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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Zacatecas: Sinaloa Cartel Messages indicate State Police switched from Sinaloa to CDN Payroll

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat  TY Gus

Several cartulinas discovered from the Sinaloa Cartel ...

Content was similar indicating state police switching sides from Sinaloa Cartel to CDN. 

The messages accuse state police of being on Sinaloa payroll but now aligning with CDN. Also, accusing them of helping CDN with a prison escape where 12 inmates escaped through a tunnel and fled in waiting vehicles.

Messages reads in essence:
This goes for the high command of the State Police 
Since you are the ones who were receiving money from the company but now you are sold to CDN.
How much was received for helping the 12 criminal inmates escape from Cieneguillas Prison? 
Mr governor,  we ask you to take action on the matter or we will start acting on our own. 
Cartel SinaloaEmpresa MZ


  1. Poor MAYO he's losing plazas left and right.. Nobody takes THEM serious anymore

    1. Actually this wasnst a CDS plaza. CDS started pushing into zacatecas plaza recently and they have gained a lot of ground in north zacatecas.

    2. Cds dosent even exist anymore. All their crews are not together anymore. Theyre losing money. Theyre infighting for their last real plaza, Sonora.

    3. 10:21 people in the north of Zacatecas are living in peace for now after the cds ran out all the cdg thiefs, thats why cdg grouped up with cjng in the south and central part of Zacatecas they cant fight mz alone, its hard to get into war when all they been doing was sitting on their ass taking money from people they got to comfy for a couple years.

    4. 12:25 totally correct

    5. 12:33 “CDS doesn’t even exist anymore” lmao, yeah ok buddy 😂

    6. I remember when the oldest cartel in mexico (cdg) started fighting and splitting like cds is now and look were cdg ended up, thats the same faith that awaits cds

    7. fake manta for sure. MZ doesnt put out mantas.

    8. They will always exist like the lfm zetas n golfos waiting on tha afo’s jump back

    9. North zac plazas are not even worth the fight , all desert . CJNG got the better plazas in south Zac where they got a lot labs producing meth , opiums , weed , etc . Plus routes to Nayarit going thru north Jalisco or south to GDL just in 2hrs . The only advantage of having the north towns in Zacatecas is moving product to the Laredo border in just 8hrs

  2. Probably a CJNG tactic like them snitchoacanos did in guanajuato to marro so police would go after him since he was beating the hell out of them don't be surprised if it's them
    Tu mama

    1. Funny thing is I had the thought “what if this is just CJNG heating shit up?”

      CDS did make some incursions but I haven’t heard of them actually establishing themselves in any way.

  3. If sinaloa say they gone act on their own i would be worry since they the only cartel to put the government on its knees they are bad news for any cartel

    1. ONLY in SINALOA they can get away with what they did. In zacatecas they are not going to get away with it

  4. No lloren pinche jotos si zacatecazzz es del cdnz culeros. Mayo pelas verga culero y tu sicarios que tienes son de papel.

    1. Ya dejen de levantar y matar gente innocent delos pueblos marranitos, cds si les a bajado gente que anda de mañosos los investigan bien no como ustedes que asta los que venden comida los matan en fresnillo bola de lacras, cdn, cdg, cjng puro cristalero y ratero

  5. Sinaloa just LOST onother PLAZA.
    It will be amusing to see what excuses the CDS GROUPIES come up with this time 😆
    Michelle Miller, what do you think is happening? 😆

    1. 10:44 ur favorite cartel cjng begging for help from the government since they got slaughtered in Valparaiso 😂,do ur homework on Zac n u will see who controls where,mencha trying to make these 2 kill each other cause he can't 🖕

    2. I suspect that cjng hung this banner to make CDS and cdn fight Both groups have been in Zacatecas for years why go to war now as soon as cjng shows up ?

    3. 10:44- keyboard king. You dont know anything except how to type. Homework amigo..100

    4. 5:34 I wish I KNEW EVERYTHING like you but I guess I don't 😆
      The blind leading the BLIND....

  6. Mayo is too old now the old fart should just let the chapitos and new generation take over the guy is costing CDS so many plazas, MZ should just stay in the mountains and retire and let chapitos run the show they have shown that they have the balls and intelligence to run the whole cartel

    1. 10:57 he has retired. CDS is in decline

  7. CDN kicking Sinaloa's ass...I've seen everything.

  8. Pure gente de mayo !!!!!
    Viva Nogales Sonora

  9. Hey for u dodo brains it's really funny what these banners say 😄,it's well known that Zac was sold to cdn(z's) nothing new n cds knew that,these 2 have not attacked each other in years,the war was CDG vs CDN so why would cds hang up these banners? Most be cjng trying to bring heat on them 2,same tactics they've used before since they can't get at rivals,funny how CDG n cjng aren't mentioned at all

    1. There's always an excuse for you cds groupies 😂😂.

    2. 12:55 what's ur excuse that cjng lost part of Jalisco 😂🖕?

    3. All cartels suck including u 2

    4. 11:34 Has a point Great Idea
      Selling a Gang Ok
      So CDS sells for 14 million pennies Top buyer ALMO
      Etc etc
      sell your own plazas dont fight over them

      Save bullets Saves Lives etc

      So how much a Busy Plaza sell for ? or a whole Cartel Gang
      group ?

    5. 11:34 Has a point Great Idea
      Selling a Gang Ok
      So CDS sells for 14 million pennies Top buyer ALMO
      Etc etc
      sell your own plazas dont fight over them

      Save bullets Saves Lives etc

      So how much a Busy Plaza sell for ? or a whole Cartel Gang
      group ?

    6. 6:50 dum ass are worried ur comment won't go trou reason why u post it twice 😂?...if u were from Zac u would know but guess ur not well let me take u to school Zac was sold to zs way back when Amalia Garcia was governor the monreal brothers forced to resign n they took her spot, z's provided all kind of help in return authorities would let z's do their will, since then the monreal have been in power n working closely with amlo... Do ur homework and shup up

  10. If MZ posted this up then zac better get ready for some brutal confrontations cus MZ has said before everyone get in line if not you will meet your maker

    1. Yea cause everyone is soo scared of Mayo, the guy who kills his own people

    2. That was like a YEAR ago and still NOTHING.. No CARTEL takes MZ serious 😆

  11. Animo Sicarios !
    A new team has been created to take over Zacatecas. "Antrax Reloaded " is a unit of highly specialized operators trained by a Mossad operative and a ex Green Beret Colonel. They all carry FN P90 sub machine guns , M72 LAW anti tank rocket,Barrett M82’s .50 caliber and a FN 5.7 pistols with a limited edition Chino Antrax engraving in las Cachas.
    The new team will be headed by El Peña 20 with support from " El Sovietico". This guy is ex KGB/Spetnaz assasin who trained in the Gulag in Siberia and in the mountains of the Golden Triangle of Sinaloa and Durango.

    1. Doubt one could even walk carrying all the weaponry and ammunition that goes with it.

    2. We had seen few clonadas in rio florido people from Sinaloa & Durango but definitely not that kind of weaponry I dont know about it lately

    3. Jajaja este cabron sale con puras mamadas, he is funny just like the fake cds corridos

    4. Mil Gracias Sicario 006 for ending coronavirus in Italy. The country could not open up if you and your team did not fight it. The world thanks you for your fight behind the scenes.

    5. @006: what's the recruitment slogan for Antrax Reloaded? 'Join today, encobijado tomorrow!'???

  12. So cds is crying about the police switching sides? Lol maybe they should have paid more?? Or why the switch? 🤔

    @michelle miller what's your intake on all this since you "hear" the good chisme 😂

  13. Cds killed a cjng boss of fresnillo 2 days ago, it was comfired kill if your from the area you would of known this the mz work professionally meanwhile cdn/cjng/cdg low lifes shooting up people and have to pick up addicts from the street to intimidate

    1. Dude you dont win plazas by picking up addicts and from what ive seen cjng took most of cds plazas, hate all you want but cjng is already in zacatecas and they wont go away anytime soon, cds is getting weeker everyday that goes by from all their infight, taking zacatecas for cjng is gonna be a piece of cake they really are war veterans unly cds

    2. 5:29 piece of cake ah...what about the ass whopping cjng took in Valparaiso 😂?... remember the main rival in Zac is CDN which CDG couldn't handle,mencha afraid of cdn n cds joining forces reason why they trying to turn then against each other

    3. Imposing fear in a community where to even the local government complies💯

    4. 529 cjng didnt take any sinaloa plazas maybe disput them but not take them. Mencho is very cunning and powerful but even he knows he cant go up against the old man in the hills.

    5. 5:29 you sound ridiculous acting like you know what your talking about. Are you even from Zacatecas or have been there this year at all? You must be some michoacado, well thats what cjng has been doing killing drug addicts leaving messages. Oh and they have been smoked in lots of battles recently in valparaiso.

  14. CDS with the help of guardia nacional has been slaughtering cjng people in valparaiso zac in at least three big gunfights. Thats the reason they've been so quiet after that video they made of them arriving in zacatecas.

    1. True cause one on one cds does not stand a chance, cjng has guanajuato almost in full control and making big alliances in michoacan even el abuelo came back to mencho to ask for forgiveness, once mencho gets control of michoacan cjng are gonna turn more resources into zacatecas im a be honest is not gonna be a fair fight cause cds is just not use to really battle like the central and southern states cds are gonna get slaughter, cjng are just getting to know the terrain for now, if mencho wasnt winning in michoacan he would of never enter zacatecas but he knows what he is doing, nimodo gocen un par de meses mas porque el señor de los cocks les va a entrar con todo que si asta los marinos le atoran tambien se los va a cargar la riata

    2. 10:18 cds fights its wars the smart way using the government theres nothing wrong with that. Cds cares about its people they dont send their soldiers to get slaughtered like dumb asses. Why would they put all their resources and people in a fight when its easier and smarter to pay the government to do the dirty work.

    3. Jaja you cds cheerleaders are the funniest when other cartel use the gov. its cause they cant fight and are scared of their enemies but when cds uses the gov its cause they are smart, what a joke just like all the snitching they do in the usa abd mexico

  15. SNitchaloa the weakest cartel in mexico. CDN Zetas will spank them just like the original zetas.. chapa bend over to government to help them fight the zetas LOL. Maya Zambada and chapitas now need to bend over to get help again to fight CDN and CJNG..

    1. 5:58 dum ass if u believe these banners,it's none also but menchas trying to stir up the pot to make these 2 kill each other

  16. Let me translate the banner:
    Mrs governor we begging u to please help us get rid of cdn n cds, taking this time to snitch n give you the names of some people my "mighty" cartel CAN'T kill...

  17. this is how cjng does war in zacatecas killing women.

    1. 8:02 very brave guys but nothing rare that's all cjng do

  18. The CDS is apparently looking for and trying to murder someone with the clave “F25”. Any idea on who he is?

    1. Dont worry they wont get to him specially now a days they are more focused on heating up two of the only three states they have presence in

    2. He’s a CDG leader I doubt they will kill him CDG controls most of Zacatecas

  19. Funny how this is a SINALOA article with CDS crying in a manta and CDS GROUPIES blaming MENCHO and CJNG 😆
    How about the manta MAYO did last year and ALL SINALOA GROUPIES including their leader Michelle Miller got all wet 😆
    But now CDS or mayo DON'T do mantas?
    You guys crack me UP... 😆


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