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Thursday, April 23, 2020

The conflict at LeBaron Ranch

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat Reforma ElBarzon LAT

After fleeing Mexico due to threats, activist Julián LeBarón returned to the country after the conflict registered on Sunday between members of El Barzón and his family on a ranch in the Municipality of Buenaventura, Chihuahua.

"I came back as soon as I saw that my brothers were being threatened, I came on Sunday" LeBarón said.

"I am not going to let my brothers be killed," he said of his return.

LeBarón had left Mexico because US authorities informed him that he was in danger as there were threats against him by a criminal group.

On February 19 he left the community of LeBarón, in the Municipality of Galeana, with his family, and sheltered for a few days in another locality, until he was escorted on February 23 by federal elements to an international crossing to enter the United States. , where you also have citizenship.

Last Sunday night, Barzonistas and members of the LeBarón community clashed at Rancho La Mojina, owned by the latter, in Ejido Constitución, Municipality of Buenaventura, Chihuahua, where there were detonations of a firearm.

"We were shot inside our own ranch," said Julián LeBarón.
Below is similar to how Sundays conflict began.  The Barzonistas arrive, yell and throw stones, but then gunfire rang out...

The activist indicated that the Government of Chihuahua does not provide a solution to the conflict.

"There is no rule of law here," he said.

According to reports, the quarrel was registered because the Barzonistas came to prevent the LeBarón from converting some wells to electricity, which, according to that organization, are illegal.

LeBarón indicated that his family has the necessary documentation to carry out the electrification.

"If we have permission or not, what does that have to do with people who come armed to shoot and destroy other people's property?"

"We dodged the bullets, these people are the ones who started the shooting," he said.

"The feds were inside the ranch with us. If not for them, I assure you there would have been a massacre because they asked us to please no one attack them."

This Tuesday, the activist went with other members of his family to the Government Palace with documents to prove the legality of the work.

He said that they were attended by Joel Gallegos, general director of the Government.

"In the state there is no rule of law, the Governor is on the side of those who murder, on the side of those who invade, on the side of those who destroy and no one finds a rule of law, protection, or justice," he said. LeBarón.

Meanwhile, dissatisfied Barzonistas blocked the highway between Janos and Casas Grandes on Tuesday, because federal authorities have not intervened in the conflict.

The road was later reopened.

In a statement, El Barzón Chihuahua indicated that two members of the Ejido Constitución were wounded by firearms by members of the LeBarón family on Sunday at 9:00 p.m.

"After producers in the LeBarón community carried out the installation of an electric power line," they said in the document.

"As is known to society, as well as to the competent state and federal authorities, more than three years ago, members of the Ejido undertook the complaint about the extraction of water carried out to date by the LeBarón family in the area, to which, despite the complaints filed with the authorities and the working groups set up on the matter, no investigation has been carried out and no sanctions have been filed, "said the Barzonistas.

Who are the LeBarons?

Many Mormons who supported polygamy separated from the church and fled to Mexico and Canada. In Mexico, polygamous Mormons bought 50,000 acres in the state of Chihuahua, where they settled along the Piedras Verdes River in a remote and mountainous region. 

Mormons also formed communities in the state of Sonora. Over time, many became successful as farmers and ranchers.

Most members of the LeBaron clan no longer practice polygamy or even Mormonism  and the family today includes Catholics, various Christian sectors   and non-religious people.

The LeBaron family has spoken out for years against drug cartel violence in Mexico and in favor of less stringent gun laws, saying that its members need to protect themselves. 

 Who are the Barzonistas? 

From their website:

“Although it is a rather symbolic date, on October 13, 1994, El Barzón was born. Defending the heritage of the families and rescuing the production units threatened by the bankers was the first task that thousands of peasants undertook, an action that was quickly reproduced also in the cities. "I must not deny, I pay fair" was the slogan.

Little by little, with the mobilization of the people, the pressure on the banks and with a lot of imagination, the debts were liquidated, the new task was to reactivate the productive activity that the usury of banks and the terrible policies of the government had left on the verge of disappearance. Learning new things, applying new technologies , participating in the economic and social development of the country are also lines of work that our organization has adopted.

"Yesterday we defended our heritage, today we fight for the economic reactivation of the Mexican countryside" was the new slogan of the Barzonistas.”


  1. Wow learn something everyday.

  2. Apparently this conflict between the LeBarons and other locals goes back to the 1950s. The LeBarons put in a new well, other locals protest, and it goes on and on. There was a case of LeBarons shooting at Barzonistas last year or maybe 2018 when the Barzonistas entered their property to stop the construction of another well.

    1. I seem to think that the Barzonistas, based on their included homepage are a reflection of many of the policies and visions of General Lazaro Cardenas who rightly envisioned the potentially pacifying effect of The Ejido Land Reform policies and institutions it encouraged. This put many vital resources in the hands of the citizens, rather than under the monopolized control of private interests. Land has little value without access to water. Had the Barrons offered a well for a well to the ejidos as well as boundaries occupied by potential Barron sympathizers with a beneficial interest in the Barron's safety and success,(a buffer) there might have been a better outcome. The citizens need "skin in the game" if you want peace.There is no doubt that the Mormon Communities have always been more economically successful than most Ejidos
      due in part to their ability to postpone gratification, creating a significant "wage gap". This often ends in dissension.Dr.Abraham Mazlovs work on the "hierarchy of needs"
      and Dr. Giddings work on Sociology and the "consciousness of kind" Should be required postgraduate reading.

  3. How can the LaBaron's have weapons to protect their ranch? Hired bodyguards or they themselves have rights to have weapons?

    1. They found a loophole and created a gun club and now have weapons. There is a documentary that explains how they did it.

    2. Remember, there is no rule of law, so who's gonna enforce that which will not be enforced? Firearms are legal in Mexico, just that many of the prevalent, popular, and powerful calibers are for exclusive use of the armed forces, whereas all the other oddball peashooter calibers are for the populace. But who's looking anyhow?

    3. You can own weapons under Mexican law as long as you meat certain conditions. One of those being a part of a gun club. So what the mormons have done is created gun clubs in their communities.... or something along those lines.

    4. They created a gun club which allows them to have guns by law. Loophole sort of.

    5. 2:34 not in Mexico they dont have that right

  4. Matenlos todos plebes *sicario006 voice through the radios*

  5. You can have Permits to carry weapons in Mexico

  6. Sounds like some Barney Feiffer fued that's been going on for decades. Bad blood between the two.

  7. They got Guts, and r fighting back. The Cartel killed their families and children. Other victims of crime need to join. The Mexican police doing nothing to help, Amlo won't let them, so do it yourself. How can I join

    1. Los LeBarons están en Chihuahua, diles que tú vienes ayudar a hechar balazos

  8. Wow nobody likes the LeBarons

    1. @12:36 I mean imagine your chilling in your ranch with your people and outsiders out of the blue come in and take your shit, build shit on your shit, and become rich

    2. They bought the land!!! These outsiders you speak of are the Mexicans who are jealous.

    3. @1:18
      We could say the exact same things about Mexicans that immigrated to America. The casual racism against Anglos on this site is amazing.

    4. @3:10 The Americas: North America, Central America and South America. Get it right. Before any Anglos ventured West Mexicanos we're already in all the land that defines the current border. Jajajaja, next thing you're going to demand that nobody write in español

    5. As a Mexican I agree there is a lot of "hate" towards American but not only Americans, their own Mexican people.

    6. After you abuse "the mexicans"onr too many times, the gloves are off.
      It happened when the conquistadores tried to parade the carcass of Emporer Moctezuma to calm the Aztecs that were protesting the Spaniards' abuses after they discovered them going to the crapper and off their horses, as if they were no GODS after all, Cuitláhuac handed them una chinga de perro bailarin but died soon after because of the spanish import, smallpox.
      It was a pity Cuitlàhuac could not finish the job.

    7. 3:10 pare las orejas y callese el hocico pinchi burra mal parida.
      No se compare con la gente de ninguna raza, respete!

  9. If Mexicans are going to clean up their country, they will have to do themselves. Amlo & the army could care less

  10. The locals have always disliked the LeBarons because LeBarons were succesful and would not give free stuff. The locals wanted a well for themselves for each well LeBarons drilled for their use and so on...They are envious of the LeBarons hard work and success.

    1. They're (LeBarons) taking the whales share of the water and making it difficult for the native campesinos to grow crops on their ancestral land. If the campesinos can't farm and make a living wage they'll sooner rather than never sell their land and since it has no water it won't have value as farmland, but who cares, lithium cost a pretty penny and the pollution will be in a country that they'll leave after they exploited and extracted her riches. Lebarons calculate some strategic kills, crying uncle to the government and involving foreign press and government and they'll make out like thieves with the loot. Too bad for them the Top Dog is for the people y pues se van a chingar

    2. "They are envious of the LeBarons hard work and success"
      Thats what occurs to me,and the usual Mexican jimgoism,all you see in comments is "go back to the US" ironic isnt it,any gringo saying similar things is called racist.Who sold the land in the 50s,who helped them.Seems a lot of jealousy and hating is obvious,under the guise of outsiders exploiting mexico,yet these people have worked hard to be successful

    3. Worked hard but some along the way were involved in drug trafficking... That usually helps, a lot.

    4. @2:28
      Gtfoh with that nobody sold anything. Whites always moving in and nosing around where they don’t belong. That’s why nobody likes your asses nothing but a bunch of fucking pussys your mad that everyday that passes you’re quickly becoming the minority and getting your asses kicked. Whites don’t even belong on this continent period!

    5. 10:22 easy güey! We love gringas,
      but not the hairy russian bear sized ones.

    6. @10:22 as if there is a universal rule that people can't migrate. I understand a lot of Mexicana still hold hatred for the land the US stole... There is this saying, if you don't want someone to do something, stop them. Had the natives of this continent able to stop the white man from settling on this land, they wouldn't be here. However, they were more advanced, hence they were able to settle with little problems.
      People should be more occupied with bettering themselves, their communities, their country before they lash out at other people. Who's killing all of these Mexicans year in and year out? Their own people!
      It's extremely difficult for a white man to come into Mexico and buy property, any person of any race can go into the US and buy property.

  11. Just a bunch of communists doing what communists do...I pray those poor people being abused by the Bankers and the Community Organizers realize that the next property to be taken will be theirs or their family member's. Only one way to deal with the Communist and/or the Fascist!

    1. 1:18 Julian Le Baron behaves like a mini Mussolini,
      Conspiring with the US to stick it to Mexico somehow.
      Must be one more plastic Banana Revolution in the oven...
      governors Corral, cabeza de cagadas de vacas and la claudia are in on it, if there were only not so many millions of mexicans there...

  12. Mennonitas have weapons aswell those people are rich

    1. the menonitas are a bunch of parasites too, they'll suck the land dry then move to another one and do the same thing, leaving a dry wasteland and other comminities without water

  13. I was very surprised to learn that not only the most are no longer polygamous, they are not Mormon either. They have embraced other christian religions or some not affiliated with any religion.

    My well is electric operated, and it produces water at the utmost efficiency. I use the pure water for irrigation and it is tested every year for home use.

    I can't imagine using it without electric power. And my property is small in comparison at a little over 10 acres.

    For researching this LeBaron issue, I confirmed LeBarons not only own the land, and well rights but wee permitted to go electric.

    They have agreed to present all the info to the court and Barzonistas do likewise and both agree to live by the ruling.

    Barzonistas up until now have not agreed. They, like many indigenous groups do not trust the "Bad Government"

    so the conflict goes on. BUT it has involved shootings from both sides. It looks like both sides will have to compromise to live in peace, but after all this time, a third party will have to assist.

    1. 10:30 What a very mean thing to say about Chivis. Your hate is obvious by the hurtful things you wrote and confirms your ignorance. For your information Hispanic is not a race but an ethnicity there are black, brown and white Hispanics. Most Mexicans are mestizos which means they have both Caucasian and Indigenous Ancestry. I bet you probably can't even speak Spanish correctly let alone read or write. If you don't have anything positive to say especially about the contributors I suggest you don't post comments.

    2. I love a guy that used profanity in every sentence, it sure makes him look like a fool, if he can't contribute a good constructive comment then gtfohere.

    3. @10:30 you know there are a million more Mexicans moving and living in the US than the other way around. At least they got here to Mexico and started to bust their ass.

    4. @5:55
      The US government started using Mexican as a race in a Census in the early 20th century but then removed it ask anyone who partook in it or who knows about history. Even if Mexican is not a race its still unique a they have a very rich culture and history unlike others. Mexican food is the best too. The Anglo whites especially those with German ancestry dislike Spaniards and don’t consider them Caucasians. Mexicans have native blood 🩸 mestizo or not.

    5. Europeans colonizing the Americas and taking their resources and land nothing new

    6. 12:02 Germany was once part of Spain, spanish king Carlos V was their king too and emperor.
      --England took care of the french monarchy and the spanish empire by inventing the french revolution to take the french monarchy to the guillotine for helping the american revolutionaries and leave Spain without colonies which they then turned into their own puppet banana republics of the third world.

  14. Leladrones stole land and keep cutting off water to the rest of the municipality no one wants em killed or hurt they just want water and these clowns cut it off as they please also the lebarons are drug dealers and exploit women and children... The fbi should investigate these guys

  15. That’s what you get for stealing water for decades

  16. i hope they can finally expel these parasites, los lebaron no son bienvenidos en ninguna parte de mexico

    1. Y tu quien te crees pa decir eso

  17. Looks like a good argument against immigration. Mexico already has a lot of laws restricting the rights of immigrants to their country, it's not enough. Nationalism is NORMAL and HEALTHY - don't let ignorant liberals fool you into giving your country to people who don't share your values.

    1. 6:59 uuuy si, Zhenli Ye Gone and carlos ahumada kurtz were restricted sooo badly i feel like crying and shedding a tear or two for their asses.

  18. Most of the Lebarones are hard working families but you have a few that are corrupt as can be. Julian puts on a good show but him and his brothers have ties to the cartels and have operations that pay government officials for permits and permission to do what they want on their land and also land that belongs to the community. That includes water wells, river access and also land that they have taken.

  19. There’s definitely something else going on. Why would the feds warn them that they’re in danger? Why were they even watching over them? The United States government doesn’t keep an eye on its citizens overseas.

  20. Eliminate all whites from Mexico? Is that the plan? Hahaha. Simple people think simply.
    At least here in the USA we don't call for expelling non whites. All races contribute and are welcomed here.
    It's what makes us special.

    1. Nobody is trying to eliminate whites from Mexico. Don't be so paranoid.
      Also yes the U.S. might accept people of all races now but around than 150 years ago Native Americans were still being slaughtered by American troops by the thousands if not millions and even 50 years ago black people were still b3ing persecuted and their civil rights were non existent. Hell even today blacks in some areas of the country still face challenges in their lives. The U.S. ain't so fucken perfect and when people point put the truth all racists can do is ask those people to leave the country.
      Like they forced Natives to leave.

    2. 3:18 the land belong to the governments, they collect from the citizens, except for NOT FROM THE RICH, because they have always sought not to pay taxes to anybody and to shelter "their money" where the government can't put their claws on it.

  21. Calling someone a moron and not being able to know the difference between your and you're is laughable. As long as people are not harming anyone and helping their community they should be allowed to live wherever they please. We are all one!

  22. I was just wondering since these Mormons have been attacked for yrs, they are outsiders with a different religion than the native locals which I would think are Catholics. how are the Jehovahs witness treated in mexico?

    1. from the post: "Most members of the LeBaron clan no longer practice polygamy or even Mormonism and the family today includes Catholics and even non-religious people."

  23. Funny how it turned from family vs movement to racism. I truly believe that many Mexicans are the worse racists in the world. Don’t like whites, blacks, South Americans, Central Americans, norteños don’t like chilangos, chilangos don’t like norteños, Etc. But, God forgive if someone’s successful cause they’ll hate them even more. Free shoe university by way of section 8 at its best


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