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Monday, April 20, 2020

Sonora: "They are shooting at us inside my brothers' ranch," Julián LeBarón tweets

Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat
LeBaron family asks FBI for help

Through his Twitter account, Julián LeBarón reported having been shot at and attacked inside his property.

"They are shooting at us inside my brothers' ranch," says Julián LeBarón in a 39-second audio that he posted on his Twitter account.

Briefly, it describes that since noon on Sunday, at night shootings rang out at one of the properties of his relatives.

"At my brothers ranch people threw stones and attacked since noon yesterday and last night the shooting began, more than one hundred shots. We were attacked inside our property and almost killed one of my brothers. No authority has yet arrived. "says Julián Le Barón on his Twitter account.

Milenio: In a statement, Diego LeBaron Ray, stressed that if more members of this family die "it will be the fault of the governor (Javier Corral) along with prosecutor (César Augusto Peniche) and the secretary of Public Security (Emilio García Ruiz).

"We fear for our lives, these people threaten us with death and our workers, last night they entered our ranch causing destruction, they came armed," the document read.

They have requested support from the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), the Secretary of Public Security and the Governor of Chihuahua, in anticipation of a conflict "that may end in the loss of human life.”

The same happened in November 2019 when several members of the family were massacred.


  1. Will we get a name of the Cartel this time? Of course the police won't come as more likely they work together.

    1. the cartel responsible for the attack is none other than La Linea or Nuevo Cartel de Juarez... they are known for being savages.. in the town where my family is from Batopilas they decapitated an old couple back in 2009 because they couldn't get to their son who was working with the rival Sinaloa Cartel.. which is also a ruthless organization however i know first hand that La Linea has commited more attrocities in the region than CDS.

    2. 4:36 Bullshit! No cartel can enter Sonora and shoot up a house for hours and CDS not find out about this.
      It is CDS turf and if someone can do this behind their backs it means they are either weak or stupid.
      More than likely however it is CDS doing this crap period!

    3. Batopito is in the sierra and forests...away from civilization. Stay strong

    4. It’s highly likely that this family is seeking revenge for their massacred family members. It’s possible that they staged they staged this to further pressure US forces to get involved. If they are not cartel members themselves or involved in any illicit activity why would any local crime organization be targeting them. To add to that if a cartel just massacred numerous members of your family wouldn’t you leave the area immediately? Seems like there is more to this story the Le Barons May not be providing.

  2. ‘Cartels are scrambling’: Virus snarls global drug trade

  3. Now dushbag family wants to complain about getting shot at but certainly didn't cry when they killed n stripped properties off their rightful owners... it'd be nice if someone eliminates this people once n for all

    1. @1:44
      You mean the Lebarons or Caucasians as a whole killing and stripping the Natives in their own American continent? If so, I agree ☝️

    2. This cracks me up ! Hahaha ! The view from the intelectuals side . Its better to let people think your a fool ,then to open your mouth and proove them right . -MT

    3. 1219 the natives were killing themselves long before the Spanish showed up.

    4. 7:24 the natives did not disguise themselves as white...
      Whitey disguises themselves as indians to do thekr crimes or contract indians to provoke trouble...
      Then whitey asks the US to please come and save them,
      that how "in behalf of tejas" they stole half of Mexico

  4. Lot of shit happening this weekend. El chapos daughter giving out dispensas with el chapo logo in guadalajara. Did anyone else thought she most want to get kidnapped by jaliscas. All cartels are doing what the cdg matamoros is doing. And speaking of cdg matamoros new narco message in veracrus by cdg and zetas vieja escuela. Also el comandante fili whom faked his death then became an informant then kept wrkong for cdg while snitching on his rivals working for el betillo cardenas whom wants the plaza and finally got killed again this weekend.

  5. "They are shooting at us!"
    "Quick grab your phone and tweet about this!"

  6. Que les den en la madre pa que se abran ya la gente en chihuahua no quiere a los lebaron

  7. CDS really had it in for Los Lebaron.

    1. It was already proven it was the Juarez cartel who was trying to kill him in the Lebaron documentary. Not sure why people try to change history in this sites comments.

    2. Lebaron documentsry?
      Linea deep inside CDS controlled turf?
      Now if this is the case why would CDS allow this in their own turf?
      Why would Linea want to attack Los Lebaron?
      Why would Linea risk a confrontation with CDS over this?
      Do they say this in your documentary or is it only one person who could have been a payed actor speaking on Le Barons behalf? Or why is your documentary credible to begin with?

    3. Where is the official proof? As far as I know, it's cartel groupies blaming the rival cartel. As far as I know, whoever did it got away with it.

  8. Give the name of the cartel. Talk to american news outlet problem solved.

    1. This is happening in Mexico not the USA! Damn you’re stupid! Even that won’t SOLVE sheeit!

  9. I thought they left Mexico?? La Linea wont stop harassing them until they get what they want.

  10. Since noone (USA) didn't come in guns blazing I guess their fair game.

  11. Pues los de Agua Prieta traen la gente alterada y pues ya nomas están acomodando las piezas y apuntar para otro lado la culpa

  12. Get the fuck out already , can't your people take a hint already, LEAVE BEFORE YOU CANT

    1. They love exploiting mexico

    2. "They love exploiting mexico"
      Take a wild guess who exploits Mexico the worst in every way?
      Awww poor Mexico,everyone always picking on poor Mexico

    3. They love exploiting mexico

      Who is they? Pathetic insular views

    4. Hasn't the family been there for like 100 years or something? That's home to them.not America

    5. 5:17 "they" are these Refugees in this case.
      They live in a Mexico they helped create, with PRI and PAN corruption including some of their family, PRIISTA Alexander LeBaron who stole water rights for his group only.

    6. you are crazy wrong to generalize and you are one of those headline readers who thinks they have information. there are lebarons and there are lebarons...It is a huge family and where it is true that some are troublemakers and may be involved in dubious acts, NOT ALL in fact the others including Julian are long time activists for the people. People look at the name lebaron and put everyone in the same basket.

      it is very complicated but if you live in Sonora or chihuahua you know what's up.

  13. Is he associated to the mormon family massacre?

  14. Where are the US drones? We can find out who really quickly...

    1. You've been play Call of Duty too much.
      Fake Chris Kyle

  15. Time to arm yourselves if government will not help

  16. go back to USA sob,period.

    1. "go back to USA sob,period"
      Lmao,typical Mexican attitude toward almost anyone.
      Say that about Mexicans crossing borders and you are called racist,true or not?

    2. @ 601
      "go back to USA sob,period."
      Balloon head,go back asleep,period

  17. Is La Linea going to be blamed for this new shooting against Los Lebsron again?
    This is CDS doing this shit.

  18. The only way to avoid this spilling into the US is with #TRUMP2020 #WINNING

  19. From what I have heard, is that the locals accepted his community long time ago,he purchased land with water rights, then he did not share the water.

    Any truth to this rumor?

  20. Why would this family stays in Mexico after the massacre.

  21. The DEA and government know that MORMON FAMILY is crooked and are a CARTEL.. Mexican cartels finally had it with them and want then OUT.. Crybaby 😢

  22. ... Took Nearly All The Water ... Now Neighbors Are Not Happy :( ... Blue Gold War Is OnGoing ...

  23. Why don’t they move to the states where the corruption isn’t as bad?
    Oh Wait, they can’t practice polygamy. Now they are seeking protection from the same government they wanted to avoid?

  24. Why don’t they move to the states where the corruption isn’t as bad?
    Oh Wait, they can’t practice polygamy. Now they are seeking protection from the same government they wanted to avoid?

  25. Question for ABK or Biggs.

    Who is really in charge in the immediate surrounding of the lebaron territory?

  26. This is absolute BS why would La Linea enter the CDS turf in Sonora when they can overpower and take the whole Lebaron community in Chihuahua? I have met Julian and he is all show but crooked as hell along with his brother and cousins. They have cartel ties and are trying to take land in Chihuahua and Sonora because of lithium that has been found there. CDS is behind this along with the killings of his family members. They blame La Linea to avoid more killings on behalf of CDS.


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