled because they immediately interrupted the meeting and a confrontation ensued not only of the police but among the organized crime members, that lasted over two hours and spread to several villages in the region.

It was around 01:15 hours on Monday, in the vicinity of the house of Santa Casilda, at kilometer 132 + 750 of the highway Uruapan - Cuatro Caminos, in the Siglo XXI highway the four bodies were found each been shot to death. Immediately elements of federal forces moved to the site of the body dump. 

The investigation expert staff of Gabriel Zamora, who after arrival confirmed that these were the bodies of Carlos Rosales Mendoza “El Tísico”, Alberto Espinoza Barrón “La Fresa, and two others known by the monikers “Perro Pinto” y “El Chiguan”. 

Supposedly the body of Rosales was missing half his face. 

Carlos Rosales, who also was known by the nickname Tisico or El Carlitos, was imprisoned for ten years, until he was released in May 2014. He was captured in October 2003 in Morelia, during a military operation, and charged with drug crimes and organized crime According to the Attorney General's Office, he was one of the founders of the cartel known as La Familia Michoacana, which succeeded the criminal group known as La Compañía and subsequently split and became Caballeros Templarios. Rosales was the boss over other leaders Nazario Moreno González, El Chayo; Jesús Mendez, El Chango,  and Servando Gomez, La Tuta; the first was killed, the other two are in prison.


  1. So whit out sinaloa they woulnt be no CJNG them bxtches where Made by sinaloa daddy 😀

    1. With out the Guadalajara cartel there would be no CDS them bxtches where Made by Jalisco daddy

    2. Actually it’s the other way around! Without Los Valencias & Amezuas CDS wouldn’t be shit these guys were moving meth and making way more money then CDS that’s why chapo had Nacho Coronel killed he was getting to much power from his people and we going it’s plot to form CJNG all together

    3. That's how cjng grew just like CDS in its prime taking inn small clicks or mini cartels and they both benefit.. It's good for BUSINESS because the more people more sicarios and PLAZAS and connects

    4. Lmfao you obviously can’t read or still don’t understand y’all need Michoacan so y’all get on your knees and supply them with money guns n men n always end up getting left out smh

    5. The Amezcuas get a lot of credit in this site when they weren’t really that deep till later on!

      Michoacanos run the show till this very day

  2. Chivis... you say they are the most violent cartel ever. I don't dispute that since i don't know exactly every aspect of them. However if its based by documentation, videos, and reports can it be due to more “news” outlets and social media, blogs, Phones with cameras Etc... This sheds More light on the violence. I grew up in Jalisco and in the 80’s we heard and saw violence all the time, bodies chopped up, trucks full of bodies etc. Cartel GDL was at the time doing the same. However we only saw the bodies in the area. No real way of knowing what the violence was like in other stares of Mexico. So im curious as to why in the last 5yrs of CJNG raise surpasses the 30-40 of the CDS federation and all the name changes... Hope this gets posted.

    1. So even in the 80s jalisco was violent with all the executions like today? Ive followed this state closely and it has never slowed down with murders and disappearance of people in the gdl area, its amazing how often they find houses in the nice areas of zapopan with piles of tortured bodies. How do they get so many people all the time.

  3. It would be hopeful to see a resurrection of Los Cristeros cleaning out Mexico of the demons who infest it. La Virgencita de Guadalupe pray for the world.

    1. That's the reason Mexico is so messed up.. CRISTEROS left when they took ALL the gold from mayas and AZTECS.. LEARN YOUR HISTORY SON
      They did NOT come to 🇲🇽 to save, they went for the gold and KILLED more people than the ear on DRUGS tonto

  4. Wow, interesting read, thank you, actually had never heard the story. Brings me to think that the thugs have some human traits after all (nah, not really, no humanity whatsoever) such as the love of a woman. Who said that women are the most dangerous, I think that comes out of Hollywood, but this case seems all Hollywood, and the thugs gleefully see themselves as all Hollywood. We need to be careful that they do not glamorize the story too much or the young or the feeble-minded will get ideas perhaps.

    1. "or the young or the feeble-minded will get ideas perhaps"
      I guess you have water running through your veins,fighting over a woman,or fighting to protect her,it is not black and white.
      His friend got with the woman who had a child with him,is he supposed to be happy about that?What emotions would that elicit from you "ohh well these things happen" Give me a break,calling people thugs because they you feelings for the woman you have a child with?

    2. Yep, they be thugs; you know these people as upstanding citizens? Some people come from class cultures that cannot understand any other way but confrontation, such as announced/suggested by your writing, which seems to have a dubious slant. With effort many folks can escape the hostility of a class culture. Best regards.

  5. Crazy how Mexicans fight over women.. People get killed over them all the time in ol' Mexico.

    1. It’s not just Mexicans, it’s everywhere, dumbass.

    2. Dude,i have fronted a guy over a girl,she was lovely admittedly,point is i could easy go to bat for a woman i am with who someone hurt or someone i knew trying to get with her.Wouldnt most do something similar over a woman?
      Been going on for ever fighting over women.

    3. The fall of Troy

    4. The power of women's beauty and companionship has no limit.

    5. Stupid.. no womans worth fighting over. She wont be loyal then you can have her. I'll go find another.

    6. 12:46... As eloquently stated as that may be, something tells me there are not a whole lot of women fighting over... well, you.

    7. Its messed up when your own family talks to all the girls you messed with but supposedly they know alot but always decided to go for the ones you know, traitors

    8. Women are manipulating controlling use their children as bargaining chips and will be jealous of your mother if you speak to her more than once a month... yeah I’ve fought over them.... but control yourself amigos make money love God and stop chasing the wrong girls... don’t be weak and realize where you are on the playing field, meaning if you are a three don’t chase a ten... never ever try to hang with one that is married or in any other position of power.... women are sensitive and always want full attention... that is why older women will not allow prostitution but want men with money...

  6. In the source article it shows a picture where El Tisico, according to SEDENA, was the principal supplier of MJ to CAF and more than likely to CDG también. Also if I remember correctly, CDC was the source of supply of meth for CAF, CDC obviously had control in the state but they also had a good part of Jalisco under control until they were weakened with the capture of 2 brothers in 98. I think ICV along with Milenio got firm control of Jalisco around 2003.

    1. what are you referring to with CDC and ICV?

    2. Cartel de Colima(now extinct) & Ignacio Coronel Villareal..?

    3. 1:49 You sir are a real G! Finally someone who knows the game well in Jalisco.

      But wheres Michael Miller??? Hey Michael what ultimatum did Chapo give Nacho the day he got killed? lets see if you really know whats up! Should be an easy one, this will tell me if you are the real deal. Time to prove yourself!

  7. Same thing since the dawn of mankind:

    Fights and wars start because of power, money or love. Or a mix of all of them

    In this regard we humans are no different than all other animals

    1. Wrong.. we are very different.

  8. Does LFM still supply CDG?

  9. I doubt El Americano who worked for Gerardo Mendoza El Gerardon had anything to do with the death of Carlos Rosales. I think and believe it was the Viagras who did the deed or it could have been Chanda and Cenizo. I recall around that time their was a Facebook page named Caballeros Templarios that was run by Raphael Aguillar active member of the Viagras who appears in a video where they place gasoline on a kid.

    He started to place the blame on El Chanda and El Cenizo where he uploaded the picture of a kid at most 17 years old saying he was the one that killed him.

    The thing about the viagras is they like to blame others for the shit they have done like when they killed the limoneros and everyone blamed the Templarios or that time they killed the people in apatzingan and blamed it on the PF.

    1. Of course he was not only there, but a part of the plan. Americano headed H3 Buenavista and by then allied with and working with Mencho and Viagras to oust AD. This occurred when Viagras split from tuta, they were the only group to splinter. Tuta thought they were allied with him. they double crossed him. remember the video with carlos, americano and tuta? when tuta finally saw the light?

      I don't know bout you face book page but at this time I received information, documents and fotos daily from the top.

      limoneros slaughter was to throw ore heat on CT that is a fact.

      Americano was there at the meeting. everyone at the meeting had to know what was going down and were carefully chosen. Rosales felt nervous is what eyewitnesses said and knew something was off. He tried to leave and immediately agents arrived and shootout began lasting hours and over a wide area.

      Rosales and his group were shot then taken to the dumpsite where they were discovered.....

    2. Dear Chivis- I'm doubtful after all these years if there's anyone else on the planet that knows more about the Mexican Cartels than you. Like the above incredible article that is so timely...then you answer in depth our BB questions. Your effort to educate use and tell the truth about what's really happening in Mexico is always greatly appreciated. Bravo. Peace always.

    3. Awww so nice.

      I have a great memory, my husband says "too good" and a desire to learn. But I know enough about a wide range of narco history and current events, however many people know more about one subject than me, its their specialty, like maybe tamps, or chih..

      On this story it has always stayed with me. and something triggered the memory, it was a comment asking what was the cause of hate between Ivan and Chino. I said rumor is it was a woman, and I quoted Tisico (same quote above in post) that gave me the idea to post about the war that change the path of CJNG. Mencho is a lucky SOB.

      Some stories are narco-classics and are interesting to re-visit or to read first time.

      I am happy you enjoyed it......Paz, Chivis

  10. I recall when this happened. The meeting/party was a ruse to send rosales to his maker. I also remember Americano as being there, confirmed by AG. rosales' pants were around his ankles when found. The entire thing, feds timely appearance, the 2 hr chase and shootout confrontation was surreal.

  11. Neverending story cartel killing cartel.

  12. I saw armando in lompoc, when he got there he was wide-eyed and nervous. Talked about how Benjamin "afo" told him "armondo" that he had got a good deal and to just make a deal him self and come do time in the states cause the USA would honor whatever deal he would make for him to get extradited. Not only did P-dogs suck up to him but some guards did to, hilarious.....

  13. @chivis FYI El Yeyo Lopez from Miguel Aleman (frontera chiquita) had issues because he sited with Los Valencia’s and wanted to bring in Cartel Milenio into M.A. Most of the marijuana that use to cross through frontera chiquita comes from mainly Michoacán, but sometimes Durango or Zacatecas.

  14. Great article!


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